Whitby Free Press, 5 May 1993, p. 31

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Whitby Free Press, Wednesday, May 5. 1993, Page 31 Ies gives 'Helpin g Hns By Cheryl-Ann MacKean Outgoing Courtice resident Sharon Ilies and her Helping Hands Food Bank have been providing many residenta in the community and surrounding areas with badly needed food for almost a year. "T7here isn't enough food pro- vided out there, even with the other food banks,» says Ilies. Ilies organized the food bank iast Juiy out of hier one-room apartment. "I knew a lot of people who just weren't getting enough to eat. Other food banka gave them food every three months in the beginning. Now it's dwindled off te every six months...Peopie are realiy hun gry,» says Isies. Helpingjlanda Food Bank supports people in Bowmanville, Courtce ewcastle, Oshawa andWity lIs l spported by orgarliza- tions such as Kentucky Fried Chieken (outiets between Bow- mariville and Whitby), Mary Brown Chicken, White Feather Farina, Buns Master in Whitby and Buckingham's. Boxes are also placed in Food City, K-Mart in Whitby, Zellers, the United Church in Courtice, various Dollar Stores, Miracle Food Mart, IGA and Lutheran Church in Oshawa. The Pringle, Price, Litto and Beckell farina in the area provide the food bank with food during the suxnmer montha. The privately run operation' la now located on 2170 Prestonville Road in Courtice. There lsaa garage on the properSty which has ben converted int the food bank. «Right now I'm looking for sponsors who will help me with renovationa te the garage. rm in need of someone who will do the repair work as well as the materiala for the job ... We have a leaky roof and t he walls need f»ixing," says Iles. People who are in need of food phone Iles. According to what they need and when they get their next cheque, she makes up a donation box contairiing food. "I try to make sure that they have enough food to last them until their next cheque,» says Ilies. Isies receives food for the food bank weekly. About 10 or 12 volunteers then help her organize and distribute the needed food throughout the community. Heiping Hands la open on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fn.- days. An average of eight or nine familles a day seek help from the food bank. Familles may be sin- gale mothers, elderly couples, hig families, laid-off workers and aplit familles. Popularly needed food for the maýjority of amilles are cereala, juices and canned foods. «It's great ... Except for the tin- ned goods...and I can always use extra meat," says Ilies. Most people who make use of the food bank don't have te corne back once they are given enough food te last them until their next cheque. "I haven't had anyone abuse the syatem yet. And, rve neyer had to turn anyone away,» says Ilies. SHARON ISLES stocks the shelves at the 'Helping Hands' food bank which she began Iast July. The bank serves people tram Whitby ta Bowmanville from its location in Courtice; thiere's a donaion ox ocaly a K-Mrt. Photo by Mark Reesor, Whltby Free Press ............. ....... . .......... .............. .. . ........ ................. **::ýe:ý: ý?x « :- ;.. .ý* , ***,*,*"**,***"**,::i:ý:ý:ý:ý:j:ý:ý:j:ý Mlle Li Më. ... ...... ......... ..... .... ........... .... ........ ... ............... ................... .................... ............... ... . .... ............... ........... ............... ................ .............. .. ......... . .............. .... ............ . . ..... ... .... ...................... ........ ............ ........... . . . . . *.'**.**.*«*'* . . . I* Î.1 ............ . ................ . ....................... .. .............. .. . . ..................... ............. The Durham Child Poverty Action Group will meet on Fni- da,May 7, 9 te il1 a.m. Te group was formed under the ausps of the Children's Services Gouncil (Durham) Ine., which ia a partner in Campaign 2000. Oampaign 2000 is a national movement te buld Canadian awareness and support for the 1989 all.party House of Cern- mena resolution te end child poverty in Canada by the year 2000. Those working on poverty issues or those interested in the topic are welcome te attend the Friday meeting. For more information call Diane Garvin, chair of the Dur- hain Child Peerty Action Group, at 433-4100. THE REGIONAL ImDD MUNICIPALITY 0F DURHAM DURHAM REGION PUBLIC NOTICE ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT FOR INSTALLATION 0F STANDBY POWER AT THE EXISTING ANNES STREET SEWAGE PUMPING STATION IN THE TOWN 0F WHITBY The Regional Municipality et Durham is planning ta instail a permanent diesel generator faciity at tde existing Annes Street Sewage Pumping Station, iocated at t" southwest corner et Annes and Burns streets, in the Town of Whitby. This project is being planned as a Sohedule B undertaking in accordance wiih the procedures outiined in the MVunicipal Engineers Association (MEA) document "Ciass Environmental Assessament for Municipal Sewage and Water Projects.0 This projeot is mequired te improve the existing sewage systern in the area and te provide additional security against basement fiooding. The Reogion has compieted phase one of the ciass EA process (probiem identification) and is proceedinq with phase two of the proess (identification and evaluation of design alternatives). An open house wiil be heid te iscuss the proj&ét and te receive public input. Staff efthtie Region and Simcoe Engineerngl Group Limited, consulting enginees for the project wiii be avaiable te answer questions. Ail interested parties are invited te attend the open house which wifl be held: THURSDAY, MAY 6 1993 6:30 P.M. to 9.:00 i HENRY STREET HIGH SCHOOL 600 HENRY STREET, WHITBY For further information on this prolect please contact: Gabo Oliver. P.En. Reoionai Municipaity of Durham l Consumers Drive Whitby,-Ontario Li N 6A3 TeIgKne: (416) 668-7721 RA Simm,.PEng. Suttoe Enuteing Group Li-ted 345 Kngston Road Pickering, Onitario LI V 1l Telephone: (416>)509-2285 Thsnofice issued April 21. 1993. V.A. SILGAILIS, P.ENG. CO0MMISSINER 0F WORKS Durham Region con help you composr your organic kirchen and yard vvu>ie, easily, in your own backyard. A selecrion of composrers are avoulable now, for only $15 eoch. or o disrriburor close ro you. Composring and recycling, rogerher. con rnale o big difference in reducing rhe amounr of wosre gotng ro landfill. Nor only will rhe environmenr benef jr, your garden will be greener from rhe nurrienr rich composr you odd ro rhe soul! Pick up the composter of your choice ot one of the following locations: Newcastle: Newcosrle Lumber Limiréd Hwy. #2, Easr of MilI Sr. Rekkler Gordens Two lims West of Bowmonviile Hwy. #2, Bowmonville Whirby: OGS Londscape Do-Ir Centre 5515 Thickson Rd. North, North of Tounron Rd.. Broolilin Oshawa- Hollond Building Cenrre 1277 Wilson Rd. North, Oshawo Pickering: Sheridon Nurseries The Home And Design Cenrre 1755 Pciering Porkwoy Ajax: Picovs Greenhouses 380 Kingston Rd. E. Girock: Vieveen's Nursery 468 Moa Rd., Beoverron Unirs moy olso be purchosed or rhe Ileoverron. Conningron ond Sunderlond Municipal offices. Home delivery of o composter for on oddirionol charge of $6 con be arronged by coilinig rhe 0Sudenrs for the Environmenr' Horline. For every unir ordered over rhe Horlîne. SFFE will donore $3 ro eirher the AjaxlPicliering Unied Way or ro the United Way of Oshowo/Whirby/Newcosrle (rhe choice is yours). When you buy a composrer, youlIl olso ger o Guide To Home Composring - f ree - plus o We Compost srdier for your Blue Box rhar relis your neighbours you recycle and reduce. iB7» DURHAM REGION o tiDC?, rr J UJIJ iinIIEtII Im t.IjinV% %lcxce eU i n ~Ji ih m pi~in./SI Compost Hotline of 1-800-667-5671, or for home delivery service colt the SFTE Hotline or I1-800-567-9756. :DURHAM.; COMPOST RIGHT FOR AREDUCED Ouy a Dockyord Composter for Just

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