Whitby Free Press, 7 Apr 1993, p. 23

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Whitby Free Press, Wednesday, Apuil 7, 1993. Page 23 Boarding houses may be regulated FR OM'PAGE 1 ted te, examine greup homes beth counciilors and members eà the public alike raised the issue et bearding and lodging houses at Mondais meeting. According te, the staff' report, there are new flive group homes in Whitby and tour boardmngl lodging houses. A group home is a licensed or approved tacility by either the provincial or tederai gevernmoent, whereas a boarding/lodging A IIISTORICAI FEATURE in the Whitby Free Press 1. What building in the Montreal style of architecture is the oldest brick structure in downtown Whitby and when was it built? 2. How long was the abandoned Brock Street public school in Port Whitby used as a school? 3. Who was R.A. Sennett, for whom the old King Street public school was named in 1979? 4. What organization presented the land for the-old Public Library at Dundas and Byron streets in 1991? Answers on Page 35 This feature provided by c-4 DjOýt Cý house does net require provincial approval. The province dees not regulate boarding houses, therefore sup-* portivo care services that are generally associated with a group home are net required te beprovided, the report states. However, a municipahity can reýquire that a boardingllodging hOuse be licensed under pro- visions of the Municipal Act, which is the case in Whitby, the uert after hearing planning director Bob Short explain that the différence between boarding/ Iodging houses and group homes can bocome "biurred" due te peculiarities et the Town 's zen- ing bylaws, a Reynolds Street resident complained that «it's just smoke and mirrors as far as we're concorned.> Donald Dewey said thore was nothing in the proposed byiaw amendment "to stop someone fromn putting up a Pugsley Manor and putting in 10 to 15 mental patients and calling it a boarding house.» While Homer Boake et Reynolds Street noted that Pugs- ley Manor can accommodate 40 people since the building was expanded a few yoars ago. 8hbaron Po0we r, also of Reynolds Street, pointed out that there are two group homes and a boarding house in the immediate vicinity. «V/e toit they were starting te be ciustered in our neighbour- hood,» said Power. "The way our street 18 it couid ail become group homes,» she said. Power said the bylaw shouid net just address group homes, but any tacilhty that houses several people. However, a represontative et the Aýjax-Pickering & Whitby Association fer Community Liv- ing warned the committee that the proposod bylaw discriminates aganinst disabied people. Lisa McNee-Baker said one or two. people living alone, but requiring supervision, would ho penalized because the bylaw does net stipulate a minimum number residing in the home. "We're not in the business ef eperating big group homes," said 1 TEL (416) 725-1155 TORONTO LUNE 428-2890 FAX (416)576-38621 CANADA Canacatitmfln"Iy cff - M~- ~Beverley r aS~esentati'Sae Rp e On duy .. -8m ANA A w ebest nortga2 mhurs. & Fri. evenings. *KUST Canada Trust Brandi Cb-.tust P4*Y krJ'ae package in Canau a? 408 Dundas St. W. (a@Eudid) obetejgl Whitby, Ontario 'M nis inlsnded ta saot prcporties aready isted ~.or.CORPORATION OF THE TOWN 0F WHITBY .... PARKS AN D RECREATION DEPT. SPECIAL NOTICE mhe Parks and Recreation Department has re-established Gardon Plots for community use for the 1993 summer season. Size of the Gardon Plots wiII be 20 f. b y 45 tt.. and wiII rent at a cost of $75 per plot to the user. The land will be rototilled b>y the Town, and water wiIl be made available. These plots wîiI be available tentatively May 21, 1993 te October 13. 1993. and will be processed on a frst-comne. first-served basis with preference given te Whitby residerits. The Garden Plots are ocated at the southeasi corner of VICTORIA STREET & JEFFERY STREET, at the northwest corner of the Whitby General Hospital site. Interested garclenors are invited to calI IROQUOIS PARK COMPLEX ut 668-7765. McNee-Baker. "From our agency's point et view, seven or eght people is net cemmen,» she said. i Councillor John DoIstra said the issue is net group homes but the number in oe location. «rve nover been opposed te group homes but take a look at how many are in this area,» he snid. Both Brunelle and councillor Dennis Fox cencurrod, with Bruneile arguing foer inclusion et boarding/lodginghouses. "I don't have any concern in the world with three, four people," said Bruneile. 'Where wo have probloms is with the volume. If yen put 40 people in that kind of setting inaa neighbourhood you wili have pro- blems," he said. For Fox, the diffliculties stem- ming from tacilities such as Pugsley Manor is the resuit ef a "domine effeet" he blamed on the Ontario governmrnt. "Because et provincial cut- $9,000 worth of liquor stolen Forty-three cases et liquor worth more than $9,000 were stoien from a trailer parked in a trucking compound semetime over the weekend. Police say the cuiprit(s) cut a fonce te get into the ceompound at Can-Truck Transport Ltd. en Boundary Rd. and forced a pad- lock on t he trailer sometime bet- ween Friday night and Monday morning. An investigation is continuing. backs we have a lot et people who should ho in an institutienal setting but are put into these type et homes," said Fox. Many ef these people cannet cope en their own and its area residents who suifer, qaid Fox, noting that thore have heen in- cidents invelving Maner rosi- dents and downtown shoppers for exampie. Foiiewin the meeting, Bruneile said conditions at Pugs- loy Manor have improved te somne extent since ho and other Town officiais teured the homo a few years a go in response te health and safoty violations. "At one time there were 33 p eopî liingtheré," said Bi'onelle llwhoLderibd the rosi- dents as hein gdestitute and in gonerall4a'poo ealth. "I don t want te rob them et a home, but te put them ail in one place is net fair te the com- munity," said Brunello. The committee's recommenda- tien that staff continue process- ing the proposed bylaw amend- monts goes te council next week. * Over25years combined experlenoe " Whitby residents " Members of local & Toronto boards TO BUY OR SELL REAL ESTATE OR ARRANGE MORTGAGE FINANCING CALL Res. 668-4334 Bus. 668-6171 E W. frank Real Estate Ld" BUYING OR SELLING? For service and resuits ask for LILIAN NORTH sales rep RE/MAX Summit Realty (1991) Ltd. 668-3800 686-5865 [j Member of Oshawa & Toronto Boards Celebrate E asterg WITH US! SPRING & GA RDENING START AT JOHN BROUWER GARDEN CENTRE 18G JONBROU WER GARDEN AND LANDSCAPING CENTRE 650 Lakeridge Road South, Ajax, Ontario LIS 4S7 TELEPHONE: 686-1545 or 686-1680 Id

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