Whitby Free Press, 23 Dec 1992, p. 25

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VWhhby Fmo Prmss5Wockiosday, Deoembr 23,1992, Page 25, BROOKUIN - LARGE room, close ta al amenitîes. AIl Inclusive. Avallabie for Dec. 1. 655-5539. WHITBY, FURNISHED ROOM. Parking, -Iaundvy, cablo, phono. Brock St. N. & Starr Ave. $85 wookly, or $1 roomn & board. 430i.2598. BON VOYAGE MOTEL -ton minutes from Whitby, betweon Brooklin/Port -,Porry on Hwy. 12. Rooms available for ront. Low weekly rates. Cal 655-5308. FURNISHED -ROOM for ýrent,, $80/weekly. Share bathroom & kitchon. Student or, worker proforred. WaIk to- ail .amnenities. Cali 666-3776 ater 6 p.m. NON-SMOKING, WORIKING tomis rofrre. Use af kitchon, laundry. Noar Kendalwood Plaza and K-Mart, Whtby. 404-9287. ROOM WITH PRIVATE bathroom. New home. Use comple kitchen, laundry. boeyard, parking.AUl utililos lncîudsd.. Air condilonor. Worldng persan. Fiua,. last & reforoncos. Female welcome. $480month. 666-5197. WHITBY - SHARE spaclous new homé with one or two working people. Al incuded. Non-smoksr. 666-8590. MODERN HOUSE TO SHARE in Whtby. 2 rooms + dinln9 and living roomn privai.. Sharo kitchon and laundry. $550 per month. Tel. 579-2283. IHERB TRAN IcatI for quotaton Derek Dutka planning sinco 1986 CAIL 434-6119 FOR AN. APPOINTMENT. suBLET 2-BEDROQM apt. tram January ta J uly -i193. 'Contact A ngola at 686-8300 attor 6p. or Shoter Carp., 683-9021. PORT WHITIBY, nL.e clean on- bodraom, apartmnents availablo immsdialely andi JanJa-ry t. $575/ manth. -Includes fr> go. stavo, & Stàà' 1 W.%668-6437. 728-2969. WHITBY: ONE.rBEDROOM basemfent apt. 600 sq. fi.. 2-car parking., Privalo. Inçludos - hoat, watsr. $60 + 'V3 hydia. 655-4120. NORTH WHITBY - Immaculae, spaclous 2-bedroonM aparimont. Appliances, 4-pc. bath. Separate entranco, Iaundry. Backyard, paking, transpoaltical utlîties includod. Non-smokor. $6751lmonth. 430-1972 3-BEDROOM APT & DEN, main floar of bungalc w. No pots. Noar primay sohool, Whby & GO' buses. $850 rango +. utilities. 430-72980' Whitby;j voice mai! Toronto, 416-33,7-M6. TWO-BEDROOM A1T for rent. 1000 sq.flt. Stove. fri e washerl< dr. Only stops to0 train& i,. Whtby. CaiI"6683- 'L BRôOKLIN:1*- &3-BEDROOM ~>rmenta.lose ta al amenities. AaIsfor Fsb. 1. 1993. Cali AJAX - NEW. BASEMENT- apt., oveo.r 1,000 sè4. ft.,. for, rent Fob. 1. Close -ta GO, & shÃ"oing. 1-bodroamn wih waik-in closet. Full kitchen with'pantry. Famlly room, storago sço & fulI bath. Accose ta laundry. Hait drivoway & socurily systom. $750lmonth. Utilfties lncludod. Susan ad 619-1067. I Complete FINISHED BASEMENT Ifor $6,875. 432-2266 or 427-5763 Authorlzed ServIcentre For Most Major Brand VCR's - Camoarders * TV's *ýVCR's *-Stands and . microwaves Aoessones snoe l9m2-VV.WU 7234373 -SHIOWROM 1300 King St. E, Oshawa AJAX'. FROM -$750 *1, 2 and 3 Bdrm. .Suites *ý Sppliances l. pen suite laundry " Pool, Whîrlpool, Sauna " Exercise equipment " Tennis court, Playground " Wood burning fireplaces NEAR GO TRAIN & HWY. 401' Rentai Office Hours Tues. - F L1pm - 7pm, Sat..lOam -S5pm Hwy. 401 N r7 Lake Driveway West 686.6872HE AEGIONAL GROUP MI recesvod 65 phono cals abota houso I was seging r B.O. MEDICAIJPROFESSIONAL, 625 sq.fi, downtawn 'Whltby. Ground floor. loads of parking. Privais entranceand-.washroom. 666-3833. RETAIL SPACE FOR LEASE., 150sq. fi. Main streoo ocation.ý downtown Whitby. Croaiive ;rentai arrangements. 668-1468, 9 a.m. tai 5 P.m. Iii thîs world. thero's sîways room for ono more. Cali your Welcome Wagon Hostess now. Phono 668-6653» WA-ITBY, 3+ BEDROOMS. Privais front and IbackWard. Bmoadloom. $800 + 2/?3, utirdlies Top floor af bungalow.Movo' besChristmas. Rontetars Jan. t Na pots. Reforoncos. (Whtby)' 430-7298, <Toronta) 337H3455. 3-BEDROOMHOUSE i»Whftby avallablo Fob. 1, $1200. Faln floor only. $850. Basement or l1 $500. Priées neotiablo. UliliI nludod. 445-6203, asic for DMarte, MORTGAGE LOANS- lst& 2nds la 95% of Value. Al proponty types, primo rates. Quick service and approvals. Cail CityCan Financiai Corporation, ,571-2880 Oshawa, 686-2936 Pickering., PRIVATE MORTGAGES - the' place ta go when your bank says *NO.u Serving Whitby sinco 1973. 668-7200. ANUBIS INVESTMENTS. '88 GMVANDURA, 1500. Csntlfled, exkcellent condition. Now' tires, nsw brakos. 'Meuai.I $6.900. 666-5197. '83 VOLKSWAGEN, JETTA 5-- spssd. -.,Sunrot. Very g condition. Muai seI. $230.' Need a car - Credit problems? - We have lawsetak-overg (reposaesMon) *Lease to OWfl myZmke or mdal oCash for tmd 1*Ct now fornma quotes LEASEGUIDE AUTO LEASING" 436-9837 -Jett- ARE- YOU- HAVING TROUBLE getting auto insurance beôause of ago, poor driving, record or suspension of liconse? Perhaps we can holp. Phono 666-20906. CROSS CANADA MAR KETPLACE] 115 FAST - IT'5 EASYI ONE CALL, ONE BILL DOES ST ALL., -CAREER TANN LEARN AUÇTIONEERING--at- the Southwestem Sc:ho of Auli1oneeîlng. Niw Clas: Nov. 21r27. Information, contact:' Southwestern Ontario School of Auctioneedng. R.R. 05, Woodslock. Ontario, N4S 7V9 (519) 537-2115. TRUCK DRIVER -TRAINING AZ and DZ courses. Also air brake, dangerous goods. defensive drivlng, log book and, border crossing. Rodgers School. Ontario's oldest. Cati 1-800-668-0031. NOTICES NOT CARVED IN STONE: Public funding of separate schoois. 75-page bock-explains the arguments, suggests action. For your copy, coul 1-800-465-6072. MORTMAGES MERRY XMAS.* Mo'rgage money for homeowners to psy bis & credit cards. Ex.: Borrow $10.000 and repay as iow as $13000 monthly. Cati Intrmnsicon Financil toii-free 1-.800-268-1429. VACATIONÃŽ1RAVEL CANAL CRUISES. Five days aboard KAWARTHA VOYAGEUR, scenic Trent. Severn Waterway or Rideau Canai, private staterooms, meais. free brochure. Write Captain Marc, Box 6. Orilia, 13V 6H9, (705) 327-5767. MYRTLE B EACH FOUR-drÀY WINTER GOLF special $1001 Vacation rates available. Winter rentais from*$400lmonth. Oceanfront condominium resort; meny amenities. For more Information: 1-800-448- 5653. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES HOME RENOVATORS/BUILDERS. Oualified dealers needed. Aiuminum- Insuiated Roofs, Room Encosures, Screen Rooms. No Inventoiy required. Buy factory- direct. Cali Jon at 1-800-221-4104.. RECREATIONAL VEHICLES COACHMEN CAMPING TRAILERS. Hardtop-Foldown. Fiflh-wheei, Travel, Park models, Truckcampers-caps. Fibretine & Leer Fibergass & Aiuminumn Truck Caps. Parts-Service form most makes Including Bonair-Lionel-Lextra. Royal Trailer & R.V. Centre in Teviotdale, Ont. (519) 343-2122. -STEEL BUILDINGS., ' - BEST BUILDINGPRICES - ýSteel'ýtraitwaUý Type.- not quonset. ý32x54 $7i344;407 $10.276; 50x90$15.882:60x0264$22.972-. other sizes avalable-ý Final»,year-end clearance- Paragon - 24 Hours' 1-800-* 263-8499. STEEL BUILDINGS - Find out why more and more people buy and recommend Future for'Quaty. lniegrity and Service. For ail your building needs. one phone cail: Future 1 -800-668-8653. BUILDINGS - GUARANTEED LOWEST PRICES. Ontario Manufacturera special, factory-direct year-end inventory clearance.' Straight-sided arch style and utility modeis. available on these specIaîly priced mfodels: 20x32, 30x5O. 40x6O, 40x1 02. Exampe- 14x20 Value $2,142.00 Now $1,-689.00, F.O.B. Toronto. Complete with ends. Will store for spring déîivery.. Cal Pioneer NO CHARGE 1-800-668-5422. SPAN-TECH STEEL BUILDINGS Authorizeçi Steeiway Dealer. Why seuile.for poor-quality ki barns when Sieelway. High- Quaîily steeî-framned buildings. are compeiliively priced? 24 hours 1-800-561- 22W0. A-Z PRE-ENG. BUILDINGS INe. Ferm.* storage. Commercial, Industrial. New types, steel/wood, quonset, cîadding. For true value, action & answers - Waily (416) 626- 1794 FREE brochures. Clip-save.. INVESTMENTS MORTGAdE INVESTMENTS AVAILABLE. Oiy people from smnail towns understand the Importance of investing ln smail communilies. 11-1/2% to,14-3/4%ý retumns. Cafl Intransicon toil-frea 1-80-268-1429. FOR SALE NINTENDO..SUPER NINTENDO, Gameboy. Genesis, Saea Gamne-Gear, Turbo-Grafx. cartnidges. NewlUsed. We buy. seli, repair. Free price listai MaJsVkdeo Gaje, Exchange. (Cnd' Largesti) 1-800-463-7529 (1-800- GOD.pLAY).. BUSINESS SERVICES GOVERNMENT GRANTS, LOANS& assistance programs (FaderaI & Provincial) for your new or existing smail business.. Information (514) 937-2422 ext. 98. IBLANKET ADS ARE NOW "CROSS CANADA MARKETPLACE" ITo reach a wir market, adve.ftte throughouéf lther.gioaulm.mbrshç ipothe I Ontario and Cangdan CommuneNyWwspap.rAssociations- I etral Ontario 55 newspapers - $160 for 25 words - Al Ontaro. 171 newpapors - $350fr 25 words IJ ICanada 572 wPprs -$974 for 25woids- 11 11 1 For further Informàtion please oeIl tihe Whitby Free Press Classlieds - 668-0594 ' m L-

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