Wiby Fr.eProssWeesday, Decomber 16, 1992, Pagel7 PAGE 'SEVEN ThreFpeition The dvine rig ht of thé coluinist ig to b. rog Therefore, we bring you 'the political fturesOf Canada. >Future #j: Brian Mulroney will not lead the Professional Conversationaista in the -next federal Theelect6on will-b. held (Swan predicts) in June 1993 or (more likely), September 1993. (If Bria"sts - to lead the PCs, the vote will be beld in June.) Heres why: IRj Brian: Mulroney, a'proud, vain man, sought the. PC leadesbi osai is ego. In the book, 'BrianIre Mulronety: The Pobitics of Ambition,' author John Sawatsky carefuily détails Mulroneyls career. Mulroney bas stood for élection onfly about four _____________________________ Urnes in bis 1f.. The first, when he was defeated for the . edrfhi by Joe Clark, set him into a bout of, diknadderssion. H.did rebound, won the leadersbip from Jo.. H. bas since won élection te Parliament three times, the..3 lat- two Urnes as part of a national fédéral election' and leader of the party. H. wifl stay only if h. really believes he can win. He is not the. man te stand and fighit a losing cause. Therefor., look for Brian te b. offered and accept aninternational poition before the. end of January. Secr.tary-GeheM,0f the UN would b. perfect Butt any, UN.post, perliaps te bring fre.dom te Africa,. or peace te sorne place in Europe, would do. The r e that Jo. Clark. would be odds-on favourit. to replace Mulroney. And, strange as it may sound, Jo. likely has as good a chance as anyone. Future #2: -The next federal electon will end up producing a rninority government. Sure, youv. heard the. experts fromOttawa. You7ve seen the parties begin te fox trot for votes. But we've gone beyond the Urne when any one -leader could command national followings J Five parties will b. strongly on the national scene next Urne around: thie Tories, of course, with about 65 seats; the. Liberals, -with about 82 seats; the NDP, with 45 seats; the Bloc Quebecois, with about 50 seats; and the Reform Party., with another 50. I dont know JOHN WHH riioi'sBOOrAm>) SHOE gl'OREll BROOKLIN9 C. 1915 how many that is. Count 'em.. Make adjustments. This frame store stood on the west sEdo of Baldwin Street where the Bank of Commerce It means that two, rnaybe three, parties will need te parking lot is now, and was- demolished ini 1967. John Whiteford diod. in 1922. Ho lis likoIy co-operat. ini a coalition government. Tii. nind the man with the cane on the front stops. bogges.Whitby Arrivmphoto Future #3: In two terms in Ottawa, the Conservatives have now effectively gutted our social (Why worr about* selecting the right auto insurance Town cucl plan wiien your.car is about te b. repossessed?) So there you bave tbiree predictions. rm iwiilling te take bots n any and ail. 110 Y»BAns AGO la closing, let Brian Mulroney bave the last word. He from the Thureday December 14,1882 edition of the. said la 1983 in bis book 'Where I Stand': IUWCEEONICLE "W. n.ed new ideas, new visions, te replace thei.6'Fmer Whitby Township reeve James B. Bickell is moving from Brooklin te Toronto. notions t bhave se tragically *nsguded and deflected e Daniel HoUiday bas been ponedWilTwsip clerk. us from the future our foreftiers plann.d and e W.. Gibson ofthe Wphiev= Tea Stoe is Ibuying 200 barrels of winter apples to e o dreamed" in bis shop. Elgt o.a Advertisements for municipal election candidates are, appearing in The Chronicle.' I.