Whitby Free Press, 21 Apr 1993, p. 8

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Page 8, Whitby Free Press, Wodnesday, April 21, 1993 A1 hit iDusè1Tine Camp Day drive at Thn Hortons The annual Camp Day Canada fundraisin g drive will ho held et local Mim orons stores on Wed- nesday, April 28. Ail money raised from coffee sales for a 24-heur period will ho donated te the 'im 1-orton Chul- dreri's Foundetion. Last year $550,000 was raised from alTim Hortons stores in Canada. Money gees te send underprivileged children te sum- mer camps. RelEsae N'eI " Over 25 years combîned experience " Whitby residents " Members of local & Toronto boards TO 8UY OR SELL REAL ESTATE OR ARRANGE MORTGAGE FINANCING -CALL Res. 668-4334 Bus. 668-6171 J W. Frank Real Estate Ltd. Woodbntdge Foam workers poised to strike By Mike Kowalski Empioyees of Woodbridge Foamn in Whitby couid ho on strike in less than three weeks. Managorent of the Forbes Street factory was informod last Friday that workers will strike at 12:01 a.m. May 10 unlc'ss a sottiement is reached to replace the oid contract which expired April 15. However, no further talks between the company and union -- Local 222 of the Canadian Auto Workers (CAWV) -- are planned et this time. Although the 127 employees represented by the CMV will be in a legal strike position May 3, the union agreed to delay a walkout until the following week. Bargaining te replace the formner three-year agreement broko down two weeks ago but workers had te wait until a provincial conciliation officer fiied a 'no-board' report with the Ministry of Labour. "We had a meeting today (Friday) and told them (company), that's where we loi t it,» said Local 222 vice-president Jim Niign "W'ea long way from an agreement," hoe noted. Woodbridge Foam manufactures material used in the production of automobile seats for Generai Motors' Buick and Chevroiet Lumina models. This wili be the second contract covering union empioyees. IJnder the oid agreement, the average wage for hourly workers was $15.22. Nimigon said wages and benerits are the major outstanding issues in the dispute but he would not disclose the union 's demands. "We gave thern our bottom lino figure. Hopefuliy they will talk te, their corporate people," ho said. Woodbridge plant manager Dave Fowler deciined te, coin- ment on the latest deveiopments.A Engineers' anal meetin".g in May The annuel general meeting of t'ne Association cf Profession aI Engineers, Lake Ontario chep- ter, ilI be held at Cullen Gar- BUYING OR SELLING? For service and resuits ask for LILIAN NORTH sales rep RE/MAX Summit Realty (1991) Ltd. 668-3800 686-5865 Member of Oshawa & Toronto Boards TEL (416) 725-1155 TORONTO LUNE 428-2890 FAX (416)576-3862 E-N CANADA __ TRUST $242,800. EXECUTIVE RESIDENCE' 2S80 sq. i. W0 basement. 4 bedreem., skylighi. 34» eak hardwoed lvinq and dining reom floors. Cali Patrcia 1-lewelilng 723-7582. (24 hr. pager 725-11551 COME SEE ..COME SIGH! Fantastic 3 bedtoom resîdenoe + attached carpori. Boasts oft1ir12 baihs. eat-n kit, (wîîh ceramîc ftonrng) dinng room W/Q Ie deck. sep. sîde entryi Askîng $149.900. Beverly Farnum, 725-1155 (24 hr. pager> dons on May 7, 6:30 p.m. Guest speaker will ho Ontario ridin g MP Rene Seetens. Tickets l'or the dinneî and dance are $28, and are available frein John Preste (668-7721) or Tom Odeil (644-3914). Members, friends and family are welcome. A.J. MACKY gives Witby Subway restaurant owner Said Salamat a can of beans during the 'Food for Food' drive at trhe restaurant on Sunday. The 90-minute drive for the food bank attracted many customers who received a f ree sub when mak ing a donation. Pht yMuiePhr.FePes Draw, tours part of International Week A restaurant tour and passport di-aw are emong the events te be held during International Week May 8 te 15, organized by the Downtown Business Improve- ment Area in Whitby. The restaurant tour will ho held Saturday, May 8. To pertici- pate cal the BIA et 666-4189. In the passport draw, custo- miers, with a purchase, receive a stamp fi-cm the place cf business. When they have completed the passpcrt with six stamps, they niay enter a draw te win a "trunk" full cf gifts don ated hy downtown businesses. There will aise ho a window and mn-store display contest. Businpsseq are decorated, with I DCI opes atplaza By Cheryl-Ann MacKean wo-od-smrokeu sausage. Freshly baed breads and cold There is also a salad bar, and cut meats is now evaileble in the perogies, cabbege relIs and Euro- Dundas Plaza. peann oceries are also sold. Vars Deli, located at 1645 Relis and breads are haked Dundas St. E. (et Springwood fresh.every day, and a different Street), opened on March 17. soup is effered each day. It's a convonience, especially "We are succcssful ... it may ho fer people in this area because a small plaza but it is very busy. there is only one store like this," "Customers tell me that the says owner B3arb ara Jarzabek. conven jonce cf the plaza and the fact ti-it. ry foods are goed for Her two teenage children, both supper and lunches makes Sabastian and Edyta, and hus- themn keep com ing back. band He.nry hri-p her operate the "Anyene who cornes here is store. welcome, and I can guarantee The deli has a variety cf cold their satisfaction with the que- cuts moats including selected lity cf the service and the food," salami, black forest ham and says Jarzahek. NOTICE 0F PROPOSED NURSING HOME LICENCE RENEWAL AND REQUEST FOR SUBMISSIONS PROJECT 009-94 Pursuant te the Nursing Homes Act, notice is heroby given of the inIent ef the Director, Residential Services Branch. te renew the licence of the tellowing nursing home: Sunnycrest Nursing Home Whitby. Ontario Submissions cencerning the propesedi licence renewal may be sent te, The Drector. Residential Services Branch. Ontario Ministries of Heallh and Community and Social Services. 15 Overlea Blvd.. 5th Floor. Toronto. Ontario, M4H 1A9, (416) 327-7357. by May 25. 1993. Pleaso mark the name et the nursing home and the project number on submissions. The Drector wîl consîder ail submissiens prier te approvîng the propesed renewal. ® DOntarto the focus on a country -- ethnic articles, instore merchandise, flags and dress in costumes may ho used. Cal] the BIA for more informa- tion about this contest. A colouring station will ho held on Saturday, May 15. Children will ho invited te colour flags from varieus countries. Busine.ss club meets April 28 TJhe Du'\ham Business & Pro- fessional Women's Club will mieet on Wednesday, April 28 in Port Perry. Elizabeth MacArthur will dis- cuss 'Culturel Diversity.' Cost is $25 for membors, $30 for non- members. The meeting will ho held at the Dreamcrest Equestrian Centre (fermerly Greystone), on Simcoe St. S., Port Perry. For reservations or more infor- mation, cal] Karen Graham at 427-6930, Joanne Ccx et 571- 0473 or Joan Ann Evelyn at 725-9179. at meetin g Durham Region Injured Wor- kers will met on Wednesday, April 28, 7:30 p.m. in Oshawa. Guest speaker will ho Lori Hardwick cf the Ontario Fede- ration cf Labour (OFL). She wii discuss the Workmen's Compensation Board and OFL course, and 'Labour and Injured Workers.' The meeting will ho held et the CAW Hall, 1425 Phillip Murra Ave., Oshawa. Foir more information cali Gene Culligan et 571-1667. In the April 7 issue, it was. incorrectly stat.ed that the ewner cf Love NWest charges $4.99 for a 'rent as you go offer.' It should have stated that cus- tomers only pay the~ cost of* the movie rentaI. Fhe- s only one monvie renta].i'r at 1Love Nest that rpquirc-s a $1 9.99 nebr ship tee allowîng the ctistoîin-r six free movie rentais andl a carri entitling the custoriier to 10 pe-r cent off cf anything tn the -t,'ro. t<o apologîze for tlh<- 1nc<'rrec t information. ý.-I

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