Whitby Free Press, 20 Jan 1993, p. 10

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pug. 10, Whttw Fie Pru. Wdnosay. Jnuuyl 20,1903 laughing A «hlarlous, modern» Broad- way comedy will be presented by the Whitby Courthouse Theatre in Fébruary. <Murder at the Howard Jëhn-f son'si is a fast-paced comedy, close to being a farce, according to the theatre group's Bert Hea- ver. It was weli-received during its Broadway mun and "will lift audiences from the winter blahs,» says Heaver. Sandy Cairns is producer of the Courthouse presentation, directed by David H. Stone. Authors Bon Clarkand Sam Bobrick took an old eternal trian- g le plot of husband, wife and lover and gave it a new twist, says h caver. T7here are plenty offast-chang- i situations, loyalties and aections, ight from the opening soene in* which Arlene.and lover A 'Burns Bash' will be held by the Vital Spa&k Folk Society in Oshawa on Saturdaty. Black Eyed Biddy, a Sêottish dup perforMing folk and contem- porary musIcwil be gueat per- formeramat ltheniht of celeb- ration commemoratiflg the life of Robert Burns. Opening act will be Market FiddlIers, an Ontaro ensemble. Ail thoseattendinq will b able to saznple the traditional hag .s sevdwith eepe and natties' (mashe rutaaas and pota- tocs). The bash begins at 8 p.m., at the Masni Hail, 91 Centre St. S., Oshawa. ýdznssion is $10 for members, $12 for non-membeïs. Mitchell engineer a bizarre plan te, do awey with Paul, Arlene's husband. "An ~oid theatricel expression rcgarding comedy says 'Aiways leave 'em laughing.' This comedt is guaranteed te, do just that, s aHeaver. hilip Pizak portreys Paul Lorraine Chiusolo is Arlene and Ciayton Rockford is Mitchell. The play wil ha held on Thursdays,Fnridays and Satur- days from 11 lte 27. There is a free performance for seniors on Wednesday, Feb. 10. Advance tickets are aveilabie at Lafontaine Trading Post, 106 Dundas St. W., in downtewn Whitby. WAY COOL JR. is made up of (from Ileft) and Brad Stella. Jeremy Stella, C. Leigh Kemp, Kevin Craddock Whi'tby band gets 'ntoalpuh By Elizabeth Hoojer "Alternative groove,» good management and an unexpected endorsement that was aired nation-wide could, mean a big future for a WhÈitby band. Way Cool Jr. was one of the banda that performed at the Jan. 9 show marking the ciosing of the Gasworks in Toronto. Asso- ciated with that high-profile appearance was plenty of pub- licîty. And there's a possibility the band could sign with an Ameni- cen label. Way Cool Jr. consists of Jeremy Stella on drums Kevin Craddock on guitar, Breâ Stella on basesand C. Leigh Kemp on vocals. They ail knew each other fairly weil when thcy firat started as a band a year ago -- the Steilas are brothers, Jeremy Stella and Kemp previousl3' worked tegether in a band, as did Brad Stella and Craddock. "The friendship with the band members is such a key with our music," explains Kemp. "We al have our love for music in com- mon, so we just seem te come tegether reaily weil.» They best describe their music as "alternative groove metai.» uOur music bas a definite Friday, January 22nd FREE AD VICE Saturday, January 23rd FROZEN IN TIME Friday, January 29th HAIR TRIGGER Saturday, January 3Oth CUTS LIKE A KNIFE Monday, February i st TH-E DURHAM BGBAND crunch to it with a Pearl Jam the iineup.» influence -- we have a very "They liked what they heerd, unique sound,» explains Jeremy so the next thing we knew we Stella. were in the lineup as one of the The band's music is also acts performing at Gasworks.» described as «not too heavy and "Our picture was in the yet not too soft» -- and oflen Toronte S un the day after the seasonel. show and our naine was men- "In the summertime, we had a tioned,» expleins Brad. "Thon the light-heerted metal thing going heedline under the entertain- whereas now our music is quite ment section in The Toronto Star heavy,» seys ieremy. the day after that read, 'Way «We're going through a period Cool jam at Gasworks.' right now where were showing "On MuchMusic, Sebestian ouragession tewards the snow. Bach of Skid Row was talking WthOur music, we mix eech about us and how we would ha at of our personalities inte the Gasworks and how he had lis- sonrsand come up with Way tened te, our tape and thouht Cool ir.nour sound was really goo, h Ail members s'ay the biggest edds. reason for the advancement of "Thousanda of people aIl over the band's fortunes is manager Canada were wetching MuchMu- Chris Palmer. sic at that time, so0 we got like a "Since we hired Chris, our national push from Sebastian music carcer has just snowbel- Bach.» led,» says Bred Stella. They just recently learned that «Chris is almost part of the a Werner Records representative band. We can trust him as a had expressed interest in the friend as well as P, manager.» band's music. There are beriefits te having a They rccentl worked with manager: «Ite the difference bet- producer Nick Bllagona who has ween walkrng into an office un- worked with label bands, such as p rofessionally, wanting a giq or Rush, at McClear Pathe Studios, having a manager set up a gg -- on-Yonge St. managers are 50 much more pro- They worked on a three-song fessional,' explains Brad. demo tape which they have been The band played at the Purple shopping around te record com- Onion 1(now Elusions)- in Oshawa panies. but most engagements have been Whatever happens, the band in Toronto, inciuding plans te, record a fuil-length CD appearances at the Spectrum in the near future. and Gesworks. "We are ail individually in- On Jan. 23, they wiii ho in a fluenced by so many different 'Battie of the Bands' competition ertista. IWe put the great varie- at Naga Head North in Toronto. ties of music we like inte our A bus has been scheduled te, own sound,» explains Brad. take fans te and fromn the show. "When we work in the'record- Pick-up and drop-off are et the ing studio, if we have te, choose Whitby Mail, and the $10 ticket three out of ive songs te piay, price covers the cost of the bus usuelly two out of three of the tnipand admission te, the bar. songe we al egree on and we Te Gasworks' final show as e compromise with the third song.. memýorable experience for Way Conflicts, iyrically or musi- Cool Jr. cally among members have not "At least 2,000 people were let yet wn a probiera through and et ail times there «We're notefraid of much, were et least 400 people listening musically speaking. We do hit on te the music - it was just excel- politica sometimes in our music," lent," says Creddock. explaina Jeremy.. The band got there, explains "We ail love music and we al Jeremy, when "u.r manager are so close, none of us are afraid walked inte the meeting for t hc te express ourselves te one Gasworka show, asked the another," adds Brad. organizera te listen te a song of The band performs only ori- ours a4a b wted ,ig.n fË.4 J~atrua. tell us our music sounda like another band," says Brad. Their concerts are scripted, with each band member having acquired -visual and audio expererlce, and the result is a god ep\itation for their shows. 91W,4hese a lot of high energy coming off the stage when we perform," says Brad. "Instead of the audience just iistening to, our music and talk- ing to friends, they can watch us perform because we use visual effecta as well.» Adds Jeremy: «When people sec us live, it s 50 much more personal -- we like te involve the audience in our concerts." The band's music is not limited te a specif»Ic age group. «We have 15-year-olds listen- ing te our music, but at the same time, we have 30-year-olds lis- tening te, our music," explains Brad. 1Each band meznber plays a variety of instruments. Craddock plays keyboard, gui- tar and vocals, Kemp can play guitar and bass, Jeremy Stella can play drums as well as guitar, and Brad Stella can also play drums, bass and keyboard. For encores, band members switch instruments in the midst of a song. 'Legacy,' the current theme in the Brown Bag Films series at the Robert McLaughlin Gallery, focuses on the origins of civilization, as each week a different country and its role in begnnng civilization is higlihtc~~Iraq, China, Egypt, India and the ' Barbarian West.' 'Làegaïcy' is an award-winni'ng PBS video series hosted by Michael Wood. 1 Brown Ba Fims take place each Wednesday et noon et the gallery. Film goers are invited te brin lunch and view the series. The program .is A-e,,..... 0 ir

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