Whitby Free Press, 23 Dec 1992, p. 23

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VihIby Fme. Piss, Wiesday,, December 23, 11»2. Paqe 23 SANTÂFORGEMTU TE TOY8 It' was Christaja Eve and Senta was verybusy. The elves had alot of 'Ma&d. I could ntwait. My ýfaly was comin oeret12:00 W ,open tiie glfts. 3:00 came n althe ffts were -open", It, was night me. Santa was commg down our, chuminey wiien ho î bMe>t ti.tou Whn I woke up, *Iseow Sant. A asked 1dm "Why are you beel ýHem9 ufl&thetoïl he wouild give me extra next par. Michael May -Grade 3 EL. FanmnP. -Onëe upona 'timntehrewas an unlhappy Christm so re. He work "up' and the:peoble er comlng Wt buy 'the. Chritias, trees. H. wes md beceuse no&o*~ wanted 'W obuy i1dm. SBut >oneday sinàebody want.d to buy M n .gtatken tW a big houeH.wsvr happy. ofOn Crsiasteewere lots ofprésents under 1dm. He was very happynpow. The end. Elle Burley. Grade 2 Dr. Robert Thornton P.S. SA4NTA CLAUS hOn. a, rstiasnight 1 woa.e fron clttrln sund coming frodkwn e ;-So 1.went downsiltam W whuit it wae. It wa SnalH seid, would'you likoWtôrideow4hme? Isadyesl Firit w wentt W Cameswi'house and'gave her another sister'andý then we went Wo Natalies house and »gave her Anew sister too. moen I wenit hoie. Marlena Curtz SGrade 3 Pringle Creek P.S. Corne ailbe faithlù.1 Home foe -tii. holiday" 1-e7d and green lightà 'sbhie, latii. ovenIs the. trkey Soin. ofthffene reopen Tletrés alhit.upr Mmi.,heýkitchon, Apepie 'and' stufflng ithe oven, Snow is fafling outulde. Dad isacting like Santa, And mom - is acting B11 rs. yet ail lnotopen Jason Tw4iel Grade 8 Leslie mcFarlane P.S. Far'r,-Oldman retain' cai postions on boards Louis. Farr of Pickering and Tom Oldinan of Whitby wiil con- tinue as chairs of Durliam' two schooi boards. Farr wasreturned as chair of the, Durhiam *Board of Educetion durin électionsiield Dec. 14. Wlutby trustee Patty Bomman was also elected W romain as vice chair of the board. 1Oldinan was re-elected chair of tii. Durham separate school board and Mary Zecchino, Pick- ering truste., was re-71qte as vice chair. Ther. were only twochanges during se rate boardr'elections: Kathy no ofPort Perry was elected chair of the English lanIuag ction of the board, ani 'Pckeingtruste., Kevini Ache'was elected chair of the. property and transprtation com- mnittee. Re-eiected wore Whitby trus- tee'Jo. Bugelli as chair of tii. ernnel -and finance commit- teOsawa truste. Paul Wood- r oft a chair of commuty n cm uictations cornmittee; Robert Boisvrt -of Whitby as chair of'tii. french language section Pickermg truste. Ji-m McCafferty as vice chair, of tii. Engilish languege section; Kathy York of Oshawa as vice chair of French lanugage' section., Public school board elections included: Pickering truste. Ruthi DANCE The. Whitby' Lions Club wil iiold- a flmdrising, eNew Yeoa' Ev. -dance et Heydenshore Pavilion, on Dec. 31, sterting et 7 p.m. Tus dinner/danc. wiilahe party favours For more information caU * preident Dan Shisko et 430-7672 (days) or Harmy Mitchell (evenings) et 668-0172. ickets are $40 per person. COMPATIBLE COMPANIONS CONNECTION Duniiam's single social club now meets Seturdays et 7 p.m. for social ectivities. Ail singles are welcome. Also aveilabie are tickets for the. New Year's Gale dance perty. Price is $30 in advance, $35 et the. door. Dinner, midnight snack and champagne are inciuded. For more informna- tion cail 430-7022. PENNY BINGO TMm.Whitby Seniors'Centre., 801 Brock St. S& wihlhoid a penny. bingo on Wednesdey, Dec., 30 e 1:30 pan., Bring a supply of pennies., Rofhients -wiilb. served. Cost is $1 et thé door. For more information, oeil 668-1424. Ann Schedlicii as'chair and Ajex trugse.Duncan Lad 'as -vice chair of the. finance and, trans. portation ,committe.; Scugog trustee Bobbie Drew as chair ana Oshawa truste. Nancy McLoan as vice chair of the. prograni committe.:; Osihawatruste. Aud- rey Maceéan as chair and Pick- ering tru4se. ain McCully as vice chair of tii. property and planningcommittee. Whitby trustee Allen Gunn is chair of tii. ethnocultural edvi- soy committe. and ]Rad is chair of tii. modil.d ehool yeer committee. Lucie Rochette CHARLES GARINIER «Bonjour!'HappyW tobe on vacation? I1 know I sure amn. 1The lest week of achol- was a busy one. Becaus. of last Friday's storin, ail of; our activitios had Wo b. put off. That moans thet our pop rally, our non-uniforin day and our .Cfristmas senti-formai were recheduled. Wednesdeg, Dec.ý 16, w. had our non- de.otunts were aiked Wé wear r'dand green (how fesive). On Wediýesday monngw, had an hnrvation tournament Caron High iScho.NedeaaW DISTRESSICENM*TRE If you aré experieRcing~ sad.- ness, islation or emotionel pai durn the. ýioldaseeson, cel thistr CetreDurham à confidentiel'24hour hoplinee 433-1121. FWAlTMAND 0F C St. John &mnbuanc», Whitby Brench, wil hold a standard firat aid and CPR pourso for university and coilege s*udnts on Monday, Dec. 28 and Tuesdy, Dec. 29, 8:30 a.m. Wc 4:30 pamn, ut tiie, office on Dundes St. E. ýTo register, visiý'the tii. cer cail 668-9006 or 668-4150. JIM' SWIM-A-THON The. City of Oshawa wil hbast 'Jim's Swimý'the. 7th annual marathon swim ini aid of leukemia reoearcii. i' Jan. 3 Wo 24, s'immer Barb LàSo.wll « Swim for Juin' t -tii. Civic Centre Auditorium Campiez, 141 Thornton P1Ld.S, iOshewa. A reception will b. heid on' Sunday, Jan. 24. Contrflbutioas mey be made Wo thé Torogto-Dominion Bank, King and Sîmco. streots, Oshawe. For more bnfrmation on pledge sheoti or dohatons, cal 432-140&5. say, they went.back, t. Penetang disappoi*nted. Our. impro teain massacrod them . (well, w. won by one point, but ..à). Great job,4 guys! On Wednesday afternoon, we had the. pop raily. Fourth period was shortened, and; w. ,al crowded into the. gym for varlous activitios W boost ochool spirit. It was a blast. .Thursday. MissZanovellos gradeil Englih clams showed their verson of «West ado Story'. It was t. Thoeeof us*who are in an nlish clas right now were lucky onough tW b. invited. The. students did a omat job. Tlhey ,au, deserve As &-Z.dn Miss Zanovello). Fridey, axnong the candy cane wrappr and the. Christmnas carda,m w a amass for the students. Also on Friday, some of the - grade handed out candy-grams and .,sing-o-grams. They wer. a idreïSed up »i'red and green outfts. 'It was flznny Wo 500. Weil, gotta fly. Have Wo finish triming the. tree.. Se. you in a couple of weeks. Joyeux Noel et Bonne Année 1993. >More than 200 coats were col- lected huoni E.JA. Feirman- public achoors 'Coatsfîorthe Cold' drive. «I was relly impressed, au thus is the. flrst timhe weve tried this, says Carol O'Neil -Student Action Commttee (parent-tee- cher conîmittee) memnber who launciied the. drive. About 180 of the coats were taken tii.th Salvation Army in fWh b~ or dsrbton with the. foSd tOyh prs mehother 2 e.given tW St. mares church. Tii. drive began ini mid- November and.ended Dee. 16. About 75 per cent of-'thé. coats colected were for adults. K&M Cleanors i downtown Wbitby provided free dry clean- ing for -about- 20 coats that requiredcleaning. E.A FAR N publice chool students kickedu p their heels in 'Pioneer Chnistmas' square dancing last wee.» Phoo by Mèe iotn8111 Henry Shoot 111h School co-cp student Ch.im.nese teachers visit hontn Dr. Robert Tihornton' public school redeved, viitors froi China last Tos aa isit arranged by the Otio Institut. for Studies i Edcti mThethre VMWr wreChinese, sciolarswiho ~visitingCanada and mrerh aspects of Canadinedctin Li Nfingu t. hest Nanji Nori Unvs - tyand wa thriiled when gae2 studonts and students itheprimary spec"i dua imcla akod questions about China and even tried W leer sin word.. Chines. J iayi Wang teachés et Northweist'Normal Univert in Lanziiou and seid hé wes amazed -bD he'cýskillâ dovlopinent of tiLetudents et Dr. Thornton and i Canadian ichoolsgenerafly. Gu Y tme aet Southwest China. I'ree' university Sichuran Province and show.J Cret 'intieot i-teaching, methds and teacher evuation i Canadian ochool. AMPS mlneeting,,.J.an. 5 Tii. Anders6n 'Music Parent's Society (AMPS) Will hoid a general meeting -n Tuosdy, Jan. e, t 7:.30 .i thé library et' mnerewm i* >ti pt usicFest '93 in Ail parents of students involved in thé, extra-curriciiiar music' prograi (bands and chairs), are'.skd od Wauend'thé mneeting., For more informtion oeil Andrew J. -Uranolwsk et .rj~%.. *UU ~.,Va

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