Whitby Free Press, 10 Mar 1993, p. 12

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D.,,. 1 WUithu Free Pres. Wednesdav. March 10. 1993 Wam irr.u igeTm I [ler inmii $1,00,1 The handler of a tigor that was briofly on the loose in Whitby last November was fined $1,000 in Whitby court last week. The tiger, Qadosh, was part of Jane Jones exotic dance act at the Spruce Villa Hotel. On Nov. 28 the tig er escaped from the hotel and followed a ~ssùngjgger, veterinarian Paul an fLondon. The tiger thon apparently climbed up the 'fêincident lasted for a few minutes. Charges were laid against the handior, William Frazer of Sas- geor of Jones, for breaking the Town of Whitby animal control bylaw. Court was told that Frazer lot the tiger roam insido the hotel oponed, with aIl doors securod. But one chair, used te jam a panic bar, was somehow remo- yod allowing the tiger te wander out. SCIIZOPILRENICS The Durham chapter ef Ontario Friends of Schizo- p hren2ics will meet on Wednesday March 17, 7 p.m., at Whitby Psychiatric Hospital, building 30. The group providos education and support for familios and friends of people with schizo- phrenia. For more information caîl 404-1301. BOWL FOR MILLIONS Big Brothers Association of Oshawa-Whitby will hold the 1993 Celebrity 'Bowl-Ofl' day on Saturday, March 20, 3:30 te 6:30 p.M., at North End Bowl, Wilson and Taunton roads, Oshawa. Participato by bowling or sponsoring a bowler. Sponsor shoots are now availablo. For more information, caUl 579-2551. IIEALTHY FOOD The Canadian Cancer Society, with IGA stores, will host 'Hoalth Food Choices' supermar- kot tours, on Tuesday, March 23, 6:30 pmî. at Pringle Creok IGA, 728Anido"rson St., Whitby and on Thursday arch 25 6:30 p.m., at thearmklin IGÂ. A public hoalthy nutritionist will discuss fibre, fat and hoalthy food choices, and discuss supermarket shopping guidolinos. MARCH MIADNE SS AT C1IC A ' March Madness' program will ho held at the Whitby Civie Rocreation Complex March 15 te 19. Fitnoss, activities, crafts and games are available from 9:30 a.m. te noon for children aged 5 te 8. Children aged 9 te 12 are invited from 1 te 3:30 p.m. A public swim follows the afternoon session at a cost of $2.14 per child. Admission is $5 per child per morning or afternoon session. Register at the Whitby CR0. LA LECILE LEAGUE, La Loche League will hold its monthly breastfeedin support meeting on Thursday, %arc 1Il. The topic is 'Baby Arrives; The Family and the Breastfed Baby.' Mothers, babies and 'expectant mothers are welce. Cail 723- 0542 for more information. DAN ROBBINS of the Town of Whitby pickup forth of Taunton Rd. begins March works department delivers a blue box ta a 17. P ickup at Thickson's Point starts rural Whitby house. Bi-weekly blue box March 26.Pht yMrResWIb FePes PIIOTO CLUB The Whitby Photo Club wilI hold 'Membors Night' on Monda, March 15, for those wishin g to share their work, or discuss their latest travels, with other mem- hors. Print clinic submissions are also due. ÀA As familles in Durham Region, you are invited to a get together on March l8th, 1993 at 7 :30 - 9:30 pm at Grandvîew Centre 600 Townlîne Road, Oshawa. The purpose is to review how this funding is working for your family needs. Representation and direction trom familles is essential. PLAN TOATTEND. EUCIHRE The Whitby Logion Branch 112 Ladies Auxliary will hold a ouchre on'Thursday, March 18, 8 p .. at 117 Byron St. S., Whty. Cost is $2. A lîght lunch will ho servod. COIN CLUB3 Tho Oshawa & District Coin Club will meot on Sunday, March 14 at the Arts Resource Contre behind Oshawa City Hall. For more information caîl Earl Macoean at 728-1352. ONE PARENT FAMILLES Tho Oshawa Chapter One Parent Famiflies Association will meet on Tursday, March 16, 8 p.m., at Simcoe Hall Settlement House, 387 Simcoe St. S., Oshawa. There will ho a guest speaker from Revenue Canada. New members and guests welcome. For more information caîl 436-5089. GARAGE SALE lOth Whitby scouts will hold a garage sale as a fundraiser te send the troupe members te the 1993 Canadian Scout Jamboree in Alberta. Any articles, includ- in g gara ge sale leftovers, are welcomo. For pickup, caîl Deug at 668-1646 or 668-6493. TRANSPORTATION CLUB The Durham ilegion Tran spor- tation Club will moot on Thurs- day, Mar-ch Il at Lancelots Steakhouso, 1527 Bayly st., Pick- ering. There will ho a panel discussion about the Iogality of freight discounting, and the effeets on Canada's shippn public. Ail welcome. Cocktails at .:30 p.mtï, dinner at 6:30 p.m., video at730 p.m., discussion at 7:50 pn.m Reistor in advance. Caleter at 665-1702, Monica at 683-9313 or Bruce at 298- 2500. MAIWH MADNESS CIIILREN'S PROGRAM The Whitby Civie Recreation Contre will host a March Madness from Monday, March 15 te Thursday, March 18. Cblîdren agod 5 te 8 are invited mornings 9:30 a.m. te noon for crafts, fitness, movies. Aflernoon program runs 1 te 3:30 p.m. and are open te those aged 9 te 12 for fitness, sports, crafts and swimming. Register for a morning/ afternoon or complote week at the Whitby Civie Recreation Centre. Cost is $7 per child per morning/ afternoon. Cal 666-1991 for more information. S'T. PATICK'S DRAW The Whitby Public iàbrary will hold a Saint Patrick's Day Draw on March 13. Adults, enter your ballots in box at the adult fiction desk. Prizes include one free pass te the recreation centre or Iroquois Park for the family. For the youngsters guess how mnany candies are in the jar and win the contents and two tickets te the Matt Maxwell concert at Heydenshore Pavilion on March 17. Second and third prize winners will win free swimming pass te the creation contre or Iroquois. DANCE A 'Country Lino Dance' will bo held on Friday, April 2, 8p.M., at the Loyal Order ofU os Lodge, 731 Wilson Rd. S., Osh- awa. Dance instructers will show fun steps, and there will bo cold bufft. Fndsraised help support the AJDS Committee ofDram Regi on. Tickets, for $5, are avail- ah Ie at the AIDS committee office, 78 Simcoo St. N. Oshawa or at the door of the Moose Lodge. For more information cail 723-8201. IIEAD INJURY The Head Injury Association of Durham Region will hold a sup- port goup meeting on Wednes- day,Mgarch 17, 7:30 p.n., at 459 Bond St. E., Oshawa. For more information eall 723-2732. FLRST AID COURSE St. John Ambulance _ Whitby branch will ho offering a standard first aid and CPR course on Monda', .March 22 and Tuosday, March 23, from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. There will ho many courses running in March. For more information eall 668-9006 or 668-4159. TITEOS FOR THE WLDOWE1) The local chapter of the THEOS will meot on Sunday, March 14 at 2 p.m. at St. AndreW's Preshyterian Church, Cochrane St., Whitby. THEOS is a support group for the widowed and ail widowed mon and women are welcome te attend. For more information caîl 668-2648. TRIPLE LJNK The Whitby Triple Link Unity Club will hold a euchre on Thursday, March 11, 8 p.m., at the Oddfellows Hall, 211 Brock St. S., Whitby. All welcome. Prizes and lunch. Admission is $1.50. For more information cal 668-2684. COMPtATI]BLE COMPANIONS CONNECTIONS Celobrating the newm year with a multitude of house parties and fun activities. If you're single and want te mingle, give us a caîl. 430-7022. INCOME TAX CINICS Income tax clinies are ofl'ed free of charge te Whitby seniors. Volunteers are available through the Whi.ýtby Seniors' Activity Centre, &àt 801 Brock St. S., Whitby. Cail 668-1424 for appointmnents. DANCE The Loyal Ordor of Moose, Whitby Lodge wiIl hold a dance, featuring 'Chaser,' at the Knights of Columbus Hall, 133 Brock St. N., Whitby on Satur- day, March 20, 9 p m. to 1 a.m. Tickets are $5. Cali668-4570 for more information. -March Break at the library GARtTIIFITTI 'Cartooning it arth Hut- ton' will be helda t the Whitby Public Library on Tuesday, March 16, 10:30 a.ni. and 2 p.m., for ages 9 and, over. Registration began March 1 at the library. MATT MAXWELL Matt Maxwell & His Band will ho at Heydenshore Pavilion on Wednesday, March 17 for the final show of the Children's Con- cert Series. Tickets, $6 each or $20 for a family of four, are available at ail library branches. TALES OF TERROR Those aged 8 and up can croate their own masterpioce of fright as well -as listen to a few scary 'carnpfire' storios during Tales of Terror, te be held at the Whitby Publi irary on Thurs- f 1

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