Whitby Free Press, 16 Dec 1992, p. 1

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IF V o 1. '22, N 51 wedilesday, December mi, 19.92 32 pages ý-. r-,: e - ., M ve-..ja th' Èt 4ý ,,repo ur By MIke Kowalsi < Whitby Jail must, b.- moved in order toaccomdate future develoj>ment h- soutiWi byf planning 1consultants' report 'lrocation of the. Victoria St. je ai Is mong the recommenda- uons ,containied .ini a land use' htudyWf tii. area surrounding th-htby GO Transit station. Thei. 'Wiitby GO Station Gateway-Study'has been recom- mended tocou-ncil by itsplan- ning and development conimitte. (use separate story).. But -even' though discussions aimed at relocating the jail have been held periodically, there are no immediate plana to move the. 33-year-old mûnstitution. According to the. studyjpre- = ard yplanning f=rm M. d, thei. "existence and contnueduse" of 'the jail is recognized by the. consultants. But in orde t acilitate deve- lopment north of WVIMtby -har- bour, the consultants eoncoura¶" tieiersrelocation. Not-g as yeds4,O00sq.ft& additionfto the jails administ- ration, ares, tii. study advises Town- council to discourage furtiier expansion .,which could "detriiuentally affect" relocation.* .In a&rport to council, Whitby's Plannig departinent, supports ffi,'Dfmstudyws reconunenda- tio n .- ' - 1 - l > ý1 . ,,"ýý ý, ' Planntingstaffte.rm tii.jafil's relocation a -9y-todveopn tiieareasnouthodf Hw4,401,eéast oftho GO sainparking lot. Dillon soksmn Leslie Will told Tiihe . Press that while the. Ontarlo governient lihas no pl ans to move tiie jail, tii.matter ls open to furtiie *iscussion. "W. spokre to correctional, ser- viesf staff and they have ýno plans to relocate,» said Will.- «But, theBy,. would entertain plans to move it. Prom -a techni- cal level they do require i tionaljail facilities," h. added. However, anzy decion te move the. jail would b. made "at the, hiqiiest levels » oftii.ministry, He also stressed that relocat- igthiejail in "fondamental» to earea a future development. Councillor Marcel Brunelle Wil' aseaent. Meie samid tiiere was some discussion between thi. Town and province prior to last year's *400,,000 expanion. "I said at the. time -the -land tiiere. coull b. sold and tiie 'noney used 1te .finance a ,new David Christopheraon, confrme. tiiat ' *ue. are no plans, te relocat. at i*is timev" Yiio sld h-é-jail,*,which ihast beds -for 1.8lie al and ,sève~ female prione, will continue te «serve tii neede of Durhiam Region7 fothieforseeable future. Buft i 199,the. Whitby Jail is «relatively modern' when. com- ME PAGE 9 Chandra Hunùter is ýOntario.Juio Citizen o Yar Ciiandrâ Hunter. of Whitby has (~i an Ontario <.-~QJbeunnaior Citizen of tiie Year for 1992. She is on. of 12 individuals who will receive theaward, gvnto tioeaged 6tol 8 wo show courage, ingenuity, initiative, leader- ship, fortitude and commýunity ser- vice. Tii. Ontario Community News- paper Association, iiicii represents more than 271 communiy news- rinOntario ndthe Nortiiwest Territories, has recognized' Ontario's junior citizens ince 1981, with B.D Canada as a co-sponsor fur 1992. Tii, awardwinners were announced Dec. il1lyy OCNA preident Lorne Eddy. ýHunier and. the other winners, inclu onePýP willbe guesta cf VBell 'd and the. OCNA at an awards ceemnyat the. Toronto Airt Mârriott Hotel on April 2. The. awards will b. presentod by Ontario LietenntGovernor- l Jackman. .eh" junior citizen Iil rec.v. a $200 eue comn memorative paq ",gIlae pin and a an7ypotrIt irncuding the. Lieuntt Governor. "People hould be recw mzedfordoig the. right li fe a sad reiinsand al and i n i t8ie tiieseyonpeople have shon=pove thievare wll to g<bt extra mile. It'ls a lessonWe can allear ffom."w founder Hunier, 18, i. aonde of Wi aActve ad Concerned Youth (WACY). 8h. was recagnized fM pomtn multi- cultualsi and national um..tiy througii the committee tiiatoide l"ocal youthwitii activit n. ite andpeer coezn e ' Uie mching ciemumity awareness. "Ciiandra'smany conü*wbu tions i ler community bave proven invaluabi,," according to the OCNA. L MA1THEW -RUTL EDGE pleads for alms at Wnhse United Church's- 'Bethlehem. marketplace' Sunday The recreation had the. sights. sounds'anîd smells 0 f Lthe al, thing - a lou,,confrontational tax coflector,, shopeseing- everythirig- fom canciles and pottery. ta baskets, andi jwelry, authentic food, includling it read1and m,n shopkeepers loudly promoting their wares' or dickering over Pnbc.- At least n.Towncouncilor lias .miegilvingu about a, consul- tants' report on future growtii in soutii Wlitby. Centre ward representative John Doistra says h. han a «lot Of concernse about proposai con-. tained in, a plaing- study pre- pared for counc*l. Dolstia warno' tiat if the stu'dys recommendations are not c Ma~e.ort, .Whitby riss los- i 1 donfti-wt te samPorc Wbutby part 'of Metro. Toronto, but part of Whitby," said Dlta The object cor.Dolstra's secrij the. TWitby GO Station Gaeay Stud»,pr~rd n By xOInciI'S ,inclusion in w1% onamgoffcial plan r.vi.w, the.stdymakes numbeir of proosiscmnenn futur evbpentinthe vicnt 'd<t.heGO Trait stain Thies'tudy was. premeted Io thiecommittes by DMon officiais PhrmD uV Mwk fteSoe, WflhID FmiPU - 'ru atits meetng last we.k. Focsgon an area, bounded pmarlybHwy. 401, 'Henr gt., Brock S t. and Victoria St, thé. report cals for a mixture ol iiigh Lnd mediumn density resi. dential developinent south of thie rail corridor, :North c f the« corridor would be a 12-stOrey hotel.and commercial and office develop ment. <The study recognizes tii. con- tinuedý existence of the. Ontaric Provincial' Police detachment GO Tr ansit 'station and. ThE StationGallery. But it strongjly recommendi relocation of tii. Whutby Jail (sam separate story). A new local ..Park in the. viiiy cf0t<e-art gailery je Ainkwrciin tii. GO station te thÊ harboursen lands. AIiogih. ýadmits thie"earn only prpoai, Dolstra wants bis cocramadknown.now. SERPAGrE25

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