Whitby Free Press, 16 Dec 1992, p. 4

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Page 4, Whtby Fise Pros, Weckwsday, December 16, 1992 Works staf praised for effo-rt during storm By MikeKowald Anyone droamingcof a «White Christmas crtainlygot thoir wlsh, and more, lest weék. Southern Onitanio's frme new storrn of the'seasen struck with a vengealst Thursday ad by the =tietsubsidedFi ay'even- lng aimest 18 inches or snow, hdfallen. Bchools closed, power limes were down and police in Durham Rteion had t e ee wit. soveral accidents et the "fender -bonder' varietyi DramnRegion. But because local H-ydre and public works crews were on the job through the nigýht, Whitby, by and large, fared ;oif during"te storm. Ail major streets were plowed, buses wore runnng and even garbaMe was collected on Friday. Wluty Hydre Electric Comn- mission general manager Tom ......... GreatGQfts 10] O uFF CUS M AMG 843 King St. W. (West of Thornton on South sido) 721-2855 she Av - W -rc 10:30 arn Sr. Choir Caritata iidings of Great Joyo Thursday Dec. 24 Christmas Ev. 7 pmn - Famnily Service 8:30 pru- Candlelight Communion ST. MARKS UNITED CHURCH 201 Centre St. S. Whitby Sunday,,Dec. 20 4 pm- CaroFs by Candletight Tursdlayq Dec. 24 Chrlstmas Ev. 7 pmn - Family Service 11 pm - Communion WESTMINSTER, UNITEDCHURCH 25 Manning Rd. Whitby Thursdlay, Dec. 24 Christmas Ev. 5 and 7 pmn Family Servic Y"uthGroup Natm' Play with liveanimai. 10:30 Pm - Candlelght Communion IDo you think elected repiresentatives should Irepresent the majority viewii of their constituent i regardless oftfheir party's position?I I Just one ofthe quoetons in I our No vember 25th reader survey. I ITell us what you thfink of this and other issues, and aduo what you like anddslk I about the Free Press SIf you bave not returned your survey etthre is i still time. Please return it soon! Thank you to those who have .responded. We I will be pubhishg an initial analysis of some ofI Ithe resulta in-a few week8.I L. -Mmm - - - --- Ma adHydre 'workors rospon- dedto thefr firet caîllabout 9:45 pal. Thursday and wero busy unti 10:80 p.m. P'riday. «For the rost part the were sprnkld utaesini isolated, aesbcUeof trees falling down,» said May.. The most severe -problèe were in ýthe, vicinýity of . Maàce- domian- Villag in northwosnt Whitbhyho sail Mayhomes' were Witheut pwruntil .rnid-afternoon- Fn- ~May said.« e1 were there almeet contin- ously during the storm. W. had to wait for the lows se we could get to the linos, said* Mat,' Power' was also' out or eight houri along Eastbourne Beach and Hermit Valley Rd. Agai inaccessobile roads hampýred crews aid May. arie wero lucky cornparod te it municipalities.' Parts of Toronto were out until Sunday.' Berne of Hy 14 linemrnn workod well bôyod their eight- hour àhft ad only went home whon orderedte do se, «for thoir own safoty," said May. "Our crews did a very goodjob,, we're proud of theni," he added' Whitby's public works employees aiso received praise'at Monday's Town council meetig Matyor Tom Edwards termedit a "Horculean effort,» while coun- cillor Joe Drumrn said uimply, «a job woll dono.' Drumm said Town crews ploed and salted streets from 3 te8ý p.m; Thursday and wore back at it from 3 a.rn. the next morningc until midnight. 'Tve lived here over'30 years and rve nover seen se rnuch snow. Every pièe of equiprnont was used,' said Drurnr. ' Ho said many of tho. 60- mer- ber crow' «stayed on -the job,» beyond thoir regular shifts. v Drumm also no.edthat 70 p Yèont of, Friday's rleguargarbage collection was picodup ni -thought it wouldb. impos- siblo,' ho said. Drumim addod that Whitby Transit rnanagod te keep service going on mont major routes. Osh- awa Transit for exemple,- was shut down entiroly. "Vielhad lots or problome, but on total the works staff deserve a lot of credit,' said Drumm. The mumicipality's snow remo- val efforts apparently pald divi- denda- -idgiineby the relatively Îý3fiÎamienta investigated byjolHelocalty.ý 8eto t.e J m arnuof Dur- hum Regional Police said only' four miner accidents i Whtity could b. attributed te tthe weather. "Vie only had -sevon ail week- end, but thère rna have been others that pe did not; report,' said = Ims A spokesrnan for the. Whitby dotachment of the. Ontairlo Pro- vincial Police said 40 accidents occurred from Thureday evening 88E PAGE 9 DR, MAY DAEMI & STAFF wouldllke to wfish our patie and ail the people of HZitby a Merry Christmas and a Prosperous New Year. ~ We look forward to serving you a,!in theé new, year. 112 ATHOL ST.,#200, WHITBY 668-ý58 15

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