Whitby Free Press, 19 May 1993, p. 32

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Page 32, Wihy Free Pre.,ns. W:,dnes-d.Iy. Ma1y 19, 1993 I CARERS CREERSALL A i CALL A CARERS ARERS ARERS* PROFESSIONAL IPROFESSIONAL GREEN CLEANING b QaUALITY PAINTING & G randma's Company off rs "knocý DESIGN. Rooms painted from 0'je lojt ,ou our socks off1" service for ail $49.95. Interior decorating service YO e tC ~properties. We are flexible peopie tava ll e c-riating a roof IPLMAandour services extend 10 ovens, 10 a fuli husig ecai o use23-117 ' f ridges, walls, iaundry & ironing. All aiyDsg &Dcr 2-17 N ~ cleaners are pole securit( 6, checkedi. Bonded, insure CERAMIC TILING - f ree UflPIALTYV ~ <2~aibr embr.72-977estimates. Over 25 years' HOPTAU-YTmi j,(4-oranswering). exDOrienfce. Quality workmanship. COMPUTER ELECTRONICS TECHNOLOGY BUSINESS APPLICATIONS: BEDFORD ACCOUNTING, LOTUS 1-2-3, D BASE, DOS, WORD PROCESSINO SECRETARUAL LEGAL, MEDICAL, DENTAL, BOOKKEEPING, EXECUTIVE, RECEPTIONIST, WORDPROCESSING Financial Assistance May Be Available 2 Campuses in Durham OSHAWA OSHIAWA CENTREr (Shiolisup Top) 723-1163 EARN UP TO $346/WEEK te assemble Christmas ahid holiday decoralions y ear-round, at home. Work availabi e across Canada. For more info, send a seif-addressed stamped envelope 10 Magic Christ mas, 130 Slater SIL, Ste. 750, ext. 353, Ottawa, Ontario, K1P 6E2. ALASkA JOBS! Earn up te $30,000 in 3 months fishing salmon. Also construction, can- neries, oit fields, plus more! For immediate response, call 1-504-646-4513, ext. K142. 24 hrs. UNEMPLOYED OR ON UIC? Earn $500/$700 par-time working for y usi.Frdtails, send SAS E bCAPA-20 1Corp., P.O. Box 46010, 1725 Kingston Rd., Pickering, Ont., LlV 6P6. WEILL PAY YOU te type names and addresses fl rom home. $50000 per 1,000. Write: Gatoway Lists, DepI. WFP1, #150-1857 West 4th, Vancouver, B.C. V6J M4. EARN MONEY reading bocks! $30,000/year income potenlial. Detlails. 1-805-962-8000, piti. CY335. $200-$500 WEEKLY! Assemble proucts at home. Easy. ne self mg. Vouredpaid direct. Fully guaran- teed.* experience necessary. Cati 1504-641-7778. ext, 142, 24 hours. PICKERING 145<) KINGSTON RI). IlIwy. 2 at Valley Farmi Rd. 420-1344 HOSPITAL/MEDI1CA L Needed, exoperienced Dental Hygienist, Receptionist, and Assistants te register for immediate and future positions. Cali Fi-mns Dental Placement, new grads welcomo. 430-9606. MODEL TYPES NEEDED for fashion, T.V. commercials, movies, film extras. Lots of work availabie. 404-8233. AT1TENTION STUDENTS DickIe Dee Ico Creamn I .salospersonS; require d EMPL Y..M -NT~ SEEKING WORK, maie, visible minority, age 71, heaithy. General or security work, desk job, companionship for disabied, wheel-chaired. Cail 655-5308. EDUCATIONAL. GUITAR LESSONS - Learri thoory and practical styles. $10 per lesson. Flexible hours. 430-1028. EDUCATIONAL consultant/tutor. Ov9r 20 years' ex perience. B.A, M. Ed., Speciai st: Sp octal Educa- lion. Elementary, secondary, aduit. Caîl 668-0851 after 5 p.m. or weekends. Traditional . ,' Education 'f' in a Smaill " Private School Js Ages 212 12 . r w;ITDY 301 Byron St. S. 430-8201A Fuit-/part.-lime positions avaitabie IalLn at BUSINESS I 6___________ SERVICES BUSIN EnS S BUSINESS CARDS- $36. OPPORTUNITIES Raised Thermog raphic Lettering ___________________________ aviIlohIe. Cali Don at ATTENTION TO ALL NEW smail businesses & students. Lot your vehicie be a moving advertisemenl when you are on the road or at a job site. Get your 24-heur salesperson today. Cali 576-1785. SHAKLEE - Incomne earning oppe rtunity for working persans. Build y ur own business partime. Excellent benefits, super relire- ment plan. Cali 427-1663. 666-9930. FINE HILL - Speciafty Advertising. Business Cards - Caps - C alendars - Keytags - Magnels - Matches - Pens - T ruck Signs and miuch more. Diane Merchand, 428-1244.. LESS ENERG YIS CONSUMED MANUFACTURING NEW PA PER FROM WASTE PAPERS THA N FROM TREES.! COMPUTER customn programming. Affordabie pro gramming, taiiored to fit your need s. Business, home off ice, personal. Also tutoring. Software installation & hardware. 721-2509. HANDYMAN - Remove or move, dlean yards. basements, cut trees, rep airs, T.V. Towers removed. Cal 655- 3004. KLEEN KUT UPHOLSTERY. Re-uphoistery of antiques. Al kinds of recovering. Your labric or mine. Free estimates. Over 40 ears' experienc. 430-7568, Whitby. FOUR SEASONS Professional residential window cleaning. Ail exterior windows, $35. Caîl now for early booking. Seniors' discount. 428-1305. A.W.O. QUALITY Renovation, specializing in additions, sun- rooms, aiso replacement doors, windows, siding and f inished basements. Please caîl for free estimates, 619-1214. SER VICESl' DRIVER EDUCATION (formerly Belehumeur) Diane Dunn FULL DRIVERS EDUCATION COURSES Saturdays, 4 week course Tues. & Thurs. 4 week course Inquire about aur 4 day sumnmer courses beginning June 24th! -PRIVATE LESSONS - S Registered & (1,'% Approved by the Onaro Safety League 398 Bayly St. W. #7 Ajax - 686-2224 ASK ABOUT OUR MONTHLV DRAINS & REFERRAL INCENTIVE no (OSHAWA 1 L0ODRIVINO Q SCHOOL oshaa 728-0091 Ful! Drivers Education Courses JUNE 5TH Saturdays. 4 week course JUNE BTH Tues. & Thurs. 4 week course INOUIRE ABOUT OUR, 4 DA Y SUMMER COURSES BEGINNING JUNE 24THI - PRIVATE LESSONS REG S«rEO £ pà.PPROVED RY TH~E 04 TA ýO SAFETV EAU 298-3034. CUSTOM DESIGN and dress- making. Wedding and evening gowns, brîdesmaid s & grads, suits, etc. Renovation and alteralion. Garments aiso made from a picture. 723-3259. LAWN MOWING, yard work, etc. Reasonable rates. Mature, good service. Also, gas movers wanted, ail types. Cali Bill at 683-0593. JUST MOVED TO WHITBY. Prof essional Eu ropean dress- maker/tailor with years of experience. Wedding gowns, bridesmaids, evening gowns, suits and extraordinary outfits for the entertainment indlustry. For an exclusive design, tailored to your figure, cati Regny, 728-1420. REDECORATING? Wallpaper removai and installation, painting, drywall repairs. New develop- monts. PReasonable rates. 430-3514. NAILS BY KATHY *EXTRA SPECIAL INVITATION. No drillin9, damage. Try one acrylic naît application on the housel No purchase nocessary! ALSO, now oiferiing pedicure and nail art. Cal now for your f ree nail. 430-7127. CINDY'S ALTERATIONS has moved - still in Pearson Lanes, 133 Byron St. W., upstairs. Come se8 us for aIl your sewing needs. 33 Kagars ex perience between us. Tues. to Fri. 10 - 5:30, Sat. 10 - 3. 430-6550. CHILD CARE.I .SERVICES'I Wee The sytem that provides.. " Unsýheduied home visits ensure quality care for your child " Fuliy trained providers recerve origoing Agency support " Reliabie local back-up overs Provider iliness or holidlays " Comnpiete nsurance coverage " Inomffe tax receipts " Chidren six weeks-and up " Full or part-lime For more Information Sail: 686-3995 a icensed Agency TRAVEL and TOURISM HOTEL and RESTAURANT OPERATIONS I BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION BANKING SERVICES ACCOUNTING HELP I HELPý.. WANTED WANTED [AINT JSw.oPw- mi rates. Call Paul at

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