Whitby Free Press, 16 Dec 1992, p. 30

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Pae2S,-WNtbi Fme erss, Wednesday, Docomber 161992. BROOKLIN - ,LARGE roam close ta alamonities. Alil inclUsive01. AVàIlable for Dec. 1. 655-5539. GENTLEMAN, non-smokor, furnished bed/sltting room. Own bathrooam. Availabie Immediately. Please leave message antape. 666-5149. BON VOYAGE MOTEL. ton minutes tram Whtby, between Braokin/Part Perryon Hwy. 12. Rooms. availabie far rent. Law woekiy rates. Cali 655-5308. FURNISHED ROOM forý rent, $80/weekly. Share *bathroom & kitchen. -Student or« wôrker preferred. Waik ta aill amonities. C91i 666-3776 atter 6 p.m. CLEAN- ROOMS FOR RENT. Quiet building. Central Whtby. GO bus gt front doar. .-$lOOfweek. Phono 619-2981. FURNISHED ROOM, downtawn Whitby. Clean, quiet home. Includes ktchen use, omble, park- lo~g. Suit mature maie. $85 weokly, first/las.'668-3640. WHITBY -'SHARE spaciaus nsw homo with ans- or two working people. Alil includod. Non-smoker. 666-8590. MODERN HOUSE*TO SHARE ini Whitby. 2 rooms + dininp and living'rom privato. Shars kitchen an aundry, $550 per manth. Tel. 579-2283. RETAIL SPACE FOR LEASE, 1500>sqi. ft. Main street iacatian, dawntown Whitb. Creativo rentai arraingements. 668-;1468, 9 a.m. ta 5 p.m. M EDICAL/ PRO FESSIONAL, 625 sq. fi, downtawn WhRtb. Ground f loar, lomds cf parking. Private entranco and wmshroom. 666-3833. -Derek Dutka planning since 1986 CALL 434-6119 FOR AN APPOINTMENT. SUBLET-2-BEDROO)M at..tram Juayta Jul-Y,1993. Contact A ngela et 686-8300 atter 6 p.m.,' or Shelter Corp., 683-6021. PORT WHITBY, nico, cdean ans- bedmoom apartments avallable Immodiatoily mndi January 1. $575/ manth. Includesl' fridge, stovo, pakn & utilities. Appiy et 110 Vitra St. W. 668-6437, 728-2969. BROOKLIN - 3-BEDROOM'apnt. Cobse toalal amonitios. Availabie for Feb. %, 1993. Cali 655-5539. NORTH WHiTBY - Immaculate, spociaus 2-bedroomn apatment. Appliances, 4-pc.. bath. Separate entrance, laudry. Bayrd, parking, transoration, omble & utilities lin=ciue. ,Non-smoker. $6751 month. 430-1972.3-BEDROOM APT. & DEN, main floor of bungalow. Na pets. Near prim ary sohool, Whitby & GO buses. '$850 range + utilities. 430-7298, Whftt; voice mail TWO 2-BEDROOM apmtet for rent. 1000 sq. . So, ride, washer/dryor. Only stops ta O 8 train & 401. ýWhtby. Cali 668-8551. 806 BROOK ST. N. ln 6-plex. Ono-bedroom mpt. Frâge, stave, 4-p.,blh.Avallabie immediatiy. $40mnth. First & iast'required. For mare info, cmli 623-4782 or 668-3038. WHITBY: ONE-BEDROOM basomont mpt., 600 sq. fi., 2-car parking. . Private. Includes hoat, wator. $560.+ V3 hydra. 655-4120. PRIVATE ýMORTGAGES - the place to go when 'your bank says 'NO." Serving Whitby-since 1973. 668-7200. A NU BIS INVESTMENTS. MORTGAGE LOANS - st & 2nds ta 95% af value. Ail propJerty type, prime rates. Quick service and" approvais. CmiillCityCan FinancllCorporation, 571-2880 Oshawm, 686-2936 Pickering. The Mutual Group HEBTRAN c.-lfor quotation 725-6564 RRIFs- ANNITIE TOWNHOUSE - 401(Thlckon, Rd.,, Whitby. Gorgeaus 3-bedraomn, fammiiy rom, firepiace, ý'air CMoniditioned. Fenced.yard, gar"'e. $950/month . First& last. Availablo Fob. 1.436-2839. WHITBY, COZY 3-BEDROOM bugaw ln mature areaOn bath, '4 appliances. Roc. room, ful dock, grogt backyard. Plaza, sohools & bus close by. Available February 1. $900 .666;-3794.ý OTTER CREEK - Loveiy:semi- detachod. Four bedraams, roc rôom with. fireplace, garage, 4 applancs. vailable Dec. or Jan. $950/m ont-h. S h i Mey -idei Re/Max Summit, 668-3800. "I had a very good response ta My ad - a lot of phono calis.n E.M. REPOSSESSED power of sale properties- availabie naw ' n Oshawa tram under $80,000. Fina-cingavallable. Cmli Carol RossSa os Ropresentative, Guide Reaty Ltd., 723-5281 or 723-6610. ARE YO U HAVING TrlOUiBLE gotting auto Insurance because of mgg, poor driving record- or suspension of license? Porhaps w. can-holp. Phono 666-2090.- CLEARWATER, FLORIDA - 3 bedraom, fuliy furnished, air canditioned mobile homes. Pools, hot' tubs, beaches, attractions. Children 'weicome. Less 'than motel. Photos. 683-5503. "LEAVE VOUR CARES ai homo with us." Prrefessional pet/home sitters are fuily banded & insured. Custom Homewtch international. 666-5353. l184 MERCURY CAPRI', '2-dr. hatc, new .exhauslatey Ecellent condition. $1000, uncert,. 666-8152.> INeed a car- rdtproblems? "W. have less take-ovors <repossslons> Leu to own any rmke or modal "Cash for tvide - eCal now for1rm quotasI LEASEGUIDE AUTO -LEASING 436-9837 - Jeif, LOVING ,HOME d ermteiy needed '>for toai erman. 'Approx. .6 ears oaid. Spayebd,""et choked, a ishot. ýVory fecin- ate. Neodsa arng famîly. Pless helpi1263-8247,436-0010. STAINED GLASS COURSES boglnning -. January '4, ý1993. Rogister now. -Sundance Glass, CHEUSTMAS SPECIAL:"Appliemc repalrs toa liàîiace&. $29.95 p lus parts. No labour char'gos.n GST. Cmli 683-8519 or 430732. ERROLS APPLIANCE REPAIR, Wmshers, dryers, f rid g os, Stoves, microwaves, etc. Us applincs purchasedl. Major crodit cards accopted. Monday* ta Smturday, 432-7734. CROSS CANADA MARKETPLACE ITS FAST -ITS EASYI ONE CALL, ONE 13ILL DOE5 IT ALL.- . -CAREER TRAINING . LEARN' AUCTIONEERING et ,the Southwestern, Schooi 9f Auctioneering. -Next Clasa: Nov. 21-27. Information., contact: Southwestern Ontario Schooi of Auctioneoring, RAR.05, Woo6dstock, Ontario, N4S 7V9 (519) 537-2115.. NOT CARVED IN STONE: Public' funding of separate scllools. 75-page book explains the arguments, auggests action. For your copy, cati 1-800-465-6072.* ^TRUCK DRIVER TRAINING AZ and DZ courses. Aiso air breke, dangerous goods, defensive drlving, log book. and border, crossing. Rodgers School. Oniarios oldeat. Cail 1-800-668-0031. EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES INTERNATIONAL COSMETIC S COMPANY seeking manager/consuliants. European naturel skincere - alil ges. Direct sales. Above-average training and support. Cal Toni or Ann 1-416-891-2030. Box 38015, Dixie MalP.O. Missssauga, Ont. L5E 3G3. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES EXTRA INCOM 'Et Grow baitworms iln your basement or garage. Odorles operation. Low Investmeni. Market guaranleedi Free' Information. Early Bird Ecology. R.R.#1. Smithville9, Ontario, .LOR 2AO. (416) 6143- 4252. INVESTMVENTS MORTGAGE INVESTMENTS AVAILABLE. OnIy people from small iowns understand the Importance of lnvesting in smll communities. 11-1/2% to 14-3/4% returna. Cali Intransicon toli-frea 1-800-268-1429. MORTGAGES NEED EXTRA CASH FOR XMAS? We hava mortgage money for homneowners. Exemple: Borrow $10.'000 repay as low as $130.00 a month. Cali Intransicon Financlali oil-free i - 800-268-1429. PERSONALS WOULD YOU LIKE tio. correspond with unattechod Christian people ecross Canada for companionship. or marriage? Ashgrocve, P.O. Box 205, Chase, B.C., VOE 1iMO. AUTOMQDBILES FOR SALE GOVERNMENT SEIZEDIS URPLUS VEHICLES U.S. and Canadien low« as $100.' BMWsýCsdiilacs,-Choya, Fords,,Mercedes, Porsc 'hes,' trucks, vans. Amfazlng f rçe 24-hr. recording reveals how. 1-416-631-4266. GOVEANMENT, (CA NA âÎAN &uS.)' selzed and surplus vehicles from $100.' Trucks, vans, Fords, Mercedes,. Cadillaca, Chevys.,Amazlng frée 24-hrs. recordinq gives details. 1.416-631-461 8. STEL BUILDINGS BEST BUILDINGi'PRICES . Steel Straiiwall. Type - nmi quonsel - 32x54 $7,344; 40x72, $10.276; 50x90 $15.882; 6OÂ126 $22.972 - other sîzesav'ailabie'- 1Final year-en d clearance - Peragon -24 Houtrs'1,.-800-> 263-8499. - STEEL BUILDINGS - Find oui why more and mnore peopie buy and recomfmend Future for Ouatity, lntegrity and Service., For, ail your building. needs.'onephone cail:, Future 1-800-668-8653. BUILDINGS - GUARANTEED.LOWEST PRîCES. Ontario Manufacturera special fectory-direct year-endinventory clearance. Straighl-slded arch styleaendutiity modeis availabie on these speciaily priced models: 20x32, 30x5O. 40x60, 40x102. Exemple e 14x20 Value $2,142.00 Now $1,.689.00 F.O.B. Toronto. Complote wilh ends. Wil store for spring deiivery. Celi Pioneer No CHARGE 1-800-668-5422. BUSINESS SERVICES. GOVERNMENT GRANTS, LOANS & assistance programs (Faderai & Provincial) for your new or existing -§mall business, Information (514) 937-2422 ext: 98. IYour ad could appoar ln community newspapers In'Ontarlo, or rlght acrosu Canada' or any fndIvidual province. Space ta Limlted, so Cail This Nevispeper Todeyt - I BLANKET ADS ARE NOW "CROSS CANADA MARKETPLACE", To reach a widermarkef. advertise throughotthe oeinlebrh f the Ontario and Canan Communify Nowspaper Assaciîns. CnrlOaro55 nowspapers - $160 for 25 words - Atl Ontario 171 flewspapers - $350 for 25 wor s Att Canada 572 newspar - $974 for 25 *wards For further Information please oeIl the Whltby Free Preassiassifleals - 668-0594 .~~Ja~irn ~ » -*--*--* - I Compiete I IFINISHED BASEMENT for $6,875. I C Il for detis- 432-2266 or 427-5763

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