Whitby Free Press, 16 Dec 1992, p. 14

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CHIBETMAS SHOW, The Cu Town Singe directed by arara Ouellbitte, *Milpresent the 'Silver Annivers- ary Christmad on Saturday, Dec. 19 and* Sunday,'Dec. 20, 8p. at -Henr-Y-Street High School, .,With. icktsare $5 each, Post in downtown ht da Northern, Traditions in teOsh- awa Shopping Centre. For mare information caîl 668-549. ONE PAENT FAM[LIES Thm Oshawa chapter of the One Parent Familles Association wil meet Tuesday, Dec. 22 8 p.m., at Simcoe, St. E Oshawa for 'Fun Quis, Night.' kew members and puns welcome. For more information oeil 436-5089 or 433-08320. NICKIN' ESSION Pineridge Bluegrass Folklore Society will hold a «Picldn' Session' on Sunday, Dec. 20, 1 ta 5 pan, at Camp Samac, main council bail <use narth entrance off Conlin Rd.)., Plckers, singera and linteners, are welcome ta attend. LIVING NATIVITY A Living Nativity fflil hore- sented on Sunday, Dec. 20, 5:30 and 7 p.m., at Mount Zion United Church one mile west of Durham Rd. 2â on Cen. 8, Pick- erng Bleachr seatiniq available, bnga blanket. Offermngta caver expenses. CHIlRISTMASBEAFS Third Thursday- Women's Network wil hold a Chistmas breafat meeting on. Thursday, Dec. 17,ý 7:30 a.m., at Charley Barley's, 145 King St. W., Oshawa. Gueste and. new members are welcome. For reservations, cail Helen Snmith at 432-7200 or 434-7777. ONE PAENffPAUMLES The North Oshawa chapter of the On.' Parent Familles Association wii not meet on Dec. 23. For infomation oeil 668-7579 or 4334-367. ONE PARENT FABMLS The -North Oshawa cbapter of the On. Parent Familles Assocato wiil hold a New Year'sEv Dance on Dec. 31, 8 p.m. ta 2 a.m., ai the'YWCA Osaw.Ickets are $20 per proshawa.cludes hotlcold buiet. Porý tickets cal 723-5U47 or 728-1011. PENNY BINGO The Whitby Seniors' Centre, 801 Brock St. Sé will hold a penny bingo on Wednesday, Dec. 30 at 1:30 pan. Bring a supply of pennies. Refreshmnts wiil b. served.Casi is $1 ai the door. For Inore information, cail 668-1424. PAREqT& TT St. Maries Parent & Tot meets on Tiesdays; 9:10 ta 11:10 a. Esch seven-week session offet-s lqualified car. and appropriate activity for infants and cidren up ta age 6. A separate parents' propram includes speaker, crafts, goutmgs and social time. Regis- ration fees caver ail chuid care materiais, refresihmentsa craft- supples. Registration is bnuited and begmi mmedaey For more information oeil Janet at 668-8008. YWOA WINTER CARNVAL The Oshawa YWCA will hold a winter carnival for children -aged 5 ta 12 from Monday, Dec. 28 ta Tuaa Dec. 31j, 9 !am. ta 4 & m exteded oursavailable). ;L-l ativti« wM linclude games, crafts, gym programn and computer. For mare information, SUi the Oshawa- YWCA at 576-8880. COMPATmULE CIPÀ]ÂONS CO ,ON Durham's singl* social club now meets SaturdhiYs at 7 p.m. for socal activities. Al singles are welcome. Also available are tickets for the. New Year's Gala dance party. Priçe is $30 in advance, $35 at the door. Diniier, midlnight snack and champagne, are included. For more informa- tion oeil 430-7022. PET FOOD D1VE The Oshawa- & District Humane Society han placed drop baies at thréee ýaations in Whitb~y fora pet food drive ta continue utl*l Chitmas. Cat and dg fi dish s, kitty litter an e unpph-escianbedropped a et NValu Discount Foods, 1912 Dundas St. Z. (Baker Ani- mal Clinic), Paws 'n Claws, Thickson (A&P)'Plaza and at Pet Source IGA plazadawn!tawn Whitby. Fr -more information cail 433-2022. YMCA WINTE BROCHURES The Durham ReWion YMCA's winter program brochures are now available. Preschool activities will include Iddie&M, tickle trunk and tinytumblers; yôuth programs, will include counsellor-m-tr ""_ :e karate and tutoring and1adult prgrama wil include cooking, arts and crafts, fitness and karate. Moot classes bgin thm week of 3'an ,15. Fees ay. Fora brochure or information, oeil the office at 668-6868. WDITEEBREAKCAMP The Durham Region 'YM(Wsa winter break camp, for children aged 5 to 12 will be held Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, Dec. 21, 22, 23, 28,29 and 30, 9 a.m. ta 4 pamn, at the Whitby Baptist Churcli. The mest is $29 per day or $156 ta attend all six days. For more information or ta réester, cail the YMCA officeat 668-6868. DANCE The Whitby LionsClub wiil hold a fundraioeng "New Yeazi's Ev. dance at Heydenshmr Pavion on Dec. 31,, starting at 7 pan. This dinner/dance wiil have Party favours.For' more information oeilpr*sdont Dan Shisko at 430-7672(days) or Harvey Mitchell <eveninge) at 668-0172. Tickets are .$40 per persan. KIDS'ACTIVITY Children's Activity Days, in- cluding fitnesse, crafts and moien, will b. held Dec. 29 and 30 at the, Civic Recreation Centre. Hours are 9:30 a.m. ta noon both days -for ages 5 ta 8, 1 ta 3:30 pan. both days for ages 9 ta 12. Coat is $ per day. Non- prfit cohmunt roup Whlch are Maedin Whihy or have a subutantual Whltby memberahlp may < place their' page at no cost. tm.ior noe.V I~ atl.m POTLUCK Widows and Widowers wlIl bold potlck d nne nSunday, Dec. 20,7 pm., in the 420 Win, Oshawa Airport. Dancigcrd- etc. Make ne* fiends.orme ifQrm"ton, oeil Erm~ie at 683-2045 or Forbes at 430-0130. FISMAN» CP St. John Ambulance - Whitby Branch is holding aspca standard first id and CPU course for ail umversit and colleg students home or the hoidys. The course wil ho held on Dec. 28 and 29, 8:30 ta 4:.30 pem at the St. John Ambulance ofic on Dundas St. E. CaIl or vinit the office ta register. Office, hours are Monday ta husdy, 9 a.m. ta 6:30 p.m., and Friday, 9 a.=. te, 4:30 p.m., or cali 668-9006 or 668-4159.1 CHRISTMAS TIMES 8th Whitby scouts will sl Christmas trees at Petro Canada gas stations at Rosslandfl'hck- son and Dunda&fl'hickson Dec. 18 ta .20. Cost is $18 per tree (scoStch jine and spruce), and for each tree purchased at either location, e to Canada.*ill give a free car wash (ai Dundas/, Thickson location). Hours are 6 ta 9:30 p.m. on Friday, 9 a.m. ta 6 pm. on Siiturday and Sunday. Proceeds ta& the scout trip ta thé Jamboree next year. For more information oeil 668-1077. SCOUrS'TREE'SL lOth Whitby scomuts wi11 sell scotch pins and white !c Christméas trees at the iWlby Sunocogas station on DundasSt. W. at Friances St. Dec.ý 18, ta 20. Hours are 6 ta 9 p.m. Friday 9- a.m.'ta 6 Pm. on Saturday ;and noon ta. 6 p.m. on Sunday. Pro- ceeds ta scouts attendig the Jamboree in -1993. CHRISTMASTREES lot Whitby boy scouts are sel- ling hristmas trees in thepark- ing lt ai Jerry's the Drug Ware-, hOuse, 311 Brock St. Y, until Dec. 21. Hours âre695to'9 .m. Monday ta Friday, 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. on Saturdjays, il a.m. ta 5 p. on Sunday. Spriice and stch- pine trees are available for $15 each. Proceeds ta scouts. For more information cail Kathy ai 666-3247. <F[SHING SHOW Ail Durham Region service clubs and sports clubs can raine funds for ther organization by Ïre-sellin'g'tickets, and'rtinn 2fromeach ticket, for'the 8t annual Ontario Fishing & Sportsmen's Show at. the Mer EàstT'rade Centre in Pickering Jan. 28 ta 31. The show will p a; taxes. For more information caIl K.ith Wailer at (416) 695-0311. THE -REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY 0F DURHAM DUR1-4AM PUBLIC NOTICE Take notice that the Reglonal Planning Comittebsrcie AN APPLICATION TO AMEND THE DURHAM REGIONAL OFFICIAL PLAN< The amnendment, as submitted by the Council of Cityof Oshawa, prop ot extend the Major Urban Area boundary in arder to recognize the Notwood Industrial Park Study Area and me-designate certain lands to Industrial and Special Purpose Commercial uses. The subject area is indicated on the map below. ln order to assist ln the evaluation ai the amendment application,i the public Is invited ta provide input by way ai submissions ta the Region's Planning Department. Information related ho the amendment application is available in the offices ai the Planning Department, 1615 Dundas.Street East, 4th FîdorÏ, Lang" Tower, West Building, Whitby MaIl, Whitby, Ontario LI N 6A3 or calling Richard Szarek. Planning Depariment (416) 728-7731(Whitby)1686-1.651 (Toronto). You are encouraged ta forward your submissions ta the Commissioner ai Planning ah the above noted address as.soan as possible. Inarder ta proceed wlth aur review ai this amendmenh application, wîe would appreciate their receipt prior tai Friday, January 15, 1993. Please include your address and telephone number and file number icentifled below ln any submission made. Information on tha related Oshawa Officiai Plan Amendment application (File: OPA 91-0-2) is available in the offices ai theDepartment ai Planning and Developmenh,ý City ai Oshawa, City Hall, 50 Centre Street Sauth, Oshawa, Onhario, LI H 3Z7, (416) 725-7351. FILE NO.: OPA 92-007 GERRI-LYNN 0!CONNOR CHAIRMAN, PLANNNG COMME DR. M. MICHEL, M.C. COMMISSIONER OF PLANNING M î~~w CORPORATION 0F THE TOWN OF WHITBY NOTICE SIDEWALK SNOWCLEARUNG Dun the winter manths, the fmunucipality cleans the snaw froun al sidealks ln the Town af Whitby. Please ha advsed that the Town -willNIh a beresponsuble for any damages caused by municipal aidewalk snow deanng equipment ta ajcssuch as woo, concrete or brick cfriveway odgings. badges or srs.fencesan flawr beds placed by residents on the public raac allowance mear or adjacent to de sideWàal paims ta damaged sod will ha undertaken by the Tw as deerned newaesay. Should you require additional information, please cati us. Vour conhinued co-operatian s appreciated. PUB3UC WORICS DEPARTENT OPERATNS CENTRE. vwhftby Fiee1 press# Wechiesday, December 16. 1992z Page 13 CORPORATION 0F THE TOWN 0FWH ITBY N4OTICE ON-STREET PARKING& WINTEAI SNOW CLEARIN.G To assist the Tomnoai Whitby in keepln hestrees clear of snow, the ta caoperte bliDlar"ag In a manner that wIlI rite im municipal smow cleaning operations. The Town of Whithy has a Traffio By-law. By-law 1862-85. that states. in part, the following: No ersn shall on any highway park any vehicle for mar than thre (3) hou(4) ( No peron shall on any hlghway stop anywvhie In such'a manner as ta intrfere wlth thé. movemnent aif fie or hecdearing cf.snaw tram the highways. AProvincial Offenses- Officer appointed for the canryin a tihie roiions af this by-Iaw, upon discavety ai any vehicle parked, stopped or standing ln contraventian af this by-lawM may cause it ta be =oe or taken ta and placed ar stared in a suitable place and ail costs and charges for removing, care and storage thereof, if any, are a lien upon the vehicle which may be enforced in the mariner provided by The Repair and Storage Liens Act, 1989 (011 152). as may be amended tram time ta time. Shouid yau require additional infarmation, please oeil us. Vour continued coaperation is appreciated. PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTUMENT QOPERATNS CENTRE 668.347

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