Whitby Free Press, 9 Dec 1992, p. 22

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BEST AVAl LABLE COPY ire. rs.enssy.Ã"cme dl I EAST, GWIVMLLMBUY FORMER Toronto Maple Leats goaltender Johnny Bo6wer talks with Derek O'Donoghue, owner of the, Rooies 'NI Oldtimners Sports Card & -obby Shp durinq the :Charity Card Show on Saturday in Whitb. Bower signed. photo- grphs for the many who attended the show, organized by Photo by PMturlo PifliorWhIby Free Prou Anyone "for ba'seba11ý, ThesWciato y Girls Softball each day. Asscitio wll etmal rgit- egstation forma can b rations for the 1993 season. 1ikéU t aybac ft Pre-regisetration will ho held a thby Pbi irra i Iroquois Park on Jan. 2 3 and Whitby Information Centre (90 Feb. 20s, 9 a.m. te 1 pam. each Brock St. B.), at Iroquois Park, a dan"oeil Rosemary at 666-3636. placeat Iroq-ois Park on March Feu.'for the 1993 season wil 6ý and March 27,9 a.m., te P.m. ho the smre as 1992. Encedretace MAJOR ANIE A ~e.Ud1S!E £MM~. Whtby D.rtt wch NOVAn iWu*rdAA 2 NOV. 29 Wbltby, JeffChumbh2 Mike RailnUt Jsred Brovn 5 Pot rtue 2 IÉAJOR ATM A" 1 14I ]1m Canada& Nov.?7 1Wa*rd A O Whihy sSai ayme 2 MailtamAL A ~IUWU £ Nov. 12 PSt Hope 'S Pl<Goldamith i Part ogie ~ soott Bwmr luraeGux Nov. 18 2Qau 2 ýWMWbltly Pitul Geldanlth Jordan PItsghhIa 8 Omeme. umit NOS - uA" qmeomib&u1iLo Widtby J«duan PItglb Jareul Env Nov. 14 WhlUhy Dem auai Yak Tc» SA 2 'OrlUlmA& 1 BLrstImd AA sm&ua 8 Oebava 7 4 >AIax-Pîckmïug 4 Nov. Io Whtb Sboua - Scott Wyle NOV. 20 NOV. 21 7 Mrhani 4 whtil Jarnn3 SctB« swing semttyle 4 kw dH 'lho lBf1 IMC AiW A 6e WlLF eL*m em"wU~ em whaby lîût P"-" imiSe.bu Dec.Bou mesS EyOwUmm ei Nor. 21 Wdtiy GregLlanc8 DenmyamnD2 M ho araSt Swn" - RYM nahgha FiI dumlth 8 co So Sxorw Noitv. 4 Vieiln DevMNxtau JorhlltsObe imanIe Jarmievaj" -1 i O aiftlA - GaF« Ney. 14, an Hayne 3 Sctt eegn NOV. 16 Whitby, 2 GiO Vmmplev Nov. 22 Whltby Judo Steveonc Nov. 24 Androv M.rdhal Sctt Bomn Matt jardin Nlck Owen a Kye Crouch Dec.3 Whihby Pian Boyd 2 1 Scott Beegan seun H Dec. 5 .Whltby Matt Jardin 3 3 Mm c Lmers Judul Stoenson Kyle Crouch Se-an DeS. 6 IL Whltby Nlck Oven 2 Beun HaynS Mm cLamers 0 (M Vamplev Andrev Mar"âej 1 PMtetioough 7 YorkSlnrcoe 1 Markham 1 Nu-xPckering 6 QUinte 4 Ma-rkhaa * 5 7 York-Smmcoe 3 6 ContraiOntarlo 5 Fmutval et LIdws Tmuumaue - Nov. 27 6 Pecopo O Whllby Shutout - M&éMMMO DevldChant S&ad Bryl.. 2 PuatEde 4 sieuffb 1' 8 Bouni~ai 4 en~Qm .1 4 Nor. 28 Vhieil Nov. la »o St. Pi«»r EU Lee NSm.218 Vhitil Mark Vîdeellp EUitBuntor GMt- BoULe o Baton 8 Pad tIry 8 2 P«tuqr. 4 0.1mw. whty minor atom As were *:1 y-Mlto inthe final cf -ahockey tournament i East Gwillimbury Dec, 5 and 6.-' Lt )o4éo&iby>R P. Ofi Ltd? ràêhlg hefinal wth roo straihtwns Whitby began with- a 5-3 win over West Hili. The toams wereo tied 2-2 -before Whitby- scored tregas ithe-third perod. Ryan Meanely ,and Bryan Rourke each'scored 'two goals, >Bennie cheepors getting tho other. Outstandlng defonco byLucas Harden' and,'ýMark Cipparono hold West M-11, te- 12 shots on net.,, Whitby_ thon facéçd a teugh AA tea i from Milton. -Paul -Tait! scored fromn the selot in tho second perod té open/ the soe0ngbut Mlttokadvantage ofWhiby penalties ýte score a piower play goal ithe third. When-it appeared that- thel gaine would end in a tie, David- Morasse .worked tho puck freo behind tho Milton net and Reeceý Robertson convertod to givo: Whitby tho win. Michael Thornten had bis best! Lam e in -net, with helpfrei RynHarris and Ryan oendes, Whty thon overpowered East > Gwillimbury 5-1 in the semi- final as the hostteain had only, six siots on net. le Robertson Scheepers, le Morasse, Kye ttan and Dana le Bloom scored. o In, the final, Milton scored two )r goals in the firat period. and it proved te ho enough. Robertson scored the Whitby Il goal in the second perod. A barrage of Whtby ealties i the second and tur erods slowed the Whitby atta&kbut two breakaways opportunities alo wero niissed. Thornton was 'nained most valuableplayer for Whitby. Chris Trinkunas juat off the sick Bast played welldefonsively., Whitby will play in tho 3bewi-' nianville Christînas tournainent. Los S n .final Theo WMhy minor bantaiA,. hockey teain reached the finals in the- A charnpionship i an 'a r or bantain tournaniont over te weekend hi- Port Hope. The first 'gaine for Whitby, sponsored by Shoppers Drug Mart, Whitby- Mail,ý was against a teani from Aurora tho flrst period ended in a scorelese draw. Halfway into the second period, Whitby's Jeremy McElhanney scored, assista te Simon Giguero and Mark Reid. With 2:36 left in the second poriod Aurora tiod the gaine.' With bass than one minute left in the second period Whitby's Jason Robinson scored4ý, assistod _ by Shane Terry., Whitby goaltonder Matt Visconti mado many outstanding saves. In the second gaine againat Oshawa Red Wings, the firat period was ,close-checldng. Nitherteamninanagd tegot on tho scoroboard as a rosuilt of Wednesday T .dart league 5Imdh ]B - MOT D~iVM WL FPM 1icbIcsUg1 ~ sa 2 2sa6 Dm171NotomSevies58, 34 5M fEIla Poegdulnashng 41 49 41 Wht~T"oIpbouse 411, 49 41 Servces 39 loi,8a tbWM dmn 34563 Topoam 10WhtWednO De Pin da 29 TOM Pinâr 19 '1~dd.Ae'185 HI1D.*o 16 arum S.ngwln17 1Mawoet the uSé LAB&TI'U CABISORM DIVISION atmdfl m- nt Dm 2 -w IL Fis Dedrtta OfcSer«vices 30 -18 3 DoMd& SouterBmoom 26 >22 26 EWs EBtwnaî - s 24-24 24 h in toe Ixus 16 82 16 eysEnt«rele6 InU Lne StoreFi&. O Dedmita O015ce38Dodd & Soutor a Scett imor 116S WajneTh=m 6 Dmv.ed 60 DonMailet 42 Hqow ce the uSé Whtby NOVICE C2 iIIcIe Les Scabcrog 3 Ohiay 1. 46Whltby2 3 Jade lBUt WhMosan YsreekadHUc0 PETIIERgh Wamtp1 4 mtb iuCer. Elo 1o~ ae Ch JUNMred KUB~u char~isslnagahiSthetho st Whi Pty wop-à inâjoteam. t7ho ty ain overpowered by thetum4 oàw g-8-1. *btbya bIme goal was scorad by Roid111 aslstodby BrntJobriston Whitby IMOIS BAISTAX A qmmudqUmpmaDowmm i Aurore 1 Whieil UN.2krry Der- 6 J. MeElnnq J. isMinn8 noa- irnuavin N.J.ov. Ban4yDEWdun MN. N2 Ebaynd matnsm NoS v.

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