Whitby Free Press, 9 Dec 1992, p. 27

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ICOMPUTERS. ICOMPUTER 1ELECTRONICS * TECHNOLOGY Ë USINESSAPPUCIATIONS:- *BEDFORD ACCOUNTINO, LOTUS -2-3, D BASE, DOS% WORD PROCESSINO [I 1BUSINEsfiS DPLOMA HOSPITALIY<<QNTH TRAVELand -TOURISM HOTEL and RESTAURANT OPER'A'TIONS SECRETARIAL ADMINISTRATION ILEGAL, MEDICAL, DENTAL, BANKINO SERVICES IBOOKICEEPINO, EXECUTIVE, ACCOUNTINO I> RECEPTIONIST9 IWORDPROCESSINGI Financlal Assistance May De A vallable ASKABUT URNIHT-OUSE s 2 Campuses là Durham OSHAWA OSHAWA CENTRE (Shops up Top) 723-1163 PICKERING 1450 KINGSTON RD. .(Hwy. 2 at Valley FarmRd. 420-1344 ~WAÎiiiuiiî fluflftvmIurnI UWWUWEWWU~M1 ~ ~WANTUb i 0 0 OSHAWA LQ, SCHOOL Ohawa - 728-0091 Fui/Drivers Eclucation Courses REGISTER NOW FOR, CHRISTMAS December 28th - 31 st 4 day course, *PR VA TE LESSONS. FIEGIÉTERED&aAPPFIOVEd ByrHE ONTARIO SAFEIY LEAGUE TUTORING: READING, MATHI, ail subjects to OAC level. Three experienced teachers. Corner Stone Counselllng & Tutorlng. Ed atla serviceés for ail ages. Au plaisir de vous servir en, francals. 432-9223 after 6 pin. EDUCATIONAL consultant/tutor.' B.A, M. Ed., Specialilt Selal Eduction. Eiementary, Send- ary, Aduits. Eperlenceci. References. Cai 668-0851 after 5 p.n, ur weekends. 10oelhlm cli N N. I430-1630 I H4ead S$aMlEducation Drcp-In ChId Care - 730 amn to 6M0 pm I 1 8montapff9<lam l p eopo for$W 0off w ngfto BAKER, MU.K.. &CANADIAN experlence, iooking for empioy- ment ln Oshawa/Whitby area. Cati Bill, 668-8622. Do PWDLEROF SLES ofe The hyFee Press I 668-6111 PHYSIOTHERAPISTS, fuit- and part-time, positions ln Whitby and Ajax in non-OHI1P cllnics. Com- packge ithpartnership POena. Please incquire, (416) 86687. AEROBICS COORDINATOR! instructor. Top wages. Phone 430-0943. ALERTI STAY HOME - make mone ,y. You assemble products and earn Up to $627. per week. Amazing, recorded mese reveals details. Cali (705) 739-718 ext. 24. EARN MONEY reading booksi $30,000/year Income potential. Details: 1-805-962-8000, ext. CY-335.» $200 - $500 WEEKLYI' Assemble products at home. Easy no seliing. You're paid direct. Fuiiy guaranteed. No 1experience necessary. Cati 1-504-641-me7, ext. 142, 214hours. ... ...... WILL DO ODD JOBS large& smaii, inside &, out. i4ave own truck. Quality' work; reasonable rates. Cali 668-2742. DESIGWVCONSTRUCTION. Ex- perinced Civil Engineer can heip with1 ail your problems. Albert 668-4790. CUSTOM. DESIGN and: dress- making. Wedding, and. evening gowns, bridesmalds & grade, suits, etc.. Renovation andalteration. Garments also made from a picture. 723-3259. GRANDMA'S COMPANY offers GREEN cleaning of residences and offices. Al our ladies are security checked1 through 'the police.1 Bonded and insured. Chamber memnber.. Knock our socks- off serviceil 725-9177, (24 hour answering). CHIMNEY ýSWEEPING - fire- r laces, w ostes, inserts & ail umaces. $30. Repairs also available. Frank, 655-5256. CM VIDEO ELECTRONICS: Spcializin in VC R, sere, radio &" TV rePrfssional> techni-. cians.Svc ati only $30. 668-0629. KLEEN',,KUT UPHOLSTERY. R-upholstery of antiusd I kinds of, recovering. Your fabrlc, or mine. Free estimates. Over' 40 years experience. 430-7568, Whitby. CARPENTRY &ROOFING repairs. Free estimat'es. 427-6212. MAN WITH VAN does eavstrugh cleanirg and ail deliverles. Very reasonable.ý Greg, 723-1223. * Dywalllng (tape & fLnhVg *Rec Rooms - Basemnents -Texture sDrlna ePainting (extelornt6rlot),e Tulm Fmeeestimates 576-7503" CINDYS ALTERATrIONS& Custom',Tailorinpg. Forail 1 your sewlng needs. Leather weddlngs, custom design&. TuesdayFrla, 10-530; Saturda 1- 3. N . pointMent. necessr.101 1V2 MIary St. W. (Pearon, Lanes). 430-6550. PAINTING, WALLPAPERING-& renovaitians. «Reference and. free estimates. Cali Jim atl 666-1030. NAILS BY KATrHY. No' dri. No build-up. No polish necessary. Christmas special: $30 - or bring a fniend, g et yours for hall. Ca1 430-7127. Brock/Rossland. CERAMIC TIUNG - fre estimates. Over 25 years' experience. Quality workmanshlp. Recession rates. Cati Paul" at 299-0946. FREE CAR & SCRAP removal. Cati 655-5751. TWO MEN WITH 14FT. CUBE" van wiII do- household moves." Short or long distance. 430-7450. LA. (BERT). GOODFELLOW- CGA. Accounting *services and tax preparation. 666-9979. FABULOUS FIUIPINO NANNY to share fulitime or paurt-time, in Myhomne..'Brock/Paimerston,.area. EXPERIENCED DAY CARE avallable in my home. References, safety, fresh air. Ages 2+. Lofthouse/Anderson. 668-7025, Joanne. BABYSITTER REQUIRED ln my home for 6 month-old, and 21l month-old girls. 728-2433. QUALIFIED TEACHER and mother wishes ta provide iaving care for y aur child ln her home. RosslandlAnderson area. 668-2378. WEST LYNDE, expenienced day care in my home. udy, 430-8670. LOVING CONSCIENTIOUS mother ;I twa available ta care for yoaur child.' Nutritiaus lunches. Reasonabie rates. Lots af TLC. Rassiand/Thickson. 723-6765. Wee Care Day Care Centre Ages 2 to 5 lpull timfe rate $9 Day care Full days, Nury achool, Half days, Junior kindergarten '686.1161 (Aj*ax) EXPERIENCED, DAY CARE provider & mother of' 4 schol-aged childrenWoul love to care; for yor nfaint'or toddler ln' miy homne.43-9520 MOTHER 0F 2, bffersÏ loving, quaitfre adsf niomn for your chlld, .Lots cf> outdoor actlity, inlngtfun'Excellent < Specializing In Early Childhood Educatian. For Peace af ind. Perry House DayCare Centre Ltd.. Perry St., Wltby.668-9476 PRE-PAID.WORD-ADS (Cash,. VISA, cheque received before deadi ine)' $6.00 'for 2ýwo'rds; -($5.61 + 390 GST) 15,0 each -additional' word;,? (140 + 10 GST)' BILLED WORD.ADS.- $8.25 for 20'»words; PLUS GST 150 each additional word; PLUS GST. -AUCTIONS-ý 930 per agate. une (14 agate linos per Inch) minimum charge:, $1 3.86; PLUS'GS DISPLAY ADS IN CLASSIFIEDS (Ads with borders, pictures or graphics)" Regular dispiay rates appiy - 990 per agate Ilne Minimum size 1 coiumn inch $13.86 CONTINUOUS RUN DISPLAY ADS AS LOW AS $1 0.89 PER COLUMN INCH. GST is extra on ail ads uniess otherwise indicated DEADLINE Monday nmon prior'to. Wednesday' publication-. 668-0594 Please chebk your advertisement for erroms-o<) the fist* day, ai publication., The Whitby- Free press will not be lhable for failure ta publish an, ad, or for typographie errors in publication beyond the cost of the spaoe oocupied by the ero up toaa maximum incost oai-the insertion. The, Whitby Free -Pressa reserves -~ the right ta classify or reject ail advertisements. 1291 ................... . ... . . . . ....... - - -------- - . .......... ..... ..... ......... ..... ....... . . . r. OUI Mm mw OMS ý:3

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