Page 4, Whltby free Press, Wednesday, April 14,.1993 AGoodEdcaion is not a Piiee TRNFNLGNR CNSýL Deatý Concemned Parent, eevigadi DAr o oCrl~wt'ti ult of educatiol' your duglIter 1 iVil ad AeY or eceive vltlI detreamnng in grade 9 ttis Septex trucue ArkeY youI c ce ed that your daghter'S preset, scbOl l ssrcue ArDoSctnstr ne fdalflentals of eduCation? oUsid ystrestereseduua sClhOOl that provides: *smal classes and a highlY qaiid eiae tf * astrctiit, velldîcipîined atmnosPhere * cmO'Yeal3llaid san dileadiflg period * extensve -onitInatind evaluation of each studenl'Cs proges Are you cocerned that your daughterls prese"nSIlO d1e not challege hrtdo her beSta rie- WOUl yoube nterested in a scilOO thatpoie Wol o e idVd atetOand supel5sedstudy indiidu1atenin algae Oasume leadership roles * opportflnities lU' nai rae-toa --_. -zcec ilt *a stoflg enphas's on comPetencY inma h idosnt r vdeasfea dcarU Are you co(cerned that YOur daugbter'es preseut sbo oSntpoieasf n ail euvilrOflment for learnilfg? poie* cfdne ,Wouiddyou be 1nterestd in a schOOl tat th no urgeidesuaiy:n sl *a safe setÃœg in a faxniY atmosphere-ta o tge niiu i t hy sl~oufo lfenc - chngofeticl ales 1 de not commuî7lcte Vhyo oflaî -eachiflg ofed th a l vu a u he9 c â 0 %Pç L - ,CI oub n er S~ î a se bOOl that provides9 * rdYO elteestf cntctwith the parents * eYre ortf o tudenits lot perfoITfmngat their optimum level cky eosforIu ~unonatnance and other nonacademîic mattes eg ar nrenVIteacher interViIFWS n D T V For~ ~ ~ IIR 12 er ~fl aIleScANiLool ba proded educationa ecellence for youflg voflefl. For 20 er Trflg ad Fan'"ia ASS Pan Information Available. el-.-nrcis ad inacil A-,tnr lf ai) a nSaturday, info m at on -y *.l e M ake an "Q u es t i ron n n w rr oud rwith the Principal. 1 :0an R A FA LG A R ,tO12.3 P; CASteadTaL E SCH O O L 401 Reynolds St., Whitby e 668-3358 0 f ma APUOOO À& Are you cOl' enough? and frequentlY PPIPS *in .mÃ