Poli*ce firearms office relocated to Whitby The new location cf the Durham Regional Police Services firearme office will ho at 650 Roeshand Rd. E., Whitl>y (18 Division), across the county court building. The former office at police headquarters, 77 Centre St. N., Oshawa wilh close on Tueeday, Jan. 26. The new office in Whitby will open on Monday, Feb. 1. Business heurs will ho Monday te Friday, 9 a.m. -to 5 p.m. ThSe wishing te obtairi a lirearme acquisition certificate (FAC) application, or an application te register a resticted weapn o a ermt te, transport, cari do s -eVlon Tuesdays and Fridaye cf each week. Further information can ho obtained from Charmaine Morrissey, firearme offloer, et ext. 250. E1z' STUARTDREW Stuart William John Drew cf Whitby who was president cf the NeurodbÈromatosis Society cf Canada died at Oshawa General Hospiteà on January 16, 1993. Ho was 55. He was born in Newton Abhot, Devon, England on March 16, 1937, son cf William John Tho- mas and Margaret (Beazley) Drew. Jay00....f......... Ever wonder what it would ho like te get up in front cf a group cf people and talk about anything? Do y ou find when you are approaching a client at work or even a boas, you stuxnble over the words that you are trying te get out? The Whitby Junor Chaxnhor/ Jaycees will helpmanswer these q uestions. Beginning on hursday, Feb. 4 and continuing for five weeks, Jaycees are offering the second in their series cf training prograins for the 1992/93 year, <Effective Speaking.' The course inetructor, JCI senetor Bob Richardson, will cover a number cf tepics over the five-;week course. Some cf the lessone will include posture, constructing different types cf speeches, debating and the proper use cf a microphone. The cost cf the course is $96 that will include ahl course meteriel. For more information and registration, call Jim Bradfield at 668-1529. STUART DREW He married Fay Alne in Newton Abbot. A machiniet, Mr. Drew lived in Whitby for 20 yeare. Ho was a membor cf Alil Saints Anglican Church. Ho spent much time trying te, increase public ewareneee cf neurofibromatosis, a genetie dis- ease, that affects one in every 3,000 people worldwide. Whik>y Foe Pros, Wockioday. Jmtuiy 27..193, Page 27 OBiTUARIS In '1980, ho wae teld ho had the disease. Hie hope was that research could isolaC the gene, leading te treatnment and, even- tually, elimination cf the disease. Ho ie survived by hie wife, sons Mark and Adam, daughiters Debra (Mrs. Jamie Carr) and Hayley (Mre. Rose Tabor) and granddaugfhters Amanda and Victoria Carr. He rested at the W.C. Town Funeral Chapel in Whitby. Te funeral service was held from Ail Saints Anglican Church on January 19, 1993, Rev. Rooney conducting. Inter- ment at Groveside cemetery.. Donations to'the Neurofibro- matois Societ.KE, Peter Raymiond Pickett cf Whitby died on Jenuary 16, 1993 at Wellesley Hospital, Toronto. Ho was 43. Ho was borri in Aldershot, England on October 12 1949, son cf Raymond and borothy (Langha)WPckett. A Whitby resident for fine yeers, ho wae director cf quality for Dowty Aerospace. He is survive by wife Donna, sons Michael and Matthew, hie parents, and sister Ann Wil- hî7iam. The funeral service wae held on Tuesday, January 19 1993 at the W.C. Town Funera'1 Chapel in Whitby, Rev. Bilan Gee con- ducting. Parents want traffic signais at "dangerous" intersection By Mike Kowalski A group cf weet Whitby rosi- dents are demanding action te prevent a potentiel tragedy from eccurring on Rossland Rd. Parents cf Palmerston Ave. ipublic achool studente want traf- fic ih te installed at the inter- section cf Rossland and Whit- humn St., west cf Brook St. They cdaim signale are needed te enable children living north cf Rossland te cross the four-lane road in safety when walking te the school that is e short dis- tance scuth cf Rossland. While the location ie one cf seven in Durhamn Region which have been recomînended for traf- fiîc hîghts, there le noý gurantee signale will ho inetelled this year. Regional counicil has only aile- ce ted, enough money in its budget te inetaîl lights et three new locations in 1993. As e result, a delegation cf area residents plan te address Durham Rogion'e works commit- tee next month te prose thoir case fer lighte, this year. «We've been concerned for some time for the safety cf chil- dren north cf Rossland," said Mary Ann Cnoop-Koopmar'5, chair cf the school's parente' association. "Tey'ro confronted with cross- ing four-lane treffic four times a day » ehe eaid. Aîthough not aware cf any child hing struck et the inter- section, Cnoop-KoopmaIis said an adult pedostrian was injured and 12arents do not want te take Se aid a new housing deve- lopment near Brock andU Rose- land has increased enrolment et Palmerston, upuuting more chil- dren in a precanicue position.» (About 100 children, roughly one-third cf Palmersten's enrol. - ment, live north cf Roseland, Woodhaven Cres. arent Mary Ellen Shields tolg~ The Free Press.) Cnoop-Koopmans said an in- creaeing number cf parents are driving their children te echool to avoid the necessity cf theai cross- ing Rossland. But by doing se, they ar e caueing traffic congestion in front cf the echool due te a lack cf parkingfacilities, she said. JE ask edep arents not te, drive beèause cf parking probleme et the school but some said they would continue te, drive because said. Dave Barker cf Montrose Cres. is one parent who plane te, con- tinue driving hie children te, school. "The traffice t four in the afternoon is wild, absolutely wild," eaid Barker. «Even the crossing guards say itfs a dangerous intersection." Barker said a child was hit b>' a car in 1991 and ie worried it will happen egain. volume, ite the children, pedes- trian volume. If we don't do anything the kide are trape. Dave MeMullen, D urham Region trafflic operations mana- ger said worke department staff wili recommend three candidate locations,*based on a variety of criteriak te the works committee. While\ ail seven sites warrant ýI als, only three will ho chosen thi year, ho said. "I can't promise it (Whitburn) will be in the program. We'll present the program to the works comrittee and theyl make the determnination," eaid McMullen. Whitby councillor Marcel Brunello, a niember cf the works committee, cannot pomise Sig- nale will ho installed thisyear. Ho said the issue essentially "boile down» to a matter of budget priorities. «There le rnoney in the budget for three lights,» said Brunelle. "Th is location has been nominated, it will be a matter cf how well it doe in the budgetary roulette game," he said. BruneI1e conceded that area rosidents have been campaigning for signale "for a very long timne and appreciates their concerne. "As representative fer Whitby Ilil make a pitch on their behalf," Brunelle said. But ho cautioned that there ie ne guarantee of success. Cnoop-Koopmans is worried that the decision will ho based solely on the numnber cf children involved, rather than the safety factor. «Even if only one child is affec- ted, safety should ho the concern, not the numbers," she said. 5 ylvan F lLeamning Centre- *Boost your child's grades. * Build self-esteern. *Programns in reading. math, algebra. writing, study skills, honwwoi* sup- port ami lime managemnent. .'I<W2 4yWn IrgaWyrIlISvm Eating dicorders are a growing problemn in today's society and ONeill CVI's eating disorders awareness comimittee hes planned events in February te highlight prevention approaches and treatment needs. The committee received a grant for nearly $10,000 fr-om the Ontario Mimistry cf Heeith's promotion grents progrein te purchase resources and sponsor events throughout the region. National Eating Disorder Awareness Week is Feb. 1, te 7. For the general public, a community forum will ho held in the O'Neill CVI auditorium on Monday, Feb. 1 at 7:30 p.m. Paneliets will focus on net only the mnedical and psychological aspects cf eating disorders, but will alec provide suggestions on how individuels can advccate for the treatment services that are so necessary for eating disoeders sufferers. AisoELa play and discussion session wMll h held during Eating Diserder Awareness Week et four secondary echeols througheut Durham Region te premote awarenescf eating diserders. For more information about eating disorders, attend the community forum. Contact Là nda or Tracy et the health department (723-8521), 8:30 a. te, 4:30 p.m. One te three per cent cf women. have anorexie (starvation disease) and three te five per cent' are bulimic (binge-purge disorder). Another 10 te 20 per cent cf women occasionally have sorne cf the symptome cf eating disorders. Even statistice about wonien whc are concerned about their physicel appearance are alarming. Ninetyper cent cf Canadien women di elke corne aspect cf their aperace and lup te 50Oper cent cf wornen are dieting. Furthermcre, 40 per cent cf 9-year-old girls have already dieted. AUTHOR MARTYN GODFREY was greeted by a attentive audience when he dropped in at Glen Dhu public school last week . The prolific Edmonton-based author has written 30 books, with another three on the way. 1 ~Photo by Mark Reeso. WhIty Free Pssa Event planne o Et ..so........r.es $.We. HAROLD WATFERS Harold Watters of Whitby died on January 5, 1993 at Oshawa General Hospita. Ho was 77. He was born on'September 6 1915 i Madoc Ont, son o Lawrence and (Seilia (Finney) Watters. Ho married Gertrude Cecilia Milne on May 20, 1942 in Port À htyresident for 62 years, Mr. Watters was Whitby Public Utilities Commission water and hydro meter reader from 1941 to 16,and was nieter department super.isor from 1966 to 1979. He was oriinally a member of the Knights c Columbus in Osh- awa, and was a founding mem- ber of the Knights of Columbus in Whitby. He is survived by sons Bill (and hie wife Mary Lou) of Whitby and Pat (and hie wife Barbara Murray-Watters) of Windsor grandchildren Mike and Cindy of Whitby and Curtis and Angela of Windsor, and three brothers. He was predeceased by hie wife (1990), six brothers and four sisters. Ho rested at the W.C. Town Funeral Chapel in Whitby, with servies held at St. John the Evangelist Church, Whitby, 1Father Bob O'Brien conductinq. Interinent at Resurrection cemetery, Whitby.