I -~ - - I om isb ' er,, We » ésa e dr:19..2 L A ENNR.wester ppears ta, have th enry ýbtreet Hi g h SOhool Iast Friday.: upper, hand in a match. against a Markham' About 300 wrestlers, from Ontario andý compet twrestling toumnament at' some fram out af the province, campeted. hoto by à 11ow SoflK HeWs Street H.S. co-op utudent Hard*aCo seleets Win gl The . WitbyOptimiste; mudar equirt houa. bague hceyta won the A divisi'on cbampionsbp aet tii.ý Vaughan houa.sau tournament Nov. 28.' Whitby w.nt unîdefeat.d inthe tournamnent. Whitby got çff to a great start with a- 9-1 win oveir Wde.. Shane Sargent led the way with three goale. Ryan Jobnston and Tanner Twi*ning scored two goals each. Ky4le Simpson and Jason Michie both scored once. Assisting ý on the, goals were Matthw Lafeytwo), -Johnston (two>, Twng and Simpson. -Paul Konos played well in net. Gem. MVP. was. awarded to Sargent. In a clouer. gaine, Whitby defeated.Maple 4y a score of 4-1. Sargent scored three times for hi. second bat trick of :the. tourniet. Johnston acored the. other goal. Assistinga- on the gal were Adamn Steini (two), Smsn(two) and Twining. Blake Robinson was alid in net. Gae MVP was» awarded to Adam Stein. The. chmpiaoshp geam against -undef.ated Oak idges proved to b. a good challenge. - Oak Ridgeo led by a- goal wîthin thei.m minute. Whltby rallied for three unanswered gode t ead 3-1 at tii. end of ti. sùr;ecod pcd lyà &L'. Oak Riciges .didn' give up and came on strong ' Ati.at two minutes, ecoring two more goals. Whitby's lead was eut te on. goal and tuer. were still sx" minutes remaining' Due te a fine defnive, effort by tbewhole teamK4,à owell as some. fine aves by goalie Andrew Crat., Whitby held on tteir lead and wonthe. A- division 0Jonton and Sargent each scor.d twioe. Simpanand Twining scored the otpher g-oals. Asisting on the. gole. wone t toStein, Johnston, ey and Blake Robinson. Gae MVP was awarded te Ryan Jobnston., Chadiagrs, Bob Chiapman, Stephen_ Carroil, Andrew Crate, Paul Kontos and Jeif HopIidas made tIds a succeusfu teain effort. The. com&i staff of made up of Nick Laffy an.Pudy Simpson, Don Crate an 111 Chapinan. Whltby Hard-Co minor atoin slects won tii he minhpa an atoin tounament ining City *over the. past weekend. Tiie team received gold-plated watciies -for winning .tii. teurnament. -The frat, gaine was a hard-fought, overtime 2-1 victoryr over the. hometewn Kng City teain onFrday, Dec. 4. David P -liord, assisted by Luc Chiasson, scor.d thei. only WVhithby gâs inaregulétion- time. sktUng ;which resulted.-la -maMy end-to-end rushes. Justin Zarnnit - ayed an outstanding gaine in golwith lots of hebp fri iis defence of Ryan Robb, Chris, Michaud, Brian Lieni and Mike Kobrynovich. Forwards Scott- okChs AtInson, David- Beaco, Andrew Alison, Beckford- and Chiasson put on a backchecki< linic Tii. winnmng g asan unassisted marker b Andrew Allison with 47 seconds remaining in the. firat overtime period. STiie second gainesaw Whitby score a 4-2 victoiy over Richmond Hill. Chiasson led the. way with two goals witii B.ckford and Kevin Taylor acoring.singles. Assista went te, Besco, Mike Astalos- and Matthew Rae. Whitby again received strong gItnding from Zanuit and DustSargent. The final saw Whitby play Stréud in tii. b.st gaine 0f the. tournament. Both teama wer. evenby matched and this resulted in a very entertaiing hockey ganie. A]b goals were scored int h. firet period with Stroud strildng firet. Whitby worked bard and this rosed in Taylor scoring, assisted by Rae and Asaos. MoMillan &Wife 200 Dundas St. West CALL FOR APPOINTMENT 666-m33,61 Less than a minute later Robb acored 'tii. winner on a great wrist shot. This goal was set up on a beautiful pass froin AtIdnsoip. The remaider 0f the gaime saw numerous. end-to-end> rushes and soin. great goatending froin Zammit and Sargent. Robb received the. gae Most vabuable player honours and Beckford was teurnament MVP. With the. majority of tiie select teai pbayingerda i i. 9~n Cit' teurnament, one line 0f thi. minor atoin sélects, along with five affliated players froin tiie houa. laque, tied the. powerful aside t.am 1-1 in North York I**ie 1amie featured tenacious chcig nd strong goaltending LVa L1J made three rkable saves in the. last, five minutes 0f the. gaine to, preserve the. tie. Whitby's goal was, a Ored by Ra. assisted by MleLiskè.ý <The. strong play oftiiehoua. league playesBair Dinsdale, Steve Hurc'zak, Jonatban Barr, Jonath -,n Rya ýand .Kyle, Maybury, shows the. dpth in ta age group. Astalos, Niciiolas Michie, and Taylor also, played well. Chingùacousy tournament Whitby's maýLjor novice AAA teani iad a win and two bosses at a hockey tournament in Chinguacousy over tiie weekend. 'Whitby oýpened with a 2-0 win over Kfitc:hener, Ian Witruk and Matthew Taylrsoi Brandon MelBride,'Kyle Waiies, Nathan Cotter and Ryan Farrow iiad assista. In their second gaine, Whitby, sponsored b -Don Ceysa- pevine, lost3-2 to Wexord. Wexford broke a 2-2 ti. witii a *goal in the. Iast minute of play. James Hinkson and Taylor scored for Whitby, with assista te Rob Gawne, Ryan Matthews and Wailes. In tiie third gaine, Brampton won 7-2. Hinkson and Farrow scored for Whitby witii assista by Cotter, Mike kubynak, Ian Wirkand Josh Turcotte.' In a recent leagie, ga me, Whitby lost 4-2 to, Pic*erig Rai- ders. Wailes' and Matthews scored, witii McBride, Hinkson, Don VonEschscholtz and Witruk getting assista. Seleets win two- Whitb~y ID Bank major novice sébecta won ýeth their gaines la weekend.pby. IK1L imkibdesored two goals 2. Sean Tiornbkeand San Brackin also scored, while Dami Amurawaiye Bob MiJP Galipeault, John Gilard, Shane Healy and Bryýan Mantle eacii $ IMOFF any other promotios. WC"r0s1Ome New Crs Usd'CarL Even Rus Cas iiad an assist. In tii. seeond exhibition gaine, Whitbhy defeated Wexford 5-2., MantIe, Healy, Qillard, Mat- thew Grahain and Brackin scored. Mantie abso had two ass-- iste, with single assias tt Amurawaiye, Bracitin, Ià mkilde, Gillard and Healy. DON'T LET RUST DESTROY YOUR CARTHIS WINTER ICanadas Most Effective Corrosion Inhlbior PNew Cars "Guaranteed* Forever weUpa Wleld18ypartalaim Fiee' Rcord lPer 1= 00000 Applicaion , Non Toxic a H~Se xtend ife Of Any Shape Vehicle ,Welnvestment To The Value Of Your Vehicle ~¶*STEEL 4>LASCO- v la