P<ý )A24 Whithu Frce Press. Wednesdav. April 28.,1993 BROOKLTN }~ Broolinlbmme named aouttdngOtis Last Saturday, Brian Wick of Brooklin was elected Lt. Govemnor te the General Ontario District Optirist board of directors for a one- year terni starting Oct. 1. The position puts Wick in, charge of the Optimist clubs - in llrooklin, Port Perry, Ajax, Picker- ing and Uxbidge. I n addition to the»< election, e speciel presentation was made to Wick on behaîf of the president of Optimist International. Wick received a citation for bein g an outstanding Optimist club member during 1992-1993. The certificate is presented during the 75th anniversary of Optimist International te the individuel who has demonstrated exceptional dedication, care and love of club, club members, district and Optimist International. According to Optimist International president John Ree, "In the histery of every club, there is one member said te embody the spirit and essence of Optimism, Who has been the club's Jinspiration, and has done the most te edvence O0pti- mism in the cu and the com- muni ty. l "We are pleased te have one of our members named te this s pecial award," says Brookl in Optimi st Club jresident Sabina James. "He as been involved in most of our projects this year, including ski lessons, kite day, Christmas party for children, Octagon Club weel fundraising, and1 attends Optimist conferences for further education." Campin"g begins May i at Heber Down Heber Down Conservation Aiea camping facilities will open May 1 for public u\e. Sites are availeUtle adjacent te a 600-acre park and minutes from ail attractions in Durham Region. Camping rates are $17 per night and $102 per week (Canadien senior rates are $8.50 per night and $51 per week), GST included. AIl sites have hydro and water hookups as well as access te a dumping station. No reservations. Larger groups requiring camping accommodation or intending te utilize the dey use area for picnics, etc. are requested te book these facilities through the main office (579-04511). THE REGIONAL I~M UNICIPALITY 0F DURHAM DURHAM REGION PUBLIC NOTICE ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT FOR INSTALLATION 0F STANDBY POWER AT THE EXISTING ANNES STREET SEWAGE PUMVPING STATION IN THE TOWN 0F WHITBY The Regional Municipality of Durham is planning to instaîl a permanent diesel generator faci ily at the existing Annes Street Sewage Pumping Station, located at the southwest corner of Annes and Burns streets, in the Town of Whitby. This projeot is being planneci as a Schedule B undertaking in accordance with the procedures outlined in the Municipal Engineers Association (MEA) document *Class Environmental Assessment for Municipal Sewage and Water Projects.0 This projecl is required 10 improve the existing sewage systemn in the area and 10 provide additional security against basement flooding. The Region has completed phase one of the class EA process (problem identification) and is proceedinq with phase two of the prooess (identification and evaluation of design alternatives). An open house will be held to discuss the p roject and 10 receive public input. Staff of the Regin and Simcoe Engineenng Group Limited, consulting engineers fOor the project, will be available 10 answer questions. Ail interested parties are invted 10, attend the open house which will be held: THURSDAY, MAY 6,1993 6:30 P.M. to 9:00 P.M. HENRY STREET HIGH SCHOOL 600 HENRY STREET, WHITBY For furiher information on this project please contact: Gabe Oliver, P.Eng. RegionaJ Municipality of Durham 105 consumers Drive Whitby, OntarioLiN 6A3 Telephone: (416) 668-7721 R.A. Simm, P.Eng. Simcoe Engineering Group imited 345 Kingston Road Pickerng, Ontario Ll V MA Telephone: (416) 509-2285 This notice issued April 21. 1993. V.A. SILGAILIS, P.ENG. COMMISSIONER 0F WORKS Burns Chiurch celebrates 25th year of newbuidn Sunday marked the 25th anniversary of the new Burns Presbyterian Church building in Ashburn. A special commemoration service was delivered by guest minister, Rev. Ken Heron, formerly a resident of Ashburn. A solo by John Villeneuve was aecompanied biv Jean Stachow of Myrtle. NEW MINISTR Burns minister selection has deided te, hire a of tlieir own, se a É,r mittee has been Tree-platg at St. Leo's Church rectory Landscape Ontario will con- duct a tree-plenting program at St. Leo's Church rectory on Fri. ~eprggam, recognizing Anbour We ,begins at 10: 15 a.m. There will be discussion of Arbour Day, followed by the planting of a large tree on the church property. Students will then receive Arbour Day buttons and ribbons, and young trees fnr planting et their homes. working hard over the winter te, make a decision. As a result, they have qualified Rev. Sheina Smith. An open house will be held at the home of Moyra Dobson and Ken Brown, 9695 Lakeridge Road, Saturday, May 1, from 3 te, 5 and 7 to 9 p.m., se residents can meet 11ev. Smith, who will be preaching for a caîl on Sunday, May 2 at 11:15 a.m. A meeting of the congregaton has been called, by authoit of the Kir Session, for May 2, 2 p.m., at Burns. The meeting wvill determine the terms of a call te a minister, and if the neme of 11ev. Smith is te be placed in the caîl. F a f r p a g e a n t.....e........ Entries are required for the Miss Brooklin Spring Fair Pageant, the traditional opening of the annual fair te, be held June 3 te 6. To be eligible, entrants must be aged 17 to 23, unmarried, a resident of Canada for two years and a resident of Durhami Region for six months. Cash and prizes are awarded te the winner and two runners-up. Lest year, Annette VanDerLide wes named as Mfiss Brooklin Spring Fair. Entry forms and a brief resumé can be sent te Kerri Death, RR1, Ashburn, Ont. LOB 1A0. For more information, cal 655-5441. Entry formg cen be picked up et high schools and at public libraries ini Whitby and Brooklin. MEADOWCREST Public Sohool student Catherine Advent holds the Remembrance Day poster that won her second prize in a Brooklin Legion contest. Photo by Mark Reesor, Whltby Free Press 0" P4'I ZL] Rare Find Charming century 3 bcdroom home in 'olde'Blrooklin. New coach house wi th studio - ail poiscÀ,d on be>-autiful mature lot. $275,O0 *Lisa Fotheningham'- -Pat Odgers * Sales Representatives (416) 471-8800 -'655-3878 Closing date for entries is May 10.. Each contestant will receive prizes. The Brooklin Spring Fair ýAssoiation will be awarding $250 for first place, $150 for second place and $100 for third place. New officers eleà cted at Wlannual meeing By Eileen Youn~ The Brooklin Women s Insti- tute annual meeting was held April 21 at the Broolin com- munity centre. Motto was 'A new beginning always welcome' and roll eall was 'Comments on last year's meeting and ideas for a new year.' Hostesses were June Hoar and Laural Hamer. The election of officers for 1993-94 was held. President is Aleta Campbell, past president Laural Hamer, vice president Ruth Agar, recording secretary and treasurer Bessie Cosway, secretary Sarah Collins, currents events Carrne Arksey, public relations Eileen Young and Ruth Agar. Conveners are Marion Hall, citizenship and legislation; Marion Young, family and con- sumer affairs- Sarah Collins, education anâ culture; Aleta Campbell, agriculture affairs; Bessie Cosway, Canadian indus- tries, Tweedsmuir history- Laural Hamer, international affairs nominating committee; June iloar, resolutions; Marion Young, district director; Ruth Agar, nominating committee; auditors, the Arkseys. The next meeting, marking the 83rd birthday of the Brooklin WI, will be held on May 19 at 1:30 p.m. Convener will be Bes- sie Cosway and the program will be Canadian industries. Motte will be 'No one is a failure who lightens the burden for someone eIse.'RIll caîl will be 'Name an invention in industry and its use.' Guest speaker will be Peggy Frankozich of Brooklin I A- Topic will be 'You and your medicatien, non-prescription and lrescripton drugs.' There will ha a lde presentation, then a ques- tion and answer period. Visitors are welcome. Hos- tesses will be Marion Hall and Effie Pa rrott. The 94th ainnuffl meeting of Ontario South Women's Insti- tutes will be held at Stouffville United Church on May 27. Attending will be WI branches from Altona, Grcenbank, Scugog Island, Brooklin, Honeydele, Shirley and Claremont. Guest speaker will be Pegy Knapp, ACWW one president for Citnada. -. .. -, -*-,-ý, ý ý ý - ý ý . . . 1 :. ý . - -ý . -- - - ....... .... -- - - 1 i r