Whitby Free Press, 23 Dec 1992, p. 3

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WhlIate cosultant my repWesed TownDat MBo1G2Pà An planning p con- sultant may have. tarersent' Whitbat anOntarioMuipa a armg. Town council'has directed its planning und d.velopmàent com- mnittee téa mvestigate the feasibi- lity of hiring a pivate consultant for the 0MB (municipal bord) heaning., Councçil ha been 'forced inta considerlng ,this -unusual ' stop becasete Ton.sown planning department feols it. cannot-pro- perly, défend-,the' mumicipahty' case, in -a dispute with 1,a .deve-J The*Orlando (Jorp. ha lled an appeal ta the 0MB over council's reftusa 'ta approve rezoning and officiai lpllicaU tions-for a 0.1acre ston Ticû o Rd. S. The. vacantproperty, I-north of Wentworth St. unhd 'West of Tiiickson is 'oe renetand carnies a liazard land demigntion in WJhitby's officiai. p Ian Orlandi> wànts the zoning and official planý changed ta permit prestigelndustrial'develaÎpment on the site.ý Although Town p lannigstf sporm ud anaos proposaI, coimcil d.nied the applications in both March and Octabe.r of last Orlando filld an a peai ta the OMBnd in a repOr tto uncil, staff su'a t cunilretain a ianne P er or olicitor ta »rersntthe Town at- thé heur- A HIISTORICAL FEATUBE in the Whitby Free, Pres i ..Whitby had tiwocastles in its.' seari y days. One was. Trafalgar Castie, now-a girls' private sohool. Where was the other one?'- 2.Why are the streets flot. properly aligned albng Dundas St. through the downtown?' 3.Where» is there evidence of grave.robbingin, Whtby?, 4.In what building la there a piece.ai atone from Whifby ýAbbey in Yorkshire, England? Answers on. Page 15 This teaturo proylded by, But. at Iat- -week!s council meetln& ouncillor Don Mitchell questioned the wisdomof seek- mg otside Elep Mitchell used ifthon. «@s uny urational< 1lnin has"t support counUs ps9Û..n Côuncllor Boss Batto'n, ~ln rnco ttée.chair, e laied tbhatwhentheapplctincamle before .connce, thon. ere con- cerna about the prxmty ofthe d.velopmenttaorbtt Creek., ,Mii. e% . ofïthe PrTore 17,000 1mq. f. uiding .Wou d be 300 foot fr-om the creeékat its nearest point. Aréea residents are worred about the impact'of d.velopment on the creek and neurhb arsh.) Batten mid that although, the property slopesdown ta h creek, bath rlando and Wbithy planning staff féol there lusuffi- cient; table' land ta support a structure. But rather than deai with the 0.8-acre parcel ulone Batten said- council preferred tAat Orlando suhmit an application for aIl the land it ownslin that l oin.. (Tih.company. ha on0dil acres west _f Thickson aine 1975. Durham Region'. land divi- sion committe. approved ever- ing the 0.8-acre slice in 1990 but thatwas a!ppealed ta the6M býyeWonal council.) Wéelt it made botter sense ta look at the. whole holdings on on aplicationi"said Batten.ý But noting bhat 'staff cannot suppot counceil, Mitchell asked if * Wh itb y winnerm of the Canada'125 commemorative medals, which mark the 125th anniversary of the Confedora-ý tion, of ,Canada, have, hee.n anounced. Imi. recipients are' Walter Boea, Joy Tiiompir P4ggY Hewuon, Stewart Bawmun, Tony Jones, Dr. Kann.th Hobbsý, Henry peny, Marjoi. Bowman, RceayTheriault and Jack Methvon. I"Ti. medalswere a=ed hy' the.Qusen, and were. ta pïay ýtributs W opeople, whcse any "thcar' plannor could «Planning in a mattor of argu- ment and we can engageaiplan- ner to represent us., said Mit- chou**, «But-'tho thinglIdon't 1k. t sa. lu us going tothe hourd uand- flot- having our own planning staff on our aide,» h. said. Mitchell -muidà council ,hould not flht'tho app.alI 'on priniciplo' andlas, bt f~httowml., MWhy, when councirs position lu ascertained, -can planning ment flot be added to- councila positior h. asked. Councilç FMarcel Brunelle muaid: sftaff ,should flot, have ta choose between their loyalty ta council and their own profos- slanai integrity aslannere , «Unless some sitantial plan- ning matter arises we shouîd* let them stick'ta, their position,» said Brunelle. 1«1 don't think. any substantial evidonce ha been presented ta refuto their position, Brunelle added. "That's- fine -but th.y don't know 'coun*1"? position when they firt),present thoir argu- mnente," replied Mitchell.' . Aftor hearing aur position und they still can't support us, do we tell them they have tar» Brunelle shot hack. Councillor Dennis Fioz foît that ýMitchell raised valid points, -but the .«problem" lay in, the respon- msibilities of' the two ý.sides, he said. talents, values. and actions have. benefitted the. ommui says Ontario niding NP Rnomtons. "Presenting thes Moduls wll ensure a tangible and. lasti.way W .pay hoeiour to the People w*hoso achievements aWhav.enefltsd their fellow citisensf. Thêfact that theso modale, wero createdon the hmeofCpna'&'s 12 hclàdy' -In*JulySootens ivtsd area reuidents ta nominate uitahîs candidates for the honour. -Nominations we reviowed -_ya committée.of citizens, who ten s.lectsd the winners. Tii.recipients willl ho awarded, their modale' at, an upcoming c.nomday. BRSLT0IYI&II5&D nsurance companles.1 Whltby Aýuto Glass uses an incredfible process to repair ýwindshield stone chips. And your . Insurance company wiIfl wave your deductble on stne rpam ta keep ad at time of r WHTBy AUTo -GLASS spec!alsts 1W. TOLFREE 1-800-668-9247 Mobile Service Guaranteed Worjçmaflhip 411 Dunclas-St. East, Whtby U%7*>are elected, thpy (stff) are-the bureaucrats. There are times when thero vil b. dis- aements,"said Fox. ,, luagreein ~with her',col- leages, oun or Judi Longflold referred ta Mitcheifs own occu- pation as a la er. "Councillor Mitchell shold ho aware that you cunt sk -a. la rta .fnand ,posecute at theo samê time, thats owhat, he sig stff ta do," said ionigfield., -Ini an Interview Olundo vice-' president Phil 'kiflg suid he nover undoertood the reaso for. council'. decision.- 1o me, when yýou have a positive staffré' tyou should ~No on. wants ýto, go ta h bo, ic h uUy it vil work GraûcF'enJ Une ewmngeetDeebrP119 YuaecRallyini20,00ttndou GR NDO ENNGMn.Ja.E S /9,0 r BRN HSA FR YU PC GF OPN Under n * Refemaàents Sw rises ) GRANEY OPINGMn a.4h9 % 10%IN TIS OR OR PCL tCOPN We lookforward lookour Melssaudkh andKaîyn wulc'oeyou tothelrnâ "lcaIon. Calendara are available from any Rotary Sunrise member or from Picture This and'That, Donald Travel, NRS Reaity One, National Trust <Dundas St. W.),& Nurae Chev Qida more chances to, Win ln the Wh!tb.y .Fros Préoss each week from now Uti the end of December, we wil draw 15 numnbers from those that have already been soid. Th e numbers WilI be published exclusiveiy ln the Whitby Free Press. If your number is drawn, you can pick up an additlonai calendar koen frolm the Whitby Free Press'offioe at 131 Brock St. N.' Double your chances 0f wlnnlng 1>1992! The ealler you buyyourCA$H ,CALENDAR, the *better your chancesto Win another. Any such calendars must b. claimied wlthln 15 days after the numbers are publiihed or theyiIb returned to the prize - pool and drwnfr again Buyyour -calendar today 9 ý

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