Whitby Free Press, 9 Dec 1992, p. 30

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Pu #W0VhU> Fr0 Pree, Wednsdy, December 9, 1999 j Whltby Free Press 668-0594 Office Hours: Monday to Frlday, 9:00 arn to:5:00 Pm Fax 668-0594 *GILUSs COUN J..30,et home on Deomber 3, 1992:.after 'an .xt.nded Ilnees.- Beioved companlon of Rus'a,'son of Archie and Mary. Sadly mlssed by famly embrs Pet,- Jim andm Aam AnguS, Kathy and Jamie, aJ udy end, Jeif. Spclal thanks * eDr. Donna Koyene orher' exceptoelcrsedcompassion. A Memodial Service v.111ho held et the- Enoch Turner School House 106 Trinity St reet, . Toronto- on Wednesdeay, ember 9, 1992, frOm 7 p.m. ta*,9 p.. In lieu of flowers, donations cen h. made 10 Cesey House HAMDME, Garth Andrew. In Ioving memory cf. Garth, February 28 1956 - December 12,ý 1991. Memorlosare romssln ecember. Mom. AUCTION SALE, ANTIQUES & COLLECTIBLES SUNDAY DEC. 13 AT NOON (VIE*ING 10:30 A.M.) ORONO TOWN HALL <MAIN STREET, ORONO (Tâie 401to Hwyl5MW north 10km) Auction feturesa,,-e ëofféring of 2qualtysai'qfumisMin e-found &rlhe d condition, plus nunierous colletibes & household articles from the past & presert. Partiel liet includes Qubcprimitive dough box & commode washstand, wht-rot see,. hthboy & mae reers (ref.), ash I ce b6xv bô,pintJchnstL pMojadr misc.dmessq q,& chests Of daos seVerai 'woehstnds (ruf. & org.)$ blw*ket boxes, miso. tabes (parlour, ace. kitchen, etc), china cant, mahogan dedke numerous chairs & rockers, sp*mr*ig wheel, iwod storge & oelvejmertÎ boxes & trrdsphie medicine cheet,,. matie cocK, old gottol cclgK radio, prmtive chWs sIeghs, old mirrrs & tins, aid dols, tin tcys <(cd &nwr), crcks & j us% etc., plus a qualfy seleàhoniciglaës china wtM rroe uniue = d& Sa e Mtures a ou f articles from Quebec Stil wp&ced. Thi s bonly eaemdiportion of*,1he moe eceletes. offered ln this pre-Chnemas sale, Sorethrug 'for Eve= n IfNetch for cii 3rd ane y atique auction: Saturdo/, MacGREGORAUCTIONS MU<E MarGFEGR 41-8750 JUNIOR WEST 4e59835556 COMUNG EVENTS Cali. 668-6111il CORNEILS AUCTION BARN' FRIDAY DEC 11 AT 6 P.M. 3 MlLEà EASt 0F LITTLE BRITAIN ON COUNTY RD. 4 Anti qus dressers, chesterfield& metching chair, new oak deecons bench, welg;ht bench & welg hts, antique wFcker baby carrnage, teak(wood table &,chairs, teakwood coffee & end tables, maple dresser & chest of drewers, 4-pc. modern bedroom ste., bridge ste., 5-pc patio set (like new), Sas, chairsC, console coiour T.V,> 12 volt electil ride-on Jeeps & go-carte < new), A44 Ma 'um lever action pump rifle, .1 gauge pump shotgun, Winchester single berrel shotgun, Merlin lever action 22 rifle, qty. new toals & jewellery, qty. of boxed lots of electricel supplies, 12 fi. single axle- enciosed treller, Hunter woodlelectrlc fumnece combînetion, Silux valve grinder. plus e quantity of china, glass & collectlble items. DON & GREG CORNEIL AUCTIONEERS RR #1, LITTLE BRITAIN PHONE OR FAX 705-786-2183 NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS' Alicrsonshavîgdaims aainst th tat@ , Me Gordon Ct ee Milkman, late of the Town of Whitby, who died onor about the 28th day of June, 1991, are hereby notifled ta send paflicularn af same ta the undersigned onorbefare the 301hday.of. December, 1992, after whlch date the Estate mwilbe cdistributed, wihregard nry the diaims of which the unerigned shall then have notice, and the undcersigned wilI not be liable ta any persan of whose dlaim they shah flot then, have notice. Dated at Toranta.this 25h dy of Navember, 1992. Shirley DunSan, Achiinistratrix,* by hersolicitor John T. Clemei, 0.0C., 390BayStretsuite 2800, Toronto, Ormaria, M5H 2Y2. !JMARCH h id0F DIMES w 144~dt ToÀwn, -hospital officiais fear cutbacks FROMPAGE1 , tais wllgat only .5 per cent for their budgets,» explinod Barton. Thb.,rsmaining 1.56 ercet wllbe usd for spechiarjot and ta address inequites in the. helthc=é, .ystem, ie. mid. «S. far ail ws can count on is .5 pw «cnt cfd Our base budget (about $68,000)...it won%.t-meot SUD, hasital officials vill not rsact bustily nor tae. unneces- ousuestweedBarton.. uaid ti. impc n Wi will probubly net ho known until Febrparyaàt the, earli.st By thon officiels siiould know detufli of a new contract for 'Ontario hospital employees (sS Výrat ) andwietier for additional fiindiù& Hospituls hased iareas.of high population growth anc enontriing incr.used work- loads ua reeult, lhave received extra funde from tue provinceih Wbilhtby cbtand fumd- ingta el ithnepey equit hig~ ~ yar t iL it it tdid,-net tfrm ýthe. grwtii category. "W.Ve not, cleai if it vwil con- muid Burnon en Otario Ministry cf Heelth contrihuted approxi- mutely $11.6.,millon cf Whthy luu&budget provided for e 000 Oodeficit whiicii may, bu shmated depending on the eut- con cftus arbitrator's awrd, Burton seid. *CoStruction dcf thé. Dirham provided for every $8tmilliolft Board, of Education's new* Worth cf buiding administatiebiding and high Thereforethis, month, alone ecolloom.d mar e , ii own will ses almoot -500 construction Of Whitlhy building permit. report jobs cr.atd ian indusywbich for November. is facing 60 per cent and 70per PeriDts were issued foIrmore cent uni plormnt tha $2 nillonort ovarious Deeit. the hugeincrease . in constuto pot.Buthothe ti.vluofcontructionthe $26-milIioià..eCucain centretoalvalue of buildigoiri beig consitructed,-on -Taunton 199238îs under $mllin Rd. eastôf Hwy. 12accounted for wl blw the . $148miln moit of thatbuildng valuet « rd' orti. nae period in Permit. were aléé issued for 16 1991. sge family homes, valued at TwHfot reach the record $.6millon, and for induetry, um er mit ised in 1991 valued at *616,650. but wewil doexemlwela aorTom Edwards noted cMâtared with other commûuni- tha 20 construction -jobs are tisesamdEdwards. Housng on bist epproacii.d them abôut buji'ng it based on ths plan,» hos. sl Bob McCleery ;f1804 Brock St. applicationý ,counci -couldb faced withii sml reuete. "My problem is whatiféther préperty wners i*i Whitby canot se=adthey cone im and ask for e rezoning7» esked McCIMeery'. H. also wanted to know why council would change the resm- dentiel designation wlien tiiere is other commercial property nearby <Counilor Bosis Batten, com- Trouble wi4th, Jan FROM FAGE 10o independent cassette <Life'Tço Easy,' thei. group. built 'a respectable' cor. following in the downmtown 'area. Low, Big Faitii, Jack Dekeyzer and, the. ddletiamnp , TWJ bas cenffrmed itself as asolid liveact. The. Toronto media bas recognized tiat thei. band bas souccessfuly carved itself, a lively littie, niche" with tiieir- "soid original material." With the. roeais. of their self-titled, CD, Trouble Wi Jan now bav, a strong base te expend and furtiior develop their musie.., The.ClD reteils et $12, and the. cassette $7. Bath will ho widely avmmable at Guitarzun Guitare in Whitby. mnittee chair replied that council would have,,o "welgh the merite" of retaining. an. industriel ,deEdg- nation or otingi for, residential development Centr St. resident 'Blair Buchanan peferred, ta se. resm- dontial. rather than commercial use, «espc ly a ann lnt," btaslced why a "dense develop- ment" was proposed in area of single-family homes. Planninp consultant AMichael Manett said, medium density con- forme ta both tii. existing Dur- he 'm Région. officieal plan' and- the, proosed plan.. Manetts'aîd the. development alsoocomplys -with -Ontario gov.rnment ýrules Saling for more affordable housing. But hi response toa a uetion from councîllor-. Dennis Fax,1 Malik. said the townhouses, ;wi b. sold, on tii. open market and not subsidized. "i welcomie a residential urea. Tii. old factory ls-not toc plea- sant ..ta Iook, et," said .Robert Mann cf Willis ÂAve'.' How.ver, Mann wanted 'ta know about provisions for security fencing along tue- rail-, wstrc ented that a coroner'. jury. wi iivetigatedth. 1deaticf a Whitby teenager on tii. trache- last year made such a recommen- dation. ,«We've still got kids going ucros. tithracki ndroves.'The Town is obvously'not doing -any- thinubàutit,"he eaid Watpibeen,.well. not.d, fenc- ing will b.required," promised Batten. Trée of HopieDaqy PROM FA 0E et thi rce Food Mart store et. the Town Plaza, 601 Dundas St. W. As an additional fundraiser for the auxi1iw3y, tiiey are holdinig a Christmas raffle with -six prime to e uwon. 'i. draw will bu held on Déec. 17. Tickets areavIable from auiliary members Tii. Leurning Dïsahlties, Association'>cf Oshiawe not n4y, sere as an udvocacy agency for cliildren and adults witii 1eafig d[sabiitis, but aloo, provides, support for pae!nts and adulte by means cf special meetings,ý librari resource'. and liuising witii hourds of educetion.l >Ibis group will bu sefling bulbie in front . f Canadien Hoeïn Therayr on Brock St. N. Th.eOptimistClub cf Whithy wyul sel cooured bulbe in frSocf the. Wiitby fire hll on Brook-St. S. 1IbTis iorganizeation supp orts nmny youtii activities i the' community .througii both, finuncial support.,and manpwr "sstance.pwr Ticlbalan sponsors many,, eseey and oratorical conteste and =rvdes prize sciiolarshipse to loa tudents. Tii. money rWised during the, Tre. of Hope Dy wl bu d&uetd ta the. Whithyfr dopertent~sMuscular Dyest"piyecmpoe'gn- Tii. Wbitby ILioness Club was established in 1980 witi the. goal afconbinng fllowshiup and frediwbIfle, at thie- same t'Urne, erving the communlity. Mêebrscorne frM a vuriety cf profeesional backgrounds and cuver a vide uge span. 'Dirough..a variety cGf fund- ruising activities, Wiiitby Làines. au such iganmUosà"as the. Salvetion Army,. Rape.mCriEls CentreWbitbyý Community Carm, Whitby Psychiatrie EHospite St Care, CNIB, Klidney Foundatio, HearingEa Doge, Sleeping, Chfidr.n Aroundtii.Wrld âa athers >IMis «,year, 'througi the. Christmas Tre. f op, ii Lionesewl*M bu appealingFta -tii. public- for support for the.- ChildWn' Aid services They wil le lacedet -the.Liquor Store an Gilbert SL. ii. ýCy.tc Fibroois -Duhm Chepter vil be'locaed iifn ht cf Ye OlduFabion Chfistmas Store mn Pëiirsem I.unei Ti org-azetion nmut .eiýy ýrOwides sup ortaPersans, wi hcysi fiboss ndtheir fanilll bt: ais euesm dsor.reeerciiand .edue"tà.tbè gen"eraublie f tudso us by !maouffpublic NOTICE. 0F INTENTION mmi Couf0cl0o the Qorporetion of Un .Tmocf MWl n%"ndto a by-Iads te stp upcose ýand sel an unftravol portion o cf St8Southi, as shiown blow. bekaetgnosed of Part of Lots 8 and 9 on the .west, Bide. of Brock'Stroet Bok Plan H-507, dosignated as Put 2 oin Plan of Survo 40-14533. >LAM - Th. 0perations Committee of Council wil meet on th. eveninq of Monday, January 4, 1993 in Commitbe. Rooni One. of the. Whitby Munosl Bulding, 575 Rossland Road East, Whitby, for dhe purpose 0f anay son who dlaimns hs or her land wlll h. prejuddally affeted eby .-laws- Any posn wih.n o oth the. Committe. s asked to advise the. own Cler accorcngly no later than Thursday, Decembor 31, 1992. DonaldG. MoKay, Clark wof1Wib- 575 Roslan1e d Eas Whitby,-Ontario Li N 2MB Phono: <416) 668-5803

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