Whitby Free Press, Wednesday, Match 31, 1993, Page 27 Homes needed for Europea exhage students Ever thought of sharing your home with a high school student from another country? It's possible to give it a try with a non-profit organization that has students waiting for the chance to live and learn with a Canadian faznily. This fail, Student Travel Schools of Waterloo will be bringing students from Australia, New Zealand and il European countries to Canada for 10 niontha to attend hîgh school, te learn about Canada and its culture and to share their lives with Canadian families. "Since the Canadian Drograni was launched in 1987, we have had a constant increase in the number of students wishing te study in Canada," says Julia Lubczyski, who heads up the Canadian branch of STS. "The students are very excited about living in Canada, and I arn looking for friendiy familles te take thern for the school year." The students are between ages 15 and 18. Being a host family nieans offering your home and your way of life te an English-speaking teenager for a five- or 10-rnonth Students are chosen for their rnaturity, academic achieve- ments, adaptability and English SUIS. TMy are eager, enthusiastic and friendly young people with a passion for learning as rnuch as they can about Canada. Familles provide roorn, board and, rnost irnportantly, a loving and receptive farnily atmosphere. Students are responsibile for their own spending money for clothing, entertainnient and souvenirs. They arer aise fully covered by health and accident insurance. STS has offices throughout the - world and regional representatives in ail areas where students are placed. The organization is accepted by the Council on Standards fo International Educatienal Travel. Its goal is te, encourage understanding, respect and goodwill between nations. If yen are interested in hosting a student or studying abroad, cail STS toll-fre at 1-800-265-5316. Police response quicker .PROM PAGE 20 division says one aim of the unit is te get police* officers eut of their cars and back on the street, publie. g face te face with the That's already happening in Oshawa, where four officers parol dnown and two in the south part ofteCity. Foot offi- cers have be proposed for Whitby, tee. M ýZ B IMPORT ARENT WORHsA GANDeA e sl L NOW LOOK, AT THIS GRAND AM GOOD PRICE Your Pontiac Performance Dealers.