Whitby Free Press, 23 Dec 1992, p. 6

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PMMq .6, WyFr,.Présvmedetay "emer The only Whitby, Newspaper owned and qperated by Whitby resîdents for Whîtby residontsl Published evryWednesday by 677209 Ontario, mc. at 131 Brock St. N., Whitby, Ontario Li N 5S1 Phone 668-6111 Toronto Line 427-18$4 Doug Anderson - Publishe'r Maurioe 'Pither - Edito .r Alexandra Martin'- Production'Managér 2nd Class Postal, Registration #05351 Praising taxi., bus drivers. To the Editor: Re: Whltby Transit 1 have been a résidenit ai Whitby ince 195 and 1 share the arne opinion ai many athers thaït thé rént snow may have beén thé worst ln a long while., SAs much as it wasbeautiful iooking at natures spectacle frorn thé camfot and warmth af thé front romr window, t was harrendaus ta évén thlnk abaut haw ta gét ta wark, ta Taronto naonetheless. In Thé Free Presa, Dec. 16 Issue, 1 note thé Hydro people and, evérybody *c onnécted with. the warks depariment got a very well desévved word ai thanks.. How about thé taxi drivers and, thé Whitb Transit bus drivers who skldded aIl over thé unplowed-yet streets ta the varlous destinations réq uestéd?. 1 Ca-operatian and communi- cation wére thé key words ta cape with thé ýraad- conditions, and Rt To thé Editor:- Rasconomios are- lndeéd a wondrous thing. 1 note that thé Durham Board ai Education is In as tlght a bind as are ail thé ather boards In aur fair province. 1. In'tR asoluelyamaingthat there' are insufficlerd u.uns for current educationaI programns, yet thé mané cash-strapped povernment Is able ta reach intîô 8t magical. cash box and iind millions ai dollars ta build a new French hîgh schaal. Rt doesn't appear ta have dawned on Mr. La3ughren' that when hé borrows the money for this géhool, his grandchildren, and yo, r and miné, will have ta pay Rt Now l'm not a financial genlus, but [ can figuré out that If we boàrrow, say, $5 million for thé schooi and, g iven aur présen t debt lôed, i .18highiy unlikely that we will start'ta repay thîs portion ai aur dobt (last. borrowed, last répaid) for about 50 years. Givén the averag e interest rates ai the last several years, we wili have ta répay sarnething in thé order ai $500 million for this construction ioan. Please don't get me wrang, Laughren hapenm ta be my MPP .--nice guy but ailousy treasurer; it's a goad thing. he's no longer teaching economics, but Ontario can't afiord him either. Ontario has 4.7 per cent French population, ai whlch anly a tlny prpoton lives south af Sudbury. Wht govérnment in its right mind would spend hundredm af millions annually on such a smai percentage aofits population and cater ta thern with jab and funding préférences? You mau not seémuchaf the préféréntla French treaimént In your area Just yét, bt R its caming. XS uwmoon bé:afIngthe 401 seémé ta me thé bus di preparedand ready tu thé situation., Wth anly three shutI piék ors fro cammunlicatlng wth eal the road ta transferF from ans bus ta anat1p respective routes anq, was 'Possible toa= even dropplng people a passible ta, thpir resideoe< that-for qualty service cansIderate? 1 arn surie mayp bénef tted from thikÀ would not 1ke ta se.i unnoticed. Let us ail -tagether ý great 'guys! behind tluo wheel a big -hand for a J, afely dons, perhaps eyi théir normal oeil af duty Have another year 6 caurteous drlvlng. rivers were cape wlfth le buses ta im thé GO were ýh other on >assenqçers SmIIbusiness Ieft out* ByMichael Wycks ,whers -it Here they are, te leading job orrnmodaté, creatars yearilnanyear out, the is close as ife-bload ao communities ~eu. Hois e*throughotCanada. and being Thére théy go, battered by governmont taxes and regulation, eople who barely swrviving the harsh 1 ai service recession. his gesture This sector is essential ta Canada7s future prasperity. give, those Uniortunately, mfost gavern- Et stéerng ments have yet ta understand this. ob ma well In fact, the fédéral governiment and ren boyond R ppinted 'ProsPe Rit ro9 basicaly ignred1timportant 1good and group af businésses In the recently released, repart 'lnvontlng. aur Future: An Action Plan for M. Sillato Canada.7s Prosperity.' Whtby WIiII théré are* mre laudable recommrendat ions about expen- diture restraint, tax décreases and interpravinclal trade barlers, the report- blatantly réfiécts the big businessagenda for thé -1990s.-- cluttered and confuMed with Frénch-language slgrýage ($4 illion), and'as Bill 8 ls further lmplemontod, your chikWren will bu prcn<esWi' ly cut out aithéJob Rt has happened thraueJhout thé North. and inside thé Ontario governmént andy ou are néxt. .This late os ngt pravide suficlent space. ta détail thé atracities beingi faisted upo'n the taxpayers af the province. by govérméentm -bent on.destroying aur heritage, aur spirit, our faith, our familles. and aur bank accounts. Gartb Wunsch Presldent, Ontario Confédération of Reglpns Party Uvelys ont. Co ntri butions, appre.ciatAed To thé EdItar: On behaf aif Whitby's Activé and Canceméd Youth I Would liké ta extend sînceré thanks ta thé Indivlduals. and organizations whase géneraus donations and contriuians have helped us ta, succeed in aur variaus gc#als.ý Ta aur advimary board çnembers, man thanks for your time and helplul suggestions. Tathé well-wlshers Who havé taken the turneta phane or write, thank you forý thé encouragement you give us. Lastly, a big thanks ta the parents and yauth ai Whitby who are attending aur programs. Wé couldn't do it without yau, and you are thé ones who give us the détermination ta conytinue, May you ail havé a very. Merry, Christmnas and a- happy New Véar. Chandra Huntér - Chair. small inesses eéloft out 'ai the equatian. This, was pérhaps no accident. Some of the critical competi- 'I Mains&&treamtu i Canada tivenees issues to small business are also smre of the most embarrasslng for the ifederal governmfent: the gaods and services tax, cross-border shopping, the underground econiomy and the crippled tourlsm sectar. Nons were properly addressed by the prosperity group; ïail are crucial ta the prospecs for prosperlty for small busin~ess In particular, and Ganadians ln generai.> On. af the.",repart's key reomedatiôns is ta cruate an independént prosperity counicil (it aima proposes the creation ai a national quality institute 'and a centré of ,excellence for sustainable deveiopment>. This -is clearly 'théeoriporate vle'w of how to run'the economy. Often the ernaller but Important players -do not have the lrnee resaurces or money that blg labour and big business arganizations' have ta participate ln such caunicils. You aima have ta ask yaurself how thé federal goverrnent could ~ siythése new committeos aftér ellmlnated séveral ather, establlshéd- bodies, 'such as the' Ecanomic Caunicil af Canada, ln last year's budget. TobiRs credit, the prosperity group did, speak -ta anadians acrass the country and successfully determined what the probléms are in need ai fixing. R le In their solutions ta these problems that thé graup went astray. R rmains ta hé seen which rocommendations -t hé federal governinn .ilformally adapt. Sme are=slid and will be backéd by a significant numbér ai Canadians; athers may noèver See thé light ai d-y Vet, without addressing, the cancerns ai -smailer firins thé prosperity- group's réport leaves out a dynamic mémbér ai t hé Canadian economy. To th *i.. Check the tacts first.,. To the Editor: Ré: reidents makers. Tawnhouse,' victime oai complex rnischî.ef- As résildents of thé townhouse camplex réferred ta i n Mark Reesor's article, Thé Free Prese,. Dec. 2 Issue, we take exception ta the fact- that you would print such, materiai without checking thé facts first.- We havé lived in this compléx for several years and can honestly say we have not encountered the probléms described- by Mr. Hennessy. lt im aur suggestion thot the complaints ralsod by him have beon extrenriely exaggerated. t' Mr. l Hennéssy did not have four tires on his car lashed. Sommoe did, however, lot thé air out ai oneéof his tires. 2. An egg was thrown id his hous but perhaps thé reasans for this was the lact that Mr. Héhnnpsy is very disrompectful ta the children who liv. in this complex. The children play hockey on the streét and Mr. Hénnoisy parks his car on the street and refuses ta move, it even though hé has a driveway. In fact, hé parkm his car in. a lire routé, which is, Illégal When thé chlldren: asichirn ta move his véhicle, hie shouts at thérn and uses profane language. 3.- We have' ta admit childroen ring the doorbelis irorn tîme ta, timé but, let's face, facde, which ans af us -WOukdn1tconfeis o havIýlnen thé smre whén we were young. <We!ré nat sayîng it is rilht bt, reallyit is a harmléess ôhîlhood 4. Apparently, a piece ai guin was placed on som.eone's newcar but Kt was. easily remaived.,and, he certainly didn't haVie ta y ta havé it removéd.« When youl live In.a community in such, close proximity ta, your neighbaàur, you have ta -bu prepared ta get along tagéthe.r.» ýW. féél that people such' as Mr. Honnessy would bu happier if they lived ln freeéstandIng ,houses. Thé towýnhause dovelapinent Is a sale haven for thé résidents who live hère but people like Mr. Hénnessy make lde difficult and, givé thé- place a bad naine. 'We are really annoyed.that you would allow smmene ta, just walk In off thé etreet,-and' complain about, ather people withaut, chécklng the iacts. W. cértalnly hbpe* your- article- doésn't detract frin People buying, homes in this cammunity. If Mr. Reemar livéd ln, thîs camplex, hé wouldn't b. so quick ta publish such an. article. Thé Whitby Frée Prou smhould apalagize -ta the résidents oai-the déveiaprnent for printlng much rubbish., Somé câncérnéd ownérs Durham Condomninum Corporation No. 69, 40 attend. breakfast To the edItor: Several expresdsurprise at the range of actvfitiésavalable for 1 would ta thank thé members grops familles or inridividuals, and ai thé Moose Lodge #2132 iat the 1 fiexi.bifity ai tirnie Oshawia and Ken Shaw, aur guest commitm'ent from a Oone-shotu speaker, for their invaluable effort to weekly, monthly or assistance at aur recent .Mens annualiy. Volunteer Information Breakfast, On beihaif af the 14 non-profit (MVIB).ý agencies wha participated (under Approximately1 40' mon- from thé Durham ngion Association Ajax, Pickering, Whitby, Oshawa, for Volurteer Administration Newcastle and Uxbrige -iearned umbrelia), thanka ta ail Who took about' thé -nurneraus volunteer -part. oppoutuniles évailable within MryvL Wluon Durham Region. MVIBCommftte Magilcal cash box Mr

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