Whitby Free Press, 9 Dec 1992, p. 2

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Paae 2. Whltby Freè Pmss, Wednesday, Decombor 9, 1992 Cornmittee wants 'McDonalds'et v m SII - A* .1*1 -:.e1 1 e PROPAC CONTAINER SERVI1 E ELECTRONICS HANDUING SPECIAISTS I Vdackie Bus: Oshawa (416) 728-1603, CUSTOM BUILT BUNGALOwiI Super lotiln deslred area of Whitby, HoWwo od stylidhen,awinroom, beaiful freptace ln Iivlroom and more. GALL ROSEMARY BROWN AT 433-2121 ROSEMARY BROWN Hall of Fame Centurion 1987, 1988, 1989, 19 90, 1991,199BOU 8.5%MRTAGS START THE PROCESS NO Wl <Real Estale acfviy is siigood. n a There is sf lime b Io islyourhouse ELO befJanuthey hristmas period. ELJO 0,1nay1993 is expecled lo be busy. *Gel ahead aif the crowd CALL ME TODA1Y -Lots of FREE AIR MIL ES AVAùILBLE 433-2121 o ASK FOR ROSEMARYe,,1- ýlýýý-To ac -i jusTVLOVE GIVINO AWAY FREE AIR MILES.0 114a22 av, MikeKowalsd Town coundllor want Whitb te ho homo te the "boitý McDonald's Restaurant evor built. Councilé planning and devo- lopmont committeo, recomm en- ded Monday that a -site plan alpipication, for a second McDonald's Restaurant in Whitby be approved.' Btas g tconditionof approval, the'.ocommitte. s pecifiodthat tIith building' appoarance must ho té its satisfaction. Committe. memberd weroi complote agreoment that thoepro-, poed dosign of the. Brock St. S. restaurant lanpot acceptable. ' A numhored company (639373 Ontario Ltd.) now ownso tho vacant parcel of land- on the. northeast corner of Brock and Consumer Dr., north, of Hwy. 401. The company itenda te soel the. 4602 square metre property te MÏâcDonald's sw that it. can build another fmrt-food outlet te comlimt the one it has on But hoforo the frit 'Big Mac attack' occuri, MeDonaldi m~uet address councillors' concerna about tho building's architecture. "This la the. gateway te, the community," aaid council lor Den- nia Fox. «If this la tho boit' effort McDonald's can do, it's a pretty pooerehp said. Acorfng te sketches aubmit- Vtet.ori an-style design wanted ted with the application, th restaurant will b imlrmi appearanco te other McDonald's outiots 1hI the -area, Fox 1told McDonald's spokes- porion JohnItKùmierowskii that when Itravelling hi the ',United States ho noticed the compa's restaurants often' conformied te the architecture of the. surround- 1'vesýeen good designe, down there. I want to se. somothing 1k. that hore »said Fox. But couilljIor Marcel Brunelle cautioned that under the. rov- cial PlanvnjKAct, council islm- ted in ýwhat it can demand. < I think a McDonaid's on the. gateway te, our community ina a mrat thin' but I also think MDonald'sca do something about the building," said Brunolle. Kazmiorowsldi mdicated that whilo there la «room for discus- sion," ho could not g*v an assuacs "Brock and the 401 is the entrance te our community,, it's fimportant te us,» said councillor Rosi Batten.- «What we -would 11k. on that corner iss'the best McDonald's building you ever built. Io that Br design posslble?7'he asked. "I cen't comment on that now,» re IiedKazmierowld. ' Wen Batten umested that the matter ho referred, back te etai planning directer 'Bob Short saidtho application could boa-tpred in principlo" pend- tn h taff r "Wileoe fot tlig m mor modi- ficatioeis"samid'Batten. «Wre talking mgjor alto- rations," added Fox. at=to Id Kazmiorwiki the committesfavoreda Victerian- style dosign similar te the .Town's touriat information centre. ; - < - 1 11ý "Mgayb. it wil cost *a few more bucks utI ,think your boit itoroits and ours Belhosr- yod," nid Batten. Ini addition to'e isconcerna about'thedesign, Fox cr iticizo BamhVýýEans awyer for, the Fox was upset tat Evans filod an appoal to the. OntarioMunici- palBRoardearlier, this -year te protest the length of timocouncilý was taking to,ýe s'tho appli- cation. (A 'Planigsaffreportnoe that muchoft. time was spent wrangling ovor vohicular acse te tho site. The. disute involving tho Town, develope and Ontarlo Ministry of Transportation hias. still not been rslIvod.), Evans. teld Fox that, Pincé it takes several months for - an, 0IMB hearing te ho scheduled, bis client opted *to fiîle an appeal now, rather tha>n wait'for coun- cils docsinmd thon object if it "il ca praethat but ihce youdi htte likolI have a ý 1gun te my head," aaid Tm nveot-againast you- 9wanting tedvlp. m tIns tewn, butfoir God's ake give us a chance te, do it fiat." Along with the bull dsiaFn stplton, the ýcon Lea8s ,wants ýthe. accsu dispute resol- yod and .tIi.doveloper te prépare a satisfactory atorm water ,management report Existing ser sewers do not have, thé capa'c'ity o te ccomino-i ,date dovelopmiient runoff. Good NewsI ...WHITBY FEE PRESS, ART SHýOW' IW ' -. Saturday, Dec. 12 &Sund ay,Dec. 13, 3n9 pma ALBERT CASSON. WENTWORTH FOLKIINS LAUREL CAMPBELL CULfll pms 00Taunto'n Rd. W. Wib 668-6606 Admi.ssion Charge

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