Whitby Free Press, 25 Nov 1992, p. 3

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Whitby Freeý Press, Wednesday, November 25, 1992, Page 3 Itmsfrom Whitby Council agenda(s) Monday Nov 23, 1992 Plannig and Development Committee That a mînor varance to the Town's sign law be granted, ,ailowing Sizzior Restaurant <noxt to.the Whltby Mail) to put up threo addltional wall signs and a ground slgn on Dundas St. C ouncli tumod down a request for a second ground sign on Thlckson Rd. Carried That Council deny an applie.atiQn'by Nor-Arm Dovolopments for an officiai plan ammendment and zonlng change ailowlng Rt to build 275 to 300 townihouses in the area of Thickson Rd. and William Smith Dr. The land is cqurrently zoned Industril. Planning staff recommoended the deniai bocauso of problems sorvlclng the land, concerna about how close K. Is to Lasco Steel and ýnegatIve comments from nearby residents. That Councli approvo a subdivision plan by Harvy- Van Don Boom for the construc-- tion of inre single detached houses north of Woodhaven Or. >(botween Gochrano and Brock, north of Rossland). lnciudod In the deveiopment wlil bo a .063 ha. park and .165 ha. of open spaco. 0Carred Operations Com mittee That Councîl endorse Whitby Minor Basebali Associatlon's desiro to host a cultural and oducational exchange programn but not pay. for a clvic rocoption or donate facilitio for tho ovent. Tho Association has been Invted to participato In a sports exchange program next su mm r wlth a team from the Montroal area. The Parks and Roc Dopariment estimates the recoption would cost $2000.00 and donatlng the useo0f Whitney Hall and Hoydonshoro Pavillion would mean passlng Up $497.00, monoy the depariment says tho town can 111 afford. Carrled That tho draft 1993-97 Parks and Rocreation Depariment budget for the new Whitby Harbour boat launch, off Gordon St., bo approved. The f irst phase of the projeot, which lnvolved preparlng a parking aroa, entranco way, ramps and tho purchaseo f floatIng docks, was dono thrueo yars ago at jho cost of $190,000. The harbourwas drodgedthls yoar at a cost of $40,000, of which $15,000 wlll b., paid by the Federal Govommont. Phase two ls expoctod to cost $141.,500 and Includos paving, Board gets funding for new French high sehool Th Proicesallocation te the Dham searate echool board for 1995 inCludes funds te build a new French highschool. The board pans to locate the fachool on what is no'w provincial, prorty. that includes Whitby sycluatriec- Hospital, in the LôTnde Shores plan Tho board hgas ben trying te ~otpprva1iiirecnt years te, loptatep eo ndair=e catholique Saint-Charles-Garnier on the piroporyf. dca rant .Andrews associate dirotorof duction for, the soprae board, says the board has had an agreement with the prov inil Ministry of Govern- montervices for a achool sitè 'on the property. But now the board is discuss- ing the plan with the Ministry of Hoalth. «W're confident we can resolve this issue," says Andrews., Students, at the eisting Gar- SEE PAGE la Sehool tax hikes possible to offset funingcutbacks By Mak Resor The Durhan oard of Educa- tion says it will have to raise 1rorty taxes or eut programa if pro * vince goes ahead with oducation cutbacks. If the board is .to ixnplement «the many curriculum changes demandod by the province, such as destroamng and junior km-. dorgarton,» says board chair Lou- iseFarr, Z'then the two per. cent inraein funding is absolutely critical.» Provincial Treasurer Floyd Laughron announced. a one per cent increase in transfer pay- monts to school boards in 1992, Parr saya, and a two per cent increase i 1993 and 1994 to shlow boards te plan their budgets in advance. But ILaugbren later indicated property taxpayers "may be relied upon to fund a bigger sharo of education,» according te, Parr. 'Thle Durham board has done its p art by reworking its budget tkeep within the .government iceSs. Now the budget-plan- nte proeeses of our board are town int chaos until the pro- vincial government gets its own fmanciail affaire* in order.»- The annual Peter Perry'Award Evening will i be held by the Whitby Chamber of Commerce on Tuesday, Dec. 1 at Heyden- shore 1Pavillon. The animal ýPeter Perry award will ho handed out* te an out- standingWhitby citi7.en. Guest speaker'ý will be David *Peterson, national chair and senior counsel of Cassels erock & Blackwehl, an international law flrm. Reception is at 6:30 p.m., din- ner at 7:30 pm. Cosa s$0per person. 1992mak the 200th anni- versary of the birth of Peter Perry, a businessman who figures pruminently in the early history of Whitby as well as the surroundingairea. . R.T. R. .(A.i.S DAVID CROMBIE, commissioner for the Lake ings. in Whitby last week on. the future of the Ontario Greeriway Strategy, held. public hear- lakçeshre from Burlington té Cobourg. Photo by Meurice Pifter, Whltby Free Press ]Regi on to develo P' waterfront plan A waterfront plan wxll ho established for «Durham Region, the -Lake ,Ontario Greenway Strategy comâmission was teid last week. At public hearigs' heid in Whitby last week, Region of Dur- ham planner Kai Yew teld cern- missioner, David Crombie that the Region had just established, terms of reference for the plan- ning process that would even-- tualiy guide waterfront develop- ment. ,We sharo your, vision and interest ini the waterfront,» Yew teld Crombie. In May the Royal Commission on the N'ture of the Toronto Waterfront released its final report, with the Lake Ontarie, waerfont within the Greater Toronto rgo as a major focus. To impVemnt t ho prnciples developed by the commission, the Ontario government created the Waterfront Regeneration Trust, with Crombie as chair and com- inissioner of the trust's board of directors. One of the goais of the trust is te facilitate t he establishment of a waterfront trail and associated green or open . space from Bur- lingtn Bay te the Trent River. Yew said the Region would obtain input from local municipa- lities in establiahing a waterfront plan. Whitby doea notyet have a compréhensive waterront plan but deals with the waterfront in the Town's officiai plan, Lynde Shores secondary rian Harbour Ilie (Coscan) housihg plan at the foot of Brock St.S, and Port Whitby secondary plan. Yew said that according te a "very optimistie timetable it is hoped that the plan would ho completed in 199o3. In response te, a question by Crombie, Kew added that there would ho public input into the development of the Region waterfront plan. Terma of reference for the plan were not Made available at the haaring, leading one reaident -te. waterfront preperty-owners from wondèr why the Region bothered 'the regieon. te make a presentatien at ail. - Suse Eggert, an envirenmen- «It doesn't lIook geod, te ýnet taliat, was the only Whitby rosi- have terme of reference. I just 'dent Who addresaed the commis- see more confusion,» said the sien.1 resident. 1 But there were questions and Crombie asked if ther e mirlht commente from a few other ho some *conflict between t-he Whitby residenta net acheduled Region plan and the plana as speakers. One urged that the already in place or'about te ho waterfront trail at the foot of formed in some municipalitie's. Brock St. S. go ahead as soon as Kew said there wouid beover- gossible, te provide jobs and put lapping in some areas, and the grs n re ttewtr Region would work te ensure front» where there will, 'ho a there would ho ne confliets. "Cernent Jngle » a reference te "Se it's net an intà-rated pro- the proposedifaribour Ile deve- ceas but a parallel process?» bornent. asked Crombie, referring te 'We're trying to get.-a trail that municipal and Region levels reflects the interesta of the muni- workinf on plana at the saine cipalities along the waterfront,» time. Ho aise suggested- the said Crombxe.. Region should "le t people know Ho -later atated that the trail which plan is which.»wotdsub heln ue There were .representatives p«wiyn ofdist urb the landus from varions groupe atthe N tal il o stbise ing sheld at the Wi Wtby munici- uNtril hrei a rouetagreed plbuilding Nov. 18an19 ni hrisaoueged Joe Dickson speke for the A±ax upon by ail parties, ho aaid -- the waterfront 'advisei committee, only exceptions are those areas and presented a 7wiah liat» of where routes aire already estabi- funding requests by the commit- ished. tee. The provinnce will net buy There were aise presentations new lands fto accommodate the. by the Frienda cf Aitona Forest; traillho aaid. Wilmot Creek Homeowners «We try and bring *the parties Association, Port Darlingten (municipalities and property Commnnity Association, Second ewners) together rather than Marsh Jietence Association, and acquire them ourseives." I Do you think the educational systemI I(A)works well, (B)works as well as can be expected, I (C)needs some improvement, i (D)needs a drastic overhaul? i Just one ofthe questions, on ourreader survey. ITeil us what you think of this and éther issues and what you like and dislike about the Free Press- I I Se page 15 I I n i 'j I .1 't 'v 'tj. r Il 4 j' Il t' t t

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