Page 40, Whlby Free Press, Wednesday, Novelber 25. 1992 OMALI. COUNTRY HOUSE near MARSHALL JCM 800 LEAD 30 KILOWATT forced-air electrlc' Whitby. $55lmonth. UtlitIes serles amplifier, head & çabinet. furnacei and electrlc 40 gallon extra. Suitable for single or Asking $900.. Charvel Jackson water heater. 655-8553., wrking couple. Avallable Dec. lst. moef #2 guitar, custom case, «8-2122. $350. Must soIt. GalI Mike, 1-416- __________________ 69-156.Leave a message. WEDDING DRESS, pald $2,0000, WHY RiENT when you- can own Csur own, home *for ess than you tnki Gall Dave or- Dane HaiyIock, maes, Reps., -ReMax Summit Ohalty (1991) Ltd., 668-3800. REPOSSESSED power of sale v porties. available now in Oshawa from under $80,000. Flnanicîng availablo. Cali Carol ROSS, sales Representative, Guide Realty Ltd., -723-5281 or 723-6610. COSTA RICA - $195,000 US (ostimnated value in Canada $1 million plus). Large, new, luxury home ovorlôokiNg San Jose. Located ln trazu, 11KM. east of the University of Heredia. View of the city.'Threbdrooms, somni- independent apartment cdown- stairs, matd's quarteors. Large pool,. 4-car garage. Photos and- details aepost eci ln Hispano Cash-n- Carry Store, 111A Coîborno St. W., downtown WNhitby, 112 block west of firehaît. Phono 430-9350. 4% EXCLUSIVE OR- 5% MLS. Jack Grant Realty Corporation, Roattor. 668-4000 or 985-6666. 1988 TEMPO, 5-sped, AMIFM cassette, air conditoningj.,Very 8 ood shape. $3,800, or best offer. 1982 AUDI 50009, 5-speed, al power -sunroofi Good running condlon. $1,100 or best offer. Box traiter, 5e X 12'. -Ideal for snowmoblles, etc. $600 or best offer..666-3056. BMW - BAVARIA - 2500 Serles hubcaps, set of four stili In origfinal wrapper. 430-2075. 1984 MERCURY CAPRI, 2-dr. hatch -new exhaust/battery. Excellent conditn-$l,000, uncert. 666-8152. WorksOn New, Used, And Even Rusty Cars MMeillne- W f 20 eDndse S. es FOR SALE: HOHNER, acoustio g uitar. Limted edition. Less than ail price -$1040-36 MATTRESSES and box springs at hall price.,.MoKeen F4rniture, 524 Simcoe St. S.,.Oshawà . Phono 725-5181. 16" FLOOR POUASHER, Industrial.- Good condition. Pads lncluded. -CatI aftor 8 p., 430-9407. CUSTOM GREENHOUSE kitchen café curtains with brase rods/rings. Queen bedspread, valance and lamps. Hood fan, kitchen llghts, slnk, taps. 668-5425. PINBALL GAMES FOR SALE and wanted. Arcade games .wanted; any condition. "Days 430-1727, eves. 721-2446. FIREWOOD FOR SALE. Weil- seasoned. hardwood. Hall-face, face cord, bush cord,, kindllng. Pick-up or delivered. (416) 649-3183. CHESTERFIELD SUITES, love- seats, sectionials,. less than haîf rice. Large selection. MoKeen Furnit ure, 524 Simfcoe St. S., Oshawa. Phone 725-5181. GIBSON EXPLORER GUITAR with fight case. DiMarzio pickups, Schaiier machine heads. Seiko gultar tuner. Beautiful wood-gratn finish. $500. 655-5227. SO 'LOFLEX body building machine. Excellent condition. Great Christmas gifi. Cost $2.000 new, sali for $950. Cati 666-9417. CHEà ST 0F DRAWERS, $35; double .b.d '$45- chromé table, chairs,- vacuum cleaner, blankets, shoots, q uits, afghans, piilows, bedspreads.& more. 668-3975. WASHING MACHINE, 8-pro- 9!me, hoavy duty. Modet 4030 Lnrore. Used 6 month&, $450 f irm. 430-0057. COUCII & MAtCHING ÇHAIR, Il ht brown. Excellent condition. $300. 668-5298. FIREWOOD - Haburton hard- Wood. Picked Up or delivered. 655-8553. Wilowgrovo Nursery. INSed a car - Credit problems? - Lease to own any marke ormol "Cash for irado - Cali now forlrhm quotesI LEASEGUIDE AUTO LEASING 436-9837 - Jeif asklng $200. .Elrecc Iawnmo0wer,. used- 7 times. Aslng $100. f tnterested,,cali 576-3125 Swing Machine Repairs Compoete Tune-up $39.95 Reconditionod Sewing Machines> frm *$59.00 TOPUNE SEWING CENTRE 571-1385, 400 King St. W. Oshawa BOX* TRAILER, 4 x 8, collapsible for storago. 'Rarely used. Cost $800 to bulld, sali $500., Cati Steve, 430-9369 after 5 p.m. LADIES' PLUM CASHMERE coat, size 12. Nover wom. Reg. $410, sali for $150. 668-5320. ENGAGEMENT RING for sale. 14 Karat gold, 7 diamonds. Cost $800, asking $300. Only 2 months old. 436-6105, Cindy. EVETTE' TENOR saxophone wth case, stand and reeds. Brand new condition. $500 or best offer. 655-5227. EXERCISE EOUIPMENT - BASEBALL NOW OPEN AT.... WDT FLMZZ EXERCISE EOUIPMENT-ffiASEBALUl ATTENTION SENIORS, single- dwellersl Protect yourself. Don't open your door without it.. Carry with y ou- a Porsonal Attack Alarmn (PAAL), a compact electronic device that emits an earpiercing atarm that would scareof woutd-be attackers, Intruders, snatchers; attracts attention for help. Your best PAAL outdoors. $32. The bost Christmas gift for Lourseif and ioved ones. Cali 430-0865. FIREWOOD w SUPREME quality. Maple, beech. WeI4 'seasoned. Very dry. AIl sptit. Honest moasuremont. Free delvevy. y the beit quality. 416-753-2248B.Tr al advortlsod -an item for sale in the Whitby Free Prs on two difforent occasions.'Each item was sotd by theo next dyl The response was tremendous. T.C. LADIES' DRESSY CLOTHING; pants & tops, size 14 and up. Must b. cleaned,. in style, in season, &in excellent condition. The Wardrobe Exchanige, 113 Dundas St. W. 666-9225. CHRUSTMAS-TiREES >CUT YOUROWN0 One mile eastof Thickwn Rd'. 1n n'Q1' ins Rd. TREES $10 - $20 incwd4sas.T. j ee atine$1.e ERROL'S APPUANC EPAIR Washers, dryers, frldgis, stoves, mtcrowaves, etc. Msd;pplancos purchased. Major creit cards Moete.ènday to Saturday, !BartSwuffw .potteryj CiistmaS Opin 5&>use $aturday, Dec. 5 10 a-m to 4:30>pm $uuzg dec. ý6, il 4:3Op.m. Fwwtcfrt(ecortim e i=à idadpouenj TVOP Of i e6theC=o=.Ision, Çoeenvood <Wat LW*ad& 1. 7 am) 427-0598 STAINED GLASS COURSES beginning January 4. 1993. Register now. Sundance Glass, 430-1727., CRAFT SHOW, -Saturday, Nov. 28 & Sunday, Nov. 29, '10 a.m. - 4 p.m. Stained glass -Victorian cralts, woodwork. and more. 123 Erickson Dr., Whitby. OPEN HOUSE CHIRI STMAS & cralt sale., 38 Mansfield Gros., Whty, (near K-Mart Plaza). Good selection, reasonabt' priced. Glarnour Barbie -cnioth'es, toys, Zgffts, Christmas items. Saturday, Novembor 28,- 10 arn. - 5 p.m. Phono 436-0313 for more info. Second Annual Christmnas Craft Sale OPEN }HOUAE 36 Dawson St., Whitby ini West Lynde CSat. Nov. 28th &'Sun. Nov. 29th 10:30 a.m. - 3:30 p.m.i A w1ioS alodon ofqualiyraftà . GIVE THE,4 GIFT 0F LIFE CLEARWATER, FLORIDA - 3 bedroom, - fully furnished,- air coniditloned mobile homes., Pools,' hot tubs, beaches,* attractions.ý Chlldren wolcomfe.« Less than motel. Photos. 683-5503. "LEAVE YOUR CARES at homo with us.7 Professional petthome sittors are fulty bonded. &lnsured. Custom Homewatdh Internetlà nal. 666-5353. LADS... N. t mnr. triïM Iawn'and, garden service Book now for your fali dlean up, , snow remov ai and gardon winterizing FREEESTIMATES. 434-9428- 623-9711, MORTGAGE LOANS --Ult & 2nds to 95% of -value. Al property types, prime rates. Quick service and, approvals. CalI CityCan Financial, Corporation. 571-Z880, Oshawa, 686-2936 Pickering. PRIVATE IMORTGAGES, ..'fe paeto g hen your bank says ',NO.. Sewg Whftby since 1973. 668-7200. ANUBIS INVESTMENTS. ARE YOU HAVING TrROUBLE gotting'auto insurance because of age, pooir driving record or suspension of lcense? Perhaps we can hoip. Phono 666-2090., KITTENS- FREE, to good homes. Lftter-tralned. Rarlng to gol Cali 655-3716. Got- an opinion on matters of local intérest?, We welconie .. . . . . .. . . . . . Whb..........9 ffc 4ur ody oF~ay,9~ anl Q m~Fx 6O9