Whitby Free Press, 16 Dec 1992, p. 32

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!ae3,WNtby Fre. Prma, Wednesdav. December 16. 19W~ j'4~~ HIIl ,46,Ç ORPOMTION,0F"THE,ý TQWN, 0F ýWHITBY, PLA NNING D EPARTMENT NOTICE'0F, PUBLIC MEETING- Monday January4, 1993 @ 8:30- p.m. Meeting H al,,Whltby.-Municipal Bu1Idlig 575:Rossland Road East Whitby, Ontario A Public Meeting will b. held by th. Planning-and Dwc.merl Conime.fcf Cuncil of 1h.,Corporation of the Town. 0f Whitv conskder an application Io amend the Whltby Officiai Plan (PA L1W12)= andZngBy-law 1784 (Z-648-91) n ,submluied by Group 2 Deoo men mtd Teubjtprety1 located at dmu soudheast.corner of Taunton Rodan dGardon Siyet, as shown on the sketch below. -Tb. purpose of the application la b mnend dm eWbutby Officiai Plan and Zcnmg Bylaw 1784,1b permnit profsalonai offices on 1h. east half of2:he, property. whtiu a maximum gnoo floor, area of 162&n2. Th. purpoaeor the zoning amn*nent i Wo-fold; >flcsly. I nplement h. above«noed professionai office use andt secondy.bo Implement the moposed ps bar, car wash and serice centre on fluest portion of Th.eprps'offuhs meeting l18Ib provide adequate Informatio h. p u AE; a ndbpero mlt ltret pemnthle opportunity Ib make reprenta on respecthéieOfficiai' Plan. Amendiment, and Rezonqigapplication. Ifyou are unable bo attend flu, meeting, your cMpemtation can b. filed lnhifwnting by mail or personai delivevy.,b meach flue Planning Depaflment noutlater han regular Woddnfg t»"i on Inlesstepersans mhay Inspect addlional Informiation mlatng b he gboe aplication l hq Plann1ng tnîLevel 7. yYhtb MncpwB _Ig, 575 Roland EatW itOnaoL OM8 durng regular wodclng boums Monda y b F da, or may contact Imlu Planning Deépartment by telephong <416ç) 668-580 ROBERT IL SHORT DIRECTOR OF PLANNIN CORNEILS AUCTION BARN FRIDAY, DEC. 18 -6 P. Due to the inclement weather of- kWa Fridqanad the cancellation of the sal articles that, were advetlseci last week & additions of Yarnaha-200 3-wheeler, Traynor Yum, 3 ampliflers & speakers., ap .-slzed frýe & 24 electri sove in ýexcelent condition, qty. sports cards, etc. This will b. the. last sale, cf the seéason. W. wo*uld like to ectend to everyone a happy hoiay;season. Our openisl cf the NeiYawIbe ay Jan. 15. DON & GREGO-ORNEIL 1 AUCTIONEERS RR 11. LTTE BRITAlN "IOE OR FAX 705-786-2183 PERSONAL LOANS from $1.000 and Up for an y purpose. Quickç approvials. 436-8104. BAHAIS BEUEVE: Love 18 the F ir f. unto the adorned body mdddthe establisher cf true ciiatindl this mortal wocld, and the. shedider cf imperishable glory upon eveny high-aiming race and nation. For information and discussion, cail 668-8665. S ADVISOR' FPSYCHIC &,SPIRITUAL Mondoyto Fdoy 9,(.m. to9p.my <430-1328 THANKS TO THE HOLY SPRIT, Sacred H-eart cf Jesus and St. Jude for favours rec.ived. R.S. ON YOUA NEXT VISIT to, Klngston, why not visit an Irish fortune teller? Cali Mary ai (613) 547-7829. Help keepv Red Cross ready i Whltby'Free' Press 668-0594,* Offioe>Hours: Monday to Frlday, 9:00 arn to 5W 0Pm Fax 68 0594,ý .CORPORATION 0F THE**, TON FWH.ITBY, PLANNING DEPARTMYENT NOTICE 0OF PUB3LIC MAEETING Monday, JaLuary,1 8,'ý1993 0.7:30 pm Meeting Hall, ýWh lby. Munici pai, Building 55Rossiand Road Eaèt. Whitby,.Ontarlo A Public Meeting will b.> held by the Plannng and. Devekpment Comnitte. of Counicil of the. Corporation o h Town of Whîthy bt consider an amendment b 1m h. lutby Officia Plan and Zoning By-aw 2585 as"submitted by Vemn Dutrlsaë, file numbers OPA 92-W/S, and X-657-92. The subjectprprtyile located at. the southwest corner of Brmck Siemt North anud peStreet West, munficpally known as 516 Brock Street North as shoWn on the sketch below. WEST MA37 S STREETr WEST CHESTMJT SI ~LE Ztpu. pwoeof Ohnappicaio à bamendti.WtbOfcaiPnb Brock Street, North and Chesinut Street West tb include flue subWel property and te, amend thue zonsng by-law bo permit dmu use of -adnt sho6p.gas bar and minute lube on,"h subject praperly. . lb. purposo-of 1h18 meeting las b provlde adlequale hfrmallon foteé public and. b ,permit Iteresed persns " eopportunkyty b mak representation On Mes -o f the fficiaiPlanAfmncent and- Reézonlng application. If you ,are, unable bo attend dm. meetlng your rereenationcan- b. moued hu wrilgby mail or personal deluvey Ib ahfle Planning Department not Lthan cegular woulclng boum on Januazy 25, 1993. lneetdpersons may inspei additional Infrmation relaflng b flue ao nTicaiôin tePlan earmn-- ve NW 2MB dunrgular working hr boum. Mob F rday, or may contact' the Planning Department by telephoning (41 6) 668-5803. ROBERT B. SHORT DIRECTOR OF PLANNING FROM PAGE 30 But after meeting with, Martin, a e en~appoineM epn - fefrfacliatndeveIl6pment in, a~tro rn e- la'optiini-. tic. W,4±the firat meeting we were- lal We are oneof thous.anda of roects. At- thia ie,,. We W, e told üurplania Uq»eand has. promise, àaid-Brunfele. "came a way from .this, meet- ing *, ncir dthe- other meet- ingl was iuht."» Reaideë'nts;.of Brooklin 'h<ave experience4sewer problem for more than 25ïeas. I Asdy lùndertaken Ist'yea found that;, 62- per cent of'the: wells k», Brooklini are contamina- ted and'25 per. cent of the' septic systemi areinaiidequte. Plans cail for a sewer pipe to, b. built -fromi Taunton'Rd. to the south end ofBrooklin. The $6-million poect i art of an overaIl $1O-milion ifheme té remedy the, sewage p roblems. ln addition to the residenta' cnena mao subdivision planned' for Brokli is con- tignt on-the project proceed- "'1rokIin Meadows. is a 1,247- unit develoipment proposed or. a 260-acre parcel of land'bdrdered,- by. Colufnbus .Rd. Wincheëster Rd.,Queen St. and ÏhickanRd. AÀtIough h. estressed that Martin made no promises, "if he bas the authority, we 'have JEANNE MAYNE Jeanne Elizabeth Mayne- died at Oshawa' General. Hospital'on December 5 -1992. 8h. waa 83.' 1 She, was'eor-in «Sarnia, Ont. on Novembr ý26 l1909 da'gbtet of Charles and IÎina' (Tbin) McFe@. ,>She married John Charles M!ayne in February1934 i Bar- nia. Shenasurvi.dbyson Chîale James M - ne(and id. wife. Ban-_ dra) of ancouver, dagter MayLouie(and berbubn Mcael Lingnau3 'of' Whitby, ddMa- nhers enne-.Elizaî- tManJeanne Bllad., Stacy Bryan WeMihele ManeMary Loua èB dand Kathri ~aynes, and two great-granÎdda ïltera., 8h. was ýp by b er busband and' y adô Edward Charles Bryan . _h.ld, m. efunerial service a7shl from St. John.-the 'EvangeIat Roman Càtholic Chiurcb o December 9 1992, Rev. Andrew MacBeth of Thitby conducting.' Asahlgy -KXathleen 'Devlin of Whitby died"at' AJa'Plckern Hospitaon Dec>emb-er 7, 1992,i ber aixth month. She was born on May28 1992 dauhter of, David %eitL anc1 Cahy(Hirsch) Devlin. Aahley is survived by ber parents, siater Stephanie, grand- 1rets -et-an Jhn Devlin of - efest. Hill, Kurt and Margaret, H1irsch of Burlingon, great- grandmother Gladys Wlilson aunts and unclea, cousins anaà friends. She layi reat at the W.C. Town Funeral ChaplWbitbyo Deoember 10 --1992. -]ey, ayul Feely conductedservices. nter- ment at. Pine Hill cemetery, Scarborough. 6. Generations of Service,. Qualiy & Trust *Family Monumen ts *Graînte or Bronze Mlarkers ROT!ARY CLUMEETINmGS 1The Rotary Club of Whitby meets every Tuesday, 7:15 a.m., at the Golden Griddle Rostaurant ' Kendalwood Plaza, Whitby. For further information, contact- Peers Davidson at. 668-6759. or Kiseh Kriahnan at 666-364., Il' i«I

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