Whitby Free Press, 20 Jan 1993, p. 13

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Systems need improvement, some in a big way: residents Canada's Parliamentary sys- tom, immigration policy and penal system need drastic over- haul s. That's the view of a majority of residents giving their opinions on various subjects in the Whitby Fre Press readership survey in November. Alrnost 70 per cent feel the penal systeni needs a drastic overhaul while another 26 per cent said the systeni needs some improvement. Less than on. per cent said the systern. works well. There were similar nuinhers for Parliarnent -- 59 per cent feit drastie overhaul was needed, less than one per cent said Par- liament works well. About 37 per cent of respon- dents feit Canada's health care system works as well as can be expected while 19 per dent said it works well and 32 per cent said some improvenient was needed. Forty per cent of respondents felt improvemnent was needed in A YOUNGSTER gets a helping hand duning a Saturday 'KindergymT' class, one of several programs offered at Bellwood community sohool There are plenty of openings, particularly in youth programs. Caîl 571-4770 for more information. Photo by Maurice Pifher, Whithy Fee Pres the court* system, 43 per cent wanted a drastic overhaul. More than 80 per cent said they would support a niechanism te, allow constituents te remove their MP or MPP for failin te represent them. properly, w il. 89 pe ent said politicians shouldrrepresent the majority view of their constituents, regardless of a politician's party position. Free-trade agreements were rejected by about 70 per cent of respondents. As te effects of the recession, more than 80 per cent of respon- dents aise said they don't now "feel» more secure than a year ago. But about haîf of respondents said they have a secure job. Answers to Whitby Trivia from page 2 1 . The Whitby Freeman was Whitb's first newspaper, rom Jan uary to April 1850. 2. The porch on St. John's Anglican Church honours George H. Ham, founder of the Canadian Women's Press Club. Il was dedicated in 1927. 3. E.A. Fairman (1905-1988> was supervising principal for Whitby's public schools f rom 1951 to 1965. 4. Former hotels are Johnvince Foods (Ontario Hotel>, the Corner Store (Queen's Hotel>, Boppers (Whitby House Hotel) and the stores from Donald Travel to My Dad's Store (Windsor Hotel). Reilk in q Whitby Fiee Presa Weckiosday, Jaewazy 20.1993, Page '13 kn .ach of the followlngl poUoy are». do you thirA the mst.m - . . ... Well as can be exected improvement drastic ovehal Education 5 21 38 10 Poicing/arime prévention 16 36 38 10 courts 3 14 40 43 Peial systemn <1 6 26 68 Environmental protection 2 25 47 26 Immigration 2 9 26 63 Health caie system 19 37 32 12 Parliament <1 16 24 59 Resuits in % Ves No Do you think tihat government workers shquld have the right to strike? 30 70 Was the Cariada-U.S. Free Trade Agreement 7 agoodidea?307 Do you think North American free trade is agood idea? 28 72 Should politicians represent tde majority view of tMer constituents regardless of ther party's position? 89 i Would you support a mechanism ta allow constituerits ta remove their MP or MPP for failing ta represerit them properly? 82 18 Do you think mhat police should have towrite a report wheneer mhey drwther gun in public? 23 77 HowhA* thereeowafldyu ls yuriob secure? Ces No Don't normally work Currerity unemployed 51 25 14 9 Ves No Do you feelmore secu'elhan ayear ago? 19 81 Do youiluinkrixt yewlbbeffei? - 44 56 Have you suffered afylssduI ewlsof? 57 43 IPhoto contest among activities for Non-smoking Week The Council for a Tobacco-Free Durhami Region has3 arranged activities for National Non-smok- ing Week, Jan. 18 te 24. A photo contest is being .held until March 27. Photos should b. accompanied by captions that tel why the photo shoWs the «best thing to do inistead of smoking, or why your babies should b.e smoke-fre.?' Mail te Council for a Tobacco- Fr. Durham Region, 1615 Dun- das St. E., suite 210, Whitby, Ont. LIN 2LW (fax 416-723- 6026). Caîl 723-8521. Prizes will b. awarded and the top. four photos locally will be sent te the Council for Tobacco- Fr.. Ontario. A challenge campaign was directed te aIl restaurants in Durham Regi ote b.tebacco- free today, Weedless Wednesday. Free bàLY bibs are being distri- buted te the region.hospitals that have obstetrical units. There is a display at 5 Points Mail, Oshawa. On Friday, the one's personal level -- whether display will include a carbon one is an active or passive inonoide monitor te determine smoker. Carol Hewitt or Sandi Schmidt at 723-8521. W, TODAYI A model bylaw te regulate smoking in public places has been rejected by Newcastle tewn- ship cuncil. e bylaw, developed te, pro- hactn smoke ws arov ecod byeedless Wednesday m Jan. 20 tect nsmoker ws afro ecod- Durham regi*onal council on Dec Counicil For a Tobacco-Free Durham Region 9 arid circulated te, local munci- 7382 pa Coucil for a Tobcco-FeThis message made possible through the generous suffort of the advertsers on this page. Durham Region says 68 per cent of Durhamn residents are non- amokers. H ê c g "It is entirely reasonable te RC BODYTONING & expect that this majority o ii OB? 4E HRP zewould srnl support aP'BARMACY LTD. Laser Therapy is STOP blwtais aimed at putting PLAS HERAP regulations in place te protect PecitosDlvrd YEI OA thïni from the harniful efet of Bob Stanley & AsYe' I OA seod-ad mke~sa1 Sa0 ASSOCateS, IflO 133o RITsoN RD. N. Pm'gramme dmMrhthe cuncl'acores- s Lap R1e1cet619 Brock St., S. OSHAWA aiso 8h esd rethe% ew Ife deci..(46) 668M9 Fax (416) 430-1340 Located in the Medlical Cen»r 436-9303 Available ~ "",.. ~ Aàhà 11

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