Whitby Free Pres, Wednesday, May 12, 1993. Page 33 - 4 k v e % i n i c u A uL m r o HT l U Y - K id s u s e d BROOKLIN - 2 bodroom, quiet area, backyard, non-smokers. Suit mature couple. Lower ront for help with outside maintenance. No pets. 655-3767. COTTAGE FOR RENT. Bentley Lake. Sieeps 9, 4 pce. bath. Fully f urnished including appliancos. Opeon for month of August. $400/week. 666-8696. ..................... LARGE, DRY, DOUBLE garage for rent. Ideal for storage. Locatod in Whitby. Cail 668-5698 anytime, as kfor M aria. .... .... ... .... RETAIL SPACE FOR LEASE: 1,500 sq. ft. Main street location, downtown Whitby. Creativo rentai arrangements. 668-1468. 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. FIBERGLASS TRUCK CAP from standard-bod Mazda B2000 pickup. Fibrobec model with f iberg iass door & sliding side windows. $575. 430-2075. 1978 CHEVROLET V12 ton pick-up. Runs good. Neods bodywork to certify, $300., Phono 655-5480. 1985 PONTIAC ACADIAN. 4 door automatic. Excellent condition. 91,000 kms. Medium brown with beige interior. $1.950 or best offer. Cail 436-9315. 1988 FORD TEMPO. 5-speed, standard, air conditioning. $2.700. certif ied, o.b.o. 668-5865. '89 PLYMOUTH SUNDANCE. 4-door, automatic. No rust. Cert if ied. $3,800. 430-2016, Whitby. 1980 CHRYSLER LEBARON. Good running conition. $800. as is. Cati 576-2010. I Neeld a car - Credft problems? " W. have lasse Sklc-avers (rpsssl) L ass te ow n ka or moa -cash fr r~d -C t o m for fras quotas LEASEGUIDE AUTO LEASING 4436-9837 - Jeff Alilsizes. Installation and Computer Balancing aise availablo WHITBV TIRE 103 Dundm st.2. pho~ne A30-8900 THE BARN YARD - Used furniture, coliectibies and antiques. Clarke 8th Lino, east of Hwy. 115, Orono. O p on Saturday 9-5, Sunay 1-5.983-5926. SOLO- FLEX body-building machine. cost $2.000. excellent condition, asking $900. 430-0222. 10' SATELLITE SYSTEM, Star Track 8 - used oniy 1 year - $1400. Can arrange for installation. Gary at 293-6220. KEMPER SNOWBOARD, rareiy used. Jessica McLintock gown, bîk/volvet/tafota, worn once, paid $400. "Game-Boyn Doirdro p.m. 655-4164. SETTEE END TABLE, coffoo table, rocking chair and stationary chair. $200, good condition. 666-8696. ULTRAMATIC ELECTRIC adjustabie bed, single, one owner. Like new. Phône 666-3246. CHESTERFIELD & CHAIR, Rocliner chair. S iece kitchen set, outdoor pool bar ping-pong table. 2 barstooîs. Alil in good condition. 430-9427. CHEST 0F DRAWERS $25. Dehumidifier $45, Fant $12, wood desk $45. Lamps. toaster, chairs, end tables, red 9x10 carpot. 668-3975. MOVING - White vertical blinds 75x75 with valance, $75. 4 vonetian blinds, white mini PVC, 48x64, $20 oach. 430-3437. Sewing Machine Repairs Ai Makes-l a Complte Tune-up $39.95 rReconditied Sewing Machines from $59.0O TOPUNE SEWING CENTRE 571-1385 400 Klng St W. Oshawa saleo... bost offer: Meridian Norstar tolophone systom for business. 2 fhoe stsconferencinq, hands- rree:p:akers, headsot interface, alternate languago capabiîities, speed dial, message contre, and many more featuros. For further info, cali (416) 666-8083. WEDDING DRESS and headpioce, size 16-18, $500 obo. 1984 Mercury Marquis - $500 obo. 430-0458. CASH REGISTER - Sanyo ECR 365. 10 Dept's., programmed for PST & GST, many management reports, like now, $500. 435-0808. AIR CONDITIONER. 8000 B.T.U. G.E., 2 years oid. $325. Cati 430-9805. at haîf prico. McKoen Furnituro. 524 Simcoo St. S., Oshawa. Phono 725-5181. PATIO FURNITURE, 30 sets dispîayod. Lowest prices guaran- teed. Ail items sold sarateir. Adams Liquidators. Whit _ Mal, 1615 Dundas St. E., Whitby, 404-2815. CHESTERFIELD SUITES, love- seats, sectionais. iess than haîf rce. Large soection. McKeen Furnituro, 524 Simcoe St. S., Oshawa. Phono 725-5181. ANSWERING MACHINE for sale. Sanyo TAS 340 with romote message retrieval. Takes full sized cassettes. Like new, $70. 430-1051 beave message. ni had a very good responso ta my ad - a lot of phone calis! E.M. PRIVATE MORTGAGES- the plae t gowhen your bank says 'icO.uSngWhitby since 1973. 66-20.ANBSINVESTMENTS. 571.2880 orp2961r. Un HOSE OD APPIACE P ntale - cdsh aser- ujt-ns ails& make's. 179% erCsopeidonce $70. CaDga t 666-Pr-u1247. Erro's pinc eai.Al ao amonc7s.28 ncoru6862g3 gasTr appii- a nes We bquy- s elAilpart gaitee ae.7y ear. Moerinday SaturSday, 43ICI7734. DALES TREE SERVICE -Cuitting *-Pruning -Broken branches. Cail 728-4587 anytimo. "MOE MOWS LAWNS" - Spring dlean-up, fort iizing. Reasonable. rates. F-ree estimates. Cati Mo's Lawn Care, 430-8927, ovenings. TREE CUTT---&--rimming ..............SC PU O S RV CE SER V..E.....R...S .........I. Fully insured. Free estimates. 433-7140, or 725-3609. TREES FOR SALE: White and paper birch and mountain and white ash trees. 10-15 foot high. 655-3211. W~<~EI i ar. trim Iawn and gardon service ARE YOU HAVING TROUBLE getting auto insurance because of age, poor driving record or suspension of license? Perhaps we can heip. Phono 666-2090. MOTORCYL~$RV' I~Landscape Ontario free estimates I HORTIULTURAL TRADE5 ASSOC(IATIOPJ 623-9711 e 434-9428 1980 CORSAIR 35 ft. trailer, 2 tipouts, full dock, 20 ft. X 8 ft. Florida room, iandscaped lot. Burleigh Falls (Hwy. 28). Cali 579-4937 oftr 5*0 p.m. for information. IMOTORCYCLE I INSU RANCE S683-9725 I PINE RIDGEI 4M INSURANCE~ L Pruning of Winter Tree Damage CompeteLandscape Design And Installation Services LEEDLE LANDSCAPING' '~-65.5-ý8500 FOUNDATION PLANTING - INTERLOCKING STONE ance. Grass cutting to general maintenance. Tree brush, garbage, etc. Residentiai/ commercial. Phono Jim at 668-6803. FOUR SEASONS Landscaping. Gardening services. Fonces, docks, soddinq, eavostrough cleaning, retaining waiis, Iawn cutti'ng, troe removai. 10% seniors' discount. Cali (416) 428-1305. MOUNTAIN ASII LANDSCAPJNG - Lawn cuting - Gardening -Weeding -T rimming - Pianing Window/eavestrough cloaning *Storeiront cluaning & more $eniorsdiscount - Frocestinule * LOWPRICES Cali Doug. 668-3080 or 435-2399 LAWN MAINTENANCE, pruning, grass seeding, sodding Sprin dlean- ups. Renovat ions of ,gardens, rock gardens. plant ing, f îrewood. Free estimnatos. Dutchway Land- scaping. (416> 649-3183. DO VOUR OWN Landscaping. Birch ciumps and singles, mountain ashi and blue spruco. Phono 655-8088. INTERLOCK REPAIR & SEAL Re-level sunken areas, spruco up oid jobs, instal pisa steps, etc. Reasonabie rates. Quaiity work. 668-2742. $t~ty ~re\Psê 68~0~4 *Offce Hurs Monay1 Frfay ~0O m t 5z0 pm *Fax 668-0594 i THE REGIONAL ,'DD MUNICIPALITY 0F DURHAM DURHAM REGION QUOTATION NO. (à -639-93 FOR THE SALE 0F ONE QUONSET HUT TYPE BUILDING Quotations wiII be received b y fax or mail by the Finance Department UNTIL 12 NOON, FR1 DAY, JUNE 4,1993. Scicaions and quotation forms may bo secured f rom the Purhaig Section, Supply and Services Division, at tel. (416) 571-3311. Highest or any quotation flot neoessarily accepted. GARY HERREMA, REGIONAL CHAIRMAN overnnient Iicensed professionals specializing ini property maintenance trce and shrub pruning Iandscaping 1