Whitby Free Press, 19 May 1993, p. 28

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Page 28, Whitby Free Pres, Wednesday, May 19, 1993 Toiwnuw isponesat-rnkig'a By Mark Reesor. Whitby wiil delay passing an anti-smoking bylaw until the province passes its ewn legisIn tien if council appreves an ope- rations committee recemmenda- tien. In a report te, cornmittee, Town clerk Don- McKay says the pro- vince plans te intiroduce a "cein- prehensive strategy te curb tobacco use in Ontario" in the fall, following public consul- tation. The draft lejslation the 'Ontario Tebacce Atý,'duplicates soeeof the provisions of Dur- hami Reg'on's 'model smoking bylaw,' whýich Whitby is censider- e nrhamedel; which the Region doesn't have the auth- ority te mmplement, would regu- late smeking in public places --everywhere from bowling alleys and buses te taxicabs and theatres -- and prohibit it in municipal buildings, public vehi- dles, banks and financial institu- tions, retail shops, elevators and stairwells, public vehicles tran- sit shelters, scheolgrounds and other specific areas. It would aIse require res- taurant operators te designate ne more than 30 percent of their seating areas as smoking areas. Cemmittee aIse recommends council "encourage the comn- munity te follew the Tewn's example" and adopt smoking p olicies consistent with the Dur- ham bylaw. Whitby's new smoking policy, which takes effect June 14 bans smking in aIl Town buildings except trhie seniors centre and the Ashburn, Brooklin and Spencer Community centres, altliough McKay notes the seniors centre board has veted te, beceme a ne-smoking building, effective June 1. The Ontario tobacco strategy sets a target of cutting tobacco use in haîf by the year 2000, mseoaei mong pre ogmst ansd brismiagvarieyofama sud rs ndate akietohae fore meinst hae i accesst tebacco, including: * raising the age at which people can purchase tebacce frein 18 te 19, and requiring shopkee- pers te verify purchasers are of a* requiring igarette vending machines te under the direct supervision of an aduit, "and further restrictions may be con- sidered" * setting minimum sizes for cigarette packages, eliminating the smaller so-called "kiddie packs" which are targeted at youth remidig people it's illegai te selI or give tobacco to a minor A delegation urged committee to not wai for the province to act before going aheadi with its own smoking law. Peter Smith told committee says Durhami has the highest percentage of teennged smokers in Ontario, and a bylaw wouid both encourage them to quit and reduce opportunities for them to amoke. He says a report froin the US Environniental Protection Agency shows second hand smoke is a serieus probiem, and urged committee te "'act im- mediately" to protect kids and others suffering from tobacco smoke. The Durhoa Boar ofEducation Comparison of school taWxes for each $1,OOO of assessment Increase 1993 MunIcIpality 1990 1991 1992 1993 over 1992(% Scugog $31458 $33868 $353.44 $36947 4.53 Brock 124.76 131.86 135.06 141.20 4.54 Uxbridge 318.25 344.28 361.44 377.82 4.53 Aa 49.14 52.34 54.06 56.51 4.55 Pickering 53.18 56.79 58.79 61.46 4.55 Oshawa 107.33 115.84 121.22 126.75 4.56 Whitby 223.81 236.27 242.14 253.12 4.54 To calculate the 1993 school taxes, taxpayers would divide their assessment by 1,000 and multiply the resuit by the appropriate figure in the 1993 column. Example: Town of Whitby taxpayer havinq an assessment ot $5,000. 1993 school taxes = $5,000 divded by 1,000 multiplied by $253.12 (1993 column) = $ 1,265.60. Comparison of 1992 actual and. 1993 budget Consolidated expenditures 1992 1993 Name et accounit actual % actual % Salary and wages $253,187,266 69.93 $259936458 68.21 Employee benefits 25,669.254 7.09 28,169,815 7.35 Travel 589,087 0.16 584,886 0.15 Personnel traning 1,672,214 0.46 1,559,066 0.41 Supplies and services 29.669,266 8.19 29,834.641 7.83 Replacement 194,392 0.05 .157,670 0.04 Capital and debi charges 22,791,323 6.29 37,112.882 9.74 Fees and contracttial 17,484,415 4.84 16,149,984 4.24 Rentais 445,625 0.12 414,450 0.11 Other 6,895,736 1.90 2,619,450 0.69 Tuition tees 3,511,725 0.97 4,520,000 1.19 More entries will be accepted for this years baby show at the Brooklin Spring Fair. Only the first 125 babies regis- tered (50 more than last year) will be eligible for the pepular cempetitien te be held;June a. Reistration dates have been schedLied for May 29 and 31, and,1 if necessary, June 2. There the show. May 29 and 31 registration is at Brooklin United Church, from 2 tc, 5 p.m. If the June 2 rist- ration is held, it will ce at Luther Vipond Memorial Arena, from 7 to 9p.m. Registration cost is$4 Age groups, for boys and girls categories, are one te four months, four to, eight months, eight te 12 months, 12 te 16 months and 16 te, 24 months. There wiIl aise be a special category for twins. Agala year for men's soccer league A leaner, stronger league, a commemorative magazine and a galadinner and dance wili mark a milestone in the history of the Motor City Soccer League. Play began Saturday in what is the league's 4th seasen, te be wrapped up in Octeber with an anniversary reunien at General Sikorski Hall in Oshawa. Vic Rauter of The Sports Net- work will be master of cere- menies at the fali event during which copies of a 64-page maga- zine, centaining the league's his- tory, many, photographs and sta- tisticsIlbe distributed. "It's going te be great," says league president Bernie Huxter about the magazine, 3,000 copies of which will be made and avail- able, probably in mid-June. John Barnes, former president ef the Canadian Soccer Associa- tion, and Terry Kelly, fermer president of the Ontario Soccer Association and founding secre- tary of the Motor City league, will be guest speakers at the anniversary eunion. During 'the season teams play for both the John harnes Cup (starting June 5) and Terry Kelly Explosive start for midgets The Whitby midget baseball teani, sponsored by Network Architecture, began the regular season on Sunday by defeating Belleville 11-1 in their own home park. The 12-hit attack was led by Blair Hardy with three hits and three runs scered while David Partlow chipped in with twe hits and three RBIs. Other hitters were Jeremy Schott, Ken Calway, Tim Imeson, Chris Mace, Dwayne Phaare and il -Point effort by Lazary Brent Lazary scored sixgoals and added fîve assista as Wib roiied over Bram pton 17-6 in bantain A lacrosse I ast week. Whitby played witheut teani captain Jason Ward who recei- ved a miner injury eariy in the gaine. But Lazary and others took over the scoring. Arthur Whaley had three goals and flive assista, Stephen Death two goals and three assista, Mke York two goals and two assista and Luke McKay two goals. Ste fan Hewak and Evan Card- well were the other goal-scorers- Jerzy Aronowicz. Whitby used three pitchers over the shertened seven-innirig gaine te check Belleville on six hits while striking eut a total of 13. Aronowicz wes the pitcher of record, throwing four innings of shutout bail. "While this teain is made up of primariiy first-year midgets, they are a very talented group of players,' sa> s coach Dave lm eson. 'If Our pitchers can stay away from injuries, we have a good chance at making the OBA finals." Novies ege a c * Whitby Steeihawks novice B lacrosse club opened their season on Friday with a 6-5 win over Toronto Beaches in an exhibition gaine. Allan Watson, Wýler Harrison, Ryan McMichael and goalie Andrew Geenan led the way with two points apiece. Jamie Barton, Jumrny Muniford, Branden Gay, Justin Potter, Nick Verkuyl and Trevor Watters chipped in with one each. Other team members are Nathan Cotter, Mike Kubrynski, Brandon McBride, Dane Silverthorm, Tommy Solornon, Josh Turcette and Kyle Schroer. The teani is coached by Bill Devin with Scottie McMichael and Flip Gay as assstants. Randy Potter is the traîner and the manager is Jeif Harrison. The teani is preparng for their first tournament in Londen on May 29 and 30. Summer basebail instruction offered The Academy Basebaîl School wili once again be heid- this summer in Witby. Co-directors Deug Nekoda and Hugh Walters offer basebali in- struction te students aged 7 te, 14 at Iroquois Park, beginning June 28. Head instructor is Marty Roberts, who recently signed with the Toronto Maple Leafs of the Junior Intercounty League. An open house wiii be held on Saturday, June 5, starting at 10 a.m., at iroquois. Cup (starting Aug. 24), in addi- tion to regular league play that consists of 18 gaines for first division teains and 20 gaines for second division teanis. Oshawa Adria Durham Celtic, Oshawa Italia, lSarlington Wan- derers, Portuguese, Oshawa Turul and defending champion jax Warriors are in the first division. "The first division is ec1ual to any division in Ontario,' says Huxter, adding that the league has become stronger and stronger in recent years after being relatively weak in the ei ghties. Th e second division is made up of' Oshawa United, Parbron United Uxbridge United, Peter- borougli, Bowmanville Strikers and Durham Kicks. There are two fewer teanis this year than -last, making the Whitby senior basebail 1993 SCHEOULE May 19 730 pin. Whiby ai Makham May 24 7W pin. Whiiby al Peterto<ough May 25 7W pjn. Markham ai Whilby' May 27 7M pim. Whilby aAjax May 301 pin. Ouia a WNtby June 1 730 pin. Scazbarauh al Whilby J une 8 7M P.m AaxmiWhiby J une 16 7M0p;m. Whby ai Ba..nib J une 17 730 p.in Whby alCbo J un20 1 p.m. Whby ail =ieln J une 23 7M0 pin. WhilbyvaliPoil Hope J uneo271ipin. BeivlioaWhilby J une29 7W p.rn.Lâtie Briain alWhitby Juiy 6 7W pim. Peteborough iWhitby JtAy v 1pin. Whkby al na Jtiy Il 1Ipin. Whby a Onlit Jiiy 13 7W pin Cobourg mi Whilby Jtdy 1B730 p.in Whby.alBenie J Liy 20 7:30 p.i Kerîdal a Whitby Jtiy 22 720 pin. Whâby a Scwbor uh Jiiy27 7:W pin. Bowwie aWNtb Tovnawfts Juns 4to6 Tihorburg Ieagu.e stronger, says Huxter. Players are aged 16 and over, with average age about 23, he says. Most gaines are at Civic Fields on Tuesdays, Thursdays, Saturâays and Sundays. For more information, eall Huxte' at 576-6937. ALS seekià voltmteers The Anmyotrophic Lateral support research for this kilier Scierosis (ALS) Society of disease. Durham Region needs volunteers for June 'Cornflower Days.' Those interested may cali The fundraising event is to 579-2276 or 728-7243. More entries for baby show Whitby iroquois swim club ROYAL INSuRANcE INVITATIONAL Suchzry, May 7 to 9 13/UNDER BOYS MathowDot Mastra 4th 400lfree M1/2 GIRLS Rabyn McCullocii li 100back. 200 bock 200 IM4 2nd 1VOiree 3rd 400 lU Sarah La 3W 50 ines, 1O back 4th VO bee.I TataArnatti 3tclVO boeasl 41h 200 brna. 400 iM 200 Ire. re y 2nd RobynMcC!uiih Sarah La Tara Arnoil Br Lm aBele 200 medey .I&Y 3d Teain as bv 13114 GIRLS Lisa Del MmIrO li V 1O bock 2nd 200 back, 50 fre. 4ih 400 f ae. 800 fine. 13114 BOYS Erà Van Oïk i V1O brecel 200 b<easi 15/O VER GIRLS Ronce Ayotle 3id VO brecet Armanda BrirTiM 3id 800 Iree 41h1VO back 200Irue. raaY 2rid Rene Ayotto Amande Bdnbrte Uisa Del Maslia Nadne lern 200 ni.day rOlbY 3rd Uisa Del Mrtî RereAyote Jacyrt ho I.a5el Afmnda Brinbie

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