Whitby Free Press, 3 Feb 1993, p. 6

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Page 6, Whitby Free Pmss, Wednesdav, Februay 3, 1993 The only Whitby Newspaper owned and operated by Whitby residents for Whitby residents! Published every Wednesday by 677209 Ontario Inc. at 131 Brock St. N., Whitby, Ontario L1 N 5S1 Phone 668-6111 Toronto Line 427-1834 Doug Anderson - Publisher Maurice Pifher - Editor Alexandra Martin - Production Manager 2nd Class Postal Registration #05351 To the editor.. 'Strange' priorities To the Editor: of letter to Ontarlo of Schizophrenics Another assault is about to be made on the already scarce services for ourFrelatives with schizophrenia. Ontario Friends of Schizophrenics (OFOS) has learned that the Ontario overnment Intends to reduce unding to provincial psychiatric hospitals by $45 million. And we can't get much information on these cutbacks because the government is making its plans in secret -- without consulting those of us who will be most affected. We are told that information is unavailable because- plans are at the proposal stage. But we also know that the government will make its decision in February -- so when the information does become available to us, these cutbacks will be a fait accompli. We've aso learned that this $45 million will likely not be transferred to community services for the seriously psychiatrically ill who will be displaced. instead, the money wili probably be used to reduce the government's deficit. And keep in mind that the government has set aside and will spend more than $23 million in the next two years to implement. the Advocacy Act. What a strange set of priorities. Don't let anyone tell you that çommunity hospitals wili take up the slack. Even if they wanted to -- and many of them don't -- their own budgets have been frozen at the present level for two years. In fact, community hospitals are cuttingback on their psychiatric services. This is a crisis of major proportions. We must move quickly to do everything we can to influence the government to listen to reason -- to appreciate and understand the special needs of our severely ill schizophrenic relatives. Here are the questions you should ask your NDP member of government, in person or in a letter. 1. Why is the government reducing hospital services for the most seriously psychiatrically iii? 2. Why is the government not consulting the familles of OFOS, who represent very iii schizophrenics who cannot speak for themselves? 3. Will the money the government is taking away from psychiatric hospials be spent to provide appropriate community services for those who nowwill be denied hospitalization? if yes, then ask them to describe the program. Our bottom Une is that we do not want flunding to be reduced in the Ontario mental health care system. We want programs in the community that truly serve the seriously psychiatrically ill and provide the opportunity for ospitalization if needed. Elsie Etchen President 'Amazing' response To the Editor: -for the past two weeks, the Rotary Club of Whitby and the Rotary Club of Whitby Sunrise have been collecting winter clothing, sleeping bags, bankets, etc. for the people of Bosnia, some of whom are in desperate need of these materials. On behalf of the Rotary Clubs, I would like to thank the people of Whitby for their generosity in donating more than two tons of clothing to the Bosnia winter relief project of Rotary. The amount of material collected at our drop-off point at Nurse Chev Olds far exceeded even our most hopeful expectations. The material has been sent to Toronto for packing into sea containers for delivery to those in need in Bosnia. Delivery is expected to be no later than the first week in February and will be distributed by Rotary and the Red Cross. t is truly amazing the way our community responded so quickly and generously to this most worthy and immediate need overseas. Also, we acknowledge the fine efforts of the Whitby Free Press in puhcizing ur ciothing drive for thé past t weks, with excellent background stories on the need in Bosnia. BlaIr Buchanan Rotary Club of Whitby Sunrise Suppotrt is appreciated To the Editor: The lst Whitby boy scouts wish to thank the Whitby Free Press for the support of our annual Christmas trée sales. Thé Free Press has been very generous in providing us with advertising that helped make our tree sales a great success. The leaders and parents who donate their time and energy to the scouting movement appreciate thé support of such community- minded pompanies as yours. We hold a place in scouting history as one of the three oldest scouting groups in all of Canada. Proceeds from this successful fundraising activity assist us in providing.a well-rounded scouting program in Whitby, from beavers through to venturers and rovers. We are very fortunate to have your support. Linda Sommer Scretary lst Whltby boy scouts Home health care threatened By the office staff at Med-Care, Para-Med, Comcare and DHS We, the office staff representing the commercial agencies providing community- based health care in Durham Region, are very concerned about the future direction in home health care. If the proposais put forth by Minister of Health Frances Lankin and the NDP government are passed, our home health care support system and client care will suffer drastically. The proposais would dictate that 90 per cent of ail in-home support assistance (i.e. home- makers) would be directed to 'not-for-profit' organizations. A government should create a monopoly oniy when it is in the best interest of the public. In this case, we, the commercial providers of community-based eaith care, feel that it would not be in the best interest of the public. h is béneficial to have competition and client freedom of choice when providing health care in the home -- this maintains the quality and high standards that we are now providing. We believe that it should be brought to the attention of the public that 'not-for-profit' does not mean the same as free.' Not-for-profit depends on government f unding through taxpayers' dollars, as well as the fees charged to the public for their home support services. Through government fur'ding, they are able to provide in-house éducation and upgrading to their staff. Commercial providers, however, do not have access to government funding for education. In order to provide quality service,- commercial providers are committed to the upgrading and continuous education of their staff. This is done with our own monies, yet our services are available through government- funded programs at exactly the same cost as not-for-profit agencies. With our aging population and shortage of long-term care beds, and the future expansion need for quality in-home care, there wili be a greater need for in-home support and there wili certainly be enough employment opportunities for ail health care providers. if the NDP government passes these proposais without direction from their task force, or without listening to the voice of the informed Ontario public directly invoived with these issues, approximately 20,000 jobs will be lost across the province. Can we afford yet another large inflex of unemployment? This would be directed to our mature women, single working mothers and families depending on two incomes who would experience a great deal of difficulty finding suitable, new employment cent red around their family commitments. In closing, commercial agencies have no desire to put the not-for-profit agencies out of business. We firmly believe in a system that provides a balanced, mixed care provision of service. There is sufficient need in the community to keep all agencies viable. Voice your opinions by contacting your local MPP. Opinions expressesd are those of the authors. To the Editor: Re: Drummond White's letter of response (Jan. 27, The Free Press) regarding the 401-407 freeway link. I would like to thank Drummond White for taking to heart my opinions of his representation of Durham Centre, regarding the proposed eight-lane freeway link of the 401-407.lif he really takes to heart what was said, then maybe we can expect from him a stronger stand on the issue than we have had to date. h must, however, take exception to the comments he makes in his own defence, about how he has handled this important issue. Mr. White states in his response letter that he informed Mayor Edwards about the "technically preferred route" and brought this to his attention and asked for council's input last year. I am aware of this action. However, this issue began long before the last municipal election, when Bob Attersley was stili mayor. While i served on Whitby council, residents of west Whitby at that time wanted help from council and their MPP, when they first heard about the possibility of this link being near their homes. They had great concern then, not just since last year, as Mr. White has indicated. h was onily after council became aware of this matter that Mr. White was informed and then became involved. He further states in his response to my letter that "If regional council members support their committee's recommendation at the Feb. 3 meeting, it will be exceedingly difficult for me to represent the needs of west Whitby." if the Region does not support Whitby council's position, that does not preclude Mr. White from pressing the issue further in the legislature, unless of course he feels that the issue is dead. The final decision is not up to the Region- it is the province that decides finalIy where this highway link is plàced in west Whitby. He also states that he resented a petition to the Fegislature on behalf of the 'Concerned Citizens of West Whitby' and is in.constant contact with them. Unfortunately, his responsibility does not end there. That is only the first step. As a politician, the real test is in standing up in the legislature in opposition to the NDP government's position on this or any other issue, and taking a more aggressive role while presenting the position that Whitby council has taken on behaf of the residents of Whitby. He should not back down by saying that the onus is on the Region to agree with Whitby council. While it may pose a stronger defence, it is this non-aggressive attitude with which I take issue. i found it humorous that Mr. White states I was uninformed about the issue. That type of comment projects, at best, a very poor public image from an individual who represents this area in the provincial legislature. A better response would have been to just address the issue. I have tried to stay well informed on all of the facts and issues. It is unfortunate that he feels the need to criticize publicly those individuals who do not follow his own political party lines. When Mr. White states in his letter that it is "a superb example of ... partisan Tory opinion," i have to take this as a compliment, since he seems to think that only provincial PC party members feel that the eight-lane freeway link of the 401-407 proposed in west Whitby is in the wrong place. I think it would be safe to say that every resident disagrees with the location of the proposed freeway link. SEE PAGE 35 Copy Friends members. 1m o h k e i tor . . * . Address the issue

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