Whitby Free Press, 23 Dec 1992, p. 13

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Whitby Fre. Prose, Wo<ieday Doembor 23, 1992, Page 13 Tnc< BImROF JESUS A long time mgo tiiero was a woman named -i .On. ýday an angolcame upon amnd eaid, Maryyou willgivebirtô toaby, and shaH cml i hm Jesus. Marv wao afridat hie sa*ngbut eid. that, eh.h woud do as the. Lord There wms -a ma n nmmed Joseph. Mary and Joeseph moo gotmaxrie.Thoy went to Bethem Ney wlookod allover town for a p lace to ýstay for, Mary tohbave her bhr They found an inn. They askod for "a- room 'to -etay. But the. innkeperat --- àand ï,AU haveila stable flodhay ... but you!oprobably like all therst.I tell thein what 1 told you. TIhey au Say.Nofl so gotit over with. diyoo no. Mary and Joseph .in' ae a c"oco sbethe~y uaid, Tii. hoS passed and passed. TIn MLU, sIId, Hold my hand Joespl-Tbetime» has coin.for me te bave my baby. Thon the. baby Jésus was bon. An angel told tihe thr ohepherda. 'Thoy 'Print adlý D thtreis. they feU down and--woraipped him. <Th.ekInge brougiit out the gits. the. fet knggve Ihil thi econmd king ga i fralFncoseand the. thirdgave hlm myrh. Thon .a po boy came in plaIbis du.When the. sog wasdn.the. baby amiled. That ie the true Christmas story according to Chris. Chris Cutway St. Bernard P.S. THÉ 1992 îCHIS'f 9 It w.. (Christmas Ev. evoiything was going great until, Santa got stuck in a, ch=Imey. He w.. at -the.McAlaster's houa.. No- on. was home exce t Kovin., He w.. left alone when hi Mom and Dad went te church. Kevin got cold and lighted a fire. Santa"got on fire and flew into the airlikeaà racket. Ho kept going un and Up, until -h.etoppod. en he etopped h. cam e down 1k. a bullet. When h. was 25 miles awayfrom, the ground the sleigh came to is remcue with .Rudolpii i tii. front. Even though Santa had a hole in hie pants h. was etli good to go longer. Thon h. told hie roindoor t. go to Somolia bocause they 'are moot needy peoplo in the world Ho -loft a CWritmas dinner at every houe' in SomÏoli Thon ho w.nt to ovory houa. in the. word and' loft joy, but not i hie, house. After that ruéh.d Christmas hie butt iiort se much hg couWnot ait down for a wek. The end. Jaune Cousin Grade 5 Dr. Robrt »Thornton P.&L CHiýilTàus 15 COIMG Sauta Claus le coming here on Christma. Ev., Just think of ail the presents childron will rocivo Soin. from lu their stocInge, Somn. froin under the tre. I wonder what's inside thim? I guoss lil wait saddese That one i. for Saisie, that on. la for the. dog I just ca t wait for Christmnas and a taste of the Yul. Log. Toni Jack .Grade 6 Ormieton P.S. LUER TO KALNTA DearSanta How la *Mrs. ^Claus?., Wa. ]Rudolf born wlth a' red nos.? Doý you havé kids? How are your reindeer? Why doni't y oushav of r beard? My 1cooli.St. Mak.amn sevn years old. Ï would like a rat and an tee creain maker. I also neod a pencil and eraser for school. Love, ]Rhowena LEITERTO GANTA Doar Santa, How many toys have tiie elves made?, How are you and Mrs. Claus? ,.1 remlly wmnt a Saga-Genas. I hope Rudolph!os noee doesn't burn out. How many, carrots do your reindoor get on Christmnas Ev.? I hope you have a very happy Ciristmas. Prom your friand' Michael JohnDein Pringlo Creek P.. TUESNWYDAY A lot of snowcame. My dad, my ister andlIwmnt to shool.The echool was closed. W. went home. Joshua Gerrow Grade 1 Palmerston.P.S. FURBAIL98 SUUPRSEGnFi! Once there, was acat namod Furbali and' h. nover got a preseât for Christmas. Furbal a1lap wmnted a. present, h. dd tcars what it was. Se Furball waitod and waitod until Christaascame. On. ovenlnig Furbail just could not wait a.l h. started to scratch ovorytbing in eigitlFurball always wanted a bel that could go around his neck and h. wanted a n.w basket te eleop. in.Days paed. One mnorning Fmral rpt under tii. Chrietanas tro., and tiiereh. stood waiting for Santa Claus te come. Finally, t was Docomber 25th. ;urball foU lasleop under the. tro., thon h. heard a ig. crash. Furball jumped up and helledi It a.unded heit came froin the. cilmneyl, Furball'> t toed< o e ifirolace. 'Thoro= Santa 01a.. Sauta put down Ie band and gave hlm a present. It b.d bolls on- it. FurbalI tore it opon and inside was a basket, for hlm toslep int From that day on ho neyer forgot tlia night. The end. SL. Bernard P.&' I--il ar St W . asonL - 6681.. -Good News' Local News WHITBY FREE PRESS

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