Whitby Free Press, 19 May 1993, p. 30

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Page 30, Whitby Froc Press. Wednosday. May 19. 1993 Henry student to comnpete in U.S. challenge By Lucije Rochette Jcremy Dresar of Henry Street High School won a gold medal in commercial photography at the Ontario Skills Competition held at the Metro East TrYade Centre in Pickcering. Dresar will now compete in the U.S. Skills Competition at Louis- ville, Kentucky in June. He will compete against the winners of each state in the U.S. The Ontario competition is a yarly event for students of the high schooi and coliege levels who excel in technoiogicai and leadership skiils. This year, a section was added for eiemnentary school students. Students participate in a variety of work shops. "The Durham Board of Educa- tion was quite actively invoived with the competition,'" says- Carole Rothwell, who is the pro- gram co-ordinator for the skills competitien. Nelson Kwong of Anderson CVI wvon the silver medai in architectural drafting. To get to the conipetition, the stent wihn theis costen within their schocol boards. Envi ronmenta lists Start Here m11m L 1A ~Jennifer Ayling FATHER LEO J, AUSTIN A school, like a family, is bouad te face challenges -- challenges that require creative solutions. As in a famuly we have te, stick tegether, te show solidarity and care. Ia order for your high school ANDERSON la todaysvoent society, self- defence tehiues, ne matter how basic, are an essential asset. An effective method of self- defence is tae kwon do. For this reason Týae Kwon Do Elite of Whitby dernonstrated sorne of their techniques for Anderson students on May 12 in the schooi gym. Instructor Troy White says that he and his students came te Anderson "te spread a better name of martial arts. It is help- fui in developiag a good persona- lity and anybody can learn with hard training and good instruc- tion.» Many curieus students came eut te watch the event and te, cheer on the demonstrators, five of them Anderson students. Leuite Miller, a green belt, received a loud round of applause for his flying side kick. Miller hurtied over a pyramid of five people and thrust his foot through a wooden board held tightly by two other demonstra- tors. Other Anderson students who are members of Tae Kwon Do Elite and who participated in the event were Adam Johnson, a blue beit; Gerald Hess, a red stripe beit; Jason Sarnaroo, a green belt; and Rick Bush, a yellow stripe belt. "Control and power" was the focus of the students as they smashed one-and-a-haif-inch- thick wooden boards with their hands and feet. White aIse did two impressive demonstrations for the audience. For one, White, while blind- folded, broke one of the wooden boards in two and then pro- ceeded te break another five, al at once, with his foot. White's second demonstration involved three cernent blocks. Al three were set up on wooden blocks on the floor where the latter put a downward knife hand strike threugh theai. The belt levels begin with white, foiiowed by yellow, green, biue, red and then aine levels of the black beit. White, who was tau ght tae kwon do at Rim Song Hac~k in Ajax, is at the third lovei of black belt. He has been instructing tae kwon do since 1986 and has been instructing in Whitby for the past two and a haif years. years to be the bcst of your life, yeu must respect the dignity cf every member of society. Everyone deserves te be treated with the utmost respect. By working tegether, we can make Austin a place of ieamning, leving and joyful living. Members of the studeat body camne forward to accept leadership reles within the Austin comxnunity. Our new student. council was announced at Thursday night's Election Dance. The 1993-94 student counicil is made up of president Jennifer Shannon, vice-presidents Fred Kan and Spencer Lloyd, secretary Teresa Nicholis, treasurer Sarah Stevenson, senior reps Bryn Askwith and Chris Leahy, enviroamentai adviser Aimee Fearon, club rep Lia Cleman and spirit leader Laura Doeiey. Good luck te ail new student council members -- Dave, Kelvin, and company sure are a hard act te follow. Speaking of Dave and Kelvin, their last project as president and vice-president respectively, wasa huge success. This was definitely the best dance of the year. The music was excellent, and the three giant screens and brilliant iights transformed the cafetorium into 'Fantasia!' Everybedy had a fantastic turne and agreed the dance was a spectacular way to enid the year. Even though I promised a few people that this week's article would net be totally consumed with sports news, I cannet help but comment on a few Wildcat sports teains. First off, I want te apologize te, the junior girls' soccer teama for failing te, comment on their excellent pay this seasen. Congratulations te the girls on their perfect, undefeated record. They were crowned champions in a soccer teurnainent last week. Keep up the geod work -- make the rest of the Wildcats proud. In addition te the girls' soccer team proving te be great athletes, the Wildcats won their first ever girls' lacrosse gaine. The girls defeated Anderson 7-4. Congratulations te aIl team members and their dedicated coach Mrs. Krisa. Congratulations are aise, extended te Steve Puchalski, Laura Arangie and Jonathan Duna, who represeated our school se weil with their outstanding performances at the Showcase for the Spoken Arts at DU'C last Wednesday. Their dramatic monlogues were superb. Finally, an announicernent frorn the guidance cepartment. OSAP applications have arrived and can be picked up in guidance. Students mnust sign their name before receivi*ng an application form as only one forai wiil be given per student. So, when deciding where te send your application, choose wisely. There are only 17 dayý,s left until Prom Night, se if you haven't finalized ail your plans, do se on the near future -- yeu don't want te, end up unprepared fer what will probably be th best night of your life. Se ... Until we mneet again -- keep smiling. I~~1 Sharron LLJ Ferdinand TRAFALGAR CASTLE Around this time every year when the trees begin te blossomn and the flewers start te bloom, the students of Trafalgar Castie attend the traditionai Senior Dinner in honour cf the grduates. This year, Senior Dianer was heldi on May 7 in the schooi's dini ýg room. It is a time when the sttdents corne tegether te, recount the events cf the year. 'At Senior Dinner there, are alWays toasts made te the Queen, te, Canada, our aima mater, the alufiae association, the faculty and staff and, of course, te the graduating ciass. Speechés are made by the presidents c f each grade and representatives c f each organization such as student fellowship, the fundraising committee and the athletic association. This year, Mr. Davis, our cheristry teacher, made the speech on behaîf of the facuity. Mr. Kamncke, our principal, addressed the students on varieus subjects about our successful schooi year, and then he announced the names of next year's prefects, the president and vice-president cf the athletic association, and finally, the May Queen and her counisellors. The new prefects are Zimkie Chan, Fiona Chan and Nicola Ng from Hong Kong, Montserrat Prunell from Spain, Meghan Karncke from Whitby, Joanna Eaten from Ajax and Martha Worboy from Blacksteck. Next year's athietic association president is Julie Braham from Markham. The vice-president is Stephanie Summers from Oshawa. On May 29, our 86th May Day Festival wiil be held and will be esided over b y newly elected MQueen Shelley Brahamn from Markham and her two counsellors, Ingrid Hirt from Gerrnany and Daniela Canabal from Venezuela. Senior Dinner closed with the graduates' redition of 'You've Cet A Friend' and the school song. As always, this dinner was a wonderful time te rellect on past successes and friendships at Trafalgar and te anticipate the future and the mernories te corne. WHAT'S THE OCCASION? Dairy Queen has a perfectly e ~ delicious way te add now flavour to your next celebration -Dairy Oueen Cake & Legs! Cool, creamy chocolate and vanilla Dai ry Queen sofi serve. Cris pchocotato cookie crunch. W Rich, cold fudge and icing, - packed for easy take home. You can even have your Cake designed with a personatized message on it. ýIs a great idea! Just give us acati or drapin, and welt custemîize a cake te fit your occasion. iDELICIQUS TASTE AT AN EASY i TO SWALLOW PRICE $2.0OFF! your next Dairy Queen Cake1 I S WHITBY DAIRY QUEEN I 1003 Dundas St. E.g 668-5342 D SI L V ER

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