Whitby Free Press, 23 Dec 1992, p. 21

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WhIUby Fr. Prou, Wedki.sy. Deoer2,1G992,Paop 2 SANTA WE1TE ]Dear Brent,' Hi. 1Ilove tread rm glad you wrote .aslr te reember yt Your printlng u jei You might- not i presents, you want cannot mak.mMlie la oneenmonth but we'i All my reindeer' a' up forti i Rudolpi's noue i.hIn ever for Chistmas Ey On Der, 199,'19 coot and rlpped, it. mode me a new pne. theii fln flQetion: me St, Nici,1 St., Santa Clansi?It'. cold l'm staying worml.,] w tc'idng m lv bave net n we weather whore you: ther. ony snow dov havete leave so te da 8 BACKI bIdef letters. Our prments. lýuiîe e, i 0<f presents itry t*.. ire warming ngtand- EJD1NG 0CLUB Tue Io my sliding club and 1 am in,&rst pMScDan in * eckid lm nd =i lel tird lace. im-fourth place. 11à gang fthe ramp. Glen Dhu P.S. lELONELY SOUL righiter thon TIi.r once'was a tramp named veo Fred, 92, was -WhowSe dy fear that be -dreaded, b-ut a nalI When Christmas waw almet her. caugit' my Ami ho kii.w tt it wa a'.* lire. Clans Thi. unow had failen -it was and I nalled cold,i :Do you oeil H. could do nothidng "cause he wae Nicholas or, old., uj bore- but An. t'Mt warmed. hlm was a have. been sWeater so «much I For years, heu had'notbling better icngthe Hesaw Idelaintheuenow as tey o.sols plav wna thore? I Poor Làred as one away lu! I knew h. coula flot stay H. went to that far off place Your fnefld, ii.look on the. doctor'u foc., Sant. On that sad'Chrlstmas day P.Wite bock. SS.hpeîIgot bing because thke elves lot tbeletter. I found it la the, water.. epen! Se, good bty! Nick, Castle Grade 6 Col. JE. Farewell PS. AAEON MET SANTA CLAUSI once upon a fimeà, there wae a bal naamed Aaron L. It wa. a' week before. Christmas. Aaron oid is sieter Sarah decded te go ocutode9 and play. la the. mco white fluffy, uaow. Aarai and Srah had a huge snowbail figt.Sarah abed avey ce, bard round sowbai.l mii. ew it as 0tribit aad good as she could .aad poolthbit Aaroright inthe nom.. lis wae bleeding. Serah ran over bu Aarai. But Aaran b.d a very big lcy awbail inhieb-ýand, he dri>e4 itover Sarah's cold head and pow! oç boan! Tii.unowb.1l bit Sarahuo hoad and thon feU te tii. ground. They bath langied and, thon w.at minsd.. Aaraivld his none and A week hb a st -and -Sarah and Am=a were fast aeleep. Aeroa hoard somethmgng su 'ho went- dowaut.irs to sé.' whit it was. Oh my goly gcahi t was Sont. Arainqilety wea -taotii. brightfamJroom. Hl Ho! Mérzy Chrlstnme, mo2ld Sente .-, Amor ast dowa beside Sent. Clans. "Go. bock to, leep mýy young boy or you wont get ay0 just wantedt tolk te tiiet joy eld mon. ,Aaron t.lked and. talloed, thon flnUfy h. feil asleop ai tii. couch. In the. mormngSarah and the. rest of tho fely came downutairs. .'Surah auked Aaron. "What are yen gaing np so .arly?" I met "Sure<yendld" sld Sri "Fine dntbolieve."Sra "I den't. "Lots ikuat open our presents. mmid li. Le. Tiiey pme. their presents and b.d a wonderful Christmas. But Aaron uilil knowu he met Santa. SerahIAL Grade 6 F.M. Heerd PS. MJG SANTA On. moenlng, I heard a loud, *.i ftm downstairs. Ih vmi sâtl k.wasstuck! SOMEBODY, HELPI I trled .v.ryting I could tbink of. I told hlm te useisma RceH dld. H. got ont. Scott Weling Dr. Robet Tiirta PS. way. Devin White, age'11 R..SeanettP.S. m~'as Stockcings are red, Sohnuare gren. tycud be meen min Oai '- 1, New Yerk =lada te They céelebat. juit the.same au yen Mêbye even la.. Africa and la Mexico But that would be tofar. Theyjust celebrate in their ma. Andxea Yak. Jubia Maer Grade 3 Dr.,Robert -TiiortaiP. FIREFIGHTERS' Randy Tureski (left),, Glenn Macean (rllht), and MoDonald"s manager Todd Petherick check out a few Once upon a lime there lived a littl. gir and boy,' 1named LUsa and Jason. On. day "Lis. and Jasai woke up and %heard ciurch belle riaging. lb w.. '-noar Cixriatmas. One day LUma and Jaaon'srnom and dad told thern that they were ~gto go te Myrtle Beach for M*istmTiey wereJumping up and down. LUsa thougtfor a minute. She thought and- thought. Al 0of a sndden se.said "OhQ, au!" Jason asked what tii. matter wa. 8h. saïd, Wbat if Sant. doesn't come?' Their mm oand dod said, "Dea't worry, Sent. wiil cerne." When they got there tiiey put Chrustmau ligits ai their belcony. On Christmas Ev. Lis. and- Jasai went te bed roolly .arly su they ceuld seo if Sent. coame. They opedhe woldey woke up their. mom and dad and went toe iinstmas tre.. Td Santa cerne? Ye., ho dld coee! Ls. and Jason were su, excited. Lis. and Jasai learn.d sornethkng!Tiey leaeid that wiierever yen are, Sent. wiil always came. Kristea Stovenson Grade 2 Pairnereto P.S. BABYJESUS Baby Jeas Inlathe, hay Wh.re do you loy? laa mang.r during nigiit Are yon la frlet? Bayessupaov WilL ' ynreyour love? Bab eanssnd a"dove Wtyour wonderful love, Baby Jeas send your Peac. I"'yan >Grade 5 St. Mark the. EvaneiUt ichooil WKAT CRITASMANS. T0ME ltes net thei- receving. It's the. giving. Itdoomt natter wbat yen g.tJust being together wltii my foiy and relatives lu importent. Pvfcboel.Spragie PalmerutonP.S. LlIETO A A Dear Sant. Claus, May Ihae fr Christmas a wlgt 1n a real pnppy, please con it y girl. Than you, for your lie akto me neztypair. Luke Grade3 St. Matthew P.S. of - te toys Whitby 'Professional Fire- fighters, Local'2036, bough't for the needy g mis Phot by Mmdc Remor,.WhIlby Fai.Pais SAàNTA'S --UB 1. 'isUI lb al started ai a brisk cold day la the .Nortipole, *bile Sont. was tecbinig bsbab i edeers oW tO fly een. ibaby Blibsai, yen con do lb". seid Sànt. as lie' sprinlded omre more reinder duston hlm. Ina a eoplit second Blibsoa w.. la the air. H. flow' struigiit te thoe borna nd feu aêleep. Sot. wujnt te lock upbis woreshop, thon went home, oen ho got home he. bogan 1to cecugi and snoMe up a utorm. "NIckelas" seld lMrs Clans, we muet get you inte b.d. Santý . Clans was -'vory ,?k.a~ wenÎt .by quickly and bettor,, dn't got the boust bit Finally, lb was Christmas. Ev, and Sont. colda't meke tii.trip. TMm. girls and beys would be su d . tedthat Senta. cafled bis L;iii and it wae fie with hlm te ho a substtut. Sente. On Christmas Day Sont. wae feeling' a lpot better. Sonta!s brotiier.phaiod te sem how ho was WMon Sont. got frthe. phoe ho tioug t thts was tho best Cirinas vr, bcauseeven tughowas-ick, al the bide got theerpmeset and ho wae sterting te fool muci better. Nicola Cornelius -Ca"e Gordaer Dr. Rebert Thorntai PA& TIME AMIG SNOWMAN h was the day before Chrstms. Alittle abbt and his best friend Beer went outoide te play..lb wuu cold endverymnowy no tbiy dred wermly. Tiiey wet tothefield and decided te build a snowman. They started- r'olllg a big, fat snowball. Tjiey kept relling and rollng and somn lb was bigger tiion them. Mfer tb.t thoy rolled a emaller aie and stood oai. log te place tho umallor on. on top of the big aie. When they were finisiied that they plcda big green' bat ai bis hedand a colorful carf around bis aeck.. Tnin hey mode e*yosa noue ând ' mouth. Suddenly tiier ae a oof ad .the snowmaacaey. "Wow" the. friends ,were aaz.ed. "Whats. you â no ,"tiioy- aked. I dont hav a noàm," aneýwered tho snowmnan. Se the named 'hlm Michoal",. A tIle bird -came and landed ai -thé'uaowmans bat. Tien alittie mena. ra acrosu tho fled a#d- clmbed ai-MlcheaL.- They raaroud nd pae i day. .l¶iey b.d suýmuciifu.That igit when rabbit went-homeIls mom asked "What did yenu do today?"-"Oh aotbiing muchualsd rabbit, "we just played aronnd." cffe IpDrig Grade5 St Baruird PS., RUDOLPR arn.- KDNAPED' 'On. fine1 wlnter aRdoh werecomvg romtb ii.l cave. WhVIen ' SIantia.Cla oý. nlMra Ca"sciled on IRudol" h he.dld noct aéme! "OhIinr," saldLSanBD they'w*nt to tii. -".ca" nd got Rudolp bock but thi noja did not'want.to give hlm' upi. H. rau aftor Rudolph and ý.Santa but lw bock hme O Crltn Ev'Rdolph 'wae frtla in.,1M4 o the. premeatu.w. dlierd'afe Grade 3 E.A. Fairman P.S. Up aIl tipsenthwitiiwrapn paper ,d M .'H'wa .y excited because bis big dywas coming. Ti.head elf waa pacldng the presents la the. lai 'bogs for ,different counfries. m,- fthe. countries wee Hoiland, 'ai L 1ka Canada, Brazil an Austrai. That'night ,Mrs. Cans. was màkhgag wifadhoafr ta ci = p u n s artieu, candicane, choclat. chipitÎ jeily boenoci cherry bmaoeu" Sot.waesohapp4W ho. at.ail the, gingerr.adhoua. m ,on minute. -Thon ho said I mm mms.Clans said"Why .ýthank you Senti!" It. was -Christmas Ev.,- and SentaClans'ecoudhear the'j l t"i a W ir. *-Clans bad dc=ae the. houa. ýwitii lovely.wreathe, an .glon the. to c ti. t»e. Xhou could olmoot use tho ,wlng moving. Ih was beautiful. Monwhule Sonta'B .1v.. were v6ry bey'putin f'the-'ip faaheaing. -tii. reldeers colle .and be1 granfat.r ock utrzc mingh.Snt. Clans got, ilbs sled aa sald "on Dsoon Dacer, on tComet. on -Cùipld, on Donmer, on, Blituen, on.nceÙr, aà Vlzmi, on Rudophil"r hen ho off d. FIylag .os. u magialyho rose lato thi. sky. Whe.ho r.achod tho frt- houa. Mi Brazil, h. landed ýon tho roof-and stop%.ped. H gb is 1b41 jump.d down tho chimney, ltc find ahot.flrie floa s,*ig a two metres. Santa urchdHos had' burn. ,tho ,.botcm0f,,"bis panis. S0 ho, got eut othoý cilxney on getme wat.r te Aftr hathoput presents under -tho ',ýtre and. la tho Hire ni tpwas Holland. So th. nigiit ended and tb. summ Sont. Claus shouted, "Merry Christmae to ail and. toail a god moringi And 'I iae'- the bapp.u Chistmas i Melife. Se from then on and ever year after it snowed in Candylaad .éeyoeie was morry and iad, ih. > b.st Cirietoeaeof thoiliiasfl Sarah Milton F.M. Hurd P.S. -----------------

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