PageS8, Whltby Free Press, Wednesday, December 16, 1992 BIAextends candlelight i open house Duo t'à tth. recent wit.r storm conditions, mercl)ants of downtown ýWhitby' wMll extend' their candllight ope'ihanse te Fridlay, Dec. 18 unt*illp.m. .A number of:-bu>*'esses Winl have m-store s8pecalsi" and serve Chistmas appotizers As well there wIl.1b. fre. hot apple cider outside the. BIA. office ocated at the 'corner of ýBrock St. S. and Coiborne Si.; Fre. Wear'NWin'buttons will ho availablo,- and anyone spotted wearng ther button in the dowtn could win 'Downtown DoIIars' .te spend -at several downtewn businesses. As well, the Tre. of Hope event lias, been rescheduled ýte Saturday,-Dec. 19 from 10 'a.m. until 4 p.m. in downtewn Whitby. For a minimum donation of $1, residents will receive a coloured light bulb te have replaced on the Tre. of Hope, located at the Whitby Public ià brazy. 19ah donated bulb will ho used te replace a white bulb on the trees which were lit during the tree-lighting ceremony on Dec. 4. The goal is te change ail the white'bûlb tÃ0.coloured bulbs, to symboize tthe funds raised for the. ine, charity groups and comnmumty orgnizticms partici- pating iti& Te.of Hope. This yearls participants will lie located at tii. following locations: Durham Down Syndro Assoiation, at Don'0NoFris, Brock',St. S.; Head Iiiury Association of Durhiam, ht Whitby IGA, ýBrock, St. S.; Knights 0f Columbus, .SLt. John -the Evangelist Council 4895 at the. Kùiglits of Columbus Hall, Broek St. N.; Club Central, at' the CIBC Brock St. N.; Whitby Canerai Hospital Auxiliary, at LheMiracle Food Mart, Dundas, St. W.; Learning Disabilities Association of, Oshawa,, at Canadian Home Therapy, Brock S. N.;- Optimisl Club of Whitby, 'Ût Whitby FIre Hall, Brock St. S.; Whuitby Lioness Club, at the. LOBO store, Gilbert St.; Cystic Fibrosis, Durhamn Chapter, at Y.' Olde Fashion Christmas Store, Byron S. N. For more information contact the Whitby BIA office at LAURA BRASSEUR, Whftby interior desig- ner, recently eamed the JeBoer's award for her entry in- a design contest at Centennial College. -Brasseur is shown at the Pickering Home and Design Centre's Idea Home for which she was one of six interior designers. Ptoto byMmim loe WhIlby Fiee Proul (with yu rprysaver 1insurance) ALLYBILLHARDSONA :O: CORPORATION 0F THE ... . TOWN 0F WHITBY IMPORTANT NOTIC E 1992 CHRISTMASINEW YEAR'S HOLIDAY GARBAGE AND RECYCUING COLLECTION SOHEDULE Duflng the Holiday Soason, die normi garbago and reoydling colleCtion moutine wiU bochanged as follow: Thursday, December 24, 1992 Frida, December 25, 1992 Friday, Januazy 1, 1993 Tuesdy, Decemnbor 221992 Wednesday, December 23. 1992 Tuesday, December 29 1992 lhursda, December 31, 1992 Normai garbage and recydling collection wil resumo chring the week of Januazy 4 1993 on your desugnaied day for garbage coiloction. Recycing col6ectiowlIl stili be evory second week on your desgnaieci wekfor colleton. Please remember that ail QABBAE and RECYMLABLES should bo pLèced out by 7.00 kM. on your rogular or revised collection day as mcled above. CHRISTMAS TREES wifl only be colldWdunngthie week of January 11, 1 993n o regular coffDcin day. The liees will be collected by separat riSadwl be takon to the compost site. Pleaso remove al nails, finsol and wooden or metal bSe stands. Any tDme ovor 2.1 moes (7 ft.> must bo cut ina haif. If you wsh furtJier information, please contact the Public Works Department OprtosCentre -da aM . - 4:00 p.m. W. regret any inconvenience this macause and d"hankyu for your cooperation and patience duning d ia Season. Please refer to dme Holiday Garbage Collection Notice dellvered Io each household. Real estate is gaining. ground There were 367, homes with new hom.eowners for the. month of November, aoeording te tthe Multiple Listing Service statistics rel.ased this week from the. Oshawa and District Real Esate Board (ODREB)., .November 1992 figuresae only 1.8 'per cent beiid 1991 sayi "Tis s n icrdilesix Food serviLce managers certified Deepak Seth and and Miles 'Summers,- botii of Wiiitby, recontly received certified food- service manager (CFM) designa- tions. In Novembor, 84 people reg- tered for th. exam that is iield ati community colleges acroais Canada. 0f that number, 53 achieved tii. designation. Requirements for certification includo two years of current in- dustry experionce in addition te achieving a mark of at least 80 per cent on a three-hour written exam. .Individuals from catering,*i- stitution, full-service and hotel sectors participate im-the Pro- gram. PC o.1 Warshouse montha in which eacii monthly totals have surpassed tortale from "Even tiiough sales were only 10.9 per. cent higiier for Novomber (as- oppo.ed te, 33 per cent iihr, mnOctober), tho aeaeice. has, settled at $136,609. Tih. extension of tii.- Home Buyers' Flan (whicii permits home buyers te use their RRSP funds for the. purchase of a homo), recently announced by Finance Minister Mazankowski, should croate an appealingmarket for interested homo buyers te finally become homeowners, says Sith. "Due te the Home Buyers' Plan extension, the. benefits 'will continue into 1993 for both- the home buyers and te tiie economy, generally. "It will encourage- growth of the. frile economy be cause the. housing industry provide sin-off "jcb-cre ùw <benefits Mfor houingreltedindustries," Baya Smith. "An appealing market has aleo been created due tè the. recent announcement, made by Ganeral Moto that the. Oshawa plant bas escaped closure for tii. timo "hsis a great anoncmnt OPEN Mon-Fri '10-8 Salurday10-6 for our Genera Motos' workers in the. Durham Region, as well as our economy, generally. It lias i med our senseOf secUrity aa %*for the, future," says Smith. Homes i Durham Réeon sold, on average, at 94.8 ýpor- cent Of their listed prices -M November, and took an avera .ge of 59 days to do so. <The Futuresyot employ- ment office has moved to 843 Ki~St. W. (Don Cherry's Gra- eovme plaza), ne >ar the WVhitby/ Futures coordinator Dawn Küchirkasa ys thores .botter bus servico te the new office, it has more room "for'the sa-me mono," and it's more accessible te tu dents from outlying areas. Futures hélis youth with no or littie'oxperience te, becomo more 'employable,' offeringacemc computer and career sk ills Courses It alo hasplacement .pro- grams i whchp young people work 12 weeks for a -local employer. toget on-the-job expérience mi a field the.yre interested'm.' Care drive at Toyota WIà tby .Toyota iwest Whitby is p>rt of the. annual Toyoýta Chrastinas Car. Drive. Noýn-perishable. food and un- 1ra d à ne drop off St. W., Monday te Saturday. For tho third*annual event 23 Toyrota-dealiers in -the.Metro area Last aToyota, dealership collected more thon' 260 trc- Ioads of food and unwrapped toys which were distributed by tho Salvation Army. «Tii. need iiiWhitby. alone has risen a s3hocklng 35 per centover Iast year with m tan 230 failssee h Op,"says -Paul, Pearsn, presdent ofthe Toronto Ares, Toyoti4 Dealers. «It's expected that almost 300 families *0~1 require assistance this Christnias" Tii. drive continues until Dec. 24. 150 1 Hopkns St., Whtby (416)430-8081 Fxý 430-0795 VA Ch>rMistas1 Mouse m opa s ç4- o frtur . . . ... . ..... ..