Page 24, Wblthy F"0 Proo, Wodflsimy, Decembor 23, 1M9 ~.4 1~ i urnE-m w... I I WAM11~ft I ~Pft****,*~,j~ fffIf<~L~~ -. __________________________________ ___________________________________ I ~ 'J ~ ______________________________ ______________________________ i ______________________________ ICOMPUTER ELECTRONICS TECHNOLOÃœY, . B USINESS APIPUCATIONS: BEDFORD ACCOUNTINO, LOTUS 1-2-39, D BASE, DOS, WORD PROCESSINO I BU SINESS ADMINISTRATION BANKINO SERVICES ACCOUNTINO < OSHAWA. OSHAWA CENTRE >(Shops up Top) 723-11l63 ObPERATIONS DETA CAIRS SECRETARUAL, LEGAL, MEDICAL, DENTAL, BOOKKEEPIN09 EXECUTIVE, RECEPTiONIST, WORDPROCESSINfG PICKERING 1450 KINGSTON RD. (Hwy. 2 at Valley Fami Rd. 420-13â44 UNIVERSITYKOLLEU STUDMTS Summer managemnent'positions stilî available but filliing fast with ' COLLEGEPRO PAINTrERS. -Run your own, business ln.your home town and earn $1 09000+. a'j MAKE GREAT MONEY seliing qaiyundercover wear lingerie. Wor:Yavaliable ln your, area. Flexible -hours, fuit- or part-tlme. Sp.elat bonus- for. startlng*,before Jan. 31. Cuit Susan 619-1067 for more Informidion. $200 - $500 . WEEKLYI Assemble produots at home. En-, no selllng..You're paid direct. Fuil guaranteed. No experienc necessary. Cati 1-504-641-7778, ext. .142î 24 hours. CRUISE SHIP JOBS. Earn $300 - $900 weekiy. Year-round positions. Hiring menlwomen. Free room/board. Wlil train. Cati 1-504- 646-4500, ext. C- 142, 24 hours. *1 had a very good response to my ad - a lot of phone calls.ý E.M. REGISTERED physiotheorapiat to work for nursing home ln Whitby andfor Oshawa., Fuil-time or^nart- time.'Flexible hours. $34/hur. Please cati < 416>'499-8251 or (416) 750-9957. EXPIENIENCE D RECEPTIONIST/ assistantfor growing dental office. Must- like hefiplngpepte and be enthuslast C. 668-58w. AESTHETICIAN WANTED, amd halrstylist chair for rent. 430-7070. EARN MONEY, readin bocks! $30,000/year .Incarne ,potentiaL Details:;,'1-805-962-8000, ext. CY-335. CINDY'S -ALTERATIONS, & Custom, Tallorlng. .For ail[ aur sewing needs. Leather, wedd?1n custom design&~ Tuesday - Frlday .10 ý-,5:30; .Saurday, -10 -3.No. appointment n recesar. 101 'V2 Mary 'St. W. (Pea"sÃoriLanes) 430-6550. CM VIDEO ELECTRONIOS: Secaizln nVCRF sterea, radio &TV repar. rfssionai technl- clans. ?vice cati ony,$30. '668-0629. o KLE EN KUT -UPHOLSTERY. Re-;upholstery ocf antiques. Ail kinde ' f recovering. Vour fabrlc or mine.- Fre. estimiates.ý Over 40 years experience. 430-7568. Whitby. Ruse W»id t,,." ELECTRICUAN. Service upgrades, rea. roomo, whatevert: Fre- estimates. At 666-21-27, Whitby, Ont. WILL Do, ODD' JOBS,. large& smail. Tree branc ean-up, Instai garage door openers. Have own truck. Réasonable rates. 668-2742. 1CARPENTRY & ROO FING repairé. Free estimfates. 427-6212.ý TUTORINO: READINOI, MATHi - ail. subjects- ta OAC tevel. Three un Mm m amexperienced teachers.. Corner Stan. Caunseiiing &Tutarlng. Eutional services for ail ages. Au plaisir de vous servir en 12fSLE. #~.301 oh Ohqj.72&.0091 - -3 lm ~Rd N.IabY Head Stant Education m 28,9,0,1- ÀI3.>MDrq>In Chd Cro-9:Wam aI DA5 COO jISE 1 Saae t 9Yo EGISTEa~ O&APRiOVWEÃ" THE rSHOPINTH-E CLASSIFI'EDSI You'II save time and ioney if you shop. the ads in the classified section first! t's the place to find the big bargains you're Iookingfor. Thep ayte hat prvides...- *Unscheuted hom ist enaure quality car. for your child1 *FuiIy traldr rvidera. recelve ongoingAgency = eal local back-up cavera Provider Ilinesa or holdays *ComplelInsurarie coveag *incare:taxreceipt * blidren six wieekand up *Full or part-time For DMrs lnfouSMat cWI: 686-3995 a îenwdqency BAKER, UL -&, CANADIAN experlence. .loklng -for. emptoy- puent in Oshawa/Wfhftby area. Cati ~ill, 668-8622. *EARN $ AT HOME -$ EASY $ Mal-reciver/processor. Send 4e x S ASE ta: AI 'Mareau F~bicllon, Ext. 03, Box 423, lidand, Ont. L4R 4L1. IJXPERIENCED DAY' CARE *vallable ln my home.'Referenced, s fety, fresh air. Agos 2+. L4fthouse/Anderson. 668-7025, J anne. 4XPERIENCED DAY CARE 9-oldr & , mother' of 4 s,-hôoo-aged chiidren woutd iove ta c e for your Infant or toddier ln n ~y home. 430-9520. Wee Care Day Care Centre A es2 taS Pnuffll "rnerate $99 Day care Pull days, Nursey school, Half days, Junior kindergartn .Emtbliahed 197M 686-1161 (Ajax) Speciaiizing ln Early Childhood, Education. For Peace of Mnd.« Periy House -Day Care.-Centre Ltd. 129 Perry St., Whitby 668-9476 HANDYMAN SERVICES - Clean r ards, ,basements, c utl; trees. mrethlng tao eIl? ôait 655-3004. * DyvW>eig (tape à llnlahlng)' te Roc Rooma *e Basornonts 1*.Texture Spntylng, tPaining (ex1erlorAntérlor)'* Trmm >Free estifmates 576-7503, FREE CAR & SCRAP removal. Call 655-575 PAINTER WITH OVIER 22 years' experlence needs resîdentiat wark. CaiCarenée for f ree estimate. 668-5562. PAiNTrING, WALLPAPERING& ffnovâtions. Referencé and 'free* detlmedes.CGaitlJi!m atl666-1030. GRANDMA'S COMPANY affers GREEN cteaning of residences and offices. Ail Our* ladies are security checked thraugh, the, potice. Bonded and, lnsured. Chamber member. Knock yaur' sooks off serviceit 725-917, (?4 -.hour answering). CUSTOM DESIGN and, dres.- maklng. Weddlng and. evening gowns, brldesmads & grads, suRtS, etc. Renovation and 'alteratlon. Garments ali made from a picture. 723-3259. CALL A PRO! FOR WIINLFE IG YOU ASHOCKOR TWO.1 ~Just check the CALLAPROse6on Yo an oad Jt ho oste job! *'~«~ ~ U~êo M~id~to Pda ~ mi KX Mianclal Assistance May se Avallable 2 Campuses in Durham 1 Call Andrew at (4161259,8114 exte 233 for nioreinformation.