Whitby Free Press, 2 Dec 1992, p. 24

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Ob îo l 1, 111<0 And the Henry .wrestiers may êthersi soul> tàrt placed fifth out of 20 teame at the thinklng of gfts to buy for ail the Cobourg novice" tournament People on my Christmnas list. recently. Top wrester, , Sean PlaJnning for Henry Street Rusll, <catured first place after -Christmnas events is inMful swin*g. crushing ail three. of bis' .,For'. example, tHe musical opponents. ensembles and choira are Congrats to ail of the. Hawkcs pre paring to dlight-and amaze the people of Whit y in the Santa oýn your scess Casparade. hmusic'departmetis ils Riecrultngiýor for" 'ýtheir annual -.Cocrt nd-tliýis aryouth éexchange- it wffll prove t e sentertimn as aüýlways, a, concet certaîi nlynt tob.mise. ta tuned' foir Canada World' Youth is now dtails inithe we Ïs0ocome reýcruiting Caiadasand landedý »Henry's -student, council is immmigrants betwveen ages 17 and gring up togive.sething-back 20 <as of Dc 3,1992) .-for ,to the cornuitysthedatefor exchange prograins-, ith -ta hrsaaFoo Drive ýquickly countriesý in Africa, As ia, Latini" apprachs. . ..' America-and the, Caribbean. ýAlthough the Christmnas themùe Anyoneworking, 'àtudying or 'seema' to hbé working well, I- stil lokidng for a 'job, agndis-interested, have-, plenty of 'non-Christmas in participatinin a callenging nestat1nst'teil you about. internatinldvlpent pro. Asin yeas" s, h A gramn, can a py., draina cdss at Henry puts Along wit other young people togeth mrvlusàhaticlfrom acrosCanada and, from prodution, -and - that ti me -as. -verseas, . ciýat spend coaaain. Though details about seven. monthdoin'g, volunteer the play. itself are being kept work in community dovelopmoent, secret, word has' that it's a agriculture or socal 'servces. 'show-stopper.' Tickets are going < Most of 'the ..expenses are fast' as' the 'curtain opens ,c overed by Canada'Wor douth tomiorrow and Friday night. during the program. .Congratulations ',te ail of, Commitmhent Wiil be in the Henry's oupoken,.debaters who form ,of time, energy and an recently took, part in the O'Neil mterest inh learning. opn debatinig tounament. Exchanges- stait, as early as Ovrithe- toam placed third, Jffly 1993.-The -final -deadline for whil~Jonat aTrton won -theaplicainsis Jan.,20,1993. Zhr-lc individuel award. for application ,fornis or more Finally, here's a group of people, information, contact Canada with 1 stronig opinions, who are Word. Youth, Ontario Regional wi* in ospà out. Office, 386 Bloor St. W., 2nd .Ana now, a brief sports update. Floor,Toronto, Ontario, M5S 1X4. Âdd another DYSSA award to Telephone (416) 922-0776, Fax Heiry's incredible record as the (416) 90Ë2-3721. îî4 1$' I ew ~. SHELLEY PATERSON is, slown -duringrehearsal oaIi'in Works ' a presentationby Henry StretHi9h School>OA< dramg class students: Described: as a - journey of thË r dn the play woii be presented in" the cafeteria on Dec-.; and.4,staytung at 7,pm 9-2by MattheW Stolk, Henry 'Street H.S.* co-op student ÈLucie Rochette.,. CHARLES ,GARNIýE Boiijour! rm bocmk.,-Did you miss me? (Don't answer that.) Alherta was a blat. Pur entire group enjoyed the trip, very much. Weteured the-area'a industries (gafoi, bggig),saw a- few k. KINDERGARTEN GLA thew's.school -held ar -Thursday. From Ieft Gazeas, JffnRn kemnanKsnKosnkwc eMacesm aitesunt éd therfouteea.ago' museumae, wont on a hayride,k ai ,whle '-admiring the ',beaui countrysid.. rd go hack temoî if I'could. Congratulations to Mée Bourdages ,and Paul Prouhc were Ar anada's'Lucky S winners.Mol"won hem prize the way te Grande.P.rairi onthe way back, fmom Edmoî6 t6 Toromnto. On the bocal scene, our scl greeted a group of actera te stage on Ibursdy. The play f presented was unique - unusual. The tepicg, of the w ere probema affecting the wk (poverty, the econoi pomnograpihy aýnd problema; SetAmerica) and the audie waa encoraged te ,get invdl and vote on what they thoai shoud ,b. don. aboutafe those topica.I Cheryl-Ahn AND E RSONW La tFmdy nigtIaedd Andrso's usial rouction of Mbernerý4Y and Loewe rasto-rinches. stoey would Imelt th cUllet heart. -This' romancWcoeddama - kept the audience rolling, 'in the aisies and swooýning intheirfseats., Junior Anderson played the part of, Colonel Hùgh Pickering, Higgens' I competitor ,and confdant.. Plckeriing.helps Henry devebop a poorScottish girl intoa duchesse l of 'grace and refinement. The part of Eliza Doolittie was plydby' Alayna Hunter. Tise fiwrgirl captumed the héartàs'of evroefroeithe. first time'w heardhemr well-rehearsed siang until thie last reprise of hèr f; refommed 'Just you-Wait.' Stphn eý 1plyed -Profss r ey Higgens, Eia ,. arrogant Englsh-languagetto who learne that women aren't âse ~' bad'afýtem ail, aànd î that being ýa '4 ahlrcen t bonesomle, e'peiay if you ow wbat it'. Tie to belov ed. .4< Condc momen ts in thé d podction were provtded,.mostby rv byJeif Baker <Afed P..Doite e and bius-t wo sdelkksSamer 34 Abdelnoum (HaWT) ad, Jam Watt., aQà -,tl a.Little« Bit .t Luckties&e. 1U W'e.Iw stle he - 'My Faim Lady' had. non-stop, toeý4-tapin music. Familiar favoûrites such as 'Woùldnit it ha *Lovely,', The Rain in. Spai'_ani .I.CouI« have Danc4d:al Night' 'Mere played. The pit bandand their director didas, pectacublar ýjob, as did -the. R singers. and dancors of the play.' Special thanks are exctended te the. stage cërews, the mekeup/hair crewe and the people Who wiorked etc., on sound and light, props and the iulset construction and decoration., TrOW Congratulations te the producer ,Mr. I. Eaton,' the, directerý Mrs. V. Joyée and'the worest of thée production team. Much Set? appmeciation te the'Oshavya Little 1on Theatre for the boan of some om costumes. Aise, thanilcatô -'Ms. ,ize Sisler-Boc, Ms. Bock and the âton Prefoct Society for promotion and' ,han ticket sales. our they and play, oôrld Sin ence î[yod ~ght ~'of Admissio' pc.for the .play was a can oôf food, 9r packaged foodý, which .wouldthn h dotô t the' poor. 'As, an hicenitivýe for- students te bring cana, we! were teld that.,if .we raised 30 or more cens, we: would ge'a'non-unifornn day. We raised over 400 cansarazd other ,items ýfor...the- poor. Way te go, u Tblat'a àreason to be prouýd. -oXnday,- Nov.' 30 was ourý non-uniform, day. Aise on Monday ànd Tuesday,,nimbers of this year'sgrduatigclas could t;' een .witherfect haimatyle. end imabceulp (for the girls, 'oÇcourse) hocauseof (oh, horror!) gyad pictumes. I hope vbes picture turn out Anderson took a favourite classic and presented '-it with a miodem ,touch.' On Saturda, Anderson giris' basketball teams brought homne two silver medals and.one gold from DYSSA. The .rnidget girs!' basketbal team played- Father Leo J. Austin and came in first place. The'jnir ris played. -Pineridge and lat by a score of 44-42. The senior giris' basketball team playe Marka m ad brouglht -home awseond-pla.ce milver medal. iltlu'ee teama id an ous 'ndngjo n bague, play and congratulat.on are in order to each and every one of them. IHELPING THE OL I WRITE NOWI CODE SeIf-sufficlencythreuî 1 lteracy ýorld

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