Whitby Free Press, 19 May 1993, p. 29

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Whitby Free Press, Wednesday. May 19.,1993, Page 29 -~E~7MOI FORMER national cycling team member safety. The sohool is also planning a bike Denise Kelly recently spoke t o students at rodeo in June to help make students more Pringle Creek Public Sohool about bike aware of the importance of bike safety. Photo by Mark Reesor, Whitby Free Press Meranda Waters -HENRY ST. H.S. It's almeet here, the end of the school year, it's almoet here. Yes, it's true, and proof of this lies in the distribution of the 1992-93 yearbooks. Bright and beautiful as always, the hard work of Mike Rowland, Kerry Wishart and countless others, along with the supervision of Ms. Hunt, certainly paid off. Sporting this year's cover is our mascot, the Hawk, artistically created by one Sara Colleran. The carefully chosen pictures, the funny caption and blurbs meke this year's yearbook semething te be proud of. Way te go, Hawks. Practise, practise, practise could scion beceme the motteof Henry's music departinent, assuming, of course, that it cùÏiently is net. Henry'Street's annual Music Night is fast appoacingand ail of our talenteèd ensembles and choira are vigorously rehearsing. As well as the music departinent, a few diligent science students are preparing for an upcoming event. And what event could this possibly be but the York University Science Olympica. Good luck te this year's non-Hawk competitors, you've got soie teugh competition. And this week in the news is the return of a guy who has gained a lot of faine this year for his incredible photography skilîs. T'hat's right, Jereîy Dresar competed in the Ontario Skills Challenge on May 8 when he received another first for his efforts. Jeremy now lias the opportunity te compete agan in June in Kentucky. Good luck. Somnething has been going on at Henry for a few weeks now and it's left the teachers and students, sweaty and divided. The controversies continue te break eut in the gym but ne one's taken disciplinary action. And with good reason. 'The Challenge' is on. Tbat's riglit, if's the Student-Staf Sports Competition and these heated controversies have been seen in the formi of basketball, vo=a"', lacrosse and basebal gmsthus far. The outcome of the gaines is always questionable. So corne on out and catch the action. Purle and gold, the colours of te Hawk, have been seen everywhere, and in not just talking about Whitby. The boys' basebail teani returned from. Boston last Monday, with outstanding resuIts. 0f the three games played, came three wins, by 17-9, 14-7 and 12-4 scores. Min Imeson, Ken Calway and Ken Shepard kept strikin' the batters while Brad Newport, Sean Brown, Blair Hardy, Dan Kerr and Todd Huether kept strikin' the baIl. The girls' rugby teain aise ventured te, far-off places. Okay, se maybe Niagara Blossom Tournanient isn't that far off, but the point is they, too, were quite successful. The girls climbed their way te, the top defeating A.N. Meyer 10-5, Unionville 7-5, Grimsby 7-0 and Stratford 3-0. In the end, the girls met Pickering and met their match. However, the Hawks played extrernely well and showed what Henry spirit was al about. And even dloser te, home was the track and field teami that competed in the Birclimount Relays in Scarborough on May 12. In the track events, Christian Carroll placed second in the midget boys' 1,500 metre, followed by the fifth.place finish of Bon Hilder and the sixth-pla.ce finish of Anthony Luchford. Aise placing in the tep sx was Henry's midget girls' relay teani, made up of Karen Vickers, Kim Vanderlip, Katherine Ringrose and Marg Sharpe. And in field events (new ya know why it's called track and field), Kerry Wishart received the gold medal in the senior girls' long jump while Brent Giles picked third in junior boys' higli jump and fourth in long jump. As welI, Jon Hopkins placed fourth in the long jump and Cheryl Lambie received the same in the junior girls' category. And last but not least is a quick reminder that May 25 is Sexual Assault Awareness Day. Henry Street will be flooded with experts presenting seminars on this serious topic, so be sure to attend. On Wednesday, May 26, music students rorn Anderson CVI will present their anmual spring concert, 'Music Night '93,' beginning at 7:30 p.m. The prograin will feature instrumental groups including the Concert Band, Junior Band, Junior and Intermediate Jazz Ensembles and Andeijazz. Vocal groups performing will include the Concert Choir, Senior Chamber Choir, Jazz Incorporated, Junior Chamber Choir and two student-directed groupe, Sound Effect and Forte. Adnusson for the evening will be $3 for adults, and $2 fer students and senior citizens. They are available from al music students, at the door on the evening of the concert, or by calling the nmusic department at 668-5809. Headquarters openîng planned Durham tBoard ot* Education trustees 'have already begun planning opening ceremonies for the new. headquarters building and high school now being buiît in Whitby. Trustees are proposing that board spending on the cere- monies net exceed $4,000. The "focal poi nt" of the cere- monies to mark the openin g of the education centre, located on Taunton Rond, west of Anderson Street, will be the board's "cern- mitment to the future of public Ceremonies will be "student- activity-based, incorporating as rnany of the senses as possible,» accordin g te, a cornmittee report, and will be «student-focuse." Trustees also propose that "speeches be limited, but if necessary, inclusive of education, government, buisness and cern- munity." rlhere will also be an open houses and tours of the $30- million facility scheduled to be completely built by Si-pt. 30, Lucie Rochette ST. CHARLES GARNIER Bonjour! Hey! Here's a thought... Let's ask our teachers if they will move the blackboards outsi de for our classes. TIhink the' go for it? ... Me neither... Oh wtell, it was just a thought. Tuesclay May 4 Mme Fau- bert's grade il girls' gym, clase held a health fair for the stu- dents, complete with tep erobics demonstrations and mnany boeths dealing with such topice as radie, eating disorders and AIDS, among other things. It was inter- esting and very informative. Wednesday, May 5, a play about violence against women was presented for the students. Afterwards, I was told thut many students started discus- sions, because sonie ef the guys felt offended by the subject mat- ter. It's good to get these thinge out in the open. Our volleyball teame recently went to the SMASH tournament in Penetangushene. Unfor- tunately they didn't win, but they had a lot of fun, and they (naturally) had the most echool spirit! Grade 10 student Natalie Fournier just returned froni a leadership course. Now, she can share her new-found knowledge, and make our school activities even better than they already are. Two students, Carolynn Ber- nier and Sebastien Rechette attended a Frenchi competition at Laurentian University in Sud- bury The twe students, along with M. Yves Faubert, who is head of the Frenchi departrnent, made the trip on Thursday, May 6, and came back Friday even- in, May 7.. Bernier and Rochette were tes- ted in dictation, composition, reading comprehension and that type of thing. Unfortunately, neither student was victorious but the experience they gained will be very useful te thern. Good job guys. W~iday merning, May 7, M. Gilles Faubert's Canadian hîs- tery class got te meet and listen te Jean Chretien. I tell you, some people have aIl the luckl Saturday morning, May 8, was our parent advisory cornmittees gara ge sale. M any people came totake advantageof the beauti- fuI weather and the great bar- gains. The garage sale was a success. Thank you to ail of the people who generously donated items to be sold. Monday, May 10 was an im- portant date on every Garnier student's calendar. What special da arn I referring t, you ask? hy, the first day of the summer uniforrn, of course! It is now permitted te wear the grey shorts instead of the (very warrn) kilt or pants. If anyone is interested in pur- chasing the shorts, they can speak to M. Bedard or M. Berry to get the number of the corn- pany that supplies our uniformes. The number is also listed in the student agenda. Congratulations go ouùt te grade il student Kim Hennessy, who is going to have, a poern published in an upcoming issue of 'Seventeen' magazine. Way te go, Kim!l Note te ail seniors -- the dead- line for purchasing prom tickets is May 31.- They cost $30 each, and that ïicludes dinner and the dance, or *5 for just the dinner. If you are interested, talk to Mme Bedard or the grad commit- tee inembers. AIso, seniors, don't forget the îïads' retreat at Manresa on ay26-27-28. Should be fun. Cngratulations to our girls' soccer teai that finished the season last week. Monday, Ontario riding MP Rene Soetens came te the school te present a former student with a prize for excellence in science. Good luck to aIl the students who are participating in student elections this weeks. Well, gotta fly! A la prochaine! ýýCentre' *Boost your child's grades. *Build self-esteem. *Programs ini reading, mth, algebra, writing, study skilts, hopmwork sup- port and time mnapgement C1992 SYlvnLiraming Ssgfrml due-, P-, îs m

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