Whitby Free Press, 9 Dec 1992, p. 1

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Town hsiaoficiais..fear cutb.,,,ack ,ubcsfollà*ing'thëe Ontarlo Ontarlo, Troasurer, Floyd 1* 's recont announcoment of a onff transfer paý eyments to mniijlaiis andhopta baloëWëM worred. Net hTwn councilor -Don- mi Fox nor Whitby Genorai Hos- n~~nmintratàrElizabeth- Lrt-on CanýPrë&*Cthow the po vin"ialsponding controlsà il affect thefr budgets for neit year. But botli adaiit tht Iai- rens ecimion ta cap, e" yMent at currentlevels wlll Olt wfll impact, threi o doubt about tht,» said Fx WhitWs'@ 1993 budget chairman.- - W. depend on subsidies'for road reconstruction sud recréa- tion facilitios ... with'those dollar shortuges we will have ta 'cut back on projects or service,» ho added.' Barton shared Fox'essmm about coplng with fewer fnd «For us it won't even cover haif the' cait 0f bonefits or'salary lucreases,' sad Barton., The shortfuil will, havie bo made up-fiom either programn cuts ori imeffcienicies, difwe con find any,' she said., In an effot ta control Ontarios growing *9.9-billion doficit, the < vermnt will limit transfer pentesto a two per cent ($320 milon) hike in 1993-94. The lucrease will be -for one yearý onl, howevor.- Grants ta ichool boards, univorsities, ho.- pitals and munici1palities will Ontariomu'icpalites will share $956 nmi in luuncondi- tional grants neit year Theso granta are'goneralsub- sidies to -bolpfinance, municipal services. jMunicipalities can tendtheýrats according, ta BERT AND GRACIE GUTHRIE'are this jrearb, Ma", received the Whitby Cham5ér of Com- Peter Perry A~~wad winners. The couple, mêrce honouir in recogiiol fthiulrls standing, in Iront of portraits 0fPerry and wife volunteer work over the years. Fi PhobobybM#kRe"bo, WNtbYFOt. Concerns over -housing ý planfor Cobi site By Mlke Kowill Àrainta devoelopment pro- posod for- the former Cobi Foods cannlactory-roceived a mixed th -oi-ody b no outright objec- tions tathe prpoai were rafsed durmngapublic meeting held by deolpmüenit compiteycon- cernaariout tepootwere expresod by residenta-sud coun- Potenïtial noise sud traffic pro- bleme stemming from the pro- posed 165-unit reaidential com- p e ee. among theprmy concerna. Cobi Fooda ic. has Mled rozon- in% sud officiai plan ameundmont applications -for the- 10-acre siBte on Brock St. N, south 0of the Canadian Pacifiec raillin... .The rezoning wudalwcon- struction of a mdd' apartment- tawnhouse 'dovlopinont oni the, plant and warehouse. The factory bas sat vacant s;ince it was closed by the com- pymDecomber 1989. The proosed. development consiste oftwo, 'gardon-style apartment buldings, 'totalling 56 units, Which would front on' Brock St. 1The .r emaining 109 -units would be streett Awnhouaea facing Maple sud Centre streets. In' prosenting the proposai architect Dharam Mali salJ that while Cobi Foode la the ap lcant, the company, plans ta sotthe sito,to a developor. The property has.beon on the, markot for the p ast 'four yoars but «nobody wantait," for mndua- triVprpaes midMalik. «(B:t) pamlot 8of peole ,have ME PAGE 30 Gerald Breen new Monsignor FPat hetr Gerald Brion of Holy Famlly Parish in Whit- bywas recently mieXOYd Mby Pope John Paul IL-and As now ienued Monolgnoereen.. Beatowul cf monignohip taok plac, on. Nov. lats StE Michael'sCathodral lu Toronta. Hie pariabioneri held a recp tion lun the- parish hall on the following Sunday. Thisminon yla ln addition <tfi othor tr a ents $5 bilion last ypar) for'speciflc 'ser- vicsw such* as-roada transit and TermEnç it, "another hurdie to overcome, Fox said Whitb rate- payer. can -expect a <tough budgot"in 1998. 9zOurgoaalways to.comeiim at zeré per cent but how realis- tic that wlll b. 1 don't know," ho said. FOX said theo govornmenfs bckfracking on transfor , pay- meints and,,other funding, pro- fanciamattors. 91'hey*vi! bitton -offý more than recogid for wrkas B bYark Reesor, vrolunteerin'ng in - 1978 are *this yoarls winners of. the Péoter Porry award, reczLg outstandinig residents f htbyi. 'Bort 'sud Grace Gu dthriesay vislting ]patients, with'the cofes cateey week is «týfiriortY <'Whxtby General - ospia was sgo od toiny moéther yearsago that I ju 1 t feit we hd o v somethung' back to, it," sy-ýý Grade. "She was really, rea W'ý well looked after.» Helpingat, the hospia' a beer aa' good- experience, saýys Grac. ait m akes you appeca what w. have got insteadý of", dwellingon*what we don't."ýý- TheGuthries, who 'celebrated their golden wédding-- annivers- arylait year, visit-many paîtients ai r ffnishing their .du7ties, are- active in. the- hospital auxiliary and LifelUine'pogamea and aso vsFairviw= geresidents. Theylve canvassed sud helped manage the Heurt and- Stroke cupaln workd wlth' the CandinCancer Sociel>y and, Rod, Cross, are.,active wfth the. Audley -Club, teWhtychapter, of theEStenSarudAudley United -Church,,:and,.Borts, a longtime member of the Masons. S As the 'p orson (name- not rêeosed) who nominatod them wroto, «I knowof no- porion'or porions ýwho have contributed more In 11,many waya ta ýthe socal develomont prosperity, and well.bei of the 'Ïow*n of Whtby, for Se many yeas.. Graco saB!ys she "nover ove?» thought, theyd get an award. .Whon 'their numes woro culfld, she says ii. eit "bein lthe. lcneees...Luat ail a-twitter. 1 .Ber:i=livedîin Whby al hiilife- «I wasborn in Whity and- nover moved any more ýthan a mile from home lu ai âl those véar" _..and Graco, waa borh ini they can chew, N'y.noer sSeon "W. bave a numberor e0 noerderstoomd how toa deal, Ontarlo h Iïutal administra- torsm eWingoie, we re expoct*mg t u»a two'per cent'.cr»s df $149 millon as announcdy ILaugbrn-mtwo weeks ago.' >Buît lufact moot hostaswl haet. maedo with.$37,million "'fluuyl (overnment).ad-tw per cent t.tepotfor hospitas m genorul, bût imdivi4xWiahspi- SE PAGE 30

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