Whitby Free Press, 16 Dec 1992, p. 28

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Page 26W%àYFre Pras,'W diy, Deceniber 16, 1992 teCars, continued ta play mUod hockey, pmcking up two win lait week. Whitby>'sPpjnenta, in the firat Yî* lffl -gae.was -a hatd-hittiâg conteat that saw Whitby win 7-. Wbity jmpe tea two-goal lead in the first;period on goals by Mairc Chiasson ' and Brady BIakely. Hillrest scored Eagoal in $640 r'a*ised' fromswiLm More than $640 was raised for the Multiple Scierosis Societ fromthe 12-hour swimn relay held by the Whitby parks and recrea- tion department.' The. anount ws raised by the team, of 36 swimmers and 58 pledgers. A I A A I Il B w 44 the. secondperiod but that1was as Brià Crilly, Joël Ging ras1 and >sharp in, the. third period, holding oord' WhitbYs firatga on a close ~ ~ ~ to athygt itWhbYSfa hen Corey. with-,one goal Hiolcrestteoa oal on lnumerous fine -set-up fo lkl n ucoring five -more goasta .cs ta. Simonetta a fyte ae In a team, effort, il plaYers Wibysecngme asn Scrn or Whitby i h third pce*u onts. Assisting on exhbition. geowsscro hegae-inn peidwere Blakely mith hie 9oal were WayneIRichard, Chad 'Bowmanvile. Wbitby was ahI. a>i the secodperiod with Stephen se dgoal, Ryan .Peacoçke, McKenzie and, Derek Van pull out a--1 victory in the ge. Mac. >and' Ryan McCarpon Egmond with two 'each, wile a fazt-skating contait.drwigaistai ,. Derek Powers and Lars Clay had Goaltender I Jonathon' Clancy Blakely ut the gm wy Ca' h wone aset, each. held hot Bownville scorelesscorng h third on a nce pass' m~~ll ~ , ~ Goaltender Brent Johnson was early i the geme until Richard from Joaua Wllims. About $2,000 was raised for the Salvation Army Christas, Fund' from -'the Charity riCtard Show hi "downtown Whitby Dec. Th Ti. econd annual showp held by the, Rookies ,& .Oldtimers sports- card s3hop at AUil Saints An licà-n Church, was well-atten- Special guest was former Leaf goalie Johnny Bower and -a surprise visitar was Ajaxes Nigel- Wilsn, ep ickin ii.mâj or lea gue basbalexpansiodaft held recenty EVERYDAY SAVINGS ONE FREE INSIDE EACH TAKE HOME BOX CHOOSE FROM: 6 Buster Bars - vmAIAmQmNcotDcflEA FUD2GE & WA1NGMTS W!AKD NA SSOH CHOCOATE COAiffl 12 DIIIy Bars - MUDA R flN SMOOfl CHOCO(ATE COtff 12 Sandwiches VANJA DAM OMiN LAMEO ETWEEN CHOCOLAT CIOO< WA1FE WHUTBY DAURY QUEEN W 1003 Dundas St. E. 668-5342 Silver medal for rinet tamý FROM PAGE 18, two-goal lead but Whitby settled down toplayed streng defensively for the balance of the. game. Mie u-nanswerýred goals, three by Kim Vanderlip, put the. geme out of reach before Markham scÎored ganwith two minutes left ta roundout the scoring eat 53. In their second e., Why again pliayed excellentefnce, holding Scarborough to oas goal whils skating ta, an 8-1. win. ii. forward lin. of Vanderlip, Kristine Soper and Kristine Johnson had an outstanding gae, ecoring five goals and totalingl13 oins wssue in goal, making six tremendeus' laves to keep' Scarborough from, gstting into the game.. In their nsxt geme against PlckeringWhitby knew t=a win woud send them ta the finals and thsy Came out flying. WbùiY's other forward Unesof Erica Gil; Jenir Cotton and Team lWeioekcarried'the. Sithis gametobtally- naigPlckering for five gasand 1 points, leading the. waytoa -1wn On Sunday, Whitby cloeed out the, round-robin part of ,the. tournamenii againat Ajax, a very Btegteam that 'hiotorically plays at the A level.- Wmhy came, out srngybut-, could not keep -up with ANax, 1aig91 Inthé final againat Ajax, Whitby came.up with-their bout, effort of the tournn t» playing aggrossive, disci lined ..fect but again could net contain the strong Ajax side,ý losing 5-0. Scoring i the. tournament. Vanderip, ,n. e gosfour assista; Saper, four goS, ive assit; Giles, five goals, twvo àMARGOTàMCTAVISII INiTEmRIRDE CORATOR. Full design servces, colour co-ordination for, inteêrior, or 4trowl coerngs, draperies, accessories, etc. A design showroom of traditionalfurnishlings in a- Iistorical home setting. For that added care and attention to detail give me a all! 1-416-686-4737 541 Bayly St. Ea 'st Ajax, Ont. South of 401, East of Harwood ~. ~. - M - I - a - i - i - i - u - a - i - i - i - i - ~. - N - I I - I - I - I - I - N - I - I - u - i - i - i ~i - I - M - i ~M - i - E - --i I I I i '. i i I I I i ~ ~ - ~ - FOR A CON VENIENT APPOINTMENT -CL66-1816 assista; Johnson, two goals, five assista; Wiesiolek, two goals, three' assis; Cotton, on. goal, three assista; Carro, onegol one "ë,st Campeau,the assista; Henderson, two assista; Wheela#ne, asassist. I Elliott lot at Oshawa meet, Heather Elliott of the Whitby Iroquoja Swim Club, had a fi=t paefinish at a novice meet in Oshawa Dec. 7i ,Elliott was flrst mi S-metre backstrok, ini the A division for girls ageýd il and 12. She also had four third-place finishes. Uisa Clifford was -second in three eventejn ithe'A division tfor girls àged 8 and under.' Lauren Beyger was second. i two events i the A division for gil ag1ed 9 and. 10, and, Justin u'lehad aàecond-place finish I the A division for'boys ageld il and 12.< Scott Coadyd Travis Gulle each had a second-place finish in, the A divisionp-for boys aged 9 ad10. Elections were recently held» for. the 1993- exrecutive, of the Whitby Girls, Softball Associa- tion.>- President'is John M. H es$ Bob Harrod is vice president Marilyn Hugan secretary,,E Helm 'treasurerý and MauÏreen Linklaterpastpres dent. Repfastbaltemcoaches 'are Jim Innes ,(s quirt),: Hughes!, (novice temp.), Ilro (novice)' and kosematry-Thrat (midget). For tryouts on rep teame, cal Innes at 655-3454, Hughes at 666-2228, Harrod, at 666-2908 and Theriault-at 666-3636. Workouts began Dec. 10. Dagmar Ski Resort is offerig Mif tickets free of, charge on Saturday, Dec. 19 i support of the Special Olympica. At various locationis at the. resort, rersentativesi from the' Spei-a Olmpie wllb. -accspt- inqg donations in support of their' skdipr ogram. Thefre. lifts are available from9 am. tolo0p.M. Sports' ,fees. PRMPAGE 18ý an hour, p o 17 non- prie tmefro $7,10 $107, and. community rates. from .$85-60 to $93.60 jehour.: Adult hall hokey and lacrosse fees would increase frorn $41.50 ta $50 'per-hour., Youth .hall hockey -and ,lacrosse fees would go from $93.20'Wa$40 an heur. m Teepartment* notes that, exceptfrpie time ice rentai, 193rates will ntcvrti Town's operatig costs. 1992 subsidie ranged. from 100 per cent for youth programae and. tennis courts ta, four ,and seven per cent respetively for Srme isieentàlsat-luther- pnd -and Iroqueis. Park' arenas. NEVADA 101' GOLF & UACGUETS 1121 Dundas Street East, Whltby 668-.5333 Open: Mon.-Fri. 10-9 Sat. 10-7, Sun.'12-5 GORD GARNER.-AUTOMOTIVESERVICES LýTD>ý, 9 DUN DAS STREET WEST5,WH.ITBYý- (41.6)'. 666-1816 WE WLL: Instail New Spark Plugs - Check Charging-System -Check$ Adjust(IfNacessary) Idle - Check Air Fitter, P.C. V. Valve, 1 Fliter & Instail ff Necessary (PartiExtra) Check Cap Rotor Ignition Wires & Instail If Nécessary (Parfs And Labour Extra) - Perform Engine Analysis - Cléan Battery Cables (ff Nécessiary) - Shampoo Engine - 22 Pt. Maintenance Inspection Vans - $27 00 E;*a - Fuel Injection Flush $49.95 (Reg. $69.95) Éxtià Expitis Decomber 31, 1992 mmuffmip

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