Page 16, Whitby Free Press, Wednesday, February 10, 1993 Psych hospita repairs unrelated to redevelopment By Mike Kowaluki Provincial government funding frepair at Whitby Psychiatric Hïospital is unrelated ta the faci- lity's future redevelopment, says Durham Contre MPP Drummond White. The $420,000 project,,announ- ced last week by former govern- mont services minister F'red Wil- son, is for safety reasons only, White said. The repairs must ho under- taken regardless of how soon construction of a new hospital commences, ho said. The work will involve demo- lishing tunnels that were once part of the hospital's central steamn heating system. Hospital buildings are now heated indivi- dualy The project, now in its design stage, will croate the equivalent of ono year's construction work for five people. "We're not talkinq about fixing up the cottages, it s work that would have ta be done regard- less,» explained White. "These are safety issues but also things that have ta happen O CORPORATION 0F THE TOWN OF WHITBY PROCLAMATION ONTARIO HERITAGE WEEK WHEREAS our Municipality is blessed with a rich heritage of traditions, customs and experiences; AND WHEREAS our heritage gives us insight into who we are and what we oaa accamplish, and aur heritage teaches us, renews us and guides us through aur growth and development; AND WHEREAS Ontario Heritage Week marks a time to appreciate and acknowledge the people in aur Community who dedicate themselves ta cansoiving an d developing aur heritage; THEREFORE the week of February 15 to 21, 1993 is hereby praclaimed as Ontario Heritage Week in and for the Town of Whitby, and aIl ciizens are encouraged ta reognizo and celebrate Ontarios rich heritage. DATED at Whitby, Ontaria this lOth day af February, 1993. T.J. EDWARDS, MAYOR CV. J CORPORATION 0F THE o TOWN OFWHITBY NOTICE WATER RESOURCE MANAGEMENT STRATEGY FOR THE LYNDE CREEK WATERSHED The Tawn af Whitby. with the prafossionai services af Gartnor Lee Limited, is undertaking a Water Resource Management Strategy for the Lynde Creek Watershed. ibis study is intended ta praactively address the changing scope of drainage issues and guide the development ai future urban areas, in regard ta water resaurce issues, within thie watershed. This study will, in part: " compile and review existing data base " preparo overview af water-related resources " establish objectives for water resource management aquatic cammunities " assess impact of land use changes within watershed upon surface and graund water quantity and quality - develap water resource management strategy far the watershed. The Town af Whitby encourages public input throughout the study. An intraductory public information forum is tentativoly schodufed far the end of Marc h 1993 and will bo formai y announced at a later date, once flnalized. Shoufd yau wish ta provido input into this important study and/or obtain further information pnior ta the public forum, please contact the Town of Whitby Public Works Depariment or Gartner Lee Limited, as noted following: Corporation of the Town o! Whitby Public Works Departmoent 575 Rossland Road East Whitb.Ortaio LiN 2M8 Tel: <416)668-5803 Att Mr. P.L Watts,. PEng. Gariner Lee Limited 140 Rentrew Drive Suite 102 Markham, Orntario L3R 8B6 Tel: (416) 477-8400 te have redevelopment,» hie said. Ho*wever, White was uncertain if this means an announcement on the proposed $160-million redevelopment will corne soon.. Ho said last week's provincial Cabinet shuffle may delay the timing of such an announcement. Both Wilson and former health minister Frances Lankin were (9pressin gstrongly in favour of it,"? said Wh ite. "I'm not saying Ruth Grier and Brian Charlton (their replace- ments) won't ho pressing as well, but it might delay an announce- ment." White had been "looking for something this month,» and hopes the Cabinet shuffle will not alter the time frame. Long-standing p lans cali for a new twostorey hosptal to b buiît south of t he existing facility on Gordon St. It is p art of an overall endea- vour of the province, Durham Region and private interests that will see housing and prestige industrial developmont in t he Ly nde Shores area of southwost Whitby. The new hospital will have 325 beds and space for offices, labora- tor and care facilities. 'e ospital currently employs 850 people, serving% 325 in- patients and more th an 1,000 out-patients. 'Mission'9popular with DJ PROM PAGE 10 lot of clubs that want ta hear good blues with a beat, which te me is always basically soul or R&B music." Freeway link supported PROM PAGE 3 used ta arrive at their decision. "Our major concerns are noise, pluinthe effect an aur qua- ltofIithe environment and the alignment, (which) is in a very close proximity ta close ta 7,000 rosidential homes... and less than 0.6 of a kilometre fram a school with more than 800 children... " Although this is discussed as the technically preferred route, wo wonder who technically pro- fers it.' Parkinson says ho represents an estimated 6,200 residents who oppose the route. "gBy installing an eight-lane, hig h-volume freeway only 0.5 of a k ilometre away from us, you're destroying the very reason why we aIl came ta Durham ta live." With prajected costs of $250 million per six kilometres (in 1993 dollars), Drurnm said the big question is whether we can I doubt if we'll ever soe 407 unless you make it a toîl rond." Drumm urged council ta con- centrate on roads we require naw, like a 401 expansion, in- stad of worrying about links ta a expressway that may nover ho built. Durham regional chair Gary Herrema urged councillors "ta do what you were elected ta do -- ta make a decision." If council doesn't take a posi- tion, ho argued, the province could decide ta spend the $3.6 billion for 407 somehwere else. Herrema said proviaus caun- cils chose ta do nothing about new roads, which delayed their construction. For example, he says it took Durham flive years ta even com- ment on the 401 widening, and four years ta comment on the extension of GO Train service. "If you don't want to do any- thing today, you're going ta send a message... te defer it would ho 'The Mission' recehtly signed up with a manager, and Rexmer says response ta their demo tape has hoon terrific. He's been taking the tape and a promo package around te clubs and "every place I've gone I've hoon hired. They really like Maureen's voice and the band is solid." The band revolves around Nadon's voice, ho says. "We do what she can do and she can just about do anything, she's really got a good voice." The Mission will ho at G-Notes Friday night, and at the Royal Scot in Ajax on Saturday night. Town tax FROM PAGE 1 lion" this year, said Fox. "Without developmont dollars we could ho up to a double-digit increase," ho said. Fox said council must ho more "flexible" in its dealings with developers in order ta attract more investment. However, this should not ho done at the expense of new homeowners, ho stressed. Tonight's budget meeting is at 7:30 p.m. There will ho an oppar- tunity forthe public ta ask ques- tions f counci I. affordI eithcr rond. nice... but we're not going ta, do "Let's nat bind ourselves by anything for the region of Dur- ~ looking down the rond 30 years.. ham." 'Cati Police' kits available IJI' Ilie Whitby LioneRs Club can safet whilê o igfrep woynen who many nend rondsîde police quickly. I.... .. n qsqf nrie wlifti travelling i , n, ' 'flac i hy i s sc'ling thr' kits for IA llie kits iîîchiî le ara ereg îîcy $1 encli. Funds rniîsod fshow the HISTORICAL FETT.RE police that assistancib ii nleeoded or that there is a potpntinlly dringerous sit.tintion. The kit nl.qo ivcludeq t n p p- ]P't thant oliti;rpq thp qtcpl.qn womnn mu'.,t tnkp to onqurp orgiinizations sucli as the ('N B, Durhamn Litersiry Council, Kid- ney Foundation, Rape ( 'en tre and llosiritig Rar t)ogs OU Cntnndil. Tu piarchose n kit, cail 668- 2268 or C68 9991. in the Wbitby Free Press 1.St. John's Anglican Church did nat originally have a basement. When was the basement installed under the church? 2.Who buiht the hause now used by theWhitbr Montessori Schoat Dunlop and Byron streets? 3.How many Whitbys are thora in the world? 4.Whon was Whitby's tawn crest, bearing a railway locomotive and a ship, created? Answers on Page 20 Ths fearjre provided by Environmentaists1 Start Here Scffs CS , 1