Whitby Free Press, 23 Dec 1992, p. 15

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%Milby Fr.. Pmss.-Wo&isday, r)oomber 23, 1992. Page 15 THE CHRISTMAS WISH FAIRY (Enin Meagher) tquched down -at Whity Psychiatrie Hospital recently ta ight the tree and manger scene. Photo by M"k Reeso. Whtby FiOO Prom <THE MAGIÎD SNOWMAN On. day Alexander wa builm a suowiman. Ho had lnd thei. head'and'tii. body but h. n..ded a scarf; a bat nome. cool1 for the. oye.a mouth aud a carot or ,i.noue., Whon AIloxaixdor got bock tii. snowman had moavod to a diffi t spt. "Hey! 'That i. woiïrd," uaid Aloxandor. After the. snowman w"a-ffly buit, it came to lifo. "H"said Alexander to Ithe. snowman. "Who areyouT' 'T% Fro.ty Junior. A long turne ago tbs:-" little' boy, named Aleandermade. me -and my dad into snowmen. After w. melted, wo were nover .rebuilt into enowmen until now." 'WeU n- w, l'm- sure glad that I made you. sud Alexander. qMe too," uaid FosyJunior.' hn lexander 'and Frosty went toibogganning an d theyhad fantasictime. 'hey on" had a snowball fight. Eveiy time Frosty igot bit, ý.hé'got bigger than Alexandr ' dad. When Frosty. Junior melted Aeadrwas really nad-but h. knew that ho would b. back next year. Th. end. Shane Goidman, Grade 4 Dr. Robert Thornton PS. C -fsm On Christmas everybody shows joyan~sd happiness. You have tg> romember thei. birth. cf Josus Christ. The whole meamng is not prenants or Sauta Claus but the mroaning is love for the. birth of Jesus Christ which. more poople forgot more -aud more oach year. W. gather around to have funi and wake up and you go downstairs aud you ses presents. Stacey Sullivan Grade 2 St. John the EvangoZI st ahool HELp. NICOLAS It was Docomber lut. I waa gm tosend ny letter to antaý, tforgot duringthi.day soat 6:30 p.m. I aékod my mom if I' could go out and deliver the, letter alono aud'he said"you can." I I d oe udtwent to the mail wsaotto put tiie letter inthe lot when Iheard, "HO HO HO." When I turned around Santa was iight bebind me! Hoeuaid, j "Hop imi" I got my lotter snd did tliat. I gave my letter to Sauta and. before you could say "jige , bell. thro times wo where at the. North polo. Santa exlained bis problem. "The. roindeer are sick," hle said in a worried voico. I did not have an idea right thon, but I promnised tht hen I tiiought of one I would tell it to Sauta. The neit morning, I got an idea. I tdld it to Sauta and got to work. It took me a lot of day.. to do it, but I finaiy made morne modicine. The roindoor drank it. Santa. was- hapor to se.the modicine via.wwin Sauta flow me hume., I welit to bed and thenxt meninfI found a note boni him.It said, The. end. NicolasJohnson Grade 2 GMen Dhu PS. SANTA CLAUS INTR" BL It w"a.Christmias Ev. and Santa was rtuuing ail around the. workshop. The .1vee wero rn mng into oach other. But when it wastimo fer Santa to go h. was ready. When h. via. half way doner ho got ,stuck in a chimnoy. Ho made no much noisewhenho was stuck thathbe WOko up glittle girl.,, The little girl helpod Santa out and helpod out the presonts. They had a snack together. Thon' Santa tbankod the, littie girl and wont on Ieway. The end.' Pamola Faits Grade 2 Dr. Robort Thornton P.S. Answers to Whitb-' Trivia frmpage 3, 1. John Ham Perry, son of Whtby's founder Peter Perry, built a castie where the swimming pool is now in Kinsmen Park, inl 1957. It was demolished during the First World War. 2. The street plan was done for the area north of, Dundas St. before the area to the south. Mismeasurement wlth the surveyors' chains la. belleved to be the cause of the misaligned streets. 3. In Hubbell Cemetery at Myrtle there ia a atone which states that this grave "was robbed of fts contents by an unrelent ng hand" In 1852. 4. A atone f rom Whitby Abbey,. Yorkshire, England was' installed in AIl Saints' Anglican Church in December 1939. w< m

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