Pap, le, WtbyFre.Pissa, Wodnesday. Decenber30, 1992 Ch n e n d-1 o lescio lp o'cisa îr r ted aMount of space for our progeMI yet w,!re a growmg coinmunlty *0w regtting manmorore ure or the prgai <'hi an effort. to Wgve as -meny clilîdren, and parernts the oppor- tunlty te attend $hesefese- alonsoterevers 1viilbunabl. trister or two sessions ia row expleins toons. "1~or eemple, a emt cam sintheIr cbll up for Tales For, Tosln.Januaiy ind theùýagoin îin May, but, theéy anot attn the'. sessioin March, -'unlessý there resaesavailable.' 'n ~ta=in fo, Males For Tots ,on' sda dy, Jan. 1.3 and lasse will 1: on Jan. 18 and 25 and Feb.- 2 and 9. "trtme inll have regist- ration on Wednek'bdky, ,Feb.,10 and <Classes wilil on Feb. 15 and 22 andMarch and 9 Tales For* Tots silhaveé, t- ration again ou Wednh6esday,, March 10 and clapses wiil b. on March 22 and 29anApri5 and 12. Registration for Étorytfime will 'be'Wdne4a, April 14 and classes will b. ýji 1 n.2 and May 3 and .0 Tales For Toa re*tration wil *bon Wédnes d.,May12 imd classes ell b ayl1 and 24 ,andJune. and,7 Fo"rým'ore informnation ébout the. changes, P41.allthe. Whltby, FROMPAGE9 good výalue for your money, Thecoït is $6. pr persn for on. cocr,$5or t0re. A, Publie b à a~ t 668-6581. .Lyons, whotpreiloualy worked i Etoblooke publiec librarles, says<'Tnehiprrm la vallablet ms many dIffelent ;;oleas pos- ible. Po «Our program -eduèates chu-, dren but also provdeý ways for parents -te inteac With their famllyass (up te fou pope)i $20 for one, concert,, $w0 for ail three. Ickets qeavaile atai l branches-fthe Why-Public- klds'-tls !1k. acton rhymes and flnplays. Iyrons wWo' las been worling at the . V-hy Public Llbraryfor four m thsays, .'Weh ave changed ^the progremi 'order ýte accmmoatemore new face and'.new chidren. It's incredible ho w manyyounglfamilles there à re inWlutby,' 'Bowing these perfomne says Aexndr Tii., Whitby ýLioness Club mieets ti.flint Wednesday of -each month, at 6:45 P.m., mn the Gold 1Room <at 'the-,Centennial Buildiig, 416 Centre St. S., WhtbVormoeinformation, Cali 68-944or 668-2268, lb. -MachineKnitters Guild of ,Oshawa will- meet on Thurad, -Ja m 7=-at Di 0 S.G.PMfl RasadOshawa. Ther.willbe a demontration of on upside- down, sweater. New members,' land :oe ,maéhine knitters, Wei- corne. For moreinfobrmation caIl' Margt at 433-2959. BIRD FEEDER TOUR lberewifl b. a tour of the bird feeder trail in theIôynde Shores Coneewà tion Ares,' Whitby on Sunda *, Jan.,10 begnmgat 2 P.M. talLi ntariiCon- sevtion Mthority will, conduct tIi to~r~Formoreiformation lb. ýClty o<-Osbwa wlll hast Jim' 8wrn~'lb.17tIiannuel. marthn .im in aidof to 4,wim.rBarb Loreno vi, "8imfor:Jim thtéi.Civic, Centre Adio Ium plex, 141 riseplon Illho .ldonSunday., Jan.I24.prbti.m~b O.a~.F r cr'nmton COOEBOOKS C eni -oé e ýdiIioecacokbo0' -. nv-ev«lale; ,frin' the. centre ý, 801'Bréck St. S., et $5 eaclL ýho'the seniers' * CPUCOURS Dunham Save-e-Heart offers the foloving courses.: Basic ]Rescuer (12 heurs> *48.60, Jan. 12j,14, 1<9, 21, 7 te 10 p.m. each eveng et fDunhem'Savi-a-Heert, Whity; an.15 sud 16, 6 te 10 pâ..asd' 9oam. te5 p.m.aet urÃhom< Save-a-Hart, Whltby; Jan. 25&W27asd Feb. 1, 3, 7 te 10' p.m. each evening et Ajax Community Centre. Infant/Chuld (16 heur) $31,ý Jan. il1 sud 13, 7 te 10 p.each .1evening et Dunham .v-eHar Whihby; Jan.23fo9 am.te4 Durham, Save-a-Her Whitbyo Hleart Sae Plus Inan (6 hours) $31, Jan. 26 sud 28, 7-te 10 P.m. et Durham Sve-Heart, Whitby.,.oRcertiication of Basic Rescuer (6 heurs) *34.60, Jan. 9, 9 eam. ho 4 pM, Duniiam Save-e- Héïrt, hhyJn 18 sud 20, te ý7710' Pm- eiëh ov-I.M1Éng e DurhamSae--Heart, Whitby. Rgstration la required for l courses in .advance l'y cahing Durham Save-e-Heart et (416) 666-0995& ýon 0poft com uni groupe WbiIty or have a eubet dal WhItby moer rhip may ý-pIcethelr upcomlng meetng9 or 'act ves onthie pag 'et no coet. PMI no lb. Oshawa-Wl tby Old Mime Fiddle Club ill1Vt on -Wed- nedy, Jan. 6, .30 p.m., at Heydenshore'Pa «lon, Wlutbyà for an evèning of el-time round a,,ind square dai 0 inging sud guitar~leyin 1 ýll elcome. Adisois $.l1rmore 'infor- mation ca1 436-9019 or, 655- S023. COIMPATIBLE C4MPANIONS COEON, Durham's singl* social club. nowmeets Saturdays et 7 pa. for socal activitios. Ail,.singles, are, velcome. Aisc available are tickets fori thW.New Year's -Gela, dance paityPri4is $30 in' edvance,,$à & ah tthe door. Dinner,. niidnight snack snd champagne are Icuded. For more informa- tion cail 430-7022.. ONE PARENfAMlE * lb North Osha,,chapter of thej one. Paemt .<Faými Asscitin il iold e a'New Yeaii Eu. Danc. pn'Dec. ,31, 8 P.m. te 2 adn., 4 Ii.YC Oshawa. Tickets Mmr- $20 par persan, inC-ude i*cold buffet. -For tickts oel 723-5347 or OSHAWA STAMP CLUB lb. OsheaaSts1np Club wl, meet Tuesday, Jaù. 5 sud, Jan. 19,ý 7 te '9 'p.m., iït the O'Neil Stam~ps, postcords and colletios cen b. exchenged; p praised or sold et*-auction. QOIlCtore sud visitors are velcome. For Mme information, cal John eh 725-7962. INFEfi Cl' ROUP Infertiiy Ifrain i Dunham vwil 1holdiasu inferIlity informnation meeting on Monday, Jan. 4, 7 p.m., at the WIfftby PubliceLibrary, 405 Dundas St. W. 'Couples in résolution, in treahaient, adoptive parents sud those vihh secondaiy lnfertilty are- mnvted te discuss expr.ece. Couples sud inddulsare velcome ho attend. To register, oeil 655-483. EPIPHNYC( NcEim Dunham Strtings à nd the. chir of Ail 5aints? - A n ~uCiurch Woe=pent an Eipany Concert at nt? A ý,anChurch, 300 Dundas S9t.W... Whitby on Slunday, Jan. 10 at 4 pa..Tlb prqîam vil includie Bach Vaa ' For usea ild isflôrn, Handel, Concerto graoNo. 1 i GinaLior. 'For Unto insaChildis Bon' (Meà dah) sud Aibinoni, Adagio in 0 nor for organ sud strings. RPefreà bmeuhs and au offering*,vilfolow ini the parish han. BONSAI SOCILTY The. Matsuyama Box4sai Society vill meet on'Moniday Jon. 4, 7 p.m. (for beginners) and 7:0p.m. (general meeting), et Oshawa. Meetings are open to all interested in thé. art of bonsai. Caîl -725-2045 or 683-2568 for more infration. !EAR TO HEIARr Heart ahhock? Sürgery? Stroke? There, is help. l. Heart sud Stroke*Foundaton cf Ontorio wil 'oMd an. elght-week program for ynsdyour partnbegnn Jan. 20,'tehocomodate' 10 à it. fromn cOy, 2tidiad-à ù psycho- sects, tonam a few, wiil provide informtion sd answers te questions on ailR aspects of heart disease. lPor more information or te registerý cal the foundation et (416) 571-1582. CAREGWERS -The Durham ..Région Com- munity Care association offers time Off for ."CargvesOf fraul elderly, dissbled adulte sud tics. with cognitive impairment. lb. caregiver r elief prgahas a new aduilt daycar. cenre thet offers easocal and- recreational program .Monday te Fridà y' For more information call 427-2315. DANCE O.iawa Chapter On. Paret Famlle Asocaton ii hold a' donc. onoù Jen. 16, 8 p.m. et the. YWCA gYïmrsimca.St.S, Ohwa. Tere vil b. _doar a -, buffet sud spot danes. Ëst is $7 fSr membeÃŽwi $9 for ~.mut&Music vilIb. proided l'y ISHING SHOW AUl Durha e *on'service -clubs sud sports clubs cen rams. fuânds for their organisation .by ~ esligtickets, sud retaining 2fromeach ticket, for ;the 8thi annuel Ontario ,Fishing -& Sportsmen's Show et >the- Metro Eà st Trae Centre in, Pickem& Jan. 28 te, 31. lb. show il taxes. For more informationca KeithiWaIIer et (416) 695-0311. GENEALOGICAL *SOCIETY Whihby-Oshwa . Brsuch (Region of 'Durheam) of 'thé,. Ontarlo Genealogical SocietyvIhi meet on Tuesd anJe. 5, 7:30 ptn et0 Henry ýS treet H lh S 1oo cofeterie, 614 Hery t.,Wity ý= kerAI Du"ef >, q9%)hve um, i dsus14 e Air/Mlitaiy.idusti Dueum ocpened ah Osabaa Airport.' 1Admisson la sfre.. Ail -elcome. For more informtion oeil Marion' ah 6832476 oér Bessie 'et .723-7460.' STUDENTNIGERT, Tne Certified' General Accoun- tante cf Durlhamvil 1hold 'ýSte- dent, Night,' focussing ýon accounting as e careerý, et Dur, hemiColege, conferoncel room E218- on Jan. 5, 7:30 te 9 p.m.- No ad min For more informa- tim À1LÀ-.Masari, et 428-1869 EUCBRE The, Wiiitby Triple Link Unityr Club holdï a euéchre' on the. scnd Tiiursday of ev rymot et 'thei> Oddfellovs 'Ill, 211 Brock St. S., Whystorting, et 8pim. Przesasd ln0h.MmIà sien in $1.50. Ail welcome. For, more information coll 668-2684. BREASTFEE-DINGPROJECT Victorie'n O îrder of Nurses (VON),offers ea'fres seravice te> nev mothers te ansver their' individual questions and provide information su ad encouragemeènt iu thé,e eoly ýveeèks .viien bréast- feeding i. bemigestablished. Tbe' suportgrop or nursmng moth-: ers ud abie isheld eaých Tiiursdey mornlng ,lMi'Oshawa. For more- informatincluding' lcation, calhe Ii VN t- 571- NNOMIATONMETN committe ft heNew Dmcai Party Dnhm edirdiÉig» asodciin il hold a nomination meeting on i, iurdqy, Jan. 21, 7:30 p.m., eDnh Colt rosuLlS. GueMt peke MAP for Oshawa %"0'.Breaug< Member aereaded that ol hain gai Sod 'stndng, ' ordinweà î vithin tle fa>are eigpile te vote;mebrhsfo new or lepsed mmbr must b. submltted ah hast 30 days prior t e ti.nmnationÙmeeting; unrenewed memibers mey rSe Mimelp 11---ato" cW Vern or .jennyYorgason et YMCA WINTERBOCUE lb. Durbam Regioiq YMCA's winher *Ircgram ,brochures are now available. Preachool activities vilhInclude kiddiegm tickle trnk, and -tiny-ttmblrs youth prègram' ifl include couselr-i-trinigkate sud tutoring, sud edult programs vil includo cacoking4, arts udcralla, fitue M d kree.Most classes begin the week cf Jan -1. Fees vay Fra brochure- or iformation, cal the office et 668-6868. NEWCOMERS CLUB, Thei. Oshawa/Whitbhy New- cMeers club wii 'hold a generaI meetingonTuüesda, Jan. 12,1 pemin h enroom et the. arts rsuc centre, Oshawa. lb. speaker 1vil b. ýfroem Valentinio Nair Design. For more Whitby at 6805 rIfra COUNTY TOWN AUDITONS Auditions for the CounWtyTownm singers, a -non-denominaioe chorl-ropfoall ,walkof lif., ;ifi- ho held .on Wedniesday jan. 6.and 13,, 8:30 p-m.attm YWCA, 33 McGrigorSt. (tween Centre -and Simc<>e-sret) s oprano1 alto;t-ten=rsandbse are espcil eqirpd. 'For more infomatonca :Donna at 725-0802. STr. JOHN COURSES St JohnAmbulanee-Whivatby, branch wIl hold thé folowing first aid -and 0FR * courses Standardtint aid. and 0FR-,ý Mlonday sad Tuesdayi.Jan. 1l and" 12,'8:30 a.m. te 4:30 p.m.; Wednesdg,Jan1,0'a.m.te, Jn 5 219< and -26,6teo10,p. -Fdi- Jen.2, 6 t10pm;dtraJan. 23 and 30 à 30 a.m. te 4380 pi. Recrticati ,of< s tan&~rd tirst ald(CPR -- in% ja. 18., 8' aim.teW5P. ýTuede Jan.S5and I,%ur»dyqJ " 7'6to 1O&a. Emrgeny hr~ Jan.P Jan. 30, 8:30 a.m. -tio 4:0 pa. BabysRiittiffg - Seur a l an9S 8:30 aà .. te4:30 ý p.mW.ce help ý- Saturday, Jan. 9, 9 anm. te noo. rslt-aid for Youth - Satur'Jday*and Sunday, Jan 1 and17,9 .m.te4 p iild leore- Saturday, Jja. 0 sd Feb. 6P ,8:30 a.m., te 4:30 pan. For more ifrain ai0845 or 66849006. 1993' memberships -are evaileete thosmaed a5nd older et the, WhLTby tenIors "cfVitae Centre, 801, BIrock OSt.- The. annuel fee for WhitIy residonts is $6'pr ero, rM1 fo petr-ow presIdnPs- Membership e-ntitles ssni*rs te porticipate in varloou me end activities, day sand âell trieinurutioelclasses and specia event.,Form Mme inMtion, calthei contre onday afriday, 8:30, aaxý. te 4:30 pamn, et 668-1424 >DANCE' The Wbithylions Club '*l hold a fmriigNew, YetÙ's Eue dance aet 7Heydenhore Pavillon oi Dec. .31,,staring et 7 pM. Ibis dinerdene v l a Party favaSurs. ForMor> infomaton eilpresidentDa Shiako et 407672 (d. .) r ]Harve Mitchell(eeig) t 668-0172. Tickets are $0per