Whitby Free Press, 23 Dec 1992, p. 8

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PgSWilby Fm .Pre.-Wednesday, December 23, 1992 1'h.r.Once w.. a lady named ,Miiry and ea n nam.dJonapb, wbo liv.d lu Nazaretit.Jo9s.p vas a busy nian. vas 'a carpentr.. On. raiglt wheh Josp ivsseeping a v.ic amd ven-t t.Maiy'. bous.and ak t t, Thy:dCddd togotg, 'n.m '1h.yhad'a long 'bntOy gt t hee It w.. Vedark lbqw.nt t. tii.îin, bt tii.inn wvas aIl fiL .- Tbay7 found a stable. Thi. only b.d thuey couldiflnd waS ,9. afaer, ns, thuqr put. tii. bahy in. tho M'anger. A Angel sud Cal tehbyJéa A star was initi ly hped ver. watching tbe'ir ube.op' viien Angel appear.c ii.d iher ds ve.addat first-,TIi.'Angel wid'MDoeit b. -afid siieplirds, I unbiging you j"Ababy lihas beenýboMnhIo t . .Gtoaà stal b the in.There in a ~~~~i.manger.Ï h 'u.r in ababy. Ti.baby i. tii. lord." T I. siiWepherds v. ent ta '-thei.stable 1'iire vas t.,baby. Tii. iiepiirds ,bowed dwnbefora; him. They had to go. Thor.ve. three. Wlae Mmen vlio wanted to me. tii.baby. TbeIy a190 bow.d dcvii.- They ýbuglt filwdncnw'and my ih. Tie. did not go baek t. viieretiy ver. befoe.. They wntta o i own land., Nov v. clebrate thi. birtii cf Jésus. Thatinthe story of thi el Wb.glning of Chrstmàas. Brittany Rosa' Grad 3' LEITRTOSANTA. Hov are c - sud iow I. àÈra. Clauis.,Youî, , it thinkbe oki d.n ..F anlingaltf =xneBcLÉy-iAnd 1 vaut aMdo ciieUd*Anu. cf 'Green (Jableo-with her oelool eutfit A lotof make up sud tvo tit t) tlii. Bec Boys concert. And .my ov itten. And mie or fOur mm. hlg. n tiios. thil iii b.a rin, lockt a ne*bedsandéhes Love Shannon St. Mattbev P.& LEIT~RTO VANTA DearSnt., My naie ne aSarah. I have beena odgiltiyear.I ,would Slinierly. youru, Oaraii St. John .tii. Eanelie wacoo I.t vas a v ily odevenl 'One (JhrlstmasEv, o5 Sen. Jias as buildmingFot long-ug llved 2 mie, a rabb4t,à Thon lie feu off thé. roof;anid.uq irrel - é v.na turtle. -Thée laiided on hbit .ad. . <,lvdi a>alhoaYm'nia OIWayafter a few ours mot bý idptup a Thèn ai ti.vay on the. other beautifuiiydeaa ChÈnris sid. -of ýtii. univers. BiDy-sud tre.? sud vodefuMyM olwe Bobby, lu their cmz littleue Christinas liglts. Thlrnall vereputtingupthé Christnauw' .vait vrthn o oa.hnit feu sud vntrglt oldepeta licuse ta ho but it ~tr-o*'.',the.TV., Their Parents là -peffect if you W.# spo!e. -AUl the ni tvs .a asetiyhd an" aIsbd fluir pyams on a speial at Blway for 149$. TIi.yver.î read fr bd.omCeof Way back ta ýtii. Sovtii l, tiiei tayed up ail nijglit vile Santa udF »syve.caflln- the ot- iiOrs veretuckoedMn"thir be.in reindea, Dansier, Vixi-n, ' * Atlat Saint Nick bn ouid Pranciier, Comet, ýCupid!Bizonbtie.lutemrnghera DoDhanser suo, àd get :over ie.dovnatairs su, ad'opeed their you bigv.getal.. Thon eu'èt cf tii. prebenta. Tihàliad eenthe boât blacksiky came a thing; a *thlng, Christmas .ver, especialy mince witii a- green nos.. It wa lico, 'MoUy liad seen Sent.'Claus. Tih. tii. geen nos. vegetable. 'end. Finuily itvwas December. 24tii at, appimentlyr 11:24 p.m. Dawn Jauca Sat..Ivas g - dovn tlië Grade5 Christmas iIst,"rt stop at Blily St. Bernardc P.S. and Boby's boiuse, s'd Saut.. Off lut. thei. blacoudl.ss sky lefe.As: h. approaclied .Billy and Bobby's liuse. Ho landed on thei. roofansud Jack Froot vas vaitlrigfor-,hlm. "Hello fat- boy," .xclamed Jack . root. Sauta roght a ýpresent over t ak "Open it." sd Suit.Jack ~pnd It sud out came a, ackii.tieioad it g qe jac a ehot-iu-tle fgce. Jack ,flew off b the- rof ' 1k. a four 1legged monkey. Sauta jumped. down theo% . 0 cmny.sud aid eut'ti presents.. çasupu ina fash and"took off witho't-Ohive. The. next mernlng' Billy found Olive on theroot and Olive lived wt IBilly andBobby tilthene xt YTo ib. continué&. lUE EOCKING OR« Onc.upoe a tim.thi.re "Wvaa grillli nie m.5h autd a roclngl-ou pfo Chrisama. It liad tobeg dj, pkMad 9pl.1 vtd.Atiésit vas Chrl.tas Evô. Amy kep 'sIrg "wit, tim. tp 90t)bDi'Finaly it WAS tim, t go t1. b.d. Wlien it vas Chrisaias moenlng Amy.-op.ued', the. lilgget i*et firstWinoh cnditt asaàrocking boa. "Othn oe""nd Amy. And"oh IVas t- lh4ytgfirllu in.h varld. to c usi hy abco thi tuc mu( i. g9m CHRIWI!MAS DAY MooelsobrLht Slo n là it. Canies iglithý. Thaeol, >ike crItas ata' 1.g On hii vay. >Prsehtsa»rewrapped 7Thf.,' what I 11k. ,Chrlsfona. 1 about WmstI4nd.P.EL Ormisten PA. D.aSaT grIm I sunvitl you thus letter to oemm~s .flyou vt a good kltty I ,amn. Ibis smmer veetyf.l'eut lia, cagese I put limback luW' As -Ilabedi p'ayganny Iuouldnt et made. _.I ayI êdn~bo pl Clumsy, bird h., foll ýaCk eut! So ~~~od~~~ abuwl.ney entto tiistor. sud bouglit a [nsoadçf il ue ra~ > Inoe for hlmi. Ev.rdy I, may ýsaymj Ihope t, tbey'll Duut mlu nov vwater asud food-'for v. food or~ Chritinas da1Ieey.Granny, vas .,very ly,vlienI 1tiànk cf -tieiemit sdI look.d' &M. 'Me ry. Istart ta .think every iiertv coldme nut th. cilldrn vii.die, Ivsifndte.On a urped., ry could ý tiie ieas yuTveety, vas unsîdo e!- r l" must th~ ae r sy hve slept under *the <bird cag ry 1 gli4, my parnts wvitiimy- motb opa'n. For Chrlit- k 'me l~tiuit. ,Th.is.l -not mas 1I realy ant omn.ebird seed, ch, but 1 iid ke tûsay.. m sl can *fM feed twoety'sud a %bfr isma Anid*bave a frYmng pu., minigit Eristun Poster Grade 6 OrmistonP.S. Grade 3 St. ThIeI]resa sciool buins Writtpn, publied, directed sud p roduoed by Mike Scbleiffer Grade 6 F.M.> Heard P&. C0RP0RA1O'N.0F.,THE . ....Tý0W N 0F WHITBY. IMPORTAnICE1 1992, CHRISTMAS/NEW YEAR'S HOLIDAY GARBAGE AND* REC YCUING CO 'LLECTION SCHEDULE Durng b.HolId Seaon . mn Igarbage anWreclng coletin utne h. changedas fllWbm Trhurda.Deoehr 24, 1992 Fdyecmber 25,1992 Monday B deere28, 1992 Fdday, January 1. 1993 = T Deoember 2z,1992. Wedntday Docember 23, 1992 Tuesdy, December 29,1992 Thuoedy. December 31, 1992 Normai garbage and recydul9 collection will resume chJnng the week of Januaiy 4. 1993 on your defflgnated da4y for garbage collection. Recclng collectw iowlIl tiui h. every secorid Weekc on your clesgnated wekfor coctionS. Pleaso rememh.r that al GARlAG and OYCI.ABI.ES shod h.e ~eotby 7-00 A.M. on pur regular or revéed collection day as C elabove. CHRISTMAS TREES wvil only h. collcleddwng th. week cf January 11,1wonýoureguiarcofloictioncday. ThÏe omwill h. colected b Mas an d wil h. taken tolte b. a>mpostsite. Peu. remove aini.tinsel and wooden or moid tue. san= . Any tres over 2.1 mietros (7 fL) muet h. cut i haif. If you wich funher iformation, pleas conlact . Public VWorb Mionday to 7: am - 4.00p.m. W. regret any Inconenience tiilemeay e elan you for youa co-pertion and patience dching #1h kg em Please refer le 1h. Holday Garbage CollectionNoice dlivered le eah howehol&. L SSANTRN c Crdo S e ~s. Brian Desroche secnd,,and,,Unida aýànd Iooks over the erîntries ln, the. Downon AMonoàStrattor, third. Winners recelvedBIA j Busines mproveme nt Area's in9erbr% i Downtown DOýllar' iflctfIate. bhouse-,conest. Louise Ashbury was fiPooyM1Wl <e ..oc Whitby realtor new, president'of bad Christine Kondalla sthei. nov ~ esident cf thie Oshawa & Dis- ict Roal Estato Board. Kondal la a sales ropresenta- tive at, Whitby'. Royal Lepage Laiâ Estate evie. The. ahna oecton meeting for the load of directors vas beldreety Mar mtbroker at, W. Th e,cloth' 'a1temnative, Shiaron Hoobuor.-promt.. the. clotii alternative luinat stil înft be r.sarded as. the dIps ,sbe vas s. lmprossod by the. clotii iapars ohé hlid. ord.red froniBoni t. o ve, slie'snov a' Duniam Bgio consultant for- the. Toronto-basodcoPa1u1Y.-'1 Once cohtacted, -Hoohnor vists peopWBe's ouses viiero alie dis- larte0otii diapçrstliat come M ferenit types. 8h. takes, orders sd the. di*- pesaethon sont to-ihomes by ,There are 15 Borni to Iove' conaultits spra round tUlm (afle nýost'youI'ilpay for clotli dia cudinglauudry coèss lengtl ioÇm oubabysin YQi1spn altogetiior on disps «I beli . voslould all us. clotii dia n Th ebtter qu- Ony~per ctf fhouselioldai jit uaie use clotli diapos "hrin flot a lot of seection vitI ch4hd iapesuivadays - youIl bojlucky t' find. oue or tvo Frauk RLal Estate lu Port Perry, l«pat rudent;- Anflia Wity brek rWitty Rea*ilEstat.,-Ltd.lý of Ajaxis firet vice Spresi-dent. Secnd iceprosîdenlaPatti %ip abrokera at Ip =1aslieastate Ltd. - iu-Whtby. Directors, for 1998 are Dale> Anderson, broker at Guide- Realty Ltd. lu "Osiiaaj1 John' Hiièales -ý rep aât O v Homeife Advautagl . eat L Marlone Kerr, sales rep i Homelifeselect Readty hie. lu, W Ltodr4cen Lamidr, amo. ciate-ro ker aàt Bovmisuvlle' Faily ,Trust -Corp.; Janet Mcngibroker >< at Forrest Heiglits ealijty o. l siv Pat J aPleeck- broker at Car'r oi Estte ervices JÀd. lu- Oûa ' Ian Smitli, assocate broker a Uliava'.R.max Cor. nerstâno Realty LUd. <'ODREB'nov' board of direc- tor vIbia eu iti=gfull year aiiead cf tiienl 1993,» sKendall. -Teboardr»proes more, about,

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