Whitby Free Press, 20 Jan 1993, p. 22

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Page 22,.~~> FMçqPrpss, VyJ ecay.J4a.ry 2Ot' 9ý Oshawa rink first An Oshawa rink under skip Peg Clemninson won the ladies' two-day invitational at the Whitby Curlinq Club Jan. 13-14. Clominson, vice Lois MeLaugh- lin,dsecond Biddy Mepstead and lead Sheila Dadson received the CRCS General Contractors tro- phy. Wednesday night dart leagute LAEATI'S HAIE LGETDIVION mtan&ffl mat Jam. la W L FIM ~TeUgeczda 86 44 8 ==,= TM= 1 49 81 Purma Pose. 74 66 74 Whltby Trophy Hous 67 63 67 WhtbWedm 6 8 72 68 Gar cep<nSerlc ES5674 56 rea erun"renîg M56 75 5 Clarmant CoUector Cars 43 87 43 Canuaplowed Perma Pose. 6 abricating Tech. 6 Wbltby Trophy 6 GaryCoçpln Se.6 Whltby Weedman 8 Clar ot oD& t2 Darryl Norton 9 Baker Funtue 1 Dae Pindar 484 John MePhermon 327 Noro Brookdng32 Dais Beyd, Sr.29 A Ptndar -283 Tony Vn De Vn 280 Todd Barber 279 George HlDiai'd 257 George Day 250 BiS Barker 231 I@WWetf the week George HIliard IAMT'r'8 ARLSIZR.G DIVSION gtmdnos maunt Jaz. 13 W L FIS Deufratta Office Servivc 46 28 46 Roy'u Enterprias 37 36 37 Dodd & Souter Brouffloom 36 37 35 Inine Store Fixturea 26 46 26 Gamme played Dodd & Souter 4 Royle Enterprses 2 DeirttaOffice 3 Mnine Store Fix. 3 Toap amoea Scott r«imer 183 Wayne Thonmaa 103 Dave Raid 90 Don) Mulet 78 Jean Appleby 66 Bob Bout 52 Rqaoetf the week Don Mamllt Whitby indoor soceer HOUSE LEAGUE PEREK Jan. il scotland 86 DeverWfl7 C. Tremblay 3 A.. Davs Swaden R. Hawker 2 H. Persm S. Aapdon waale T. Buewssh 3 A. Payne 2 R. Duncan 2 il Germa"y R. Stlmmlng C. Gula. D. Krchowlca 4 England S. McDavld S. McDoad A. WhLky R. Hibba 7 Ireland Runner-up was a Strattord rink under skip Cathy Mow;bray. Vice was Kathy Robbins, second Angela Roulston and lead Jackie Gorecki. First event consolation winner was the Whitby rink of skip Mary paka vice Sharon Munro, secondAMyrrhl Shepherd/Liz Winters and lead Wanda Coates. Runner-up was the rink ef skip Agnes Jackson, vice Betty Scottý second Alice Calford and lead Greta Tutton. Second event winner was a Port Perry rink and an Oshawa rink was runner-up. An Oshawa rink won the third event, a IAnd- say eveùt was runnler-up. The Whitby rink et skip Carole Foot, vice Helen Collins, second Barb Jervis gnd lead Ann Cha- pelle won the fourth event. Run- fer-up was the Whitby rink of skipJanet Zimmerman vice Ev. McPhadden second Bette Robertson and lead Helen Boyce. Whitby minor hockey HOUSE LEAGUE MAIOR ATOM Jan. 17 Par Eua 3 Whit. PreL im., 2 Ryan W"ia Matt Fortier Dylan chynoweth GregFoxrwell Brian Stanton Ander. Veterinary 1 Brooklin Kinmen 0 Mike Gubbeia Shutout - Andrsw Gubbela :hlIbys'urn 1iWet Lynde F& C 0 Brad Mc:Naughton Shutout - Andrew Hickey m-etJan. 17 GF GA WL T P Ander. Vetetinmal7 37 24 6 2 3 13 BroekhnKiànaen 30 2 r 2 3 13 Satumn- Wlitby 26 24 5 2 3 13 West Lynde FMJ 28 33 4 6 0 8 Par Eaa 20 33 3 6 i 7 WhiL PrmFIro. 43 47 2 6 2 6 France Darren Mllet U.S.A. Phillip Stan. EpItmn Michael Hall 3 Purpe Bant-Lui Barrera 2 Daniel migotta Danial Wade 1 Scotland Andrea Harri i Brail Kalan Falmer Stophen Shaw Mark Loblanc Davd Hendrix i Holand ROOKIE 0 Green Tyler Abcaham 0 Naylue Mark Mizzi 5 Purple ripe C0 Maroon 2 Kith Agnew Peter Hetheington Ught Blue 0 Tyler Gardner iGold Patrick Johnston squUiff standiag Wale Eragand Ireland Germany Scotind Sweden 2 12 3 9 s 6 ATOlS Jan. 16 Italy 0 Irelanbd Patrick Ilouaton 2 Matthew McGrady 2 Nef! Huley Engand Dotn Warmen4 Niek Kelebutin iCxbelaaBock Andr.v methvui2 6Waie. 2Germany AA.bmita jan. 16 Caughell United 4 Catherine Caughell 2 Scott Chowen 2 Thompoon OwIs Paul Kontoe 2 Justin Duhosu Curnew Rangeras John Baker 2 cluistopher Chank Matthew Curnew Denning Celtie Inn Pi4ffilm Sprague Gunners ;~ 0 MeliuaRbiohli Gordon Thomson Mmawml sHo5fti2 7 Patrick MUrnn Blrian uMelGm Jamea Hiberin 2 David Price lHelen Jame 3 Laforgee Spa rta Stephen Duarte Speedy Auto Glasa0 i Lomagno Cosmos3 Scott 'lanulat 3 Stmment Atictico 5 Paul Harriî 3 Greg Powell TyWerEdwarda Rysil Spura 0 OBJTUARlES NORMAN RUSSELL CORMACK A Whiftby pharmacist for 62 years, Norman Russell Cormack died at Whitby Goneral Hospital on Januar 10, 1993. Ho was 86. A resident et Whitby ail his lite, ho lived at 600 Dundas St. W. NORMAN CORMACK A son et the late George Cormack and Alexaudrina Hamnilton, ho was borni in Whitby on May 3,1906. Froni 1925 te 1930, Mr. Cornmack worked as an apprentice in Arthur Hl I Alin drug store at the corner of Brock and Dundas streets. Following his graduation frorn the Ontario College et Pharmacy in 1930, ho worked as a pharmacist tor Mr. Allin until Mr. Allin's deeth in 1945. On his death, Mr. Allin willed the drug store te Mr. Cormack and his other pharmnacist, Frank Gray. Mr. Cormack and Mr. Gray operated Allin's drug store until it was closed lu 1969, and Mr. Cormack went into partnership with Don Courtice in Ceurtice.Allin's Pharmecy. Ho retired in 1987. Iu hie youth, Mr. Cormack was active in athletics and the Whitby High School cadets. An avid reader, ho served on the Wiiitby Public Library board ftrn 1950 te 1968,1 and was iuterested in histery, particularly niilitary history. Mr. Cormack was a former member et the Whitby Chamber et Commerce, a momber et Composite Lodge No. 30 AF and AM end a member et Ail Saints' Anglican Church where ho was a sidesmen for many yoars. Ho is survived by hie wife, the former Sheila Margaret Lawler, whom ho niarried on April 12, 1967 at Witby; eue daughter, Carolyn (and her husband Hugh Macdonald) et Halitax, and two grandsons, Ian et Vancouver and Stuart et Halitax. Ho is alse- survived by eue sister-in-law, Anne (Mrs. Harry Cormack). Hlie first wite, Charlotte Aileen Lawler, died in 1965 and five brothers, Leslie, Jack,- Angus, Harry and Edward and oe sister, MJessio (Mrs. Joseph JA. Fester). Mr. Cormack was at the W. C. Town Funeral Chapel, Whitby. Rev. Bob Hartley conducted the tuneral service at Ail Saints' Anglican Church on Jan. 13, 1993, tollowed by cremation. Spring intermont will be in Greveside Cemetery, Whitby. It dosiretri contributions te the Heart and Stroke Foundation or Urban legends FROM PAGE 16 wreckage and discover a smashed car between the trucks, with anywhere&frnomnee te five mangled bodies inside. Iu elmest every version, the car le a Volkswagen Beetle and, improbable as the story le, it stilI surfaces regularly te 'bug' us. A variation je a tellow who gots roaring drunk and drives orne, thon stumbles eut et the car and into bed. In the merning, other ho or hie wito gets up and looks outside te find a pedestrian (usually a chlld) imbedded lu the grille. Horrifying, gruesomne and entirely taise. The moral et the story? Do't drink and drive ... and dou't Ail Saints' Anglican Church building tund would ho appreciated. HAZEL JOINSTON Hazel Johuston died at Fair- view Led ge in Whitby on Decem- ber 28, 1992. She was 92. She was born in Toronto on October 8, 1900, daughter of Edward and Rose (Bestwick) Griffon. She married Victor Johnston on March 18, 1919 in Port Perry. A Whitby resident for 64 yeare, Mrs. Johnston was a dietitian at Fairview Lodge until she retired. She was a life member ot St. Mark's United Church Women member of the Eastern Star anc1 Len Ladies Auiliary. Eln e is survived by her da.îhter Doris (Mrs. Donald Bell, sons Vernon (and his wife Dorothea) and Allan (and hie wife Helen) grandchildren Dale <MN. Donald Stewart), Sandra <MN. Wayne Kutaasienski, John P. Johnston, Paula (Mrs. Chuck Mercier) and Vicky (Mrs, Reg Flewell), and il great-grandchil- dren. She was predeceased by her husband in 1952, brothers Sam and Robert, sisters Irena and Muriel. The funeral service was 'held from the W.C. Town Fuinerel Chapel in Whitby on Deconiber 31, 1992. Conducting the service was Mrs. Johnston's nephew, Rev. John Griffon of Columbus United Church. Interment at Mount Lawn cernetery. 6 Generations of Service, Quality & Trust *Family Monuments *Granite or Bronze Markers *Cemetery Lettering *Sandblasting Stafford Monuments 318 Dundas St. E. Whitby 668-3552 After Hours 668-4460 or 666-1513 Home eppointinenta gladly arrangedj 5. Lucie Rochette CHARLES GARNIER Bonjour! Well, it's the end et the semester, and as et today, we'vo crossed into ... the exeni zone. Yes, that's right, folks, finals are finally upon us (pun inteuded). Frein teday (Jan. 20) te Jeu. 29, students will be seen tremnbling lu the halls, linlng u for those dreeded exame w c are forced upon us at the end et each semoster. Thank goodness finals only coe twice a yoar. To ease the tension et finals, there was the (post-) Christmnas dance on Friday, Jan. 8. That was fun. The dance had been resheduled because et the Dec. il Storm. Aise, on Jan. 8 there was a non-uniterm day. Studonts were enceuraged te, drese up and show off what they get tor Christmas (the traditional secks and underwear). Friday, Jan. 15, it seemed that the administration knew that we needed a laugh te get away froni pre-exani stress, as we were treatod to the French comedy et ADo ou ¶e w gret. 'Duo oDT.'thegirls' volleyball teani suited up and played fer 12 heurs straight te raise mouey tor the uppcomlung SMASH teurnameut. That muet have been exhausting. Well, 1*Ienday and Tuesday were the lest 'official" days in the semestel-. These et us whe have a groat semester comning up are lookcing foward te it, but these et us who had a great first semester are a little sad te beave it behind. Good luck te everyoue on their finals. Don't study tee hard, and see you next semester. A plus tard! Cheryl-Ann MacKean ANDERSON C.V.1, As in many other seheels in Durham Reigon, Anderson willl hold its firet semester exams over the remainder et this week and ail et next week. For grade 9 students tItis wiii be a new experience. Most are auxieus te got them over, some wlsh that they will neyer happen, and still others are excited about a short holiday. There is ne real way te prepare these terrified, unsuspecting students. However, there are a tew do's and don'ts et exam writing. Do relax! Take tme eut lu the beginning te give each questien the apprepriate iength of time, and ater that don't look et the dlock. This wili oniy make yeu nervous wheu you want te romain calm. De't try te bring lunpencil cases or math sets with cheat shoots enciosed. These are aimost always dlscovered because meet et the turne there are two suporvisore. Don't try te hide cheat shoots lu a caretully selected washroem because that won't work either. How could they ever fiud eut that it was you whe put it there? 0f course we ail know that that le nearly impossible. Thon why won't it work, you ask? For the simple reason that you are net ellowed te go te the washreom during the exain te loek at the auswers. Aise, writiug answers on hande, arme, jeans, shoes, hets, etc. are excluded. This idea 18 eider than the dog that ate your homework. Den't try giviug excuses for why you muet have your jacket and/or school bag with yeu et your desk. Supervisers are almeet alweys certain te catch on te this eue, tee! Finally, and most impertantly, don't ho late. It is net worth it. Net eue excuse (other than dying) will got yeu off' the heok. Classice like: 'My mumn's car weuldn't start,' or IlI was chasing the dog that ate my sister's homework,' just don't cut it anylnore. Yeu nmight as wvell study because it la the only foolprot plan that you could ever comne up with. Speaing oftwhich. . . 1 rie " ei" 1

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