Page Z Whltb Free Press, VWeckesday, January 6, 1993 e0 Fire damage $1O0,OOO at the Brick A fire early Thursday iorning at the Brick Warehouse caused an estimated $100,000 danage. Police and the Whitby fire department were called tthe //~ blaze around 3 a.m. They say it fitarted i a gar- bai e n taide the cuatemer pickup dioors, then spread te the mnterior, activating the sprinkler .S .A .O. .. . ..-.: * UVb RM leUiîI1O. j UIKk FtLX)GIM~ e PAi.LETIZED STORAGE * ePROPAC CONTAINER SEFRC *ELECTRONIOS HA1IJDLING SPEC1ALISTS -Moving Systems Bu:Oshawa (416) 728-1603 systere. Most of the ae was caused by the water and heavy smoke. Arson is ouseted- a sinijiar blaze the prevbous night outide CGhery' Furniture World in the acros the road irom the lk .a aso believed te have been1deliberately set. Police say that fire, which wau reported around il p.m., caused abiout ' $1,500 damage to the building. A pile of wooden pallets at the back of the store was ignited te etart the blaze. ,6ffGKENNeLS je C*NWhere They Get Tender 1oving Care O CLASSES START Janluary 21 For 10 Weeks 655-4721 Hwy #12 N. - Brooklin C AL "qA06C>A1 LEADERS IN POLYETHYLENE, & NYLON FILM PACKÀGING NATIONAL BANK 0F CANADA 701 Rossland Rd. E. Whltby 668-3897 LRossiandtGarden Plaza [BROCK NIARMCY LM,. 668m9393 619 Brock St. S. Locate in Medoial Centr New Pharmacist/Owner Diane l-indman Drop In and see us! Mon.-Fri. 9am-9pm Sat. 9amn-6pm Sunday lOam-5pm 601 Dundas St. W. Town Plaza, Whltby 668-5891 VolunteerWorkYou CanDolqyngDow. Smali Applince' Repair Service Specializingi Mficrowaves, Power Tools and Major Appliances - Parts & Service 303 Mary St. E.,e Whitby 430-8378 Specializing ln Networking & on-site Serice 306 Brock St. N. Whltby 666-3567mM V LOVELL DRUGS LT. COMMITTED TO CUSTOMER SERVICE Mon.-Thurs. 9am-8pm F. 9am-9pm jSat. 9a-6pm CSunday l21pm-5pm FREE DEUVERY SERVICE 317 Bock St. S. 9Whltby PPG Canada Inc. Dupate Division 209 Dundas St. E. 430-7747 K.M. Lînton General Manager BROOKLIN PHARMACY You've got a friend at I.O.A. SUPPORTING OUR COMMUN"T 65 Baldwin St, Brokli e655-3301 SUPER LOTI! Custom buRt bungalow ln daalrd aroa ci WNIby. WaNlng ditanca ta downtown mer. Vey brýht suroom off kfchen. WontIaut ai $142.900. CALL ROSEMARY BROWN AT 433-2121 ROSEMARY BROWN Hall of Fame CenturIon 1987,1988, 1989, 1990, 19911,1992 A E AOU If YOD want your house sold... Perhaps you should consider what I have Nad done. Not what I promise to do. 1992 SALES - 7 HOMES 1992 - #7 IN CANADA VEAR-TO-DATE VN1992 - CONTINUE TO BE #1 IN DURHAM Proof of performance speak louder than words!1 CALL ME TODAY IToarvcai cl 433-2121 ASK FOR ROSEMARY "I JUST IP LOVE GIVING AWAY FREE AIR MILES." n JeŽ9<