Whitby Free Press, 9 Dec 1992, p. 24

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pp 24-,Vhy F Prse , Wednesday, Dceniber 0, 1992 T I%. Henlry1 Street High School musical department wilhold the annual &Christinas concert tOnMgt(Wdeday), .-at,, 7:30 P.m. There will be perfomances by ti Senior'Concert Band, fnter- mediate Band, Concert' Choir and Flute Quintet, with a mass finale to the program. 1Munie directors are Barrie Hodgins and George OToole. >Tickets are $4 for adulte., $2 for students and seniors., Caýthy Millard NZU4 TRAFALGAR CASTLE, 'With the . Trafalgar. Castie formd ai mcelssucess- stil resouding ,'though the shool wall,>ai£a<usnaE»preping for the. busy exam wesae OuiannalChristmas dinner will b. h.ld oui Pjda, -Dec. il when mi * fainlyanlfriends of students anare,, -invited, and, it should pr oe ~beitfitting end to 1'here wilI b. a theatrical psentation performed by the driaclasses and a prefect.. inspired spectacle that is sure to ixdect ome humour into the. evenlng. Clarolswil ýb. sum. ,a great meal wl'i.e rved, ali lb. a croos-cultural event, leaving al witka more united feelin g. " This holiday seaaon, our'ochool isa M urIN g two needy aiea families by holdi *a fundraising m imbazaar. ~eStudent Fellowship. will provide 'the. families with food, toys and other i gifts purchaèe with the money made. I thik itfs impotant that we cherish not only. our own happinesa at this timaib somthngpoiiefor Christmas isn't about materialistic desires b giving to others. Iwýold like to t clumn space ta add my foremoot wish for til celebration. -My friend, cornes froni Venezuel recently there was *ani coup. Myi hope is that a abl. to go home to son, peace and have a safe à reunion with her reInt her friends. I would 1k. ta wish ei Merry Christmas, a JOY Year and an eventful hg al the studentsi resp~ective countries,1 Germany, ,Korea, Tai Kong, Japon, Spai and1 Trafalgar Castie esal. reading A inmtcii something tù. do,, wi hockey, 1heaU, so get i JenniferAyling FATHER ILEO J. AUE but'also do rthe. ,les ws that ;Our own but about ýake their -y first and is time of Daniela, ý-- Uwharà * PIONEERS' from the Pio kerina Village public school studonts about a "Pionseer/" Museum on. Friday talked to e1 Christmas.' PubyUo yLtw 8101<,HuOySMet«H.S. co.p stden Spanish programs',offered"- atteTIpi. Spanish Canadia atembéCutual..Society of Oshawa rw form of invites area residents to, enrol and happy -childien hi a- free . Spamsh tives and heiritage Czrg~e prograi from veryonea C smswiil b. sponsored by yous New tiie Dur!ham, Board of Education oliday for and the Durham aeparate school i tlieir board. Pupils do not have to, iSh as represent the. ethnic background ran, Hong oft.U languqge to, enrol. Meico. Any chld now aittending ýan Fare you elementary school (J unior withýth kidergarten . ta. grade 8) can e works i".-attend classes. [ti fior 'il' pais programfor the s'p! publiceor will be froin 5:30,tô 8 p.m. at -Centrai Collegiate on Tusdys and at Henry Street Smilarly, the prgra seoffered Sby the. separat. board will b. from 9..30 a.m'. ta noon, Satu:rdays, at St. ýChristopher's, 431 Annapoplis Ave.,Oshàwa. 1.JA AUl oentinuig education interest prçgrains (adulte) reuire a fé. Tii. public board contnuing ~TMeducation progrms àwill b fe M N' conversational Spanish a General Vanier S.S., Mondays 7:1S ta 9:15-p.m. (beginners) and Henry 'Stréet EHigh -School, Wednesdays 8 ta 10 p.mi. (intermediate) (information,,, 679-1990);. Oshawa Senior -Citizen' Centre, Wednesdays,' 9:80 ta 11:30 am. (internm.diatie); %rdays. 6:30 té 8,30 pm (beginners) (information 576-6712). For shiftworkers, there is a' new , prqgram at Central, Collegate, 1-240- Simcoe ,St., Oshawa,Saturda, 10 a.m. tao noon O(binnr ,1- . ii. e parate hud ilais offer conversatonal Spanish for a fe.. The programes offered- -are; at: Mlwonsigor J.' Pereyrna, 316 CaatSt., Osbawa, Tue s . 8:15 to 10:15 P.m. (advanced 'Thursdays, 6 .tél 8 p.m. (beginners), lbursda ys 8 'ta 1 0 P.m. (interinediate) <(information, 576-6150, ext. 214 té eise) Tii. courseé'for 'al ages 'will- include vocalzing, reading, writing and grammar. Emphass will be on the. oral aspect of the' Theb." con ugeducation prorais or duts will have an- introduction té tave * ngý vocabulaiy*andSpanis dancing aàd tliypcl msc To inqufire about, cldre-n's S~IIDM1- - me Hiernandex -(St. Chratophoes 416-728-1487, weekdays, 6 ta 8,! p.m.),< Mis.M., Arnold e(ailaboyé 416-579-2384, ýw.ek- ený 7,to.10,p.m.), or *>Mrs. Parea (hit,~yarea, 666,0718, weeklays 7 to 9 pm.).- Lucie, Rdoc"hette CHAR LES GARNIER - The, Christmas season is upon us and with, it, mnucii aetivity. 1Tii. *midget girls' baseketbal tear, ' coached by Mrs. Lafontaine, won DYSSA silver medals LOSSA. silver medals, and the. Bowmanville invitational tournament; they were finalists i both the. PNul Dwyer and Andersontournaments. ' Tii. girls concluded by wnning 23 of the. 32' gaines plae throughout the. season. Ta members include 1Cortney Mitcll, auraDooley, Nicki Prout,- Lisa Chapman,* Suzie Waldron, Laura Caf% k~ atah Stekel, Con Liuzzi, Scab,,rina Loinhardi, .MIarina,,Byers, Sue Wisdom, Jennifer flemry, Marcia: p Héaher iteh, Andrea p lHpatira Keere and Cnthia MacKay Congratulations on ail your leard. work and excellent sotmnlP. Anstinls OAC students were buny tiying té meet- submision deadlines for university applications. %in sre that ail the students wiil b. patiently (right!) awaiting word froi the. universities- of their choice. Unfortunately, they are in for a If-Mr at- it will probably be ;e-inta the new yeur before tthe inverdtioge ilR1.God luck té ail! Durig tii.past ,few. weeks, graxie 8 students froin Catholic elementary *chools* in WMhy have been roaming our hallways. Tiiey have been. visiting some classes in hopes that they can get some idea ofwhtih col 1f. is actuaily 1ke.. Hpeffiflye haven'tscared thein too muc. Wbat would we e ver' do without those grade 9s?> (Hmm.. kind of makes you think dosn't it!) Dont iwprry, niners, Fin just kidding -- you are definitely a vital part of our ochool. Finaily, the. n.ws youýve al been waitng for! mie Christzr.as sezmi-formadance will b. iild on Dec. 10 frinm 7 té 10:30 P.m. Prom what tuisrprtrbas heard, the. donc.,p with 1your co-operation, 'is-goi ng té b. a huge succeml Just a liitti reminder té ail students planning ta attendtii. dance: tickets must b. purcbased in advance and, of, course, no jeans. Thère are only seven school days left until Christinas holidayé (txy not ta cry) and only 15 days until Christmnas. 80 -.-.get busy77, withthat Christmnas ;siiopin& and remember, until w. meet again, )»sP gùe --n ---- RIENE REES was one of five Durhamý elementary-and. secondary Catholic chooIssudn 1 atcipaing in cross-cultural] panel- last week in Whitey. Students and teachers discussed how best to support students'ftrm other countries ,udeelop .an adddlôma. language and culture. 1ftP by kurWIymps Bonjour! I hope every&body i looingforardté hrstmas break. I know I amn.1 Now, folks, I need your hée. You *see, ou grads are i desperate need of money (I know, don't ciy for me, Argentina).',me grad corninttee isplann se activities, anýd, well atvities are expensve. So (heave a big sigii), the. grads are selling délicious' choclate-covered almonda and almond chocolat. bars.. Just $2 .ach, folks! MKakes a great stockcing stuffer (I feel like'an aiuctioneer).,Tae. pity on Us. If a sniilng Saint- Charles-Garnier gradcomes Up té you beazing choclat., dont turn your back. Hlelp outl It's a griat feeling of accomplishment. For«get about. your -New- ,Year's resoutons O , xwont-hurt you,(néithr wffl 1two or thre). On Thursday, Dec. 8, members of tii. student council and the. FESPO -committee. organized a couple of activities ta boost school spzrt, Studentscould b. heard yeUig i Ihcaetorium. It was fun, and'best of ai, we gotout of Christmas break is coming up fast (have - you finished'yu shpig)I think ail set deere u vacaion ýafter a long. Çhrisâtmas concert features ,Henry bands

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