Whitby Free Press. Wednesday, April 28. 1993, Page 33 OONUUcIALSPAC ARTCLES 'i -ARTIC ES' RTI..S'...AR... E FORATOR6L~ FR SAE' 'OR SLEIFOSAEI ORAL FULLY EQUIPPED classroom available for hourly rentai. Central location. Phone 668-1102. RETAIL SPACE FOR LEASE: 1,500 sq. ft. Main street location, downtown Whitby. Creatîve rentai arrangements. 668-1468, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. PROFESSIONALS: Office space to share. Ground floor office. Downtown Whitby. Secretary, fax, phon~e, etc. Caîl 668-4440. BROOKLIN OFFICE SPACE for rent.1 625 sq f t. up, plenty of free C ki . al 655-4544 or 4- 14" FIREBIRD CAMARD atuminum custom rims - $40 each or $150 for 4. Ford 2.3 litre engine parts. Caîl Todd 725-2459. AIl sizes. Installaion and Computer Baancing also available WHITBV TIpR 103 Dundas St. E. I <orner of i-wy. 12 & Rwy. 2 Phone 430-8900 INeed a car - Credit problems? " Lease ta own 6fly make or miodel Cash for irade - Cali now for lm quotes ILEASEGUIDE AUTO LEASING I 436-9837 - Jeff BRITISH CAR ENTHUSIASTS: 1971 Rover 3500S, V8, 18,000 original miles. Stored indoors since 1974. Ver g ood condition. Negotiable.%CalScott, 668-7360. ..... ..... ..... .... BONAIR HARDTOP tent trailer. Steeps 6. Sink, stove, icebox, water, electric. Very- good condition. $3250 inctudes canopy, Porta-potti. 666-3828. 1980 CORSAIR 35 ft. trailer, 2 tipouts, futi deck, 20 ft. X 8 ft. Florida room, Iandscaped lot. Burteig h Faits <Hwy.28). Cali 579-4937 ater 5:30 p.m. for information. MOTORCYCLE INSU RANCE 683-9725 PINE RIDGE INSURANCE INSRACEI THE BARN YARD - Used furniture, coliectibies and antiques.. Clarke 8th Line, east of Hwy. 115, Orono. Open Saturday 9-5. Sunday 12-5. 983-5926. ALUMINUM WINDOW doublei siiders, com plete. 8' x 2'6". Goodi condition. Good for cottage or shed. Greenhouse, 8' x 6', aluminum & glass. 725-3354. 14 CU. FT. MCCLARY FREEZER, $100 or best offer. 4 - 38" groundhogs - $500 or best offer. Cail 430-6772. CHESTERFIELD AND CHAIR - like new, 9 pce. dining roomn suite - Cherrywood. 4' x 9' pool table and accessories. 668-6983 woekdays. 10' SATELLITE SYSTEM, Star Track 8 - usod onty 1 year - $1400. Can arrange for instaltation. Gary at 293-6220. MAGIC C HEF FRIDGE, like new. Water and ice dispenser on door. Washer and dryer also. $650. 430-4694. THE BEAR HUNT is on. Cai BTH Archery for r cedar arrows in 2 HOCKEY NETS, $40. Sotoilex body-buitding machine, cost $2,000, excettent condition, asking $900. 430-0222. DRAPES, excellent condition, 12'x96", customn made. Natural/ brown stub, $70 and natural/blue embroidered voite, $50. 655-4451. 10K GOLD RINGS: One 10-ct. TW amethyst, $150. One 10-ct. TW garnet, $150. One 10-ct. 1W lapis, $75. One 0.03-ct. 1W aquamarine & diamond, $75. 668-0863. DAY BED, white & brass with r -,2mtrse and bodding, efficient and water saver 5 pus - button model, $185. 666-à 319 afttr 5 p.m. 1ST & 2ND MORTGAGES, f inancing to 95% of property value. Lower rates. No f ee transfers. Easy ualifier prog ram. HOMEFUN D ORP. (416) 696-9866, cati colloct - PRIVATE MORTGAGES - the place to go when your bank says «NO.* Serving Whitby since 1973. 668-7200. ANUJBIS INVESTMENTS. 571 2880 or 6296(or.bn OPENING A BUSINESS? For sale ... best off er: Meridian Noîstar telephone system for business. 2 phone sets, conferencinq, hands- f ree speakers, headset interface, aiternate language capabilities, speed dial, message centre, and many mnore features. For further info, cati (416) 666-8083. 'MOTORIZED TRIKE' Extra heavy duty. Fortress LX 2000. $1.000 or best offer. 786-3155. CHESTERFIELD SUITES, love- seats, sectionats, less than haif puice. Large select ion. McKeen Furniture, 524 Simcoe St. S., Oshawa. Phono 725-5181. MATTRESSES and boxsprings at haîf price. McKeen Furniture. 524 Simncoe St. S., Oshawa. Phone 725-5181. GET INTO SHAPE. Easy Glider Cross-Country Skier Total Fitness. As seen on TV. Vanna White. Re ular $89.99, seil $25. 6-34,leave message. TREES FOR SALE: White and paper birch and mountain and white ash trees. 10-15 feet high. 655-3211. SECURITY Homo - Car information, Business availabte. ALARMS available. - Personal. For more cati 721-2570. opportunities also ULTRAVIOLET WATER purifier sale. Free water testing. Whole house systems. Repairs to al makes of water treatment systoms. Cail Young's Water Systems, 655-4544. Mr. trm awn and garden service government Iicensed professionals specializing in property maintenance tree and shrub pruning Iandscaping (Landscape Ontario free estimates HRITURLFRDES ASSOCIATION 623-9711 e 434-9428 TREE CUTTING & trimming. FuIIy insured. Free estimates. 430-8982, or 725-3609. "MOE MOWS LAWNS" - Spring clean-up, fertlizing. Reasonabte rates. Free estimates. Cati Moe's Lawni Care, 430-8927, evenings. . Fertilizing ýý" GsT-lisect control PE r ree estimates IIRYI Lic. prof essionats *AN Work guaranteed 50'XlO' -10% seniors' disoeunt SERVICING DUF*A REGION SINGE 196 433-7484 FOUR SEASONS Landscaping, Gardening services. Fences, docks, sodding. eavestrough cleaning, retainîng walIs, iawn cutting, treo removal. 10%/ seniors' discount. Caîl (416) 428-1305. SPANKYS PROPERTY Mainten- ance. Grass cutting to generai maintenance. Tree brush, garbage, etc. Residential/ commercial. Phono Jim at 668-6803. INTERLOCK REPAIR & SEAL. Re-level sunken aroas, spruce up otd jobs, etc. Reasonable rates. Quality work. 668-2742. LAWN MAINTENANCE, pruning, grass seeding, sodding, Spring clean- ups. Renovat ions of gardens, rock gardons, plant ing, firewood. Free estimates. Dutchway Land- scaping. (416) 649-3183. BED CHESTERFIELD, 50. Dinette table with 2 chairs, $25. Chest of drawers, $25. fil sander, $12. 3/8« drill. $20. 668-3975. 7 PIECE PATIO SET and a 7 sheif entertainment centre $350 each. Caîl 655-8695. WANTED: WOOD LATHE, reasonable puice. Phono 404-2084. RECORDS, JAZZ L-Ps, 33-:V/3 RPM, 1950s - 1980s. Chet Baker, Oscar Peterson, Buddy Rich, Woody Herman,, Count Basie, etc. 430-2075. CRAFT SHOW & SALE. Country coilectibios, wooden toys, folk art, sm ocking, chitdren's ctothing, porcetain dotîs & much more. 1018 Mcutlough Dr., Whitby. April 30, May 1 & 2, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. B3arnt Swaffow Pottery Greeriwoodf Sprirtq open 9&ouse Saîurday, MîyI1, 10 a~m to4:-30p.m. Su(ay,!3fay2Z il a.m.to 4:30 p.m. 1lunctional& dcoratdve haund"pocnj 1 lnqDeannayona. ri o fzi 6tlh Conc-iion, qra.nwood (We4i in, , Pgad & 9(wy. 7 ana) 427-0598 HOUSEHOLD APPLIANCES instalted -- dishwashors, buit-ins, ail niakos. 17 years oxperience. Reasonabte rates, starting from $70. Cati Doug at 666-1247. LICENSED TECHNICIAN at Erro's Appliance Repair. Ait major appliances, inciuding gas appli- ances. We buy usedl AIl parts uaranteed onleyear. Monday to aturday, 432-7734. CLEARWATER, FLORIDA- 3-bedrooni, f utty furnished, air conditioned mobile homes. Pools, hot tubs, beaches, attractions. Chitdren welcome. $275 weekiy. Photos. 683-5503. "LEAVE VOUR CARES ai home with us.« Prof ossional p et/home sitters are fully bondod & insured. Custom Homewatch International. 666-5353. Whtb Fe~Pes~268~59 ffceHou rs4zMonday to~dy-:Oant 'O i fax 668-0594 I Sewing Machine Repairs Ail Makes Complete Tune-up $39.95 Recendiliorîed Sewing Machines f rom $59.00 TOPUNE SEWING CENTRE 571-1385 400 King St. W. Oshawa ARE YOU HAVING TROUBLE getting auto insurance because of age, ppoor driving record or suspension of license? Perhaps we can help. Phone 666-2090. L Spring Clean-up ÀL Pruning of Winter Tree Damage LEEDLE LANDSCAPING 655-8500.. FOUNDATION PLANTING - INTERLOCKING STONE r- 11