Whitby Free Press, 9 Dec 1992, p. 23

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JVepep Wr , 19P"pheu MIDGEX T AHOKEY Los oAura inAa ourneyfinal .mWhit etAockey «o««amnthid thé. weeken of Nov. 17. T1%.fret gainepitted Whltby agan t u nknwn teem fràm. Aurore.> Auror ede.d ifret plthe 7:27 mark of the. fret Two mluue lterWhtied tdm.a m. wlth a guoscored by Jeff -sitaigue and, aselted lby Gecf BoagardL. ILesà thaà\ a minuùte latier, Wbihobyeut aiieàd, again sc ie bmonag assist gomgtoDale Edwards, and Bosgard.J i. sore remalrged ý2-1 for. Wlhitby unti eerly ,lunthe . third periodwiien *Aurore tied1.the. gae.. Wltii autetndn s!Cri asti gam eneam.a2-2 le .Jr. Aý lacrosse chages FROMPAGE20 ae«a-an««oeiand presideut. Otier le wiinners'inclùde Jimlhp who r.ceîlved thei. 1991 award,»former Warrior, coach and ri.rl maagerJin Brady and in-,eaue newe, the OLA junior A council enrouuced. the ii Scarboeough Sainte iscrosseclub han. been accepted as a member, bringing thei.'total number of teamelnthieleague tol 2. lhe Saint%. who, vll beginplay Whitby indooe soccer HEOUSE LEAGUE Adif mu mu lT'Io RuobIlOpU1 1 bAMDDh De VIS. Ptde.. RéMeAduina Matt Bret 2 Wak <Név. 2 Eracifin Optim1 lm EuEn" 3 Ja.mRaaso2 Rapp Ure.. nl. 3 lys.n mWn Daurq matin iEKacovica GmaInmwucwiS àikEnaapdfl AdalanJan..2 ubadInm WMitbKIm.m 2 atàaaoi NkthafdMUnu obWMblaPu Nma i David PlUie mat P&Clga e Wbltby OpUim.I Brnnm Cod-a Ni"olaDus.. PubtIna la 0 Wbltby Emm..0 ln 1993, were' iast ymerewinner cf tii. Foundere Cupemblematic of Junior B. lacrasse eupremacy in Canada. Wlitii.heentry "of Scanorugli it le anticipated tht thi. Warriore will play e 22-mme echedule n l lt. Marcii.'Details on btheti. chedule .and training camp are upcoming. Anyone wvith "qualifations and an. interest iu caaching et the. junior A level con contact Colley et 728-0056. D.vm.p~d~ Ayi.lq Sutth &o~ A~m Rabbi. Adima W«k etDec. 5 Hauan = &mdunt I marcu pqm 3 Matt Padp 2 Jannifer oU 2 JaaBullochS U.m.mN~goe Ré- El-- De~d Dmmoe 4 P.irusPI A~.AMh~n5 MM.iléiBt KaugXda~ amue lm J Eéumq.t Da.man wwwbbynpmn mbai Ca.. Jaa.fvaln2 BmO&UNba2 led"Bai .» Wbtaivdz KmannDm1a8 Dasn4.amhr2 CMUrtaâeu chriffl. car"mPum scoti R-w.2 DMn Harm Dé-.6 Purykt GlmmnGalaq 4m 8 nos" hCable Baie"Lun4y ànav¶"WnHaa Adm WMau RdihAhua R- o PtM7 oe~naa~ DNi*Supeosmi2 JouaqJmem watt P"Mpn *ie I*een &iPM 4 Dmwa saet SBoma38 J.,.Dé...2 4 RylCdn.. qlC I MbaiThum mas O.Cao On.An LalotAIanniclard 78M 4 tEmba 6 Hardi... éMountS Ev.. Wim 2S <m...Wkt. 2, JerumyMouMu2 Curtis C.urnqm mulva wat t clgm Matflt qu DmE- --- - - - - - - - - -- - -- - - i Dyou think police should have to filéeareportI when they draw their guns iii public? Just one ofthe quoIo~i ourNovember 25tb roedersurvey I Tell us what you think of this and otber isses ndwhaf you like, and dike about the FiSe Pres Please return vour survevsmont Il I..... - - - - - - -- -.~ - - - - - - - J Cae. two wae piayed againet aagsteem .frmRichmond ,Hill., à gme',ýe ganisCame ln tii îuIperod. W hý w g .f â - t g a n i w a s s c o r ed byDeMiY B&Wewitii an asu" fr Bo1r*hile ýtih econmd ,and M, wth>-wàscored by Vaielpon -a n. and ' Chris A rges, Iýrando 'Wall>and Vanderiip aonthe.otiier.» Th9i. it two periodle went ecoees nd *thus time -if- wasf goalteudêr -Jef CIay.ton'e t Urrnto offer u# a etelior perform 1ance along ith excllent work by the Gem. three had Whitbhr Up againat yet another unknown ,team from -NiaraothLk. -WhitbY .coed in the fret'perod With a .goal. from"'Kyle Lag, aubitod by Rab'St. Pierre. -h tii. scod periad of play, Wy-tby cored two edditional Attersley "-Tire bonspiel resuits A Lindsayrink won tii. Atters- ley Tire Service Ltd. ladies bons- telDpee- 2 at the Whitby Curling Members Of the rink wereBp KathyBrum.livicePet BL-U for2 seodCheryEvans .and ldSandraFrakb» Runner-up was te Oshawa rink of é1dp Peg Cleminson, vice LasMcLugiuin second Sheila Dadson and lead âane Rowe. Second prize went to the. Osh- awa rink under skip Auna Marie Greentre.. Runner-up- was the. Port Perry rink under , skip say9 rnZidrskip Gora Broad. Runner-up .was ti#e Whitby rink of 9k1p Sandra Wood, vice Helen Co)lhni, second Mary Muinii.ad and'lead Ami Chapelle. Witiithie o=-ae higiis w.re tii. Wtbrnkof(9 am.)hsldp Janet Zàmmerman, vice Helein Baye, second- Bette Robertson ana iead Ev McPiiadden, and (11, au.> è1kip Marilyn Wood, vice Kath Robins secnd arole elien and lead Jackie Gorechi. Canpowerskete registretion will. b. held on Saturda, Dec. 12, 9 ta il e.m., et Iroquais Park. Cost is $85 for 12 weeks, and classes bein-Jan. 4.hInstruction is provWde through the Whitby FigueSkating CIub Foremor e normation cail 436- 6892. garnis, the firet b~y M eoan asslsted b Paul Kahier and St. Pierr, and thesecoidgaalof the period was scoredbyBnad assiteo by Brad Lee ah'ndLag Whitbh u 'iit down -Niom until the1:7mr of thethr =d when they scored to rab' sfha tout , . . ,. In, the. champiaoehp gaine WhtyPrîngle Creek IGA" bunules Il ringetteteam posted back-to-back victories to open tiie reguler season. Whitby defeated Ajox 6-0Oand Oshawa .9-6. &aTii Pratt had tii. shutout and Kely Matthewfj"wasstrong in net iluth. Oshawa game. Karen McWilliams had eight poaisand three assis thei two gaines Keley Miller had ,two ols, Sarah Roseall agoal, Kàrl Simpson a go ai and two assiste, Joanne TelH%4e ai' and two assistea md TraIc.trea pgaL Leure Grey-Ellie, Mykele Abel, Iàndsey Giordano, Elaine St. Onge and Cary.Norwood eacii .ied an aselet. Coachii l Steven Abel and manager laJoanne Ellis.. A EV ONEI I A A 44 s s E .hltbyý onép, again faced Aurora. ýWhtby_ sco*d four g"ri but it was not enouhto win &orSing Whtby'eganie.were Lee assled ,byVanderilp9ilvi4 assted by Wail and Bongard, Bongard, austdb Silva; Monitalgu., asited ciby Kaher. Other meiùber of the f -m are i~ Rlch Welner,, Brett Huetheran Carias Raebuck.. The eamle aacedy Ray oakr with Tom Osieras assistant, Lamre Kahier as traîner and'Roble-Lynnm -WÎJU as manager. HRYDAYSAVI NGS -REE INIDE EACH TAKE HOME BOX CHOOSE FROM: 6 Buster$ ars - VAmMaN. c= cS~mm 12 DIUy Barfs VN - DMC N 12 SaCndlwiches VNAMM-YOTV >WHITBY DAURY QUEEN S1003 Dundas St. E. 668-5342' 10. w e'ek* wiinte r skating program 'offered eÀt Art Thompson Arena, Pickering. Excellent pi'ograrn for chlloewn to Iearn both baslc and advûnced skating akilis ln a fun ànd sâfe 8TARTS WEEK 0F < JANUARY 4TH. IFOR FURTHEÉR INFORAATI'ON PLEASE CALL LAURIE JOiEB AT ---------- - 7 0 CORPORATION 0FPTHE -TOWN-OF WHITBY CIVIC RECREATION CEINTRE Mme fa tmquird mai nacl.OMO RecratanntiePol wlib. dosed froum December 7, ipt oebr 819.i eiduIedý 10 re-open on December 29, 1992. < DUr thBcourOe hours at Ohe Annae Ottenbrite Pool have been ,W Cnd .Fo"mre information, pleasà cai aur: staff ai tie, Iroquois Park Complex - 666-7765. HEATH'LUB CLOSURE The Hoalth Club .wili b. clased for maintenanceonFrday, eceber 1,19,and SaMday, Dember 12,. 1992. TheHealth Club wiII re-open on Sunday, December 13, lei2 Bt 8.00 a-'. The . Parka, and! Recreation Department , p 1 frany Inconvonlence Oes. cloures may cause. For moie infmation please contact Oie Civia Recreatlon Camfplex ai 666-1991, or Iroquois Park CaMplex at 668-7765. Tý3 FWIMPlm AU"AbuRbyn londkwPtd«,ý' Ira" ildambun

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