Whitby Free Press, 24 Feb 1993, p. 27

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.............é~, odà~F I~'Y998->go2 CHIW CAR ROO------------- ---TS PROFESSIONAL DAY CARE available in my home. Full- or arttime. Walk to Ormiston & St. ath ew's schools. Lunch, snacks, receipts & excellent reterences availabie. 666-9382. WOULD YOU LIKE TO drop your child off at day care and know in your heart that he/she is loved and wel taken care of'? If so, this mother of 2 is available. Please cal 723-6765. Thicksori/Rossland area, near St. Mark's. Before & after school children welcome. FAMILY DAY CARE in my loving & nurturing homne environiment. Near 401 and Whitby GO. Lots of attention & activities for ail ages. Great location for commuters. Caîl Judy, 668-8239. The system that provides... *Unscheduied home visits ensure qualiiy care for your chiid " FulIy trained providers receivo ongoing Agency support " Reliable local back-up covers Provider ilnoss or " Comp ete insuranoe coverage - Income. tax recepts *Children six weeks and Up " Full or part-time For mnore Information cali: 686-3995 a icensed Agency [3ASEMENT LtEAK? CALL 4~Basermenlt WaterprOOflflQ (416)43-7313 C Complete I IFINISHED BASEMENT I for $6,875. I 432-2266 or 427-5763 JUST LIKE HOME! Qualty day care availabie by lovinq mom..Lots of activities. Non-smoking environ- ment. Lunches & snacks. Reasonable rates. Close to Glen Dhu, and more. Ail ages weicome. Please cail 666-5835. DAY CARE AVAILABLE in my home by loving, reliable mother. Saf e, creative, non-smoking environment. Nutritious meais & snacks. Garden/Manning area. Full- or part-t ime. 430-6194. Wee Care Day Care Centre Ages 2 to 5 Ful l ime rate $99 Day carc Full days, Nursery school, Haif days, Junior kmndergarten Etablishcd 1978 686-1161 (Ajax) Speciaiizing in Early Childhood Education. For Peace of Mnd.- Perry House Day rare Centre Ltd. 3-BEDROOM, custom-buiit, brick bungalow. 2-car garage, 2 baths, f ireplace. Barn, large driving shed. ln-ground pool, pond, 2 acres of bush. AIl this on 38 acres of q rassiand, for horses or hobbies. une mile to Lake Scugog. Reduced to $299,000. Cail (416> 985-2788. I(ToIl Free Pager) 1.41 6-552-8964 ri,-The Mutual Group HERB TRAN cal! for quotalion 725-6564 r COMPLETE 'INCOME TAX SERVICE From $20.00 Professional Tax Preparation Samne Day Service Day & Evening Appointmnents available 108 Brock St. S. Whltby 1430-1986 TWO BEAUTIFUL FURNISHED rooms for rent by mature working individuals. Asking $350 & $320, which includes heat, hydro. Phone 666-9431 or 427-1990. FURNISHED ROOM for rent, $8olweekly. Share bathroom & kitchen. Student or worker preferred. Walk to ail amenities. Call 666-3776 after 6 p.m. BROOKLIN - 1 LARGE ROOM. Close to shopping & services. Available now. 655-5539. BON VOYAGE MOTEL - ten mintes f rom Whitby, between Brooklin/Port Perry on Hwy. 12. Rooms available for rent. Low weekly rates. Cal 655-5308. LARGE, FURNISHED bedroom with cable, parking & laundry. Buses outside door. $90 weekly, f irst & last. Phone 430-2777. W e .. elv rfy people. Ail included. Non-smoker. 666-8590. WHITBY, SMALL ROOM in 4-bedroom house to share with 3 others. Washer, dryer, utilities inciuded. Mature people only. $300/month. Cali 430-7103. Derek Dutka Specializiinc, n tax & retirement planning ýsince 1986 CALI 666-RRSP FOR AN APPOINTMENT. Authorlzed Servlcentre For Most Major Brand VCR's " Camcorders -TV's " VCR's - Stands and " Microwaves Accessories 723-4373 SHOWROM 1 3W0_King St. E, Oshawa TAKE ADVANTAGE ýof our 98 pe r.oert coverag e of Whftby when buying or selling your wares. Whitby Free Press. 668-0594. BRAND NEW 1-BEDROO Mapt. Includes ail utilities, and laund ry facilities. No pets, no smoking, no children, Bus/transit at door. $600/month. 666-8264. TWO LARGE BEDROOMS on Dufferin St. in Whitby. Near al amenities. Fridge, stove. $679/month, ail inclusive. Il-, 2- & 3-bedrooms in Oshawa. $650, $750 & $850. Near G.M. and al amenities. No pets. Availabie now. 263-4104. BROOKLIN, beautiful 1,100 sq. ft. basement apartment on 2 V2 acres, large one-bedroom. Seprate walk-out. Fridg e, stove, uti lities & parking. Close to amenities. Pets wefcome. First & last. $600. Availabie April 1. 655-5293. DOWNTOWN WHITBY: Avail- able A pril 1, one- & two-bedroom apt. Two-bedroom apt., $685/ month. One-bedroom apt., $5951 month. Each apt. includes frid9e, stove, utilities & one parking space. Aiso availabie, outdoor storage for April 1, $35/month. 728-9679. COMING EVENTS HAVE YOU SEEN THIS AD? Canal Cruises; I ive days aboard KAWARTHA VOYAGEUR, scenic Trent-Severn1 Waterway or Rideau Canai; privale siate-rooms, meais, free brochure: Wriie Caplain Marc, Box 6, Orillia, L3V 6119 (705) 327-5767. Capiain Marc wil describe these popular canai cruises ai a slide preseniailon ai: OWEN SOUND Mar. 1 Holiday Inn; HARRISTON Mar. 2 Public Library; CLINTON Mar. 3 Legion Hall; LONDON Mar. 4 Howard Johnson's; KITCHENER Mar. 5 Htoliday Inn; KINGSTON Mar. 8 Holiday Inn; OTTAWA Mar. 9 Dows Lake Paviliiori; PETERBOROUGH Mar. 10 Lift Lock Centre; ORILLIA Mar. il Highiwayman Inn; ST. CATHARINES Mar. 12 Parkway Complex. Shows ai 10 arn and 2 pm. SALES HELP WANTED Whoiesale firm seeks two Individuals f0 dispiay merchandise in esiablished stores in your area. Up to $900-$1,.200 weekiy. Excellent training, ongoing support, benefils. (416) 398-0919, (416) 398-0924. FOR SALE INDUSTRIAL-STRENGTH WOOD ENERGY. Complefe guide Io nafural firewood business, wood chip combusion, and wood pellet manufaciuring. Newsviews Community Forestry Inc., Killaloe Ontario KOJ 2A0. REAL ESTATE GOT A CAMPGROUND membership or imeshare? We'li lake il! Americas largesi resale cîearînghouse. Cal Resorl Sales Inernational. 1 -800-423- 5967 (24 hours). BROOKLIN: 1- & 2-BEDROOM apts. at different locations. Fridge, stove, parking. Large, newly decorated. Hydro extra. Close to ail services. Reasonabie rates. 655-4544 (days>, 655-8989 (eves.) 1-BEDROOM BASEMENT apt for rent in quiet residential area of Oshawa. $450/month. Phone 723-1386. Apartments & Townhouses availlabie In four locations Dean Ave., Bloor St., Wentworth St. (Oshawa) & Cumberland Lane (Ajax) -Close te amenities *Opportunity to rent-to-own * CaIIMaooI........ ..e -W6..... STEEL BUILDINGS ALL STEEL BUILDINGS: Siraigit sided and utiliiy. -Manufactrers ROCK-BOTTOM PRICES. 20x3O $2,988-00. 25 x 36 $3688.00. 30 x 410 $4,988.00. 37 -x 48 $5995.00, 44 x 56 $6.944 00- 48 x 86 $11,888.00.Pioneer i -80-668422. THE LAST STEEL BUILDING YOU'Ll EVER NEED. 'FUTURE STEEL BUILDINGS is the recognized leader n affordlable, top-quaîiîy, Arch Style Steel Buildings. Why pay more? Cal 1 -800-668-8653. SPAN-TECH SI1EEL BUILDINGS - Take the guesswork ouI of buying a steel building. lalk 10 the prolessionals. Esiablishied on qualiîy. service and repulalion. 24 houLrS 1 800-561-2200. A-Z PRE-ENG. BUILDINGS INO. Farm', siorage, Commercial, indusîrial. New lypes, sieel/wood, quonsel. rladding. For irue value, action & answers - Wally (416) 626-1794 FREE brochures. Clip-save. VACATION(TRAVEL MYRTLE BEACHI REsoRT vacation reniaIs. FuIly lurnishied condos. Indoorfoutdoor pools, tennis and raies Irom $327/week. BROCHURE: 1 -800-448-5653. FREE CAREER TRAINING LEARN AUCTIONEERING ai the Souihwestern School of Auctioneefing Nexi Ciass: March 13 - 19. Information, contact: Souihwesiern Ontario Schooi of Aucioneering. fl.R. #5, Woodsîock, Ontario, N4S 7V9 (519) 537-2115. Your ad could appear In community newspapers ln Ontario, or riglil across Canada, or any Individual province. Space is Llmited, so Cali This Newspaper Toda 1 ",C:FROSS e»CAjNADlA ~AIEPA To feach a wder markret. adverr:se throughout the regoonal rnembershp of the Ontario and Canadia,, Commundy Nowspap6fr Associations /Cenitral Ontario 55 newsoaoers- $160 for 25 words - Ail Ontario 171 newsoape's -S350 for 25 words For further Information please cali the Whitby Free Press ciasslfieds - 668-0594 Wbittby Free-Preas 668-0594 OfieHou rs; Mnday 10 Fiday,,9:00: arnm 1 00 OOpm *Fax 668-0594 12 i P errY 5t., vvrIisy Fu___________________ AC EA E WHITBY - SHARE spacious new CROSS CANADA MARKETPLACE ITSFS TSESIOECAL N ILDE TAL ARCHIE'S ,~/CLEANING SERVICE Est. in 1970 Now Ofiering Janitorial Servces In OshawalWhbyl J ý-à m rri a- L- 1 1 1 ri

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